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drdaddy Page 40

by Sullivan, Piper

  Chapter 13

  Louis knew instantly that Belinda was not well, she was nervous and pale, and the way she bolted into her room had him worried. Concerned about her health he called their family doctor to see to her.

  “Thank you for coming around Doctor, I’m quite concerned about my fiancé, she doesn’t seem well. It could very well just be stress, but I’d prefer if you could take a look,” he said as he walked alongside the doctor taking him upstairs.

  “What are her symptoms?” the doctor asked.

  “Tired, pale, overall she seems quite edgy. She recently lost her father as you know, and with the wedding drawing close, I think it might just be stress,” he said quietly as they stood outside the room.

  “Well that could very well be the case, but I’ll take a look and run a few tests to make sure all is in order.”

  Louis opened the door for the doctor and then waited outside. This entire arrangement was handled incorrectly from day one, he thought as he paced in front of the door. He couldn’t help but feel guilty for allowing his father to influence his choices like this. He should have refused the arrangement and taken the brunt of his father’s rage instead of being such a coward. Now the woman he has slowly started to fall in love with is ill, and it was his fault. From the shy timid creature she was when he first met her, she now displayed the characteristics of a true Donna, unmoved and poker faced. She even refused to attend her father’s funeral, who knows what was going on in her mind.

  A little while later the doctor asked Louis to join him and he couldn’t help but feel the immense sense of sadness as he looked down at Belinda where she lay staring out the window, her skin pale against the dark hair that framed her face.

  “How is she?” he asked tentatively, taking her hand in his, surprised that she didn’t pull away from him.

  “She does show some signs of stress but it’s very normal when a woman’s body undergoes such extreme changes during pregnancy…” the doctor started.

  “Scusami, pregnant?” he asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, that is correct. She’s about four weeks now,” the doctor said and turned his attention to Belinda, “Signora, you would need to visit my rooms as soon as you feel up to it so that we can make sure everything is in order, but your blood pressure seems fine.”

  Louis stood in shock as he looked down at Belinda. This was the last thing he expected, he had assumed she was on birth control like most women should be in this day and age. How could she possibly be pregnant?

  He walked the doctor to the door and let him find his own way out then came to sit beside her.

  “Did you know you were pregnant?” he asked trying not to sound accusing.

  “No, I didn’t,” she said without looking his way.

  “Belinda, look at me. Were you not on birth control?” he asked trying to control his impatience.

  She whipped her head around and glared at him, “No I was not. What seems to be the problem Louis, are you afraid that I might trick you into marrying me?” she bit out harshly.

  “You know it’s not like that,” he countered.

  “Do you think this is what I wanted, a baby born into the mafia!?” she said raising her voice.

  “Calmati,” he said and took a deep breath, “I’m sorry for upsetting you. I just didn’t expect this,” he said quietly.

  “Well neither did I, so here we are. Getting married in a few days, and I’m having your baby. Instant family isn’t that just brilliant,” she bit out sarcastically.

  “Bella, please don’t stress yourself out, we can hold off with the wedding…”

  “No, I will not walk down the aisle looking like a house or give anyone reason to think I am a promiscuous gold digger,” she said bitterly, “we will wed as planned.”

  She had a point, everyone will think he is marrying her because she is with child, and the gossipmongers will have a field day. He just wished she could show more compassion, he wanted her the way she was when he first met her.

  “As you will, mio cara, we will continue as planned.”

  “I’m tired,” she said quietly turning her back on him.

  “Get some rest, I’ll bring you some food later, and we can talk about the wedding then.”

  He stood looking at her for a brief moment and then quietly left her to rest, closing the door behind him.

  Although he didn’t expect this to happen he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride knowing he was going to be a father. Maybe in time she would grow to love him and they would become a true family.

  Chapter 14

  Four weeks later…

  With the passing of her father, the wedding was postponed but finally the inevitable day had arrived. She stood looking at herself in the mirror, the wedding dress was even more beautiful than she expected. Thankfully there were no signs of pregnancy as yet. Although her breasts were tender, she had gotten over most of her morning sickness which was a relief. To her surprise, Louis went out of his way to give her whatever her heart desired to make this day as perfect as it could possibly be. He even got Natalie to attend the wedding so that she could be the maid of honor.

  “You look amazing Bee,” Natalie said as she tucked some of the stray strands of hair back in place, “I still can’t believe this is all happening so fast.”

  “It was love at first sight,” she said quietly and stepped off the pedestal.

  “You’re so damn lucky.”

  You have no idea, she thought.

  A slight knock on the door drew her attention but before Natalie could inquire who it was, Louis stepped into the room.

  “Hey! You’re not allowed to see the bride before the wedding!” she cried and tried to shove him back out the door.

  “I have to see Belinda, it is of utmost importance.”

  Belinda looked at him and noticed the serious look on his face, then nodded at Natalie, “It’s okay Nat, will you give us a moment?”

  “Ugh, this is such bad luck,” her friend mumbled and walked out of the room.

  Louis could hardly take his eyes of Belinda, she was the most beautiful bride he had ever seen, and although he would want nothing more but to have her promise her entire life to him, he had a pressing matter to discuss. And this could very well be the end of this fairytale wedding.

  “I had some of my men investigate an issue that has been on my mind for some time now,” he started and walked to the window, “Remember when you mentioned the accountant?”

  “Yes?” she said curiously.

  “We’ll I never made that arrangement, my father did. So I had him investigated.” He turned to her and took both her hands in his.

  “It is true that our parents promised us to each other when we were just children, but my father had ulterior motives. You see, El Pescore has been a front for my father, it was the only way he could invest his money in the United States…” Louis started to explain. He told her how he found out about his father’s business, and how he used El Pescore’s Italian food supplier as a front to legitimize the movement of money from Italy to America.

  Belinda was shocked to the core. All this time her pride and joy was a sham. She slowly sat down on the bed with a hundred and one questions flooding her mind.

  “I want you to listen to me. I have already moved my father’s assets away from your restaurant, and signed the business over into my name,” Louis said as he stood on his haunches in front of her, “but my father will soon find out, and when he does all hell will break lose. The only way I can secure your safety is if you were my wife.”

  For a moment her mind went blank, but clarity soon descended on her and she looked at Louis with both determination and admiration. She knew that what he had done was dangerous but the fact that he did this for her must mean that he cared.

  “Is El Pescore in danger of being closed down or destroyed?” she asked.

  “No, with El Pescore no longer the front, it will be meaningless for him to pursue it and I will ensure that nothing happens
to your restaurant or to your staff.”

  “Good, then I will marry you,” she said quietly.

  Louis stood up and dragged his hands through his hair, “That’s just it. I don’t want you to just marry me. I want you to want to marry me. I want our child to know that his parents care for each other.”

  That took her for a loop, and she wasn’t quite sure she understood what he wanted. Over the past few weeks after her father’s death, Louis was compassionate and understanding and somewhere between, I hate you and I forgive you, she fell in love with him, not to mention that she now carried his child. But it was a realization she opted to bury forever. It took her weeks to come to terms with the fact her love for him would be unrequited.

  “You want me to want to marry you?” she asked tilting her head.

  “Si, marriage without love is nothing but a business transaction,” he said and kissed the palm of her hand. “I want our child to have a happy home.”

  When he did things like that she could not fault him. She wanted him and from his declaration he wanted her too. She sat for a moment and contemplated her future.

  “Do you love me?” she asked.

  “I didn’t believe this to be possible, but you’ve changed me somehow. And knowing that I might marry a woman who does not love me made me reconsider…” he started and then came to sit next to her, “I am in love with you, which is why I don’t want you to marry me if there is any doubt in your heart or mind.”

  She could feel the tears prick her eyes and she quickly blinked them away. For weeks she tried to be strong, harden her heart and show everyone that she was a force to be reckoned with. A woman who refused to let circumstance and tragedy weaken her, but now she could barely keep it together.

  “I am in love with you too,” she whispered.

  “Mio dolce amore, then we shall marry and take this world by storm. I will protect you and our child all of my days.”

  Suddenly her walls crumbled down and a sob ripped through her chest. All her pent up emotions like a raging river, broke the walls that she fought so hard to keep erected.

  “Once we are married, I will go with you to New York, and we will start afresh there,” he said as he cupped her face in his hands.

  “What will happen when your father finds out about El Pescore?” she asked searching his eyes.

  “Let me worry about that, mio caro, I’m his son, and you are now his daughter-in-law, he will find other ways to manage his business. I will help him set up a shelf company in the United States, one that will have no strings to El Pescore or the Benedetti’s,” he reassured her and then pressed his lips against her, kissing her softly.


  After the wedding, they both left for New York to start their own family. Belinda accepted the fact that her life will never be the same, but with Louis by her side and their child on the way, she knew she could face any circumstance. After her father passed away, she assumed the position as the Donna Benedetti in the largest Mafia Family in the United States.

  Louis earned his father’s respect, despite the fact that he created a shelf company for his family, withdrawing El Pescore as the front for the mafia.



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  Arranged Bride

  Chapter 1

  Axel popped the clutch and revved the throttle on his 2016 Harley Davidson Softtail Deluxe. He’d only acquired her a few weeks ago and this was the first time he’d gotten to really ride her. Hard Candy custom Electric blue painted ghost dragons adorned the gas tank and fenders. With a High output twin cam 103B engine, chrome glittered everywhere the sun hit it.

  Although he had more money than he could very possibly spend, he tended to stick with the things he liked, hence the HD bike. Sure there were more expensive, flashier rides out there, but this one sang to him from the moment he’d laid eyes on her.

  The twin exhaust pipes roared in response to his demand for more speed and he couldn’t help but smile in pure sexual ecstasy. The wind rushing through his hair felt like velvety silk washing over him in cool waves. Of course with Air being his element, it caressed him like a lover in the throes of passion.

  He leaned with the bike as man and machine raced around curve after curve on the old asphalt highway. On his way home after attending the mating ceremony of Prince Jaxen Monroe, leader of the Earth Elementals, his skin crawled in revulsion over the mere thought of taking a mate.

  No matter how much the High Council demanded it of him, he flat out refused to be ordered or bullied into doing something he neither wanted nor needed. He’d reigned as ruler and Prince of the Air Elementals for neigh on four centuries now and the last thing he needed was some pampered female under foot.

  Women required entirely too much attention for this liking. Sure, he took his pleasure when he wanted, but then he waved an adios and boogied for the hills. He hadn’t missed the shy glances the bride and groom passed back and forth; Axel knew they’d both accepted the orders out of duty, but neither of them had been pleased.

  He let off the throttle as he neared the wrought-iron gate surrounding his estate and turned onto the paved driveway. He lifted a hand, with middle finger extended to the guard and shot the scowling man a cheeky grin as he eased through the now-open gates. He wasn’t a fool, he knew the majority of his subjects frowned on his rough demeanor, in all honesty, he didn’t give two shits what they thought of him, long as they followed orders and saw to their duties, they could dislike him all they wanted. He had made his Fraction’s people one of the wealthiest, if not the wealthiest with his expanding business holdings over the years. They now controlled the majority of the dragon-affiliated manufacturing industries generating billions of dollars in revenue each year. He had given them riches, he wasn’t obligated to coddle them too.

  When he rounded the curve that led to the spacious garage, he frowned upon seeing a familiar stretch Humvee limo parked just outside.

  “What the fuck are they doing here?” he mumbled to himself and parked his bike just beside the limo. He’d have Fredrick move it for him later. Right now he had some ass chewing to see to.

  He entered the estate through the kitchen door, peeling off his black leather gloves as he moved stealthily through the dining room. He headed upstairs, directly to his office, where he knew his uninvited guests were waiting. Coming up on the open door, he smiled at his accurate prediction as he observed two Elders of the High Council sitting in the plush chairs before his fireplace.

  Even though it was rather chilly in the large, open room, he neglected to summon Fredrick to light the flames. His butler knew better than to entertain unwanted guests and Axel’s moods nearly always meant no visitor was welcome.

  He hated politics, especially Faction and Elemental politics. They bored him to tears.

  “What the hell do you two want?” he demanded harshly and flopped into the leather desk chair situated behind his large, glass desk. Manners dictated that he show respect by bowing and offering them anything they required to be comfortable. He’d rather chew broken glass. In human form.

  Elder Coffer, the youngest of the duo scoffed and turned to glare at Axel. The other man, Elder Jewel merely quirked the corner of his lip. Axel didn’t miss the small tendril of smoke that snaked from the Elder’s nostril, nor did he appreciate the sudden whoosh as the logs within the fireplace sudden ignited. He’d forgotten that Jewel was a fire dragon or the outburst would’ve been expected.

  “So crude,” Coffer sneered. “It’s no wonder why you’ve never taken a mate. No woman within her right mind would be able to stand your disgusting personality or absolute lack of charm. You’re a disgrace to dragon-kind.”

  “And so I’ll repeat myself out of courtesy,” Axel drawled and sprang to his feet to approach
the two dragons. “But this time I’ll make sure you understand my hillbilly language.” He moved to stand before the roaring fire, placing his back to the flames, he let his inner dragon near the surface just enough so that his eyes flared with anger. He felt the heat move throughout his body, every molecule rushing straight toward his irises. He smirked with satisfaction when the two men inhaled collectively at his display.

  Going one step further, he shucked his leather bomber jacket, revealing his multitude of tattoos peeking out from the areas his white tee-shirt didn’t manage to cover. He focused just enough energy and then diverted it to the tribal drawings on both biceps, the phoenix circling his neck and the thick, Texas Rattlesnake cuffing his right wrist. He felt the heat from all four spots and knew they raised from his skin as if they were living, breathing things.

  Losing one’s temper in the presence of an Elder was an act punishable by death. But hell, Axel liked living on the edge, it was one attribute that made him one helluva leader among his kind. He showed no mercy; not even to those who had both the power and strength to obliterate him.

  “What the fuck do you want?” he repeated, a bit more forcefully.

  Jewel narrowed his eyes speculatively and then turned his attention to Coffer.

  “I think it’s high time we teach this youngling some manners,” he mused and then slid his gaze back to Axel. “You, Prince Axel of the Air Elementals, are hereby betrothed to Michelle Bastrop, fellow Air dragon.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Axel demanded and clenched his fists to keep from grabbing the snotty Elder and wiping his pristine wood floors with the beast’s carcass. “It’s forbidden for the Elder’s to directly interfere in faction politics. It’s bad enough you bunch of assholes got together and decided the Four needed to take mates, now you’re going to choose mine for me?” he snarled.


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