The Class Election from the Black Lagoon (Black Lagoon Adventures series Book 3)

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The Class Election from the Black Lagoon (Black Lagoon Adventures series Book 3) Page 2

by Mike Thaler

  Poll Position

  Yum, that was good. Now what

  can I do?

  With my allowance, I couldn’t

  afford to give out water. Anyway,

  I’m not going to buy votes. I’m

  going to stand on my principal.

  He may get angry, though.


  I can’t let Doris get ahead in

  the polls. The polls tell how peo-

  ple are planning to vote. I could

  climb the flag poll.

  I could buy a horse and win

  the gallop poll. I could go to

  Antarctica and visit the South

  Poll. I could even go to Poll-land

  with a fishing poll.

  How can I poll vault ahead?

  I have to do something to give

  Doris her just desserts.



  Chapter 14

  Taking a Stand

  I need to do something

  outstanding—something awe-

  some, something that betters the

  school. But what?

  I could mow the grass and

  have a lawn sale. I could rename

  the gym . . . Ted. I could take

  home plate home and put it in

  the dishwasher.



  Wow! All the kids have

  dropped their ice cream wrap-

  pers on the floor. I’ll pick them

  up. I’ll be an environmental hero.

  I’ll be the candidate of the Mrs.

  Green Party! I’ll save the planet.

  This feels good.

  Now I do stand for something.


  Chapter 15

  Election Jitters

  The pre-election night is a

  rough one. What if no one votes

  for me? Not even the boys. What

  if I lose by a landslide?

  The power of ice cream is

  awesome. If I vote for myself, at

  least I’ll have one vote. But every-

  one will know whose it is. Eric

  got two ice cream bars. Even he

  may not vote for me.


  When I fall asleep, I have a

  nightmare . . .

  I’m climbing up a slippery

  giant ice cream sundae. It’s a

  mountain of vanilla with hot

  fudge. Doris is sitting on top—

  laughing, with a cherry on her

  head. I keep slipping and sliding,

  and she keeps laughing louder

  and louder until finally there’s a

  thunderous roar. And I’m

  covered in a vanilla landslide.

  I wake up and my head’s under

  my pillow. It’s Election Day!



  Chapter 16

  High Noon

  Mrs. Green passes out pieces

  of paper. I’m ready to pass out

  with nervousness. It’s a secret


  Doris looks very confident.

  She’s got a box of doughnuts for


  her victory party—chocolate-

  coconut. I really hope that every-

  one doesn’t drop his or her nap-

  kins on the floor.

  Well, I’m voting for me —

  doughnuts or not.



  Mrs. Green collects the ballots.

  Our names are written on the

  chalkboard. Doris and I are on

  top. Mrs. Green marks one vote

  for Doris. I hope that’s Doris’s

  vote. Then she marks another

  vote for Doris. That’s probably

  Freddy’s. He can’t resist choco-


  Then she marks one vote for

  me. That’s probably mine. I won-

  der if Doris will let me come

  to her victory party. Then she

  marks another vote for me!

  Eric winks.

  Wow! We’re tied. It won’t be

  a landslide after all. Mrs. Green

  marks another vote for me. And

  another. And another. I can’t

  believe it!

  When all the votes are

  counted . . . I’ve won. I’m president!

  I can throw out the first ball in

  the little league game.


  I look over at Doris. She has

  a tear in her eye. I go over and

  give her my last clean tissue. We

  shake hands.

  She opens up her box of

  doughnuts and offers me one.

  She really has class. I want her in

  my cabinet, or even better—I’ll

  make her my first lady!





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