Beachside Lover - A Bad Boy Sports Romance: A Bad Boy Sports Romance

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Beachside Lover - A Bad Boy Sports Romance: A Bad Boy Sports Romance Page 5

by Andy Wayne

  She was starting to lose it. Her thighs were trembling, her head was thrown back and all the while he drove that fire deeper inside her with his finger rubbing along her clit. The heat stuck, and settled deep. With every movement it built up, and started to grow until it was bonfire, burning hotter and hotter.

  She looked up and watched him, enjoying the view of his wide shoulders while his mouth did its job. She wanted him, not just his tongue or his kiss. She wanted what was sticking between his legs… and he knew it. He was drawing it out, letting the moment build up while her anticipation grew higher and higher.

  “Put it in.” she whispered.

  “What?” he stuck his finger in so deep she nearly lost control.

  “Oh, God!”

  “You want this?” He stood up revealing his cock sticking out of his red boxer shorts which were hanging just below his waist line. It was huge. She knew he could pound it in just where she needed it to be. The man was a genius, stroking his hand up and down it, letting the foreskin pull over the head and back again. She stared down at it, then he met her eyes, stepped forward and slapped it against her lips like a crack of lightning.

  “You like that, huh?” He pinched her clit, transforming the bonfire inside her into a volcano ready to explode. If he didn't hurry she'd cum without getting a chance to feel it inside her, and she couldn't let that happen. He was staring at her, slapping his cock up and down against her lips, watching the tortured expression on her face with a smile so sweet it was sinful.

  Every beat pressed in a little further, and drove the fire deeper. Her body was begging to receive him, but she could barely find the words. The rapture was too powerful. Then he stopped, and the quiet between them was deafening.

  “Do it,” she urged him.

  He didn't answer, but that quiet was starting to grow electric. She knew that something was about to happen. He moved like he was about to get up. Then he slammed into her, and she lost all knowledge of where she was or what she was doing. All she knew was that he was roaring through, pounding relentlessly and that he wasn't going to stop. He was an animal, growling and panting.

  The smell of wet sex and the sound his body pounding against hers, melded with the heat of his chest just a few inches away, and created fireball that shot through her along with his dick. He knew how to move it, how to thrust his hips and hit right where she needed him to, all the while teasing out the fire.

  It grew from a small mountain of heat into a volcano threatening to erupt, and not just a small explosion. This was the kind of explosion that toppled mountains and destroyed forests. The power of this thing could rip her apart and destroy her world.

  He was drilling through, grunting and howling with his balls smacking against her taint. He was close, and he planned on taking every piece of her. He increased his speed and thrust deeper. She was pounding up and pressing her body against his, echoing a symphony of shuddered cries that matched his frightening groans.

  The lava was starting to brim over the mouth of her volcano while the bed shook below her, and that fire spread out over her stomach, down her legs and up her chest. It was rolling down the mountain. Then black spots flashed over her eyes, she cried out and the volcano erupted outward, sending her falling in a wave of hot fire as her voice bubbled out.

  His cries nearly shook the room, and shot straight through with an unrivaled, royal bravado that only served to heighten her excitement. When his voice subsided, he collapsed beside her.

  He wrapped her close and they laid in bed for hours, exploring each other as only brand new lovers could. The man was a mountain with ridges and muscles she never even knew existed, and he was rock hard. Not a single portion of him was soft. That was all inside. He wasn't mean or rude. He wasn't even vulgar. She had judged him, just like he said she did, but Elena was never going to make the same mistake again.

  Chapter 9

  Diego had a way of getting to Elena, and touching the right buttons at all the wrong times. He growled softly and bit her neck while they walked down the hall towards the elevator that led to the reception area.

  “Stop, Diego...”

  “Aw, come on.” They walked into the elevator and he pinned her to the wall. Then he grabbed under her thighs and pushed her up onto the railing. “I could hit the stop button.”

  “No, I—

  His lips crashed into hers like a boiling tidal wave, and she gave in. She would always give in to him.

  “Oh my God!” Chelsea shrieked.

  Elena looked back in horror to see the elevator door standing open and Elena staring at them with her hand covering her mouth.

  “Like, you guys are totally about to do it.”

  Diego dropped Elena and dashed to the counter. “If Maricela finds out...”

  “She won't hear it from me,” Chelsea said, “I hate that little witch. She tried to steal Jeff from me.” Elena walked up, embarrassed. “And besides, I like Elena.”

  “Thank you.” Elena felt terrible, judging the girl the way she had. Chelsea might have a high-pitched foghorn for a voice, but at least she had Elena's back. “I like you too.”

  “Chance is gonna hate me for sending you in. He's having private time on his computer.”

  “Does he do anything else?” Elena asked.

  “He drinks,” Chelsea replied with a smile.

  Diego walked up to Chance's door. Then Chelsea's phone rang.


  Diego stuck his ear to the door.

  “What kind of a situation?” Chelsea asked.

  Diego turned a bright color of red, threw the door open and ran into the office.

  “What do you mean she went to the courts?” Elena rushed in after him, and found Chance shrinking back in his chair while a fuming Diego loomed over him.

  “She got a couple of the Hawk Ladies to do a press conference and say that you sexually harassed them. Now her lawyer's on the other line. If you could please...”

  “I can prove she's lying, Chance.” Elena walked up.

  “I don't have time for this. I've got people banging down my door, lawyers on three lines and the girls are coming in in less than an hour.”

  “I don't care.” Elena slammed her phone on the desk. “I've got her on record refusing to take a pregnancy test. Release it to the media.”

  “And these,” Diego pulled out his phone and started swiping through the crazy images of Maricela.

  “We could just cut your contract,” Chance told him.

  “You think you’ve got lawyer troubles now? Mess with Diego’s contract and you’ll take a hit like you've never seen,” Elena countered.

  “We're going to the police.” Chelsea moved in behind them and marched up with Jeff in tow.

  “She attacked Elena,” Jeff said, and we'll all testify to it.

  “And you're going to keep him on as well,” Elena said, smiling at Chelsea.

  Chance looked at all of them. He was cornered with his chair against the wall and his hands folded. It looked like helping Diego was the last thing he wanted to do. It didn't make any sense. He had no reason to back up the girls. They had no proof. Anything they said was libel. They were destroying the public relations integrity of the team and the Hawk Ladies. Elena decided that it must be something personal between the two men.

  Diego was looking at the man like he wanted to slit his throat. The tension between them was a deadly force, one that Elena didn't understand.

  “We've got assault, libel, slander and harassment,” Elena said. “And if you destroy your top player, you're not going to make it this season.”

  Chance waited while everyone stared him down, then he said. “All of you get out now.”

  “What!?” Diego slammed his fist on the desk and walked around it to face the man.

  “Diego, let's go.” Elena walked up behind him and pulled on his sleeve.

  Diego didn't move. He stared Chance down, the veins in his neck bulging. Then he backed off and stormed out. Elena, Chelsea and Je
ff on his heels.

  “Thank you for that, Chelsea.”

  “Of course. I told you I like you. I'm not letting those girls hurt either of you. Most of them are just doing it because Diego wouldn't sleep with them. They're all lying.”

  Diego was fuming and pacing around the room. Elena walked up to him. “Diego, why is Chance acting like this? It’s completely irrational.”

  “It doesn't matter.”

  Before she could respond, Chance's door opened. “Diego, get in here!”

  Diego was fast to respond. He walked in like a bear ready to rip Chance's head off. Elena followed, but Chance cut her off at the door. “Team business.”

  Chance slammed it shut and walked inside. Elena put her ear to the door and heard the sound of his chair scraping against the floor.

  “Now, I don't like you. You're lucky I didn't fire you when it happened.”

  “I don't know what you're talking about.”

  Chance laughed. “I don't care. I don't care what happens to this team. I don't care what happened with you and Maricela. I believe you. The bitch is crazy, but it doesn't matter, because this is my chance to finally get you off this team.”

  “Alright!” There was a crashing sound and Elena ran into the room.

  “Diego, no!”

  He was on top of Chance who was whimpering on the ground with the broken desk at his side. Diego had his arm raised.

  “Get out, Elena!” Diego turned back to her. He was going to kill Chance.

  “No.” Elena stood her ground. She wasn't afraid of him.

  “Get out!”

  “No.” She walked forward, trembling. He could hurt her, but he wasn't going to. She put her hand on his shoulder. “Diego, you don't need him or this team.”

  “I worked my entire life for this.”

  “And if you hurt him you’ll lose it all. He’ll go to the police and you’ll end up in prison.”

  Diego looked back at Chance.

  “P-please, he said, practically whimpering.”

  “Shut up, Chance.” Elena walked over and kicked him right in the face. Then Diego took her hand and they left.

  Chapter 10

  When they stepped into the dingy, low-lit, convenience store, the sand on the floor scraped against their shoes. The guy behind the counter, a ratty old man with a baseball cap, spit a wad of chew out onto the floor.

  “I'll take a fifth of JD.” Diego walked up to him.

  “And a pack of Newports,” Elena said.

  “No.” Diego turned back to her.

  “I think I can have at least one pack in ten years. It's not going to kill me.”

  “A pack of Newports,” Diego told the man who already had the bottle on the counter. He turned around, handed Elena the cigarettes and rang them up.

  They walked back to a series of wooden steps and onto the beach where Diego led her to a small, private area where they could sit and lean against the rocks. He grabbed the bottle, opened it and took a chug. Then he passed it to Elena who had no intention of touching the thing, considering the look on his face when the brown liquor went down hard.

  “You could try to get a contract with one of the other teams. You're a star player. Someone will hire you.”

  “OB is my home. It's where my family and all of my friends are. I can't leave here. I wouldn't be able to see my mom or my dad, and they're getting older. They're going to need me.”

  “Well then what are you going to do?”

  “I'm fucked! Even if I did try out for one of the other teams it wouldn't be the same. I'd be the second hand player that nobody wanted. Players are political figures, just as much as they are football players. If a team picks up somebody with a bad history, they keep him as quiet as they can. They won't pass me the ball or give me a place in front of the cameras, and most of them wouldn’t take me, not the teams that matter. I'd have to play on a losing team and they'd take most of my pay. No matter what, I'll lose my house, my cars and all of the money I have.”

  “There's always a way, Diego. Especially for somebody with the kind of money you have.”

  “No, there isn't.” He took a huge hit of whiskey. His face was already red and sweaty. “I'm going to lose everything, Elena. And when I do, all I'll have left is this.” He took another swig.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean once things start getting bad, I'm gonna drink.”

  “But I'll still be here for you.” She took his hand and he wrenched it away. “Hey,” she put her hand on his shoulder and he went still. “I would never leave you, not for any reason, and I don't believe for one second that you're going to lose everything.”

  “You don't know me like that.” He whipped around. “You don't know how many years I've put into this.”

  “I know what it means to you.”

  “No,” he shook his head. “You don't know shit. And when things really get bad, and I'm waking up every morning drinking like this, you're gonna wanna leave.”

  “I'm not leaving,” Elena said. “I'm staying right here.”

  “I think,” he began quietly, “that you need to.”

  Her face went white and tears welled up in her eyes. “Don't do this.”

  “I don't got any other choice.” He held his head low. “The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but Imma do it no matter what I do. You met me at my best when I had everything. You don't want to see me at my worst.”

  “You'd never hurt me.”

  “I'd lose control—too much liquor and all this hatred. I'll turn into a monster.” He turned around. “And I don't want to see you in pain. I'd rather kill myself.”

  “You're being shortsighted.”

  “Do you know what happens when you get too much liquor in a man, Elena? He hurts the people he loves.”

  “I don't believe that. Not you.”

  “Oh, yeah.” He picked up the bottle. “You want me to drink all of this so you can find out? You think I'm dangerous now? You know when you ran in there when I was on top of Chance? If I was drunk, I wouldn't have held back. I would have bashed his head in.”

  “You're not a monster, Diego.”

  He stood up, took my hand and helped me up. Then he stood back with his eyes glazed over and looked me dead on. “We're done, Elena.”

  “The fuck we are!”

  “I get a fucking say in the matter, don't it?”

  “Nope. You're drunk.”

  “You're damn right I am, and I'm going to be drunk for years, because I've lost everything and I will never put a woman through that, especially one as good as you.”

  I sobbed. “Diego,” I rushed forward to embrace him, but he stopped me. I just needed to feel him and let him know that he didn't have to be alone, but he had his mind set on this. “How do I get through to you?”

  He turned around. “I'm not gonna budge.”

  “How could you not? Don't you care about me at all?”

  “That's why I'm doing this!” He ran away, and she struggled to follow. Her feet dug into the sand, and the faster she tried to run, the farther they dug. She hit her feet on a rock and fell down face first, taking a mouthful of sand.

  She didn't want to get back up, because she didn't want anyone seeing her cry, but she couldn’t breathe so she sat up, spitting sand out of her mouth. Brushing it off her face, she sat at the edge of the tide line bawling and screaming.

  If he cared about her, he wouldn't do this to her, he'd stay by her no matter what. He'd understand how much he loved her. He wouldn't leave her there like this. He'd pick her up and bring her back and tell her he was sorry, but that wasn't going to happen.

  She stood up and started walking back to where they’d been sitting. He was laying on the ground with the empty bottle caught in the waves with his eyes closed. He looked almost peaceful. Maybe he was just drunk. Maybe he'd understand. She just needed to be close to him.

  That was all that mattered.

  So she laid down next to him in the sand, and he turned ove
r, so she wrapped her arm around him and moved closer so that their bodies were touching. He took her hand and held it, giving her the relief she needed to fall asleep.

  Something shifted. She felt him turn around and run his fingers through her hair. Then he kissed her, letting his lips linger, warming her from the soft chill coming off the ocean. She opened her eyes and found him staring at her.

  “I want to be with you, Elena.”

  “You do?”

  “Of course I do. I need to, but I can't.”

  It was still going to happen. He was never going to be with her again.

  “I can't live without you, Diego.” She sat up. “Please. Please don't do this to me.”

  He didn't answer. Instead he got up and brushed himself off with his back turned to her. Then he helped her up and brought her back to the car. She kept her eyes averted the entire way. Neither of them said anything. The only sound was his heavy breathing.

  She did look back right before they turned into the parking lot. His hands were gripping the steering wheel so tight they were white.

  When they stopped, all the pressure of the moment exploded. “You don't give a shit about me. If you did, you wouldn't be doing this.”

  He reached over her and opened her door, motioning for her to get out.

  Chapter 11

  Elena found her bed and didn't leave her room for more than two days. She couldn't. She had a man that cared about her, that could have showed her the world and now he didn't want her. He didn't even have a good reason for leaving her.

  Elena knew what he was trying to say—that he didn't want her to see him lose his house, and all of his money, and that he'd end up drinking and going into a deep depression. But she didn't care, because she didn't want to lose him.

  After leaving Tripp and emptying her house out, Diego was all she had. It seemed her career was in the tank, especially now, and if she had to walk away from him, she'd have to start all over again. Besides, there were legitimate things they could do to stop the girls from ruining his career, or at least get something out of this whole fiasco. They could call the police and send Maricela to jail, he could sue the team. He didn't have to give up.


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