Cerik (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Cerik (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 68

by Maia Starr

  My eyes grew wide at this knowledge. The fact that they would put silver first and protect it with the best of the best technology over their military ships that were full of human life or the bride ships was an atrocity, but so were the way of politics.

  “I see,” I said as I looked up at the massive ship. It was large enough to carry a smaller ship in its cargo bay, or loads of silver.

  “The United Planets Association has taken a great interest in your project, which is why they want you to use this ship. They want you to succeed in your mission and they thought you should have the best protection, but it is an embarrassment that only one ship in our fleet has this new shield technology. The others are slowly getting it. But for now, this is your ship.”

  “All right. That is all I wanted. The truth. Show me inside, Captain,” I said to Captain Holt. He saluted the vice president and then led me inside the giant ship. It was practically big enough to have a small town on board.

  “This is the living quarters, bunks, and other necessities of living months at a time in space. Your quarters will be down the hall from mine so I can keep you safe,” Captain Holt said with a grin. He was attractive, and just hearing his words made me feel safe. I flirted and had fun as he showed me the command deck, and the rest of the ship. Harvest 80 was a massive ship.

  “Thank you for showing me around, Captain Holt,” I said as I leaned against the door of the massive ship.

  “Any time, Ambassador. If there’s anything I can do for you, or show you, just let me know,” he said with his grin.

  “I will keep that in mind,” I said in return.

  Then he leaned in close and said, “I can already think of one thing that I would like to show you.”

  Then he moved past me and off the ship. I felt flustered as I watched him walk down the bridge of the ship to the hangar floor. I was so turned on. This was not good. This was going to be a distraction. If I was a smart woman, I would have changed captains, but he was the best of the best and that is the type of team that I wanted. But I’d had no love life whatsoever in the last two years. I had dedicated my every waking moment to this project so I had not had sex in twenty-four months and counting. I was a bomb ready to explode.

  Therefore, I was going to go on this long mission with a huge, attractive distraction. Could I resist him and put my mission first, or would I cave to my natural urges? I knew that it would be hard, but I had no idea that the captain had his own secrets, and that the Kalazaron known as Ankon would make this a more complicated mission than I ever thought possible.

  Chapter 2


  I had been training for this mission my entire life. Ever since my sister had vanished when I was ten, I had wanted my revenge. This was my chance.

  My sister, Kira, was always an adventurous girl. She was rebellious against my parents and I remember that they would fight over breakfast before school and she would leave hot headed. I didn’t understand then that she thought the military ways of my father too strict. I was just a child.

  When she turned eighteen, she left home one night and never returned. We were later informed that she had boarded a bride ship bound for Merton Loy in search of a new life, but that the ship she was on never made it. Since that day, I had dedicated everything that I could to find out more about her disappearance.

  It was only years later, after I joined the military, that I learned the inside information from hacking into the classified data. There was a known reason for the disappearing ships and it was held from public of Earth: it was the alien race known as the Kalazaron. They were taking bride ships, military ships, and who knew what else. So, that is why I joined the military as soon as I turned of age and made it a point to be on a deep space task force team. Now I was a captain of my own force after proving myself on countless missions, but none of them ever came in contact with the Kalazaron. So, when I heard that there was a mission whose sole purpose was to seek out the Kalazaron, I knew that I had to be on that mission.

  “You requested a meeting with me, Captain Holt? I must admit I don’t meet with many captains, but you said you had information for me that I would not want to pass up,” Vice President Thompson said to me in his office.

  “Sir, yes sir,” I said as I stood at attention in my Captain’s uniform of blue and white. I was polished, and I meant business.

  “At ease, soldier; please sit,” he gestured and I took a seat.

  “I want to be on the Harvest 80 when it goes out. I want my team to be the deep space task force that protects your ambassador, and that brings back the payload,” I said quietly and with all the confidence of a man that had leverage.

  His jaw dropped. He stood up and walked to his door and closed it, then locked it. “Where did you get this information, Captain Holt? This information is classified.

  “It does not matter where I got it. I know it. I have proof of it, and if you don’t want the public and Ambassador Jones knowing the real reason for this mission, then I suggest you grant my wish.”

  “Why? Why you?” he asked.

  “I have more experience under my belt than any other captain that is on Earth right now. I have the best experience at securing a ‘payload,’ as you are calling it, and my entire task force is assembled and ready to go. You have a short time frame to get a task force together. Mine is in training and war games as we speak.”

  “That’s not the real reason, Captain Holt. Tell me, what’s in this for you, really?” Vice President Thompson said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  I was quiet. I wasn’t used to telling anyone this. It was uncomfortable for a man of my station to show a vulnerable side. “Revenge. Justice. My sister was on a bride ship fifteen years ago and she never made it to Merton Loy. I want to know why. I want to know what became of her. If those questions can’t be answered, then I at least want to do a mission that’s going to help in stopping this madness.”

  Vice President Thompson sighed. Then he said, “I will see what I can do. It takes more than just my approval for you to be the captain of this mission, but I will put in your name and I will support it. I think you have a good chance, Captain Holt.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I said as I stood up. I saluted him and then I left. As I made my way down the halls of the United Planets building, I caught sight of something. Through the glass walls of an office was a petite brunette. She was feverishly writing on a glass wipe board. I peered in. She was writing notes about the Kalazaron. I looked at the plaque on her door that read, “Ambassador Jones.”

  I was stunned. This beauty, whose ass was jiggling as she wrote, was the ambassador? I had no idea. This was the ambassador that was heading this mission that I had just volunteered for? I thought Ambassador Jones was a male. I was not expecting a little woman with a plump ass like that to be the one to sponsor and to head a mission into deep space to seek out the Kalazaron. The Kalazaron were fierce warriors, not something for a small woman like her to trifle with.

  I stood there watching as she put a pen in her mouth and her cute brows furrowed as she was in deep thought. She was intense, and she was sexy. I felt my cock growing hard as I watched. I had to walk away. If I stayed any longer, I would have walked in and taken her in my arms and kissed her red lips. Then she would not want me on her mission.

  I walked away and moved to my barracks on the training grounds located outside the United Planets complex and took a hot shower. I wrapped my hand around my cock and put my other hand against the wall as the hot water beat down my back. I moved my hand back and forth, harder and faster, thinking of Ambassador Jones until I felt sweet relief.

  A month later, I was officially assigned the mission. My first task was to meet with the engineer of the ship that we would be taking, the Harvest 80. It was an impressive ship and it had the latest shield technology that was going to allow us to secure the payload. I made sure that I knew the ins and outs of the ship and I was taking two engineers with us as part of the task force. They neede
d to be able to fix anything if it went wrong, especially that shield. Then it was time to formally meet the woman that had been the star of my dirty fantasies ever since I saw her in her office that day: Ambassador Jones.

  “As I said to you before, Captain Holt, Ambassador Jones does not know about the payload and we’d like to keep it that way. Do not offer more information than is needed when you meet her. You two will be working closely together and it is time that she begins her training with you,” the VP said as he led me out of his office and over to the training complex.

  “With pleasure, Vice President Thompson,” I said, trying to restrain a smile. When we walked up to the ropes and ladders course, I spotted her immediately. She was in a tight, black space suit and her ass and tits jiggled with each movement she made. I restrained a smile as I watched her. This was going to be damn fun.

  Then Thompson called her over and I made my best show to keep a formal soldier’s interaction with her. But then she surprised me. After Thompson left us, I showed her around the ship that I had become so familiar with. She let go of her official presence as an ambassador and became a flirty, and dare I say, naughty woman. I liked it. Fuck, it was going to be hard to wait until we were in space to fuck her, but I was going to fuck her. She wanted it. It was obvious.

  Chapter 3


  “Captain, we’re tracking. Report: possible Earth cargo ship passing through,” Lieutenant Mexun said as he stood in the doorway of my living quarters on my ship.

  “Keep with it. Prepare to commandeer the Earth ship. Battle stations,” I ordered.

  “Battle stations? Captain, none of these ships have ever fought back. Is it really necessary?” he replied.

  I turned to him and gave him a hard look. “Battle stations, and Lieutenant, do not question my orders again,” I growled out the words to him.

  “Yes, Captain,” he saluted me before moving out of the doorway.

  I stood up and pulled my cuffs onto my wrists. I did not like being questioned. I had been questioned my entire life. I was not like the rest of the Kalazaron on the planet Kaethon. I was a hybrid. I was born from a human female and a male Kalazaron. This had made everyone around me question me.

  They looked at me suspiciously. The Kalazaron warrior race was an ancient one and they had never encountered anything like me. I looked mostly like them, as they did look human, but I had more human traits. My mother always said I had human principles. This only made it harder for me to be taken seriously by my warrior brothers. I had to fight twice as hard. I had to fly with better skills than any of them. I had to lead battalions of warriors in battle and be fearless. I had to do everything twice as good as a standard warrior, simply because I was a hybrid.

  Then I realized that respect came easily for those that brought supplies back to the Kalazaron. Those that would pillage and plunder space for supplies and captives were the ones that were given honor. So, I worked my way toward captain and finally became captain of my own ship. I had been captain for four years and I had supplied many weapons and captives from all over the universe, so I was finally being treated as a true Kalazaron. It was all that I had wanted.

  I moved onto the command deck, “Report!” I shouted.

  “Captain, the ship will be in target range in six hours if we continue to track it.”

  “Are we close enough to scan? What is on board?” I asked as I moved into the Captain’s chair.

  “We are not yet in range to scan. Judging by the size, it might be a silver ship or ship of human females.”

  “Continue on track and scan as soon as it in range. I am to the barracks,” I said as I left the command deck.

  As I walked into the barracks where the warriors spent most of their time, I was saluted. I eyed each of them as I made my way down the line, “Warriors! We are in range of an Earth ship. It will be in range in six hours. At the two-hour mark, I expect weapons ready. I expect you to be battle ready. You never know what it might be and we shall be prepared and take it before it takes us!”

  “Hoh!” the warriors shouted in unison.

  I joined in the shouts and then left them to prepare. I went to my office on the ship. I turned on the screens tracking the ship, and then I did something that I always did in secret: I turned a projection tool that I kept secret. On it was everything about Earth.

  I looked at the projection as I had many times before. I wondered what Earth was like; it was only natural for me to wonder where my humanity came from. It was a fascination. But there was one thing that I did hate about my humanity, and that was that I was attracted to human females. I did not want to be. I wanted to find a forever mate and I wanted it to be a Kalazaron female. I did not want an offspring of mine to have to go through the same problems that I went through as a hybrid. This way, at least my offspring would be more Kalazaron than human. Still, I had my cravings.

  Chapter 4


  Finally, two months into space, I was happy and relieved that we were nearing the M83 galaxy. I had worked hard for this opportunity and it was finally in full action. I kept busy with the transmissions to Earth of my reports and findings. I kept busy trying to stay fit in the low gravity of the ship. But something was finally coming to an end. After the sexual tension that I had with Captain Jamie Holt had built up to becoming explosive, I knew that at any moment I would not be able to restrain myself any longer. That moment was now.

  “May I come in? I have a course I want to go over with you,” Captain Jamie Holt said as he stood in the doorway of my office aboard the Harvest 80. I was staring out a small porthole, looking into the darkness of space, when I heard his question. I turned to see him standing in the doorway. He held a course chart in his hand. He was wearing a thin space suit in black that hugged every curve of his muscular figure. It left very little to the imagination, and I quickly glanced at the bulge between his thighs.

  I cleared my throat and said, “Of course.”

  He turned and closed the door behind him and I began to grow flush. This happened any time we were alone in closed quarters. He gave me this reaction even though we mostly disagreed on everything.

  “I think we should go off the predetermined course and go here,” he said as he pointed on the chart.

  “What? No. Why would we do that? This course has been carefully charted based on my research of where previous ships disappeared,” I said, putting my hands on my hips.

  “Yes, so you have told me before, but this new course is exactly the course that a captain of a Kalazaron ship would take. See, it is almost like a highway out in space where lots of traffic would go through, dodging this asteroid field on this side yet avoiding the gravitational pull of this planet here. See?” he said, moving closer to me. We were standing side by side looking over the course chart and his elbow brushed against the side of my body.

  “Yes, but I am not trying to be a ship of regular traffic. I want to go where these lost ships last sent their transmissions before going dark. That was the plan all along,” I said.

  “Yes, but we have done that for two lost ships already and we really didn’t learn much. I think this new course is the better course. I think this idea is better,” he said, turning to look at me.

  “You mean your idea. Once again, you are trying to take command of the mission, Captain, and I just will not have it,” I said crossing my arms in front of my chest.

  “Yes, I know how much you like being in command, Ambassador,” he said in a lower voice full of lust.

  “Well, this is my mission,” I said as my voice grew low to match his tone, and I didn’t realize that I was tilting my head back as he looked down at me. He was so tall and I felt all my defenses dropping as he looked at me.

  “But it is my job to guide this mission on a safe course. Don’t you want to know what it would feel like for me to take charge just for a while? Don’t you want me to show you how to do it? Teach you how to do it?” his words were low almost a whispe

  “Are we still talking about the mission?” I said breathlessly as I felt my whole body respond to him inching closer until his hard torso was brushing across my chest.

  “No,” he said before taking me in his arms and pulling me toward him. His lips met mine with firm passion. I sighed into his mouth.

  He kissed me hard and fast. His arms moved around my body, pushing me harder toward him. I was excited. It had been so long since I was with a man. Captain Holt was all man.

  "I'm going to fuck you on your desk, Ambassador," he whispered to me between kisses. His words were filthy. I liked it.

  "Is that right, Captain?" I asked him.

  "Call me Jamie," he said as he turned me around and unzipped my space suit.

  "All right, Jamie, what are you going to do to me?" I said playfully as he pulled the spacesuit off my body until I stood completely naked. He looked me up-and-down and smiled and groaned. Then he pulled off his space suit and we stood there naked.


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