New Game Minus: The Complete LitRPG Fantasy Trilogy

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New Game Minus: The Complete LitRPG Fantasy Trilogy Page 68

by Sarah Lin

  He considered telling her that he didn't remember, but was too tired to lie. "I remember."

  "They were true, but... let's not talk about them, okay? I need more time to think."

  "That's fine." The exhausted part of him wanted to leave it at that, but before she could go, he grunted at her wrist. "Use the bracelet again. It should be recharged."

  She gave him a slight smile and did so. The box changed to [46/46], then she slipped away. Bloodwraith stayed where he was, not thinking about it. Usually his thoughts were never silent, but it seemed that his mind needed more of a break than mere sleep.

  Izilthor woke up next and resumed eating the bone golem's corpse as if she hadn't slept, though she beamed at any of them when they came near. Danniah stayed sleeping so long that they would have been worried if not for her snoring.

  Eventually she sat up, stretched with a huge yawn, and smiled at everyone. "We did it, right? What did we get?"

  "I was waiting for everyone to be awake." Bloodwraith stepped off the sarcophagus and they all gathered near. After they thoroughly checked for any further traps or wards and found none, he braced himself against the floor and pushed the top away.

  Inside the sarcophagus lay some long-forgotten ruler, wearing fine robes that had long since become dust. What mattered was that his treasures were arranged around him. His weapon appeared to have been an ornate flail, which the boxes declared to be Very Rare... but none of them could use it. They could sell it eventually, of course, it was simply disappointing.

  But the rest held some items of use, starting with his boots:

  [Sandstrider Boots

  Armor: 8

  Vitality +1, Quickness +1

  Durability: 50/50

  Rarity: Rare]

  "Ooh!" Danniah tugged them off and held them up. "These feel really good, but... I think they may be too big for me."

  "Let me work with them." Meara went to examine them as well. "If we modify them a bit and pack the insides, maybe they can work for you."

  "That would be great!"

  Aside from that, the next item of real value was a ring set with a sapphire:

  [Sandstrider Ring

  Armor: 1

  Quickness +2

  Special Effect: Able to move easily over sand, ice, and other types of uneven terrain.

  Rarity: Very Uncommon]

  Quite a potent find. Bloodwraith removed one of his gauntlets to slip on the ring while he examined the remaining contents. Only one item had obvious value: a dark case that he knew would contain a variety of valuable potions. When he opened it, everyone stared at the glowing flasks, but to his disappointment there were only two potions within.

  [Potion of Charisma

  Permanently increases Charisma. Effect decreases with more powerful attributes and subsequent potions.

  Rarity: Rare]

  [Potion of Luck

  Permanently increases Luck. Effect decreases with more powerful attributes and subsequent potions.

  Rarity: Rare]

  Not nearly as valuable as it could have been. Gharavi raised an eyebrow. "Why would he bury these with him? Wouldn't they have been more useful to him in life?"

  "Well," Danniah said with a laugh, "he never found a Potion of Intellect, I suppose."

  Tired as they were, both of them laughed at that. But Bloodwraith was staring at the potions with something else in mind. Plucking one from the case, he held it out to Meara.

  "Could you create these?"

  "That is a very good question." She accepted it from him and closed her eyes for a long time before eventually opening them with a pained expression. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I think... all my abilities are gained by stretching the capacities I was given beyond their normal range. Creating potions and being a non-combatant came easily enough, but even repairing was a stretch and I've struggling with stealing. Creating potions such as these... that's not something a simple herbalist girl could ever do."

  "It was worth a try." Bloodwraith took the Potion of Luck back and downed it in one gulp, watching his Luck rise by 2 points. He wasn't sure what the statistic did, and even the box's description was vague, but it couldn't hurt to have more of it.

  That left them with the Potion of Charisma. They all stared at it a while before Danniah spoke up. "Uh... maybe Meara should get it? She's the one who does all the trading, and Charisma would be useful for that, right?"

  "Hmm. The boxes do say that Charisma is useful for merchants."

  But Meara was already shaking her head. "That's true for normal people, not me. My stats have stayed exactly the same and I don't know how much impact they have. One of you should take it."

  Normally Bloodwraith would have taken it for himself, yet he found himself hesitating. There was something else, something to do with the exact numbers... he glanced toward Danniah, looking at her box more carefully. When he focused on her stats, something jumped out at him.

  [Name: Danniah

  Race: Half-Human/Half-Dwarf

  Class: Warrior

  Health: 292/292

  Mana: 6/6

  Stamina: 189/189

  Level: 11

  EXP: ???

  Affection: 100/100


  Might: 31 (34)

  Vitality: 48 (51)

  Quickness: 26 (27)

  Intellect: 14

  Charisma: 15 (12)

  Willpower: 23 (25)

  Wisdom: 14

  Luck: 12

  Piety: 12]

  Her physical stats added up to greater than 100 total points, before enchantments. When he had passed the same threshold, he had received a special bonus. Could the same have happened to her? He interrogated her box until he managed to derive a box of secondary statistics.

  [Physical defense value of equipped armor increased by 20%.

  Physical Resistance +5%

  Health Regeneration +15%

  Stamina Regeneration +15%]

  "Fascinating... Danniah, over the past month, was there ever a point where you felt that you gained a significant new level of strength?"

  "Uh, that's pretty hard to tell." Danniah sat back, pondering it. "I definitely feel like I got better overall, more than a normal month training, but there wasn't any one moment. It was more like all the things I learned just came together. Why do you ask?"

  "Because it looks like you've received a similar bonus to the one I did. The boxes might have granted slightly more, but the principle appears to be the same."

  "That's great! I guess... does it matter?"

  "It might matter to Gharavi." His eyes slid over to her, examining her box. Now that she was not keeping secrets from him, it was easy to read.

  [Name: Gharavi

  Race: Half-Orc/Half-???

  Class: Sorcerer

  Health: 174/174

  Mana: 94/94

  Stamina: 167/167

  Level: 17

  EXP: ???

  Affection: 46/46


  Might: 21

  Vitality: 26

  Quickness: 40

  Intellect: 49 (54)

  Charisma: 20

  Willpower: 30

  Wisdom: 24

  Luck: 15

  Piety: 12]

  Just as he'd suspected: her combined Intellect, Charisma, and Willpower equaled 99. Though he couldn't prove it, he strongly suspected that the statistics were divided into three categories: physical, mental, and whatever could group the final three. The system wasn't entirely perfect, especially since "Wisdom" should have been part of the mental cluster, but he had proof that the first three were a physical triad.

  "What's this about?" Gharavi cocked her head to the side, but Bloodwraith could only shrug.

  "It's difficult to explain, but the result is simple: I think you should drink the potion. It will make for an interesting experiment."

  She raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying I'm lacking in Charisma?" But she took the potion without objecting and drank it. As i
t slid down her throat, Bloodwraith watched her closely.

  [Gharavi's Charisma +2]

  [Gharavi's Current Base Mental Stats:

  Intellect: 49

  Charisma: 22

  Willpower: 30]

  [Your ally's total natural mental stats have reached or passed 100!

  Magical defense value of any equipped armor is increased by 20%!

  Magical Resistance +5%

  Mana Regeneration +15%

  Stamina Regeneration +10%

  NOTE: Allies may not gain the full increase immediately.]

  "The boxes say that it worked. Do you feel any different?"

  "No, I..." Gharavi trailed off, one hand going to her head. "That's strange... the potion tingled a bit when it went down, like you would expect for a normal magic potion. But I'm still tingling... I think the natural mana in my body is reacting in some way..."

  "According to the boxes, you're gaining some sort of boost from your overall mental capacity." Bloodwraith could only shrug. "That's what it says, anyway."

  "Well, it feels quite odd. I think I need to lie down." She shuffled back and sat against the wall, looking inward.

  Though they had obtained some significant treasures and made real progress, Bloodwraith found himself frustrated by a single major failure: his EXP box. It still remained at a frustrating [188,057/194,400].

  "I wonder if there are any more undead nearby we could fight... I'm close to gaining another Level, but it would take quite a few enemies unless we can find strong ones." But as he wondered aloud, he saw that Meara was smiling at him. A smirk, but not at his expense.

  "You really must be tired, Bloodwraith. Have you forgotten?"

  He realized in that moment, but Meara was already embracing him theatrically. "Thank you, noble hero, thank you! The crypt is finally free of undead!"

  [Quest Complete!

  Clear the crypt outside Manascas.

  Local Reputation +10

  Meara Affection +NaN

  Alignment: Good +10

  EXP +5000]

  Bloodwraith sighed in satisfaction as the new power flooded into him. Yes, it had been some time since he'd been able to cooperate with Meara to manipulate the new quests. Though that put him frustratingly close to his goal, he was glad to hear that she felt comfortable twisting the quests again.

  Yet Meara didn't seem to be done. She tapped a finger against her lips for a while, then turned and walked away. Once she was on the opposite side of the chamber, she turned back and called out.

  "Oh, Valorous Raigar! Would you find for me the Sandstrider's Flail?"

  He blinked. "Can you really do that? Can it be that eas-"

  [Quest Accepted!

  Retrieve the Sandstrider's Flail for Meara.

  Rewards: EXP, Meara Affection]

  Not believing that it could be that easy, Bloodwraith walked over to the sarcophagus, picked up the flail, then walked across the room and handed it to her.

  "Yes, I'm really a true hero. Running tedious errands is the heart of heroism."

  [Quest Complete!

  Retrieve the Sandstrider's Flail for Meara.

  Meara Affection +NaN

  EXP +2000]

  He stared at the box, simultaneously successful and annoyed, while Meara laughed. When he heard the phantom music in his mind, it felt like mockery, but in the end it didn't matter.

  [Congratulations! You gained a level!

  Current Level: 14

  Current EXP: 657/291,600

  Unassigned Stat Points: 5]

  All that mattered was power. Bloodwraith tried to ignore the cheap manner in which he'd gained that power and distributed it between Might and Quickness. Once he was done, he looked over his personal box one more time.

  [Name: Raigar

  Race: Human

  Class: Barbarian

  Alignment: Good

  Health: 242/242

  Mana: 34/34

  Weapon Mana: 9/9

  Stamina: 154/154

  Level: 14

  EXP: 657/291,600


  Might: 54 (60)

  Vitality: 39 (43)

  Quickness: 46 (51)

  Intellect: 21

  Charisma: 12

  Willpower: 21 (23)

  Wisdom: 14

  Luck: 19

  Piety: 4

  Combat Skills: Cleave (9), Fist of Rage (10), Sword of Rage (9), Shout of Rage (7), Skill Enraging (5)

  Skills: Two-handed Weapons (14), Evasion (11), Survivalism (6), Herbalism (6), Manual Labor (2), Swimming (2)

  Special Skill: Undead Companion (12)

  Proficiencies: Greatsword, Heavy Armor]

  [Inventory (Extra-dimensional Bag)

  Equipment: Lodestone Greatsword (enhanced), Armor of the Tyrant (set), Leather Gloves of Strength

  Rings: Ring of Herbalism, Ring of Quickness, Ring of Willpower, Ring of Might, Sandstrider Ring

  Items: Peasant's Outfit, Health Potion x6, Mana Potion x8, Failed Potion x2

  Key Items: Amulet of Reincarnation]

  So that was what he had to work with. It might not be his old power, but it was more than he had before. Bloodwraith looked over the box in satisfaction for a while, then dismissed it and turned to the others. Now that they were all fully awake and had acquired their rewards, their mood had lifted significantly.

  Gharavi was staring at Meara, though. "Such strange readings... you actually manipulated the system directly..."

  "It's not so hard." Meara shrugged. "They implanted part of the system in me so that I could guide new Outsiders. I'm just repurposing it."

  "No, I'm impressed. Not just anyone could do that."

  "It might look that way, but I'm-"

  Meara cut off as Bloodwraith put a hand on her shoulder. "Just take the compliment, Meara. Your capacities are likely to matter more than raw power, in the end."

  They all began to chat about lighter subjects. While they did, Bloodwraith looked to Izilthor, who was finishing off the bone golem corpse. She had many more bodies to eat higher in the crypt, but there would be time for that later. All in all, she'd received fewer NP than he had hoped, but it was still enough to increase her stats further. Perhaps she would be able to fight alongside them in the end.

  His thoughts were interrupted when Danniah nudged him in the side. "Bloodwraith, what happens now? You said that you had things planned for all the days, and there are still several left before we need to go fight Raigar."

  Bloodwraith nodded grimly. "Yes, there are many tasks we must complete. I fear the trial we have just completed will pale in comparison to them."

  "R-really? But... I mean, I feel better, but I don't think I've ever been that tired before..."

  "No, I fear this priority cannot be put aside. The last task will fill every available moment of the final days before the battle." Bloodwraith put his hands on Danniah's shoulders heavily. "What you must do is rest and relax until then."

  She stared at him a moment, then understood. "Hey! You didn't have to tease me!" But though she jabbed him in the stomach, after that she hugged him. The others smiled as well, as if it had been a joke.

  He supposed that it had been one, but it wasn't only that. Though Bloodwraith looked forward to spending a few days recovering, it was also simple strategy. Rest and relaxation was a tactical concern, because they couldn't fight at their best if they were exhausted.

  And they would need their best for what was coming.

  Chapter 26

  The Governor of Manascas was a cautious man. Though he gave off the appearance of casual interest as he sat in his private chamber above the Red Sands Arena, everything about his visit had been orchestrated. Veteran bodyguards hovered in the shadows, combat priests stood at his side, and guards covered the doorways.

  None of these stopped Meara from walking straight in.

  Though the guards shouted for her to stop, she simply ignored them. She wasn't surprised when they went straight to stabbing at her, but she wa
lked through their swords. One of the mages sent a burst of fire that just passed through her and struck the guards. After all, she was just a simple merchant girl, what did combat have to do with her?

  When the Governor started to get to his feet, Meara spoke up before things could get out of hand. "Lord Governor, I came here to speak with you on behalf of a small group of adventurers. We have strong reason to believe that the lich who threatens the city is here today."

  Most warlords would have demanded that his guards keep attacking her, but the Governor watched her thoughtfully. As the tension stretched, he eventually waved for his guards to stand down. He stepped to face her, though he kept his distance.

  "And you had to convey this message via a threat to my person? You couldn't go through the official channels?"

  "Not only would that have been too slow, Lord Governor, many of those official channels have put a price on one of my ally's heads."

  His eyebrows rose incrementally. "This Raigar, I presume? I assumed he fled the city months ago."

  "No, we have our own reasons to want the lich destroyed. But given what he has done in your city, we thought that perhaps our interests align." Seeing that he was receptive, Meara took a deep breath and began the plan. "We will be putting our lives on the line to defeat him. All we ask from you is a bit of cooperation."

  "As if I will stand idly by in my own city." The Governor gave a snort. "No, we will take control of this matter. But in return for your cooperation with us, I am willing to grant you several concessions."

  That was better than it could have been, so Meara nodded graciously. "If you insist, Lord Governor. First, we request for my companions and I to be allowed into the Arena without being arrested by guards or attacked by adventurers. It would rather inconvenience our efforts to battle the lich, you understand."

  Waving a hand, the Governor accepted that condition immediately. "It can be done. We can escort you to secure positions." That would also mean keeping an eye on them, but they had been willing to accept such conditions and they had more important requests, so Meara merely nodded in acceptance.

  "Second, we ask that you not launch any overbearing preemptive security measures. The lich will unquestionably escape if he believes that his presence is discovered."

  "That is not unreasonable, though I will replace myself with a body double as soon as possible."

  "You may do so if you wish, but we also wanted to ask about the priests you have in your employ. One of the few truly effective counters to the lich will be powerful holy magic. The two priests you've hired to protect you would be invaluable in the battle."


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