Cerik (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Cerik (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 12

by Maia Starr

  But all was not exactly perfect just yet, Jrarka had insisted that I go for weekly checks with him. The virus was still a new science to them, and as he told me before even though he thought I was in the clear, he wasn't exactly sure that the virus just did not have a gestation period. So it was important that he tested me on a weekly basis. Just in case. I was in his hut waiting for him to give me the results of the test he took the day before. He came out from the back of the room and looked at me strangely. My heart dropped to my stomach, and I was very scared that this was it. It was happening. I did have the virus, and it only took a long time to show up. Crap.

  “What is it? I have it, don't I? Just tell me and get it over with,” I said with tears beginning to form in my eyes.

  “No, that is not it. I think that you are going to like this news. At least I think.”

  “What?” I said starting to feel better that at least it was not the virus.

  “You are with offspring, Maria,” he smiled.

  I put my hands up to my mouth and shock. I could not believe it. I had been coming to him in order to make sure that I was not with the virus and that I was not barren, and this proved that I did not have it at all. I was pregnant. I was pregnant with the commander's child!

  “Are you sure, Jrarka? You are absolutely sure?”

  “Yes, I am. Congratulations,” he said. I jumped up and down. I was so very happy. I gave Jrarka a big hug. “Thank you for everything! Thank you for your help!”

  “It is what I am here for. I am glad that you are well and with child. Come to me for anything you need to ensure a healthy birth, but I think you will find the human females know more than I do as far as that is concerned. Trust in them.”

  “Oh, I will! Thank you again!”

  I left and went home, the home that I shared with Cerik. I was very excited to tell him. He would be so happy. I was happy. We were already scheduled to have a marriage ceremony in a month, but perhaps we would speed it up with this news. I walked across the high rope bridges that connected the treetop village. I was so damn happy and could not wait to tell him. I really wanted to find him and tell him right then and there, but I did not want to distract him from his work. He was a very important commander, and he was in the process of being promoted to captain. It was all because of the mission that he and I went on. He was something of a hero among the villagers, and I was very proud of him.

  It felt like forever by the time he finally got home; the sun was setting. I had a nice dinner prepared on the table for us. I heard the familiar thump of him landing on the platform. I ran to the door and opened it. I was just in time to watch him shift from Dragon form back to normal. I never got tired of watching it. It was pure magic.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he said as he walked toward me with that dashing grin. “I like you waiting for me at the door. It is what my woman should do,” he said with his usual arrogance. It was charming.

  “I am glad it pleases you,” I said. I reached up on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss. He pressed his lips against mine and let out a low growl. I grabbed his hand and let him inside.

  “I am starving. It smells good in here. Thank you for preparing this lovely meal, but you know that I do not expect it of you. We can always go down to the communal kitchen to eat with the others. I do not mind,” he said.

  “I am aware of that. But I wanted to be alone with you, have you all to myself,” he said.

  “My human female is a greedy one,” he playfully said. He spanked me on the ass. I let out a little whimper. Then we sat down and ate the meal. I was anxious the entire time. I was waiting for the right opportunity to tell him. Finally, we finished eating, and he moved to the counter to pour himself some Hiwa. He handed a cup of it to me.

  “No, I do not think that I can have that any longer,” I said.

  “Why is that?” he asked.

  “I went to see Jrarka today, and he has news,” I said. Cerik put the cup down and looked at me. He walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. He had a very serious look on his face.

  “Tell me, what is it? Is everything fine? The virus?”

  “I still do not have it. In fact, I don't think I have it at all and we can stop worrying,” I said.

  “Why do you say that? What did Jrarka have to say?”

  “I am pregnant. You are going to be a father,” I said with a big smile.

  His eyes lit up. His smile was bigger than I had ever seen it in my life. He picked me up off the ground and twirled me around. “Maria! That is great news! I am so happy.”

  “I am happy too. I was so worried,” I said.

  “I know that you were. But everything is fine now, better than fine! We are going to be parents together. I cannot express how much I love you and how happy I am to hear this news,” he said. He kissed me deeply. I kissed him back and pushed my hands into his long black hair. At this moment, I remembered what Amelia had said, that I would eventually be happy here just like she was. She was right; I would not go back to Earth if someone paid me a billion dollars to do it. This was my life now, and this was my love, and we had another love on the way that I would carry inside of me. Tears fell down my cheeks.

  “Are those tears of joy?”

  “Yes, they are.”

  “Good. I know just the way to celebrate,” he said as he scooped me up into his arms and carried me to the bed. He laid me gently down on the mattress and kissed me. He put his hand on my belly, “I will have to be very careful not to put my weight on you.”

  “Or I can be on top of you,” I said.

  He groaned. “I like that idea,” he said. We made love that night in a sensual and delicate manner. He was so careful not to put any unnecessary weight on me. It was the perfect way to celebrate, just as he said.

  The next morning the sun woke me up shining through the window directly in my eyes. I opened my eyes and remembered immediately that I was with child. A smile came across my face. I was happy; it was the happiest morning of my entire life, or so I thought.

  “How are you feeling this morning, mother of my child?” Cerik rolled over and propped himself up on his elbow and looked at me.

  “I am good. I am happy. I am hungry,” I joked.

  “That is to be expected. You're eating for two now, and the second is a dragon,” he said as he kissed me on the forehead and got up out of bed. I loved looking at his naked body. He was absolutely gorgeous and toned. He poured a glass of water and brought it over to me.

  “Thank you,” I said and then drank the refreshing drink.

  He climbed back into bed and said, “Just how hungry are you? Can it wait, because I am hungry too?” he growled and kissed my nipple. I laughed.

  The door burst open. Cerik being the warrior he immediately jumped to his feet in defense. But there was no need for it; it was only Ravinn.


  I pulled the sheet up over my breasts. I was feeling very exposed, but I could tell that something was wrong from the look on Ravinn’s face and how out of breath he was.

  “Ravinn, what the hell?” the commander said.

  “I am sorry to interrupt, sir, but it is happening. The invasion is happening. Our radar just picked up a fleet of the opposition approaching eighty miles away in space. They will be here in two hours!”

  “Shit!” Cerik shouted. He grabbed his loincloth and put it on.

  “Maria, get dressed!”

  “You can take her to Amelia. Amelia and our son are going to the emergency bunker. Since Maria has not been trained on that, she can learn from Amelia what to do. I am going to my home now.”

  “Good, good idea. I will meet you at your home and leave Maria with Amelia. Go now; I am right behind you.”

  Ravinn ran out of the home and flew away. I looked at Cerik with wide eyes.

  “Do not worry; just get dressed,” he said pulling on his boots.

  I pulled on the top and bottom of the clothing and reached for a sheer purple dress. “I cannot believe this
is happening. What exactly do they want? What is going to happen?”

  “Battle,” he said. “I assume they are trying to get to the water supply. This battle will be a distraction, but they probably don't know that we know they want to contaminate our supplies. We are ready for them.”

  “Battle?! That sounds dangerous. Please be careful,” I said.

  “I will; I have more to worry about now than myself. It is very important I stay alive, for you and for our child,” he said putting his hand on my belly.

  “Ready?” he asked as I strapped the last strap of my sandal.

  “Yes,” I said.



  I was extremely happy to hear the news that Maria had for me. Truth be told, I did think that Ephane had infected her. After she had told me that she thought she had the virus, I thought for a long time about it. Why else would Ephane put her to sleep the way he did if not to test his new invention? But now that she was pregnant, I was relieved. The thought of having a child with Maria only made my life feel complete. We had been in a very blissful period lounging in bed every morning having sex and sex at night. It was too good to be true, and it did not last long. As soon as Ravinn told me the news of the oncoming invasion, I knew the blissful period was over.

  “Come, it is time,” I told Maria as I shifted into Dragon form and walked out onto the platform to wait for her. She walked out, and I scooped her up into my arms.

  “You are trembling, Maria,” I said to her.

  “I am frightened is all,” she said. I held her closer against my body and placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

  “It will be all right, you will see. I have to get you to Amelia,” I said and then ran off the platform and jumped off the edge. I spread my wings wide and flew as fast as I could straight to Ravinn’s home. He was on the platform with Amelia and their child. I landed next to them and put Maria on her feet.

  “Amelia, thank you for waiting for Maria. I leave her in your hands. Show her the bunker and what to do once inside.”

  “Of course, I am here for you both,” Amelia said. Then she turned to Ravinn and they began to whisper their goodbyes. I turned to Maria to do the same.

  “You follow what she says. I love you, Maria. Do not worry about me,” I said.

  She began to cry, “I will worry, I can't help it.”

  “Whatever happens to me, if I don’t make it, promise you will let a new Draqua into your life so that our child, Kazon, has a father,” I said even though it was a hard thing for me to say. I did not like the idea of another being with my Maria or raising my child, but I also did not like the idea of leaving them alone and abandoned. The child would need a father and Maria would need the support and love. I needed to hear that she would be all right if I did not make it. I needed to be able to fight to my fullest and not hold back.

  “Don’t talk like that. Promise me you are going to come back to me. I need to know that you will be fine. Don't talk like that,” she said hysterically.

  “It is a battle, Maria. It is dangerous. I am a damn good warrior, but I can never predict what will actually happen. I don't need you to be worried; and I need you to promise that you will let another in.”

  She was quiet for a few seconds; she was not going to promise me I knew that much. She was too damn stubborn. Then she looked at me confused and said, “Kazon?”

  “Yes, that’s the name I picked out for our child.”

  “I like it. Now come back so that you can be the one to name him when he is born,” she said.

  I pulled her into my arms. She tilted her head back, and I pressed my lips against hers. Her mouth opened slightly, and I pushed my tongue, in allowing it to caress hers. I kissed her as though it would be the last time that I ever kissed her. My hands moved up and down her back and over her bottom and back up again. I pushed my hands into her long hair and her fingers twisted in mine. It was a heavy kiss. It was full of longing and goodbye.

  “Commander, it is time,” Ravinn broke my mesmerizing kiss. I pulled my body from Maria's. I placed my hand on her belly.

  “I love you,” I said.

  “I love you,” she put her hand on top of mine. Then I pulled away and looked at Ravinn. We both ran to the edge and flew off of the platform. It was time for battle.

  Ravinn and I flew toward the barracks. Looking down I could see the chaos of the village. Everyone that was a female or child was running for the bunker, and everyone that was a warrior was flying toward the military barracks. There was a lot of shouting.

  Ravinn and I landed in the middle of the landing port where ships were being prepared. King Hydros himself was shouting orders. I landed near him.

  “Commander, it is just as you expected, an invasion. Ravinn, you know Ephane best. What do you think?” the King said.

  “I think his entire purpose of the invasion is a distraction. He will want to get to the water or the food supply. Anywhere that this virus can be dispersed. I think we need to hold them off as soon as they enter the atmosphere; do not let them anywhere near the land. Then there should be those that stay behind guarding every single inch of the shoreline on all sides of the island for any opposition stragglers. I think he will only send in a few of the opposition warriors to contaminate. It is easier that way. The battle will be a distraction to let those few stragglers in. They will be the ones to carry the virus; I am almost sure of this tactic. I know him well,” Ravinn said.

  “I think that sounds right. Ravinn, see to gathering this guard and putting them in position on the shoreline all the way around the island. Commander, you see to the water and food supply and make sure that the guards are ready and tell them it will just be a few stragglers that might come in to contaminate. I will see to preparing for the battle to hold them at the line over the ocean; we won't let them through. Go now,” the king said.

  We dispersed. I shot straight up into the air. I flew hard and fast to the water tanks. There were many warriors gathering on all levels guarding it. I landed on the highest level to address them.

  “Warriors! Listen up!” I shouted. They all turned to me.

  “The opposition is coming. They are heavily armed with many ships. But we believe that the battle they want to give us is merely a distraction. It is a distraction because they want to let a few warriors onto the island. My guess is they will be flying in on wings and not ships. We cannot let them get close to this water tank. It is possible they will shoot a vial of this virus directly at the water tank. It is possible they will try to fly over and drop it. It is important that you keep an eye out for these individuals. They are the biggest threat. Put the cover over the water tank now!”

  The warriors went into action, and the water tank shield began to slowly move, covering the top. It was an extra shield; now there were two barriers they would have to get through. I made sure they were all in proper positions to not leave any holes in the defense.

  “Commander! Look!” one of the warriors shouted pointing in the direction of the sky over the ocean.

  “It is them! It is the opposition!” another shouted.

  I looked to see a large black math entering our atmosphere. It was the opposition, and there were many, many ships. There were two large ones and many small ones surrounding them. They had come for a fight, and we were going to give them one.

  “Charge your blasters. Prepare for invasion!”

  Then I left and flew back in the direction of the barracks. I was going to fight. That was where I belonged. As I flew, I thought about Maria and our unborn child. This was the first battle that I had ever been in that I had so much riding on the line. I now had a major distraction. Before, I went on reckless missions and fought and many dangerous battles with no one to think about but myself. I was a very selfish Commander, but now all of that had changed. I had more to think about than just myself. I only hoped it would not distract me and have dire consequences while I was fighting.

  “They are coming!” I
shouted as I landed on the landing port.

  “Commander, are you with me?” Ravinn shouted as he began to climb into a battleship.

  “I am!” I flew directly to him and boarded the ship. There were already many battleships in the air flying out toward the ocean. I took the seat next to Ravinn as he flew. We had two Warriors in the back on each side manning the guns. I was in control of the missiles.


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