Life In Death (Book 1): Surviving Death (The Struggle)

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Life In Death (Book 1): Surviving Death (The Struggle) Page 5

by Holmes, Ethan

“The kid has a point. You deserved some R&R,” Tommy said.

  “Thanks guys…” Frank said guiltily.

  “Oh, shut up and get some food in your stomach, son,” Robby chuckled as he handed him a plate.

  “What’s on the menu?” Frank asked.

  “That young lady, uh, Natalie fried up some squash and boiled some green beans, broccoli, and some corn. Got some vegetable soup on the stove for tonight,” Robby said.

  “Vegetarians dream. I do love fried squash, though. I think we will do some hunting in the next few days. Hopefully we can bag some rabbits or maybe even a deer,” Frank said while scooping some food on his plate, his mouth already watering. “Wow this is great. I’m surprised you’re not fat, Tommy. Natalie is a great cook.”

  “It ain’t easy. It takes a lot of work to keep this girlish figure,” Tommy said as he leaned back, rubbed his chest and stomach. Everyone in the room laughed, heartily.

  “Ok, fill me in. What did I miss,” he asked, still chuckling.

  Anna stepped forward. “Well, we got the stove out and got it cleaned up. We stripped out the spare wood from the barn and sealed it up. We got everything else settled in, and got a schedule set up for the watches. Kim and Jim are on watch right now. You, Steve, Tommy and I will be taking over for them at six o’clock. We were about to start on boarding up the windows if you want to give us a hand after you’re done eating.”

  “Damn. What do you need me for? Sounds like you guys have it all covered,” Frank said with a smile.

  “It was all your idea. You just weren’t around for the results,” Steve chuckled.

  “Ok. Let me scarf down my food and I will be there to help,” he said as he stabbed some squash with his fork.

  After he was done eating, Frank went into the living room and saw Karen holding up one side of a plank on the windows while Steve held up the other side hammering nails in.

  “Ok. I’m here. Where’s my hammer?” Frank offered. He felt a hard tap on his shoulder and turned to see Robby with a toolbox.

  “Here you go. I’m like Santa, you ask for something and I deliver,” Robby said with a giggle, handing a hammer and nails to Frank.

  It took two hours to finish all the work and Frank still had plenty of energy to spare. He began putting together a list of things that he wanted to go over with Steve that night. It was a two part list; what they needed and what they wanted. Frank would go over what they needed for the group and made sure that this part would get done first.

  About three hours before there shift was to end; Frank and Steve sorted out the list, adding to it and retracting things that really didn’t have to happen. A lot of parts were completely rearranged.

  “Well I think that we need to get some supplies for Karen to start knitting winter clothes for the group. They were saying that this is supposed to be a harsh winter,” Steve explained.

  “Guess we need to add that for our trip to town tomorrow. I’m pretty sure there was a place like that near the grocery store. Speaking of which, we need to come up with a plan for that and who will be going,” Frank said.

  “Well, I’ve been thinking about it and I think that I should go and hit the other pharmacies around town for antibiotics and other meds. So I guess that I will volunteer.”

  “That sounds pretty good. We should also get a few people out in the woods to do some hunting, so we need to pick up some hunting gear. That doesn’t have to be right now though. We can survive on what we have right now but there’s no telling when we can bag enough meat to feed all of us. We could also get a tree stand for the tree out back. Sitting on that branch isn’t comfy,” Frank said, shifting uncomfortable, remembering how much his rear end hurt.

  “Very true. Ok, I will ask around to see if we have any hunters. Jim looks like a good ol’ boy, maybe he knows how to hunt. If he does then he can go too and we can hit up an outdoor place. What else?”

  “I can’t think of anything else besides the grocery store so we should probably break up into two small groups to make it quicker. After that’s cleaned out then we will have to start hitting abandoned homes for canned…” Frank stopped midsentence. Something was coming up behind them. Frank swung his rifle around as fast as he could only to see Anna standing ten feet from them.

  “You scared the hell out of me,” Frank whispered as loud as he could.

  “Sorry. Just coming to check up on you two. Haven’t heard from you in a while.”

  “Yeah, sorry. We’ve just been going over the party to go to town tomorrow. Any suggestions?” Frank said, still trying to get his blood pressure down.

  “What are we going to get?”

  Frank explained the plan to her.

  “Why a fabric store,” she asked.

  “Winter clothes. We could just go out and get new clothes when they wear out but it’s safer if Karen can just mend the ones we have or make new ones. Steve, in the morning can you get a list from her of what she needs?”

  “Sure. I have no idea what that stuff looks like though, and I’m pretty sure Karen is a bit too old to come with us.”

  “We will just have to get a good description of what they look like. We will have a group meeting and ask for volunteers,” Frank explained.

  “Well, you have one here. I can lead one of the teams into town. I’m heading back. Need anything before I go,” Anna asked.

  “Nope. Thanks Anna,” Frank said with a smile.

  Anna gave a half lazy salute returning the smile and headed back to the tree.

  “So what’s the story between you two,” Steve asked.

  “No story, why,” he replied with concern in his voice.

  “I’ve been around for a while, Frank, and what I see between you two says only two things, either something has already happened or really should very soon,” Steve said.

  “I think we are a bit too busy to think or act on it,” Frank replied depressingly.

  “Are you shitting me? If you have even the slightest chance with that beautiful woman, I don’t care what needs to be done, but you take that chance. I will cover for you in a heartbeat. We don’t have very many things left in this world to look forward to, that would be a big one for you, Frank,” he said sternly.

  “Fine. I’ll work on it. Just do me a favor and keep this to yourself. I don’t want this getting back to the group,” Frank explained.

  “You two make it a little obvious. Pretty sure they all know,” Steve replied with a chuckle.


  Chapter 5

  The Trip

  Three hours later Frank had everyone out at the JERRV.

  “I know everyone hasn’t had their coffee yet and are pretty cranky but as you all know we are planning a trip into town for this afternoon.”

  Frank explained the plan to them. “…Anna will lead the team to the fabric and grocery store. Steve will go with her since it has a pharmacy and I will lead the team to the outdoor store. What we still need is someone experienced with hunting and someone who knows their way around a fabric store. Any volunteers?”

  Kim raised her hand. “I’ve dabbled in sowing and knitting so I guess I can go.”

  Jim stepped up. “I used to hunt in my spare time so I can go too.”

  “Can I go with my dad,” Will uttered.

  Frank looked at Steve who had an amazed look in his eyes. “It’s up to you. We both know he has the balls for it.”

  Steve signed heavily. “…Ok. I can’t treat you like a child forever.”

  “Tommy, you’ll be in charge here. Weapons close at all times. Not as many of us here to help protect the place. Clear?” Frank said

  “Crystal,” Tommy said, eyes still glazed over from the lack of coffee.

  “You in the glasses. What was your name again?” Frank said pointing at the only member who doesn’t really talk to anyone.

  “Me? Kurt, sir,” Kurt said nervously.

  “Don’t sir me, Kurt. You’ll be heading to town with Jim and me,” Frank said smiling.
  “Uh... O-ok,” Kurt said looking like he might have an panic attack.

  Frank turn to the overnight watch. “Go get some sleep. We will leave at noon.”

  Steve rubbed the back of his neck as he walked toward the house. “This overnight stuff is giving me grays.”

  Tommy turned around to look at him and walked backwards. “Yeah. Big, manly grays.”

  Steve couldn’t help but laugh.

  Frank called out to Kurt and motioned for him to stay by the JERRV.

  “Listen son, I know you’re scared, but you need to realize that if you don’t man-up you won’t survive this shit. You could use a bit of personality too. No one knows you exist here. Be more talkative. Volunteer for stuff. We’re all friends here. We have to help each other. What skills do you have?” Frank tried to reason some will out of him.

  “Not much that will help here. I was an electrical engineer before this happened.”

  “That’s actually good. I’ve been thinking about putting up some radios and you can help maintain them. You could also learn more skills from other people. If you can get an electrical engineering degree then you could learn anything. Right,” Frank said noticed a glimmer of hope in the guy.

  “Hmm. Never thought about that. Ok, I can do that.”

  “Ok, then. I will see you back here in a few hours,” Frank said as he walked past Kurt heading inside.

  Frank walked up stairs to the bed that awaited him when Anna grabbed his arm as she left the bathroom.

  “You watch yourself around that guy. I don’t trust him not to leave you to get eaten to save himself.”

  “You’re so sweet to worry about me. Don’t worry. I will break him in or I will shoot him if he tries.”

  Their eyes met and she gazed into his. “I just don’t want anything to happen to you…I don’t know what I would do.”

  Frank met her gaze and stepped closer to her. “You trust me, right?”

  She moved even closer, almost touching him. “More than anyone…” And with that she leaned up to kiss him. Their lips met and the passion that they had built up for each other was nearly more than they could control. Anna started to pull him into the bathroom when Frank pulled away.

  “I’m going to kick myself in the ass for this later but we can’t. Not now anyway,” Frank said barely able to breathe.

  “You’re right. We should get some sleep, but we could continue where we left off when we get back, right,” Anna asked still meeting his gaze.

  “Oh God. I hope so,” he said as he fought his own urges.

  She smiled and started to walk past Frank, being sure to touch his chest as she went by. “I’ll see you in a little while.”

  “Like I’m actually going to sleep now. Looks like I got a cold shower coming…” he said to himself.

  Frank woke to Robby calling him. “Get up, Frank. It’s almost time for you to go to town.”

  Frank raised himself up, still groggy. “Thanks, Robby. I’ll be down in a minute.”

  “Ok. Hurry. Natalie cooked up some food so you guys could eat before you left.”

  Frank made his way down stairs to find Natalie sitting the food on the table for the group.

  “I never thought veggies could taste so good,” Frank said as he drove his fork through some green beans.

  “I never thought I would ever be cooking for so many people. I’d always dreamed that I would have my own restaurant. By the way, I never thanked you for saving us. I thought we would die in that storm room. I never thought that I would ever see Tommy again. Thanks to you, we had a happy ending,” she said while tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Frank put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her. “What kind of person would I be if I let you or Tommy die? You’re my friends and I’m not about to let you get eaten.”

  She laughed through her light sobs. “You just keep them safe out there and come back. We need you here.”

  “Yes ma’am,” he said then stuffed the last of his food in his mouth and headed outside.

  Everyone was waiting for him before they loaded up.

  “Ok, here’s the plan. When we get there, make sure it’s all clear before you get out of the trucks. Circle the block a few times to lure them away if you have to. Remember to check your corners before moving through. No one goes anywhere alone and your weapon never leaves your hand. Be as quick as possible.”

  He looked at Anna. “We will meet up at Leavenworth and Highway 24 and head back together. Check-in on the radio every ten minutes. Got it?”

  Everyone nodded.

  “Ok. Load up.”

  His eyes met Anna’s. “Be careful.”

  “You too,” she said showing a soft smile.

  Frank sat down in the van and started the engine. Jim and Kurt followed. As soon as Jim closed the door he looked at Frank.

  “So what’s going on between you and Anna,” Jim asked.

  “Oh God, not you too. Nothing is going on.”

  “Yet, you mean,” Jim said with a big smile on his face.

  Kurt chimed in, thumbing the sagging glasses back up on his nose. “Come on. Even I can see that look in both your eyes. If something hasn’t happened yet, it needs to.”

  “I got to agree with him, Frank. We don’t have much to live for already, so you need to hurry up and do something about it. Oh, and I want details,” Jim requested.

  “Thank you, Dr. Phil,” Frank said as he hit the gas and sped down the road.

  When they got into town, they found it deserted. Frank looked at Anna and sounded the “go ahead” over the radio. The two vehicles went in two different directions heading to their respective missions.

  Frank pulled in front of the Rick’s outdoors store with no Biters in sight. He walked up to the doors and found that they were locked.

  “Just great. Now what do we do,” Jim asked in frustration.

  “Relax, would you? This is a good thing and lucky for you, I’m a professional,” Frank said as he took out his lock pick set and went to work on the door. Within minutes the doors were open.

  “Weapons out. Hopefully the locked doors means no one’s home but be cautious anyway.”

  “So what exactly are we looking for? I’m kind of new at this,” Kurt whispered.

  “All the hunting gear, weapons, ammo, and camping gear that we can fit into the van. Go grab some buggies and stay within sight of each other. We’ll head for the hunting gear first. Jim, that’s your area so grab whatever you think we need. Oh, and a tree stand for the back yard,” Frank explained.

  With a whole shopping cart full of hunting clothes and other hunting supplies they headed over to the weapons counter. As they walked up to the counter, a man brandishing a hunting rifle popped up from behind the counter pointing the rifle at the group. Frank put up his hands to show him he wasn’t a threat. The man was very young, muscular with dark brown hair.

  “What do you want,” the man asked.

  “We’re just here to get some supplies. We’re not going to hurt you,” he said as he holstered his pistol and motioned the others to do the same. “What’s your name, son?”

  “Nick,” he said as he slowly lowered his rifle.

  “Nice to meet you, Nick. I’m Frank. This is Jim and Kurt. How long have you been here, Nick,” he asked as he pulled a nutrition bar and water out of his cargo pocket.

  “Since it started…” he answered on the verge of a mental breakdown.

  “Jesus…Here.” He handed Nick the food and water. Nick didn’t hesitate to tear in to the packaging.

  “Well, you can’t stay here. You’ll be dead by the end of the week. So why don’t you help us finish up here and we can take you home with us?”

  “Really? You’d do that?” Nick cried.

  “Sure, why wouldn’t I? The more the merrier. Besides you look like a strong guy, we could use you and you’d be a lot safer with us,” Frank said.

  “Oh my God! Thank you so much,” he exclaimed as he was holding back tears and sobs. />
  “Welcome. Come on. Let’s finish up here and get out,” he said as he patted him on the back.

  Nick looked up at Frank. “What do you still need? I work…eh…worked here so I can help you find anything you need.”

  “Well we already have all the hunting gear. We still need weapons, all the semi-autos that you have and all the ammo. I have a list of the ammo that we need and we’ll need ammo for weapons that we find here. Don’t bother with the hunting rifles, we already have a few but if you see a scope you can’t live without then grab it,” Frank said.

  “Got it. It’ll take me a couple minutes to get all this ammo together,” Nick said with a new found resolve.

  “Outstanding. Jim, stay here and help him. Kurt and I will go get the camping stuff.”

  “You got it.”

  As they got everything loaded up in the van Frank told Nick to lock the store doors behind him to keep out the Biters.

  “It’ll be a lot safer that way,” Frank said.

  “What if someone needs stuff from there,” Kurt asked.

  “A glass door isn’t going to stop a desperate person,” Jim explained.

  As they loaded up in the car they started to hear gunfire off in the distance and Frank immediately reached for his radio.

  “Bravo, come in,” Frank called out.

  “Nice timing, Alpha! Horde met us at the door! We’re pinned down! Could use some help,” Anna yelled over gun fire but sounding as calm as ever. “Will! Aim for the head.”

  “We’ll be there in five minutes! Hold until then.”

  “Roger,” she said and the radio squelched then went silent.

  In 4 minutes the van screeched to a halt. Frank felt anxious at the sight of 30 or more of the Biter horde, many already lying at their feet. Frank jetted to a position to flank the horde. He jumped out of the van, barking orders.

  “Alright, everyone out. Lock and load. Aim for the head. Rifles only. Only shoot at what you can hit. And watch your fire, our people are right on the other side of that glass door,” Frank barked.

  Frank raised his M4 and began picking off one Biter after another with expert accuracy. As their numbers started to fall, Frank started to advance on them. Step after step, shots rang from the muzzle of Frank’s weapon. This was what he was trained for, sending metal to meet flesh. Soon, there was only one left and he took care of it with the butt of his weapon. Frank began clearing the truck which was parked in front of the main doors of the Knitting’s and Things. Anna saw him through the door and immediately opened the doors and threw her arms around him.


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