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drdaddy Page 2

by Sullivan, Piper

  But she’s here, a voice whispered as though that were enough. Considering today was the last day of school, it just might be if I couldn’t find Amy or a suitable replacement. More suitable than the one currently shaking her delectable ass in my face.

  “Daddy!” Sydney spotted me first, dropping her pink plastic garden tool and running full speed in my direction. “I’m helping Rory plant flowers,” she held up her hands wiggling her fingers so I could see all the dirt caked on them and under her nails. “She says its relaxing.”

  Another thing I’ve had to deal with for the past week was Sydney quoting Rory when it came to everything from healthy eating, to reading and even beauty tips. Lately it was “Rory said this,” or “Rory said that.” It was enough to make a sane man crazy and I was on edge.

  “How was your day honey?”

  “Good. School is done and I’m ready for summer fun!” She punched the air, grinning up at me expectantly. “How was your day Daddy?”

  I smiled because in some ways she was so grownup it killed me. “Good. Hectic. I delivered two babies and two sets of twins today.” I’d ran around the obstetrics department all damn day from one birthing room to the next before the ending the day in the OR to perform a C-section. “Want to talk about it over pizza?”

  Her little head bobbed up and down, curls still wild, but looking more tamed with female influence in her life. “Can Rory come too? We’re doing our nails after we finish.”

  I couldn’t look down into her smiling face, so full of excitement and hope and tell her no. What would I say? “Sorry sweetie you can’t spend time with Rory because Daddy wants to fuck her six ways to Sunday?” No. So I said what she expected.


  An hour later they both rushed into the house laughing and looking fresh from the shower with wet hair and clean skin. Rory carried a big bowl that probably held salad because the woman was always snacking on something raw and healthy. Ugh.

  “Daddy we’re here!”

  Like I could ignore them if I tried. “Hey sweetheart, you smell good.”

  She pulled back from my hug and preened. “It’s peach. Rory says a girl needs to find her special scent.”

  Of course she did. “Rory has lots of advice it seems,” I said to my daughter, but stared up at the cinnamon haired woman. I should have looked anywhere but at her. Did the damn woman never cover up? She wore a white t-shirt dress that hit her mid-thigh and jeweled sandals. She looked mouth-watering. Damn her.

  “I was just trying to help,” she said pointedly and set the salad on the table without looking my way.

  It was just as well. My attraction to her made me a surly son of a bitch I knew, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself.


  Her gaze narrowed in my direction, but she wisely said nothing. Instead she took the slice of pizza Sydney offered along with some salad and ate quietly while Sydney talked her ear off about everything under the sun. To her credit, she listened and responded appropriately, answering questions and offering up suggestions when warranted.

  “As soon as I finish school I hope to continue my research,” she said in such a matter of fact tone it startled me.

  But equally surprising, Sydney wasn’t put off by the mature conversation. “What is ree-search?” She sounded the word out carefully, drawing a smile from Rory.

  “It just means investigating information to find out what’s true and what isn’t.”

  “Like a police officer?”

  “Kind of yes, only I’ll be investigating people and their behavior instead of bad guys.”

  “People like me?”

  “In a way yes, but people older than you.”

  Now she had my curiosity piqued. “What are you studying, aerobics? Art history?”

  Her posture changed, stiffened and her guard went back up. Her green eyes were chilly, but she kept her smile in place, probably for Sydney’s sake. She pulled out her phone and glanced at the screen.

  “It’s getting late Syd and I have an early meeting tomorrow.” She stood and squatted down so she was eye level with my daughter. “Thank you for helping me in the garden kiddo.”

  “Thanks for my nails,” she replied and wiggled her fingers before hugging Rory tightly.

  “Anytime. I’ll see you around,” she said and left without a backwards glance or another word to me.

  Good riddance.


  I love it when things go better than expected. Which honestly happened all the time since I was born a cynic. But the meeting with my thesis advisor went way better than I could hope for.

  I was prepared for Dr. Higgins to tell me my erotic short story was crass and derivative, and suggest I drop the book altogether. Or at the very least, give me generic feedback since I was her last meeting of the day. On a Friday. Instead she praised my storytelling and told me she’d passed along the draft manuscript to several agents she knew.

  At that, I squealed like a little girl and launched myself at my tweed-wearing thesis advisor. I hugged her and luckily, she didn’t call security. She hugged me back and told me to keep up the good work.

  So yeah, I was flying high. Nothing could ruin my day, not even the snob next door with the gorgeous silver-blue eyes who somehow kept replacing the face of the hero in my book. I couldn’t worry about him, not when I might end up with a publishing deal for my thesis! That’s what I needed to focus on, my school and the next step in my career. Not his opinion of me.

  So I cranked up the volume on my 90’s rap playlist and rapped along to Snoop as I mentally put together my celebration kit for tonight. Wine and cheesecake were as far as I got before traffic began to overwhelm me.

  I ran a bath the minute I got home. My mood bittersweet, as this good news ached to be shared with someone. Like my Aunt Minnie, she would have gotten a kick out of me writing any kind of romance. But she died about three years ago, so it was just me. Though if I did get an actual publishing deal I would go to the cemetery and share the news with her. She had helped me as much as she could after my mom split, and encouraged me to go to college and find something I loved to do. So she really did deserve to celebrate with me.

  Luckily the combination of a hot bath, lavender and wine relaxed me enough that I didn’t feel so sad anymore. Now I just felt wistful. Which meant it was time to dry off and get to work on that cheesecake and wine.

  I took my treats out on the porch so I could enjoy the last rays of the sun as it sank behind the horizon. Living near the Willamette River meant when it was really quiet the cool rush of the water could be heard. Like now.

  “Want some company?” The deep velvet voice of Kane surprised me, but his lack of condescension surprised me more.

  “Where’s Syd?” I asked in lieu of an answer.

  “At a sleepover. Apparently, Ashleigh is one of the popular girls,” he said with an affectionate smile and accompanying eye roll.

  Good for her. I worried that she didn’t get enough time with children her own age because she was so mature. So logical, at times I forgot that I was the adult in the room. I didn’t turn around, just flicked my eyes in his direction. And I felt it.

  That thing that was a low simmer between us since we first met. And I knew. I knew I should tell him that I did mind, and that he should turn his sexy ass around and go away. The way my body responded to his, combined with a second glass of wine was a surefire way to give up my virginity on a drunken one night stand. I gave him another glance, this time full-on, and sweet lord above, but the man was delicious. He would be worth the shame of sleeping with a man who looked down on me. Until I had to see him again. Everyday. Until one of us moved away. That alone was reason enough to say no.

  But apparently I was all out of reason. Because when he moved to stand beside me, mere inches away, looking like a walking, talking orgasm, I sighed and said, “Sure. Have a seat.”

  “You don’t have to sound so happy about it,” he responded and took the seat right next to me s
o that his legs pressed against mine. His body heat warming me against the evening chill. His scent left me more lightheaded than the wine.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not that happy about it.”

  He chuckled and I swear I squeezed my thighs for all they were worth to stop the wicked throbbing between my thighs. That deep rumble vibrated the whole glider, including the parts already throbbing. “I’m not so bad, am I?”

  I gave him a get real look. “Maybe to everyone else you’re not.” To me he’d been nothing less than unbearable. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not one of those people who needs everyone to like me.”

  “I don’t dislike you.”

  “Now I can lead a truly happy life,” I responded dryly.

  “I’ll give you half of my sandwich for some of your cheesecake.”

  I arched a brow at him, my face filled with disbelief. “Bargaining for cheesecake? And here I thought they said doctor’s lead such glamorous lives.”

  Kane reached across me for the wine bottle, brushing the length of an impressively sculpted arm across my breasts causing my nipples to bead. I sucked in a breath and he grinned, the arrogant prick.

  “A good meal, a beautiful woman and cheesecake, what more could I possibly need?”

  “Beats me,” I told him glibly rather than the truth. Which was that Kane only tolerated me because of my willingness to watch Syd when he needed me.

  He pushed off the railing and the glider began to move slowly, gently. But it felt far too intimate for two people who were basically strangers. I couldn’t let myself sink into this cocoon of comfort. Which was just the reminder I needed to cool down my overheated body.

  “So, how’s it going? I haven’t seen you around lately.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  He smiled at me, that come hither, bad boy smile that probably made women fall to their knees in front of him. He added a delicious chuckle that shot straight to my pussy and I knew I needed to get away from him.

  “Come on, Rory. Don’t be that way.”

  Oh he was good. “It’s no secret that you don’t like me despite how Syd feels. I just did us both a favor.” His gaze slipped from my eyes to my mouth and I knew what he was thinking because I’d been thinking the same damn thing since he stepped out here.

  “I like you just fine, Rory.” He flashed that panty-dropping smile as one finger traced the curve of my ear all the way around my jawline and down to my collarbone. I tried not to react, but I a shiver escaped. “I just don’t want to.”

  Ouch. I didn’t know if he was playing a game, or if that actually worked with other women, but it did jack shit for me. “Good, then we’re in agreement.” I popped up from my spot, leaving the cheesecake in favor of the wine. “Good night Kane.” I didn’t wait for him to say a thing, mostly because I didn’t expect him to.

  “Rory.” When he spoke, his voice was deep and gravelly. Anguished and too damn close. “Rory,” he growled and reached for my arm turn me towards him.

  “What!” We were face to face, so close we breathed each other in. His eyes shone dark grey, kind of like the color of the ocean and the sky in those moments before a thunderstorm. It felt that way too.

  “This.” Strong hands cupped my face, tilted it back and to the side before his tongue swept over my lips and got straight down to business. His wasn’t like any kiss I’ve ever had. He wasn’t hesitant, but commanding as his tongue tangled with mine, tempting me to want more than this kiss that rocked me off my axis. The man could kiss like nobody’s business. I couldn’t think of anything other than the feel of his tongue against mine, the feel of his biceps moving and flexing underneath my fingers as I clung to him.

  He gave my hair a little tug and deepened the kiss and I heard a low sexy moan. A second later I realized it was me moaning like it was my only job while Kane made love to my mouth, sending shockwaves of pleasure down my body. Feeling bold, I pulled his tongue further into my mouth, sucking it like I would suck something else if I was in the market for that. But I wasn’t. But I could be with a kiss like this to tempt me. His hands—oh so big and warm—gripped my ass and held me against his arousal. I pushed a little harder because he was impressive. Not that I had much to judge it against, just a couple bump and grind sessions in undergrad. But those times never left my panties wet or me clinging to a man like I needed him. I didn’t need anyone.

  Not anyone.

  I pulled back, panting and immediately regretful that I had. “You’re a good kisser.”

  He grinned, eyes looking smoky and full of desire. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  I took a step back and my body cried out, and maybe called me a few names. “But I don’t make it a habit to kiss men who don’t like or respect me.” I stood tall and squared my shoulders, trying not to feel the sting of rejection and humiliation at his small nod of agreement. “Good night,” I told him and walked inside, keeping my back straight until I reached the bedroom and then I collapsed on the bed.

  At least now I know where I stand.

  * * *

  “Whatcha doin’?” A tiny face with big blue eyes stared back way too close to my face.

  “I’m relaxing.” I received some really good news today and I wanted to reward myself with a little bit of sun therapy.

  “Why are you in a bikini?”

  I smiled. “Because I want to soak up some sun.”

  “Oh.” She tilted her head to the side, deep in thought and I wondered if this was something she’d ever experienced.

  “Want to join me?” She nodded excitedly. “Go on and get a towel and a hat.” She scurried off to the house where I was sure her new sitter, Margaret, lay across the sofa asleep.

  But it wasn’t my business. None of it was, so I kept my mouth shut. I did a good job of avoiding the Royals next door these days. Mostly because I spent all of my spare time in the library or the park, finishing my book and polishing my thesis. I would submit it in a few weeks, so everything needed to be as good as I could make it.

  “How do I look?”

  Syd trotted out with a beaming smile in her pink and white striped bikini with the attached skirt, pink sunglasses and an oversized straw hat. “You look cute as a button.”

  “Thank you Rory. You look very pretty too.” She plopped down beside me. “So why are you smiling all the time today?”

  “Because I finally got a job!” She was no Aunt Minnie, but at least Syd was happy for me if her choking hug was anything to go by. “Now I can relax a little.” And replenish my savings while I wait for the verdict on my thesis. It wasn’t a full-time job, just another medical research gig with another television station. But it paid well, and I’d only have to show up three days a week for a few hours each day. In the meantime, I figured I would use my fantasies to write another erotic romance. Maybe I would pull in enough cash to start paying back my student loans and eat dinner.

  “Does that mean you’re going to leave me?”

  “Nah it’s just a few hours a day for a few days a week, so we can still hang out.”

  “Oh good, because I like you.”

  “I like you too kiddo. Now come here so I can put some of this sun protector on you. Can’t have you looking old before your time.” She laughed and slid closer so I could lather her little arms and legs with coconut sun screen. We laid out under the sun for awhile and then I put up the umbrella and poured her some lemonade.

  “This is delicious.”

  “It’s my Aunt Minnie’s recipe. She used to make it for me every summer.”

  “Can I meet her?”

  “No sweetie, she died a few years ago.”

  “So you’re all alone?” Leave it to a kid to get to the heart of the matter.

  “I am. But don’t you worry about me Syd, I’m fine.” I knew how to make the best of things. I was a pro at it.

  “You can have us!” She threw herself across my midsection in a hug that would have been crushing if she weighed more than fifty pounds. “Daddy and me can be
your family.”

  I knew at least one of the Royals would disagree. “You’re the sweetest Syd.”

  “You’re the coolest,” she responded around a yawn and moments later she fell asleep right where she was, sprawled across me.

  She was indeed a sweet kid, and some day if I was lucky enough to find a man to love and marry, I would be lucky to have a little girl like her. I doubted that would happen anytime soon though, especially while I nursed a wicked crush on the world’s least appropriate man.

  But it would be over soon. I started work in three days, and that would be the extra distraction I needed to keep him out of my thoughts. And out of my dreams where he ravished me until I passed out.

  Except I woke up from a short nap which featured a very naughty dream about the man currently scowling at me.

  “Is everyone around here sleeping?”

  “You’re not.” Did he have to be so damn good looking even when he was angry? “And how is this my problem?”

  “That little girl glued to you is my daughter.”

  “I’m aware. My arm isn’t wrapped around her for decoration Kane.”

  “And there’s absolutely no way she could have gotten away without waking you up?”

  “No.” I slid off the lounger without disturbing Syd and stood. He wasn’t the only one who could do pissed off. “And you actually need to talk to the woman you hired to watch her. Not me.”

  “Yet she’s out here. With you.”

  “You,” I stepped forward and jabbed a finger in his chest, “are welcome.”

  “I don’t think so.” He grabbed my wrist to stop the poking, but I just used the other hand.

  “Well I don’t really care what you think.” He grabbed both of my wrists so the only thing separating us were our hands. My chest heaved at how close we were, but I willed my body to stop betraying me.

  “I think you do.”

  “I have no control over what you think. Just know that I would never do anything to put Syd in danger. Anything.” I pushed his chest and walked around him, stomping across the yard to the safety of my apartment. “Stupid frustrating man thinks he can come in here barking at people.”


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