To Tempt a Dashing Lord

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To Tempt a Dashing Lord Page 6

by Lucy Langton

  The church filled with applause as Catherine turned with Lord Kingston to face everyone. She rested her hand on his arm, as though he was simply escorting her from one room to another. They walked down the aisle together as they waved at those who had come to watch them be married. She didn’t look at her brother, for she wasn’t yet prepared for such an encounter. All she wanted to do was get through the day and begin their journey to the country with Beth.

  Once they were settled in the carriage, heading back to Lady Evergreen’s townhouse for a small brunch before leaving Town, Catherine sat across from Lord Kingston and for the longest time they simply stared at one another. Catherine wasn’t sure what to say, and it appeared her husband didn’t, either.

  “You look rather charming,” Catherine eventually said, forcing a smile to her lips. Lord Kingston chuckled as he looked down at his uniform, his fingers brushing over the many awards he had been recognised for.

  “I figured it would be good to wear one last time. I don’t expect to wear it in the future, since I am to be more of an earl than a captain now,” Lord Kingston admitted. “However, you are the true beauty of the day. Breath-taking, really.”

  Catherine blushed deeply as a bright smile spread across her face. She shifted her eyes to her hands in her lap, feeling shy all of a sudden.

  “I appreciate your compliments. They mean much to me,” Catherine said after a while. “And I wanted to speak to you about a matter.” Catherine looked back up at Lord Kingston to see his brows furrowed.

  Taking a deep breath, Catherine asked, “What expectations do you have for our wedding night?” She noticed the way Lord Kingston stiffened then as his lips parted slightly. She even saw him swallow as his Adam’s apple bubbled from the motion.

  “I have no expectations,” he said. “I figured that our marriage can be consummated when we are both ready.”

  “That seems reasonable enough. After all, we’ve spent very little time together. We shall be seeing much of one another now that we are married.”

  “Indeed,” was all that Lord Kingston said in reply.

  Once the carriage came to a stop at the townhouse, Lord Kingston stepped down first and was kind enough to help her out as well. Her gown flowed behind her as they walked up the path together. Catherine loved her wedding gown, but was looking forward to changing into her traveling gown. Once they were inside, Catherine let go of Lord Kingston’s arm as she neared the stairs.

  “I’m going to be changed into my other gown for the day,” Catherine explained as she took to the stairs.

  “Don’t you think the wedding gown would be better for the brunch?” Lord Kingston asked. Catherine stopped on the stairs and looked down at her husband, the thought alone causing her to blush that this man was bound to her forever.

  “Why do you ask, Lord Kingston? Do you prefer me in this gown?” she teased, wondering if her husband was the type to flirt. By the way his cheeks coloured, Catherine was confident she had succeeded with her words.

  Lord Kingston cleared his throat and replied, “Either way. As long as you are comfortable.” Then he continued on down the hallway towards the drawing room where the guests would gather for the brunch.

  Catherine chuckled as she went on her way. Once she reached her bedchamber, she pulled the servant’s cord and had a maid summoned to help her change into her traveling gown. It was a simple, light blue gown that she would wear with her riding boots.

  However, when it came time to adjust the neckline with fragrant cloths, she decided not to use any, to better appear alluring for her new husband. She quite liked the idea of being considered attractive by a man and wondered how she could affect her new husband.

  Returning back downstairs, Catherine could hear the quiet chatter of voices. She took a steadying breath as she made her way towards the drawing room. The time had come for her to finally face her brother, and all the others who were in attendance for the wedding festivities.

  “Ah, there is our gorgeous bride,” Lady Evergreen said the moment she stepped into the room. She made her way towards the woman who seemed to be entertaining the guests. “Eager to be on the road with your new husband, I see.” There was laughter in response to the comment and she was reminded once more that was supposed to be pretending that she was madly in love with the earl.

  “A woman doesn’t kiss and tell,” Catherine teased as she took up position next to the women and turned her eyes towards the guests. Lord Kingston stood amongst other gentlemen on the other side of the room while Lady Evergreen was entertaining the ladies. But Catherine was still able to catch his gaze and clearly noted the way his eyes settled on her large breasts before quickly averting to the person who had addressed him. When Catherine realised it was her brother, her heart began to pound with fear.

  “I wish to visit with my brother before our departure. Do excuse me,” Catherine said with a bright smile as she dipped her head to the women and made her way through the room until she came to stand next to Lord Kingston. Whatever her brother had been saying, he quickly stopped once Catherine approached them.

  “My dear, I’ve just made introductions with your brother,” Lord Kingston said. Catherine ignored the fact that her husband had just referred to her with endearment and instead focused her eyes solely on her brother.

  “I am pleased you two have had the opportunity to meet one another. Denver, dear. Would you please accompany me outside for some fresh air?” Catherine asked.

  “Of course, Catherine. I’d be delighted. After all, it shall be some time before we are able to meet again,” Denver replied. He dipped his head towards Lord Kingston before stepping out the open door of the drawing room so they could have a bit more privacy outside.

  “I don’t want you speaking to Lord Kingston,” Catherine said the moment they were outside and away from listening ears.

  “Come now, Catherine. I was just trying to learn more about my brother-in-law,” Denver retorted as he placed his hands on his hips. That’s when she noticed that his knuckles had been recently scraped.

  “Have you been fighting, Denver?” Catherine asked as she reached for his hand. Denver moved out of her reach as he focused on the grass underneath his boots.

  “I’m doing all I can to earn some money to keep the country estate in decent shape. It’s the seat of the Sedgewick linage and I can’t bear to let it go for sale,” Denver said, his face filling with shame as it always did.

  “I’m done lecturing you, Denver. We both know the poor choices you have made and therefore there is no point speaking of them anymore,” Catherine said, ready to return to the brunch now that she had spoken with her brother and felt satisfied enough.

  “But things have changed, Catherine. You’ve married an earl out of the blue and now should have enough wealth to save our family’s name,” Denver said as he reached out and grabbed her arm before she could return inside. Catherine turned on her brother, anger in her eyes that clearly startled her brother so that he let go of her arm and took a step back.

  “Don’t you dare bring your troubles back into my life. I had to ruin my good reputation to become a companion to another. My life is finally looking better than it has in a long time and I won’t let you ruin this for me, Denver. I already know that the only reason you came to see my wedding is so that afterwards you could ask me for money. But it’s not going to happen. Now, don’t you speak to me or my husband ever again.”

  Catherine was seething with anger by the time she had finished speaking. All the pain and abandonment that she had felt from over the years seemed to resurface as Denver stared at her with surprised eyes. She knew she couldn’t return inside in that condition, so she stalked off past Denver to disappear further into the gardens. She hoped that a quick walk would help her feel calm by the time she came through once more. But no matter how hard she tried to fight it, she couldn’t hold off a few tears that slipped down her cheeks. She hurriedly wiped them away before walking back into the drawing room with a smile on her
face and Denver nowhere to be seen.

  Chapter 7

  Once the meal was finished and the guests departed, Marcus asked for his carriage to be summoned. By now, all their things should have been packed for the two-day journey from Town to his country estate. It would be good to return to his childhood home where he wouldn’t need to worry about society constantly watching him or gossiping about his actions.

  He already knew that many would be talking about his spontaneous marriage. He would just need to ride out the gossip and wagging tongues until next Season. And with a new wife and child, he was certain to stay busy during that time.

  “Ah, my dear Marcus. I will truly miss seeing you. Granted, I shall miss Catherine more because we’ve spent so much time together this past year. But I’m confident I shall miss you, too,” Lady Evergreen said as she came to the entryway with Catherine.

  “The feeling is mutual, Aunt Daniella. You should consider traveling to come and see us once the Season is over. It is much cooler in the countryside than Town by the time the summer months come,” Marcus said as he bowed and kissed his aunt’s hand in a sign of respect.

  “I shall consider the venture,” was all she said as she turned to Catherine. “Now, remember what we have discussed. Marcus is a good man and I have no worries in sending you away with him. I can’t wait to see that little girl grow.”

  “I’ll be sure to write you often, Auntie. I’m excited to be with Beth and finally have the life I’ve always dreamed of. But please send my regards to the children in the orphanage. I will be sure to miss them as well,” Catherine said as she squeezed Lady Evergreen’s good hand. Marcus smiled, thinking that Catherine was quite a kind woman who was considerate of others.

  Once they had said their goodbyes to Lady Evergreen for what seemed like the dozenth time, Marcus led Catherine to the carriage. They would be riding together in his own personal carriage while the one behind them would be transporting Beth and her servants. Mrs. Sims, the wet nurse, would be riding with Beth, along with Mrs. Denton who still wanted the opportunity to be Beth’s personal maid.

  “Once we are out of Town, I would like to be with Beth,” Catherine said once they were settled in the carriage. Marcus hadn’t been expecting this and sat down in the carriage and found a comfortable spot before replying.

  “I’m sure Beth’s maids won’t mind the company of another woman,” Marcus reasoned.

  “I would like to be with her in the carriage with you, Marcus,” Catherine said, causing Marcus to notice the way she said his Christian name. He understood that since they were married that it was only proper to refer to one another in private by their Christian names. However, Marcus wasn’t prepared for it and took a moment for him to collect himself.

  “I am not skilled with being around children, Catherine. I don’t know if I will be of much help,” Marcus admitted as the carriage began to roll forward. He was looking forward to getting out of Town and truly being able to relax.

  Catherine chuckled as she said, “Don’t worry. I am not expecting you to do anything. I simply want to hold her and play with her if she is awake.”

  “That sounds reasonable enough,” Marcus agreed.

  As the carriage rumbled down the cobblestone roads, they didn’t speak for some time. Marcus would watch the scenery passing by the window and would from time to time glance at Catherine. She was doing the same, but seemed to be more focused on the task, allowing him the opportunity to really take in her appearance.

  Catherine was no doubt a very beautiful young woman. He could easily understand why she had received numerous requests to be a mistress to ensure she had security in life due to her beauty. If he hadn’t received Beth when he had, Marcus was certain that eventually Catherine would have had no choice but to become a mistress once Lady Evergreen did pass away. She would have had little else to choose without proper employment.

  Her golden hair curled and pinned to the top of her head exposed her slender neck that seemed to reach all the way down to the tops of her exposed breasts. Marcus could easily admit that Catherine was a tempting creature, and him being a normal man, his blood did quicken at the sight of her. And the knowledge that they would become closer as the days went on only proved to Marcus that he wouldn’t mind making their marriage official sooner than later.

  Marcus looked away before she could realise he was staring once more. The one thing Marcus was unsure of was whether or not Catherine would be the type of person he could fall in love with. Granted, they were stuck together for the rest of their lives. It would only be logical that they tried their best to get along. But would their relationship ever turn into a loving relationship? Marcus wasn’t so sure. He’d never fallen in love before and wasn’t sure how he would know if he was falling in love with Catherine.

  As the day wore on and the many buildings of Town gave way to rolling hills, small villages, and cottages scattered about the countryside, they eventually stopped for dinner at the inn they would be staying at for the night. The moment Catherine stepped down from the carriage, she went to Mrs. Denton and asked to hold Beth for a while. The housekeeper smiled pleasantly and helped her to do so. And with the babe safely tucked in her arms, Catherine walked with Marcus into the inn so that they all could be settled.

  “Have you travelled much?” Marcus asked Catherine as they stepped into the main room of the inn. It was rather boisterous because of the number of people inside. These types of places were mostly for men, and once their rooms had been determined, the women would surely retire for the evening.

  “A little,” Catherine admitted. “But it has been some time.” The sound of the inn seemed to bother Beth as she began to squirm in Catherine’s arms. She rocked the child and talked to her in a soft voice as Marcus led the way over to the large serving counter and spoke to the owner before passing a few coins to the man and leading Catherine to the rooms they had been assigned. With Mrs. Denton and Mrs. Sims right behind them, they took to the stairs where they were able to find the servants’ room, and then Marcus’s room with Catherine.

  Catherine appeared to have decided to keep Beth in her arms as she went into their rooms. Mrs. Denton assured Marcus that she would show the footman the way so the few things they would need that night and next morning could be taken to the appropriate rooms. Marcus thanked her greatly before following Catherine into their room.

  Even though they had been married, Marcus still didn’t feel completely comfortable sharing a room with Catherine. He was sure she was an innocent, and therefore would do his best to help her remain comfortable as they were forced to sleep together in the same bed. Though the day was warm and the night was sure to be as well, Marcus would wear his bedclothes to ensure that Catherine would be able to feel safe sleeping in the same bed as he.

  Catherine sat down in a chair by the window as she continued to rock Beth in her arms. She began to sing a song to the little one, and Marcus realised that she had a very beautiful singing voice. He sat on the edge of the bed as he pulled off his riding boots, wanting to give his feet the opportunity to breathe as he simply sat and listened to Catherine. He could see that she would make an excellent mother.

  Marcus had to admit that Catherine was truly the perfect wife to be his countess. She appeared very kind to everyone and seemed to be sure of herself, with outspoken opinions that Marcus found amusing. She wasn’t like normal debutants who would burst into tears at the slightest bit of upset. He could easily admit that he had made a good choice in marrying Catherine and looked forward to seeing how true that statement would be in the months to come.

  When a knock came to the door, Marcus opened it and allowed Mrs. Denton to enter so she could have their things placed in the room and ready for use. She reassured Catherine that she could take Beth whenever she was ready, and that she would be only next door if they needed anything else. The footmen and drivers had been given a room as well and all seemed to be taken care of. But when the door was closed once more, and Marcus was left with
his new bride and child, he felt utterly unsure of what to do with himself.

  Pulling back on his boots, he said, “I think I’ll head downstairs to see what type of food the innkeeper’s wife is cooking tonight.”

  “Sounds fine. I’m not a picky eater and would eat anything,” Catherine said, a smile on her face as she looked up at Marcus. He thought she looked truly happy to be holding Beth, even when the child seemed to squirm awake. As she began to coo, Catherine turned back to the baby and giggled as she tried to return the same sound. Marcus thought it was rather fascinating to watch. But after a few moments of staring, he urged himself to go downstairs and relax in the common room with the other men.


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