New Game Minus: The Complete LitRPG Fantasy Trilogy

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New Game Minus: The Complete LitRPG Fantasy Trilogy Page 103

by Sarah Lin

  Meara couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and glance at her companions, but since they were obviously leaving the talking to her, she turned back to the barbarian woman. "I can't say that we know exactly what's going on, but... we believe you. Things aren't as they should be lately."

  "You can say that again. Because everything about Raigar had been erased, Kantan - that's our leader - sent us out to look for him. But things are getting worse and there are strange creatures in the desert, so it's getting rough."

  "We've noticed."

  "Is there any way we can talk to Raigar? Kantan wanted to talk to him about everything."

  Could they use the Savages Guild as allies? Though Meara considered it seriously, she felt certain that there would be complications with a large number of allies who didn't understand the full situation. On top of that, they might be the only people in the Manascas region who had kept their heads through it all. "I don't think that will work, but we need any information you have."

  The woman stared at them for a long time, then slowly shook her head. "I'm getting the feeling that this is a bit beyond us. We just want Manascas to stay safe."

  "You haven't had any attacks from silver-eyed monsters or strange foreigners?"

  "Not in Manascas. Things have been... unusually normal ever since the strange change."

  "Then the city itself is probably fine." Meara closed her eyes, considering what to say next. "But there are people out there behind these problems. We need to find them and stop them."

  "We might be able to help a bit there." The barbarian woman unfolded her arms and began toying with the handle of the axe at her belt. "Our Guild has connections to some others in the big cities. Apparently there was some sort of big fight south of here. Nobody seems to know who it was, but they split up - some of them went to Cresthaven and some to Edsdam. We were trying to find news, but then... Manascas got strange. That's why we spread out to other towns, looking for anyone who knew what was going on."

  That was exactly the kind of information they had come to find. Meara thanked the woman and inquired for more information, but there didn't seem to be much more to learn. The idea that their opponents were moving south made Meara doubly motivated to catch up to them, but Danniah lingered as Meara started to go.

  "Umm... I had a question about your skills." Danniah looked up nervously at the barbarian woman, even though Danniah was probably stronger and tougher than her.

  "You mean the Guild's skills?"

  "That's right. I wanted to ask about how you taught Raigar them, specifically the rage thing."

  The barbarian woman nodded. "A warrior's battle rage, yes. If Raigar managed to channel his, then he must have become fearsome indeed."

  "Actually... that's just it. He managed it, but he seems... not himself. We've fought together a lot and I've seen him angry, but this... I really don't like it." Danniah was being much more open than Meara wanted with someone they didn't really know, but it was obviously important to her. In any case, the woman took her concern seriously and thought about it for a while.

  "Your battle rage is part of who you are. We've had a few who raged and tried to kill someone they've always hated. But if the two of you fight together, you should have nothing to fear."

  "It's not that he ever hurt anyone, he just seemed... well..."

  "When you see Raigar again, tell him what I said." The barbarian woman hefted her axe and started moving away. "I don't know what he's dealing with, and I don't know what all of you are trying to fight. Seems like this is bigger than just one Guild, so all we can do is wish you good luck."

  With that, they said farewell to her and headed out of Kahhar. Danniah put her helm back on and everyone stayed far out of their way, but Meara wasn't able to enjoy it in the slightest.

  There were too many questions about their opponents left unanswered, and potentially very little time left to answer them.

  Chapter 24

  For a while after his companions left, Bloodwraith stared at the circle obsessively, afraid that it would simply vanish. Yet it seemed that the portal was stable, even when he moved away from it. He didn't do so, as an active opening into the world was an invitation for something to come through from the other direction.

  While he guarded the entrance and waited for his allies, he instead examined his boxes again:

  [Name: Raigar

  Race: Human

  Class: Barbarian

  Alignment: Good

  Health: 285/285

  Mana: 43/43

  Weapon Mana: 9/9

  Stamina: 171/171

  Level: 18

  EXP: 1,396,448/1,476,225


  Might: 76 (91)

  Vitality: 43 (53)

  Quickness: 50 (64)

  Intellect: 27 (28)

  Charisma: 14

  Willpower: 24 (27)

  Wisdom: 17 (18)

  Luck: 21

  Piety: 0

  Combat Skills: Cleave (13), Fist of Rage (17), Sword of Rage (15), Shout of Rage (9), Skill Enraging (10), Rage of Rage (8)

  Skills: Two-handed Weapons (19), Evasion (18), Survivalism (8), Herbalism (8), Manual Labor (2), Swimming (2)

  Special Skill: Undead Companion (19)

  Proficiencies: Greatsword, Heavy Armor]

  [Inventory (Extra-dimensional Bag)

  Equipment: Lodestone Greatsword, Armor of the Tyrant (set), Leather Gloves of Strength, Fellwolf Cloak, Fellsword (unusable)

  Rings: Improved Ring of Might, Ring of Quickness x2, Improved Ring of Quickness, Ring of Might, Sandstrider Ring, Greater Warrior's Ring, Barbarian's Ring

  Items: Peasant's Outfit, Health Potion x9, Mana Potion x9, Failed Potion x9

  Key Items: Amulet of Reincarnation, Scepter of Annihilation

  Money: 3 G, 41 S, 92 C]

  Though he had clearly developed considerably, he found himself mostly dissatisfied. He was sitting a mere 80,000 EXP from the next Level, yet once he returned to the normal world, that amount would hardly be trivial. He also seemed to be stuck at 19 for key skills like Two-handed Weapons and Undead Companion - due to how the box gods liked numbers, he was certain that reaching 20 would produce some sort of benefit for both.

  Would it be enough? Though that power did have real, concrete substance even to his opponents, he had also gotten a demonstration of just how easily the Outsiders could invest large amounts of power in single entities. If they created such powerful creatures for their own amusement, what would they be capable of if they were completely serious?

  "Looking at boxes again?" Gharavi appeared behind him and he actually jumped, having been fully absorbed in his considerations.

  "You can't see them, can you?"

  "No, but you get a certain look in your eyes whenever you do." She leaned over the circle to peer into the desert, then sighed and sat down beside him. "I'm going to worry about the others until they get back, but I suppose there's nothing we can say on that."

  "Agreed." Bloodwraith began to look at Gharavi's box, then reconsidered. While the boxes were one of their most powerful tools, it would be a mistake to consider them alone. Indeed, the only reason they could actually be a threat was because of abilities that broke the system, such as Meara's bugged nature, Izzy's broken mechanics... or Gharavi's anti-Outsider spell.

  The sorcerer gave him a raised eyebrow. "That's quite a stare. You aren't ogling my boxes, are you? I think Meara would have something to say about that."

  "Actually, no. I was reflecting on the nature of the system itself." He waved a hand to the chamber around them. "The designers of this 'Testing Dungeon' repeatedly referred to fairness and systems that didn't work quite as intended. We might be able to beat them at their own game, but I don't think we can beat them if they stop playing the game. To do that, we need to keep thinking further outside the rules."

  "You have something in mind?"

  "Nothing concrete, just a feeling." Bloodwraith reached into his Extra-dimensional Bag and pulled out o
ne of Meara's failed potions. After staring at the liquid for a while, he handed it to Gharavi. "If these are 'bugged' I think we need you to be bugged as well. We should run further experiments until these apply to you as well."

  "They taste awful, but I'll try." Gharavi accepted the potion, braced herself for a sip... then blinked and drank deeper. "This time... I don't know, it's not exactly like any other potion I've ever felt, but I feel just slightly better in all respects."

  Bloodwraith hadn't expected it to be that easy and frowned. "Curious... Danniah also became able to drink Meara's potions at some point when we weren't looking, without any announcement from the boxes. I wonder if you might have made yourself compatible when you nullified the effects on you."

  "If I did. But I think it's just as likely that the effect of your group transferred over to me, since we've been working and fighting together for so long."

  "Yes, that's likely. I just wish the boxes could be clearer about such elements. I've come to rely on their objective measurements to make decisions."

  "Why can't they be clearer?" When Bloodwraith glanced over at her, Gharavi continued slowly. "The Outsiders may have created the boxes as a game, but they interact with real magic in a flexible way. You've already told me about instances where they initially said one thing and you forced them to acknowledge something else. Why not do the same here?"

  "Easier said than done." Even as he grumbled, however, Bloodwraith realized that he had been considering things in too narrow-minded a fashion. Alan had been able to view Meara's condition in a logical way, so in theory he could as well.

  He stared at Gharavi for a long time, willing her box to reveal more information to him. If she had been Meara, she would have mocked him, but Gharavi just frowned and began working with her bone necklace. After a time, he realized that she was using her anti-Outsider magic alongside him. They weren't certain what they were pushing toward, but they could slowly bend the system to their will...

  All at once, a new box appeared, flickering weakly:

  [Gharavi's Special Characteristics:


  Outsider Beam

  Fellsilver Resistance

  Affection System Resistance

  Failed Potion Glitch]

  Though he needed to squint to read the text properly, Bloodwraith found himself smiling. Excellent. The information contained within might not be groundbreaking, but it proved the concept that the boxes could be forced to acknowledge even conditions that were considered glitches. Gharavi saw his expression and raised an eyebrow.

  "Well? Let me know what it says."

  "It is simply a listing of traits that you possess, but that were never listed before. For example, the spell you use against Outsiders has never been listed in the boxes, but it is displayed here. Likewise, the fact that Meara's potions work for you merits a line."

  "Good, then. That's a step forward."

  "The curious thing is that it claims 'Fellsilver Resistance' is among your traits." Bloodwraith stared at it, willing the boxes to give him more information, but they refused. That was perhaps unsurprising, since the additional information had been set up to explain elements of the established system, whereas this was something he had created himself. "You haven't created such a thing yourself, have you?"

  "No. I'm not familiar enough with that Aesidh magic to have worked on it." Gharavi considered the matter seriously for a moment, then nodded to herself. "You should attempt to do the same on other members of our group. I wonder if it is not a characteristic granted by the Earthian magic, as it runs counter to the Aesidh magic."

  "A reasonable theory, as the Earthian mentioned something about immunity." Bloodwraith tried to turn his attention inward and summon a similar box for himself, but failed to produce one. Either the technique was fundamentally dissimilar or he was missing some other detail.

  They waited in silence for a while longer, but Bloodwraith's mind was working quickly on this new subject. After checking that their companions had yet to return, he caught Gharavi's attention and nodded to the glowing circle.

  "Could we try to use your magic against this system? It could be extremely powerful if bent to our will."

  Gharavi shook her head. "I would be very nervous about forcing a spell directly against it - this magic feels old and fragile."

  "Pity. But I suppose if even the Earthians were not capable of making the system work, we cannot be expected to figure it out."

  "I could try the power that you're using to access it, though. Focus on it again." When Bloodwraith brought up the Fast Travel box, Gharavi seemed to sense it, closing her eyes and reaching out in that direction. There was a soft gray glow around her necklace, then an imperceptible shift. "That's the most I dare to do... did it change anything?"

  "Not that I can s... wait." The map was unchanged, but Bloodwraith spotted a pair of symbols along the edge. They reminded him of the symbols that had opened new boxes back in the tavern, so he experimentally touched one. The first had no effect, but the second changed the map entirely.

  After a moment of incomprehension, he realized that he was looking at a map of the Testing Dungeon itself. Yes, and a further set of other symbols let him change between its three floors. Bloodwraith chuckled darkly. "Well done, Gharavi. It seems that we can use this system to travel inside the dungeon itself."

  "Does that help us?"

  "It does if we want to return to the first floor and slay the enemies left there. I recognize that it would do me more good than you, but..."

  "No, I would welcome the chance to harvest ingredients from the leader. It is worth attempting."

  They said nothing more, Bloodwraith looking through the symbols of the map further. One of them created a menu with many sliding symbols, just like in the tavern. Some of them didn't seem to work, while others changed superficial aspects of the map. But he was most curious about a set of symbols to one side... three seemed to be connected to displaying the three floors of the dungeon, so why was there a fourth?

  Before he could figure anything else out, a distorted voice came from the floor. "Hello? Is everything still okay in there?"

  Danniah. Bloodwraith willed the boxes aside and rose to lean over the portal. He saw Danniah smiling on the other side and was relieved to see Meara and Izzy with her as well, apparently unharmed. They carefully made their way back through the portal and reoriented themselves, then Bloodwraith finally let the portal close.

  It immediately let off a series of sparks and he felt the mana shift wildly. He looked in alarm, while both Gharavi and Meara leaned closer to check it. They glanced at one another, then Meara spoke.

  "This portal is unstable and it's getting worse. We shouldn't overuse it."

  "Hopefully we need only use it a few more times. But what have you learned?"

  They explained what they had found in Kahhar and Bloodwraith listened silently. It was useful information that suggested troubling developments, but not entirely enough to develop a plan. Perhaps it would be necessary to send a group to Cresthaven or Edsdam to learn more, though holding open the portal again might be a serious risk.

  As for what the member of the Savages Guild said, Bloodwraith wasn't sure what to make of it. Of course the foolish Rage of Rage skill was poorly suited to him - this entire body wasn't his, merely a structure he inhabited. But that did him no good either way, so he put it out of mind.

  "I think we should clear out the first floor," Bloodwraith said. "It represents power for me and Izzy, plus Gharavi can take components that would be useful to all of us. Most likely, we will not be able to return to this place once we leave, so this is our only chance. Since the world is not about to collapse in our absence, I say we take that opportunity."

  He had expected that he might need to convince some of them, but they all agreed easily enough, especially once he explained that they could use the Fast Travel system within the dungeon. They took a moment to drink the appropriate potions from Meara, just in case their startin
g location was poor, and then they headed into the circle.

  To Bloodwraith's surprise, instead of dropping through a portal, they ended up standing on a similar circle in the final room of the first floor. Not only did it look similar, the same Fast Travel system appeared when he focused on it. Excellent, then they did not even need to retrace their steps once.

  Of course, as soon as they brought down the stone door, they would be facing a grave threat on the other side. Bloodwraith told himself that this time, he would not retreat.

  In the end, it wasn't even a battle.

  The monsters were as strong as before, but his party had changed. Meara's potions granted them significantly more strength than in the beginning. Danniah took the lead, capable of fending off the attackers and even knocking them down with her shield. Izzy darted in and out of combat, her teeth snapping and tearing out chunks of their opponents' flesh. And Gharavi stayed at the back and expertly flung spells of all elements, bringing down any opponents who got past the others.

  Though the crystal-laden horse proved slightly more difficult, capable of reflecting spells and some physical attacks, they even overcame that without great difficulty. It was strong, but his group was accustomed to dealing with far larger threats. Backed up by the others, Bloodwraith easily pushed through the monster's attacks and hacked off its head.

  [Victory! You received 154,201 EXP, Crystal Steed Body x1...]

  The box went on for a very long time, listing everything else they had left behind, but Bloodwraith barely cared about that. More importantly, the battle had finally given him what he needed to reach Level 19...

  [Congratulations! You gained a level!

  Current Level: 19

  Current EXP: 74,424/2,214,338

  Unassigned Stat Points: 5]

  For the sake of old times, he distributed the new points between Might, Vitality, and Quickness just as he once had. Looking at the monstrous amount necessary for the next Level... he doubted he would reach it and set aside such concerns. He was done with dungeons and quests - what mattered now was stopping the Outsiders who had been toying with their world.


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