Cerik (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Cerik (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 77

by Maia Starr

  Then I left and went to the nearest hotel bar to drink some more. To think that in four days I could be on a spaceship. It was too unreal.

  "Martini; make it a double," I said to the bartender.

  "Rough day," a voice said. I turned to see an attractive man sitting near me. He would do. He had black hair, green eyes, and a muscular build hidden underneath a dark-black, expensive suit. I needed to relieve some tension and he was going to do that for me. I knew that his appearance reminded me of Jarith, and that was what I needed for this night.

  “Yes, but I know a way that you can make it better. Much, much, better,” I said in a flirty tone as I moved over to him. His mouth opened at my eager aggressiveness. He pulled the chair out next to him and I took a seat.

  “I’m David,” he said.

  “I’m Marissa. Nice to meet you, David. You are a very attractive man; do you know that?”

  Half an hour later, his cock was inside me. Pleasing me. Helping me to release some of that sexual tension as I closed my eyes and pretended that I was with the prince. This was my usual, one-night stand. I guess if I were a man I would be called a playboy. This is what I wanted, and I always got what I wanted.

  I moved in every position possible with this stranger, all the while imagining it was the prince. I had a strange feeling when I was with this man, as though I was being watched. But I lived several stories high in a tower, and all the windows in the building across the street had shades drawn. Still, it was a very strong feeling. And although I released in climax over and over, I was still unsatisfied. Damn.

  Chapter 2


  I spread my wings wide and hovered over the Drackon females lying naked in my bed, waiting for my touch.

  "Yes…prince, touch me."

  "No, prince, touch me instead; I beg you."

  The females fought for my attention as they arched their bodies up and down on my bed. This was the life of a prince of the Drackon warriors. This is how I chose to spend my days, much to the distain of my father, the king. He thought my indulgence in the luxuries that the life of a prince offered was going to make me a bad leader one day. I gave his warnings very little thought. What was the point of having all this power if I was not going to use it to satisfy my urges?

  I was the prince, dammit. I felt I should enjoy the luxuries that the position offered me. Especially since once I became king, it would be all politics, business, and ruling with a firm hand, like my father. For now, I wanted to play and spend my days soaring the skies of our planet, Mooreah.

  "I want your cock inside of me, prince. I beg you, please," the concubine known as Braxa moaned to me as she put her hand around my hard cock. I groaned in response. I was on my knees on top of the bed and I stretched up straight and clasped my hands behind my head and let her do her work. Her mouth moved around the tip of my cock and she went to work, sucking and licking. The other two females kissed and massaged my back or kissed me on the mouth.

  Beep. Beep. My communication device went off.

  "Fuck. What the hell is it now?" I said as I moved away from my delicious moment and grabbed my communication device.

  "What?" I shouted into it.

  "Apologies for disturbing you, prince. Your father is requesting your presence in the great hall."

  "Shit. Tell the king I'm on my way."

  I pulled on my derets, which humans called pants, but these were not the ordinary clothing of humans. The derets were made of a synthetic fiber only available here on the planet of Mooreah. It was sort of a thin armor that protected our lower limbs with strong material. I pulled on my calf-high boots and the females groaned in disappointment.

  "No prince, do not leave us so unsatisfied. We had only just begun," Braxa said, pouting to me.

  "Do not worry; I will return. In the meantime, perhaps the three of you can pleasure yourselves," I said smiling at them knowing they knew what I meant. Braxa grabbed one of the other females and placed a passionate kiss on her mouth.

  "Damn, hard to move away from this. But the king calls," I said as I moved toward the open doors that led out to a large balcony overlooking the city of Cerista. I ran very fast towards the edge and then… whoosh... I took flight.

  I enjoyed being a Drackon. I enjoyed being a weredragon. I flew as often as I could as my main mode of transportation. I was a very good flyer and was able to dive at top speeds. That was the mark of a great Drackon warrior. I could dive fast before the enemy even knew I was upon them.

  I enjoyed combat. I was not cut out to rule the way my father wanted me to. I enjoyed being out in the field, fighting and flying. He wanted me to sit on the throne where nothing happened except for debating, creating agreements, and solving problems, all with the use of words.

  It was not for me. But as the eldest son of King Rykor, it was my duty. I would inherit it, unlike my younger brother, Traydon. He would take the position of prince and be an advisor on the council. I envied him for that. It was a much less stressful position and with much more leisure time.

  Whoosh! Whoosh! My wings slapped the air until I found an up current draft and soared on it, flying toward the great hall in the middle of the castle complex. I swooped down, landing on the veranda of the great hall, and entered.

  "Son! Have you checked the orokye systems as I asked?" he sternly said as soon as I walked in. His voice boomed and echoed off the walls and Traydon stood next to him, the obedient ass-kisser.

  "No, father; I will get to it tomorrow," I said as I walked toward him.

  "That is what you said yesterday. And it is what I expected you to say today. That is why I am sending you out on an assignment," he said angrily as his fist pounded the arm of the throne.

  "Yet again?" I said, annoyed by his ridiculous assignments. All of them were meant to teach me some sort of lesson, and all of them failed.

  "Do not question me, son. You leave tomorrow for Earth," he shouted.

  "Earth?! What the hell is this?!" I shouted back as I walked up the four steps to the throne platform and faced my father.

  "Yes, Earth. It is time that you return to the human planet. You have only been there once in the many years we have been in peace negotiations with them. Now, our peace contract is coming to an end and you will meet with their government to sign a new contract extending the peace terms for another five years. You are expected and you will go in my place, for you will be king someday and it will be you that will be dealing with the humans. It is better that you establish a presence and authority with them now instead of after I'm gone. Is that clear, son?!" he shouted out the orders at me. He was pissed. I was annoyed and pissed as well. I looked at Traydon at his side, who was also angry. He wanted to be the one to go; it was obvious.

  "Why not send Traydon? This is more his skill. I am a warrior. That is what I do. When I am king, I will handle the battle side of ruling and I will allow Traydon to handle the political aspects and agreements. We will rule together as brothers," I said matter-of-factly as I did not see the problem with using my brother’s skills, even if we didn't always get along.

  "Yes, father. Allow it. I will go to Earth," Traydon said.

  "You will do no such thing!" my father said as he stood up from the throne and got in my face. "Your brother’s place is as Prince and on the council. Two rulers do not oversee the Drackon with good reason. There shall be one, and only one, king, not two. Now you will go to Earth and you will stop defying my orders! Go get out of my sight!"

  I growled in anger and turned from my father. My wings spread out and I took flight from the throne platform. I flew angrily around the inside of the great hall in defiance of my father. Then I flew out the doors and into the sky.

  I needed to release this anger. I flew straight up high toward the blue sky of Mooreah. I let the pressure get very heavy as the atmosphere thinned. It was a risky move, but one that I often did, playing with death.

  I had always played like this since I was young; I felt like it made me a ha
rder warrior. It tested my strength and made it stronger. Once I thought I was going to pop, I changed my direction and went straight down. I flew faster and faster, diving straight down towards the ground. Then, when I was only ten feet from the ground, I swerved upwards and grazed the ground, flying horizontal to it. Then I flew off into the forest.

  Here, I felt at peace. Here, no eyes watched me. I flew and played like a child. Tomorrow I would be in a spaceship confined for weeks and deprived of the beautiful environment of Mooreah. I was angry at that. I was angry with my father. I did not want to go to Earth; there was nothing for me there. I was not like the other warriors that wanted a human female as a mate. In truth, I had never been with one nor did I have any interest in that experience. There were many Drackon females on Mooreah, and as a prince I would be choosing one from the noble families. I understood the interest in the human females because of what happened to the offspring when the two species mixed, but that was not enough for me. It would never be enough.

  Four weeks later, I was on Earth. I was in the monotony of political talks. It bored me, meeting with the human government that always seemed inferior and scared of us Drackon. I found it despicable and pathetic. I was having a very boring time on Earth with the negotiations, until I was called by my father for an unplanned meeting with a corporation called Gladonetics. He was just giving me more responsibility to see if I would go through and finish the responsibility. It was one of his many tests. I knew it would be boring, just like everything else on Earth. But then I ran into her. She intrigued me—for a human female.

  I was walking around the Gladonetics Corporation as I had never been to the place that my father chose to have a research agreement with. I was to have a meeting with them later: another boring, human meeting. I liked to scout and know as much as I could about a place, or person, before meeting. It was the warrior senses in me that taught me scout. Humans, Drackons, or even corporations were always at their most honest when they thought no one was looking. This is how I found weaknesses in rivaling warriors, and anything else.

  It was a very windy day and I looked up at the sky, seeing the currents of wind and longing to be soaring on them. I would have to do it later. Then I caught a heavenly scent; it was unlike anything I had ever smelled before. It was sweet, like the smell of flowers and dirt. It was a very primitive smell and my cock stirred at first whiff.

  Boom! Something lightly bounced off my chest and I looked down to see a small human on the ground before me. A flash of red panties showed with her dress up to her waist. Black stockings only went to her thighs, exposing the fleshy part of her legs. I groaned in admiration of this human. Then I groaned again when I realized that this was the source of the scent. I needed to touch her.

  “Allow me, human,” I said before giving her a chance to respond. I lifted her easily off the ground and pulled her to me. I inhaled sharply again of her scent. I grew hard—rock hard.

  She tilted her small face toward me and I saw wide, brown eyes under wild, brown hair that was blowing in the wind. Her small waist was under my arm and her hips and ass bloomed from that tiny waist. Her breasts were large and firm and pressed against me. I wanted to see more of this human.

  I gave her a stern warning that she should watch were she stepped and I almost wanted to shift in front of her to see her reaction, but I did not.

  “Yes, thank you. I will remember that. If you will excuse me, I am late for a meeting.”

  Her words stunned me. Things were different on Earth in comparison to Mooreah. The females were allowed to do things equal to the men.

  “Yes, I sometimes forget that the female humans are allowed to conduct meetings, just like the males. It is not so on my planet, and it never will be,” I said as I picked up her tablets that were thrown on the ground.

  I must have pissed her off because she yanked them from me and gave me a smart-ass response about how the Drackon were taking human females from Earth and it was because the Drackon females did not like their own home. I laughed at her nonsense. I enlightened this human female as to how the arrangements really worked between the Drackon males and the females of Earth. She had no idea what she was speaking of and knew that she was a weakling. If she did not smell so damn good, I would have already walked away from her.

  Then she said something that intrigued me in response to my words.

  “Not all of us want you badly!”

  She walked off with her head held high and her skirt blowing in the wind. She was a sight to see and I watched her as she moved through the door. Her words made me want her simply because she said she did not want me. It was a challenge, and I was a warrior that liked a challenge. Then she looked at me as she entered the building and her eyes landed firmly on my cock. Good; think of my cock, human female. Like I said, they all wanted us Drackons.

  After that encounter, I kept thinking of the scent that human female carried with her. I had no intention of taking her. I did not want to be with a human female, but I was intrigued by the scent. I left the corporation only to return a few hours later for the mandatory meeting with a man my father called Archer Payne. I gathered my warriors and they escorted me to the meeting.

  I was surprised to once again inhale the scent of that human female when I was in the hall of the building, but as soon as I walked into their boardroom and saw her, I knew that this was not going to be a boring meeting.

  I got an eyeful of her curvy figure, allowing myself to take in the sight of her at my own leisure. I was the prince, after all. I could tell that she was growing heated as her scent grew slightly sweeter. She was shifting from one leg to the other, and then offered a seat. She was trying to not be distracted and I enjoyed toying with her.

  It was going well until I invited my father in on the meeting through holographic communication. Hearing his words pissed me off. This was not part of the plan. Taking a human from the Gladonetics Corporation was a new responsibility he was throwing at me just for the hell of it. But why her?! Of all the humans on Earth!

  I left the meeting with the Gladonetics corporation mad as hell. What was my father up to now? Why did he really want the human female from the corporation to join me on my journey back home? He was always up to something. Was I supposed to believe that he really just wanted her to come in order to speak about negotiations between the corporation and the Drackon? Or was it something else entirely? Did he see her and want her for himself in the meeting? Was it a split decision after he looked at her?

  My father was known for taking what he wanted, even things that were not his, so it did not surprise me that he would see her and decide that he wanted her right then and there. But knowing how strong the human females were, he could not just take her. He would need a reason for her to come to him. Prolonging the agreements between the Drackon and the Gladonetics Corporation would be reason for her to visit.

  This made me angry. Now not only had my father sent me to Earth for something that my brother should have been sent for, but he was actually making me bring him back cargo in the form of a human female that he planned on using for his own pleasure. It was ridiculous. I moved through the tall buildings of the human city and, out of anger, shifted into dragon form. Whoosh! I took off flying over the rooftops and out of the city. The sun was setting over the mountains and once I was out of the city, the planet of Earth was very beautiful. Parts of it reminded me of home with its natural beauty. If it weren't for the humans, this planet would be a very wonderful place, even enchanting. I flew higher and higher, straight up into the sky as the darkness of night was approaching. I could see a few stars starting to appear and it made me ache for home. At least I would be leaving in four days, even if I did have to take the human female along with me.

  I flew hard and fast, with my wings moving up and down in the air that grew cooler and cooler. I was doing spirals and tricks in the air and the tense moment of the meeting with my father and the corporation had left me.

  Flying healed everything. It was the
primitive side of me and it is what I enjoyed the most. I always felt more animal then Drackon. The dragon side of me was my true side: I was convinced of it.

  It grew darker and darker and I made my way back toward the lights in the distance, the city. From afar, it was beautiful with its rainbow colors of twinkling lights. But as I grew near, I inhaled the scent of pollution, toxins, and chemicals. The humans really knew how to destroy their own air; it was obvious that they were inferior to my own race. We had adopted and built technologically advanced structures in cities, working with our natural environment and not polluting it. The human seemed light-years away from achieving that.

  I flew lower over the buildings and saw humans looking up at me as I flew. By now they were used to the sight of a flying Drackon, but it still seemed to fascinate them. I flew low and high and in between buildings, and then I caught the scent.

  It smelled the same as the human female, Marissa, but how could it be? In a city of millions of people, how could I have caught the scent of that exact human female? It was impossible. Still, I followed the scent to a very tall building. The scent was emanating from the sidewalk in front of the building toward the door. I flew vertical along the building, moving faster than the human eye could see. Then the smell was stronger and stronger. I stopped and hovered in the air before a window and was astonished by what I saw.


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