Life In Death (Book 1): Surviving Death (The Struggle)

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Life In Death (Book 1): Surviving Death (The Struggle) Page 12

by Holmes, Ethan

  Anna walked over to Frank.

  “You guys did really well. Next time, just take cover. I don’t want anything to happen to you,” she said as she cupped his face with both her hands.

  “I will.”

  “So, who wants bacon,” Steve asked, sarcastically.

  Everyone laughed. This was the break they all desperately needed.

  “All right. Everyone give me some room. I’ll get them cut up. It may take a while to get them both done. Might not be any bacon until breakfast,” Jim said as he was sharpening his knife.

  An hour later, Tommy pulled Anna aside.

  “I’m worried about Frank. After he took down that boar, he just stood there smiling. It was weird.”

  “Maybe he was just happy about getting some extra food,” Anna reasoned.

  “I don’t think so. I’ve seen him like that. This was way different. Creepy even. Just keep an eye on him,” Tommy whispered.

  “I will. Thanks Tommy,” Anna replied. Now, she was worried.

  Everyone settled in for the night. Their bellies were full and happy. Anna and Frank laid in bed.

  “You guys did do really well today, Frank. This was good for everyone. I think they all feel a little better. Tommy is worried about you, though,” Anna whispered.

  “What? Why,” Frank asked.

  “He said that you were acting a little weird after the boar. He said you were just standing there smiling at it,” she said.

  Frank chuckled. “Oh. I was just thinking about something.”

  Anna squinted. She was curious. “Thinking about what?”

  “I think Karen is looking out for us,” Frank said.

  Anna squinted at him, not understanding. “What are you talking about?” Anna said.

  “Last week, Karen and I were talking about how much we missed bacon,” Frank said with a smile. “It made me think of her.”

  Anna looked at Frank. “I guess you’re right… I didn’t take you as the religious type.”

  “I’m not really. Just nice to think about it that way,” Frank said.

  “You’re right. It is,” Anna said, smiling at him.

  Chapter 15


  Weeks had passed since Karen’s death and the group’s morale had slowly started to climb. The group had decided to do a bit of spring cleaning. Most of the group was inside the house except for Frank and Anna who cleaned out the vehicles.

  “It’s amazing how dirty this JERRV gets…” Frank said as he swept out the dirt.

  “I’m surprised that it’s not worse. This is the first time we’ve cleaned it out since this all started. God knows when it was cleaned before that,” Anna responded.

  “You got a point,” Frank said as he kissed the top of Anna’s head.

  Frank heard the sound of a vehicle going down the road. He jumped out of the truck and whistled as loud as he could, the sign to the others that they had company and to be ready. He turned back toward the road just in time to see three SUVs turn toward the house. Anna got out of the JERRV and joined Frank. Frank started to fill the tingle that trouble was coming, his soldier’s intuition. The vehicles parked in front of the two and all the occupants got out of the vehicles, armed to the teeth.

  ‘Yep. Trouble,’ Frank thought.

  “Can we help you?” Frank asked.

  The man in the center, a skinny man with blonde hair walked toward them.

  “Yeah, we were just passing by and saw this big truck of yours. We figured someone must be alive over here,” he said.

  “Well, here we are. What can we do for you,” Frank asked, keeping his hand close to his side arm. Frank noticed something off about the men. They couldn’t be still. They were all a little shaky. Almost like they were coming down off of a drug. One of them was shaking so hard that his rifle was rattling.

  “We are always picking people up who need help. Would you guys like to come back with us? You’ll be safe at our little base. We have a few families with us already,” he said.

  “No thanks. We’re fine,” Frank said.

  “Is it just the two of you? You’ll be much safer with us,” he said.

  “It’s just the two of us. Like I said, we’ll be fine.”

  “Just the two of you, huh. I’m sorry to say that we are going to take the truck and both of you anyway,” he said as he started raising his weapon.

  Frank whistled again. Fire rained down on the men from the windows of the second story of the house. The men had no time to react except for the man in the center who got one shot, grazing Frank’s upper left arm. Frank didn’t notice. He already had his weapon drawn. He and Anna gunned the man down. After the ensuing carnage, he looked at Anna.

  “I’m ok,” she said. Her heart was still racing.

  Frank stepped forward, weapon still at the ready. He was certain they were all dead but he knew he couldn’t be too careful. Frank and Anna began clearing the SUVs for any stragglers. They found none.

  The rest of the group came out of the house.

  “What’s the story, Frank? What did they want,” Tommy asked.

  Frank recalled the events for everyone. He turned to Anna.

  “Did you notice anything off about them?” Frank asked.

  “Besides being assholes? They were all a bit shaky. Figured it was nerves or drugs,” Anna replied.

  “Yeah but I don’t think it was drugs. There is really only one reason why they would want to force us to go with them,” Franks said.

  Steve realized what Frank was getting at. “Cannibals? You think they were cannibals?”

  “Holy shit. Just when you think the zombies are the worst thing out there. How do we know though,” Jim asked.

  “Cannibals… If they are eating mostly human meat, it causes a buildup of iron in their blood. The starting symptoms of iron poisoning is uncontrollable shakes, especially in the hands. It fits,” Steve said.

  “I think it’s time we find a new home… and quick, just in case there are more of them,” Frank said.

  “Son of a bitch.” Tommy looked down and pointed at Frank’s arm. “Hey Frank, you’re bleeding.”

  Frank grabbed his arm instinctively. He checked his arm, blood was already streaming down his arm, dripping from his finger tips. Steve walked over to him and checked out his wound.

  “This is going to need sutures, Frank,” Steve said.

  “Oh great. More scars,” he said as he winked at Anna.

  Within a few hours they had everything packed away in the semi-trailer. They had become proficient at picking up and moving on short notice. Frank stood in front of Karen’s grave, thinking.

  “You ok, Frank,” Anna asked as she and Steve walked up behind him. She started rubbing his back.

  “Just tired. Did we get everything,” Frank asked.

  “We think so. Jim and Jesse are giving the house another look,” she said.

  “Good. Let’s hit the road. We are going to take the suburban. We could always use another vehicle,” Frank said.

  “Good idea. I think the keys are still in it,” Steve said. Steve and Anna walked away toward the front yard.

  Frank knelt down, touching the cross on the grave.

  “Goodbye, Karen.”

  He got to his feet and walked away, heading toward the rest of the group.

  “Guys, listen up. We’re about to hit the road. We’re going to take the Suburban. Kurt could you drive it please,” Frank asked.

  “Sure,” Kurt said.

  “Good,” Frank said. He took the map out of his pocket and laid it out on the hood of the van.

  “Know of any more good areas, Steve,” Frank asked as he straightened out the map.

  “Yeah. If we take highway 24 down…” he said studying the map, “there is a dirt road about here that goes on for about five miles here. It’s not on the map. There is a house at the end here that is pretty big. If it isn’t occupied, it should be more than enough to hold all of us.”

  “That should keep us off the be
aten path. Sounds good. Let’s load up,” Frank announced.

  All four vehicles left the place they called home. No one was thrilled about having to find another one. Frank was in the van leading the group down the highway with Steve in the passenger seat navigating. As they approached the dirt road, Steve pointed towards it.

  “This should be it. Turn here,” Steve ordered.

  “Hopefully the semi will fit down this road,” Frank said.

  As they went down the dusty dirt road, Frank noticed a house in the distance over the tree line. It was massive. More like a manor than a house. As they pulled up into the yard, Frank got out of the van and gazed upon the huge house. This looked like a good place to settle down for a while. He would have liked a more open area. He didn’t like having the tree line so close to the house. He turned back to the group.

  “You guys know the drill. Tommy, Jim? You two are with me. The rest of you, clear the area. Be careful,” Frank ordered.

  “Will do. Be careful, Frank,” Anna said.

  Frank, Tommy, and Jim staged themselves along the wall, next to the door. Frank checked the door handle. It was locked. Frustration was clouding his mind. He nearly lost it and kicked in the door but was able to control himself. He took out his lock picks and went to work on the locks. Slowly and silently working the lock until it finally gave in. He quickly got up and put the pick set away. He looked back to see if the two were ready. They nodded. Frank burst through the door scanning the area, looking for threats. He jutted right and Tommy went left. Jim took the center, heading down a hall adjacent from the door. Frank sniffed the air. He didn’t smell anything out of the ordinary. It seemed like a normal home. They cleared the main floor and the upstairs without incident. All that was left was the basement. Frank opened the door and moved slowly down the stairs. He was about to clear the last step when a shot rang from a shot gun. The slug barely missed him. Frank flew back, flattening himself along the stairs. It wasn’t a moment too soon. Another slug came through the wall right where he had been standing. Frank heard the click of the break and rounds being ejected. Frank burst out, heading for the shooter. He was about instinctively pull the trigger when he saw who his target was. He was older, mid 40s, broad shouldered with glasses. He was shielding a women and two kids. Frank kept his weapon on them but he took his finger off the trigger. Tommy and Jim came up behind him. He raised up his none firing hand, leaving his weapon on his target.

  “Hold your fire,” he ordered.

  “Please leave us alone,” the man pleaded.

  “We’re not going to hurt you,” Frank said as he lowered his weapon.

  “What do you want,” the man asked.

  “We were just looking for a place to live. We didn’t know anyone was here,” Frank said. He held out a hand as a gesture. The man took it and Frank helped the man to his feet.

  “I’m Frank,” he motioned to his left and right. “This is Tommy and Jim. We’re sorry we scared you.”

  “I’m sorry I shot at you. I’m Craig,” he said nervously. He helped his wife up. “This is Gloria, my wife. These two are Susan and Timothy.” He made sure to keep them behind him.

  “Nice to meet you, although, I wish it were under better circumstances,” Frank nodded at them. He turned toward Tommy. “Why don’t you two go and give the others a hand?”

  “Will do,” Tommy and Jim said in unison.

  “Others,” Craig asked.

  “I have quite the group. Would you like to go and meet them? We’ve been surviving together for a while now,” Frank asked.

  “I guess so,” Craig said.

  Frank led the family upstairs. Anna had already met Tommy and Jim at the top of the stairs who were giving her details about what happened.

  Frank met her outside the basement door.

  “Craig, Gloria. This is Anna,” Frank said.

  “Nice to meet you all,” Anna said with a smile.

  “Nice to meet you too,” Craig said.

  Frank introduced them to the rest of the group.

  “Craig, we don’t want to cause trouble for you guys so we will go. Do you know of any other houses around here that we might all fit into,” Frank asked.

  “Not big enough for all of you, no,” Craig said.

  “That’s too bad.” he looked at Steve. “We’ll have to come up with another plan then.”

  “Well, you can stay here for the night. It’s getting late. You shouldn’t be out after dark with those babies,” Gloria said motioning toward Isabelle and Toby, who were currently playing in the yard with Susan and Timothy.

  “Really? We don’t want to intrude,” Frank said.

  “It’s no problem. There should be enough room. You guys seem to be ok so it’s no problem,” Craig said.

  “We appreciate it. We’ll break out the sleeping bags,” Frank said.

  That night, Steve and Anna were out on the front porch discussing where to go from there. Craig and Gloria came out of the house.

  “So what’s the story with Frank? He seems like the take charge type,” Craig asked.

  Anna told him about Frank. How he has kept them alive since it started and about his background. How her and Tommy had had served together with him before the infection started. Frank came out on the porch with coffee, yawning.

  “What’s up guys,” Frank asked.

  Craig looked at Gloria, who nodded.

  “We decided that we want you guys to stay. You’re more than welcome here,” Craig said.

  All three of them looked at him, dumbfounded.

  “Really?” Frank said, still stunned.

  “Really. Look, I’m not the type of man that can keep my family safe on my own. Hell, I’m just a farmer. You guys are extremely nice and if having you here means that my family is safer then I can deal with it being cramped. From what they tell me, you are a lot better than me at this whole surviving thing,” Craig said.

  “Thank you, guys. We really do appreciate it,” Frank said.

  “It’s no problem,” Gloria said.

  “So what do we do? What’s the plan,” Craig asked.

  Frank explained their usual routine for the night watches, hunting, and trips to town. He also told them about the troubles they have had.

  “Jesus, really? Cannibals,” Craig said.

  “Yeah. The whole world has gone to hell. It’s not just the Biters we have to worry about,” Steve said.

  “That’s why we had to leave our last two homes.” Franks head dropped. “We’ve had to leave a friend at both.”

  “What do you mean,” Gloria asked suspiciously.

  With great pain, he told them about Karen and Robby.

  “That’s terrible. I’m so sorry,” Gloria said, starting to tear up.

  “Yeah. So are we,” Frank said feeling the pain in his chest.

  “Why did this happen? How did this happen? Do you guys know,” Craig asked, frantically.

  “Before everything fell, there were rumors on the news of it being an experiment gone wrong. Something about some kind of miracle cure that went bad. We really don’t know,” Steve said.

  “All the military grunts knew is that we had to save as many as possible before the Biters got them. Anna, Tommy, and I are the only ones left from our unit. Now, all we have is each other,” Frank said.

  “Very true. So what do we do?” Gloria said.

  “Survive the best we can and just watch out for each other. Listen to Frank, he knows what he’s doing,” Anna said.

  “I wouldn’t go that far but I will do my best to watch out for you, just like everyone else will,” Frank said.

  “Well, just let us know what you need and we’ll do it,” Craig said, feeling better about their situation.

  “We could always use someone else on the night watch,” Frank said.

  “Done. When do you want me to start,” Craig asked with a new found resolve.

  Frank motioned to Steve.

  “Think you can start tomorrow night,” Steve asked.
  “Sure. I figured that Frank would do that,” Craig said.

  “If we let him, he would. Frank is the type of person to take on all the responsibility himself.”

  “I could have handled it. We all try to do our fair share,” Frank said.

  “So what about me,” Gloria asked.

  “You want to go on with Craig,” Steve questioned.

  “Sure that sounds good. What else can we do? There has to be something that we can do besides watching out for the boogey man,” Gloria said.

  “Well, what skills do you have?” Frank asked.

  “I inherited this farm from my dad. Farming is all I really know,” Craig said. “I do pretty well at hunting pheasants.”

  “I could always use another hunter. We could even start a veggie garden,” Frank said.

  “That sounds pretty good. I can do that,” Craig said.

  “As for me, I’m a school teacher. I don’t really know how that will help,” Gloria said.

  “Well, I know of 4 little ones that could really use your skills,” Frank said.

  “I can do that. I feel a bit guilty though. There has to be something more I can do for the group,” Gloria said.

  “Teaching our children is just as important as surviving. We have to make sure they are prepared for this world. We won’t be here to protect them forever,” Anna said.

  “I didn’t think about it that way,” Gloria said.

  Frank looked at Anna and smiled.

  That night Anna and Frank stood on the porch, sharing a blanket.

  “I’m glad today worked out,” she said.

  “Yeah. Found a new home, more friends, and no one got hurt. Banner day,” Frank said.

  “Definitely. You’ve got some good instincts, Frank. Anyone else would have just shot him. I’m glad it was you who found them,” Anna said.

  “Yeah. We got lucky,” Frank said.

  “The only reason we are lucky is because you are always there with us. I’m very proud of you, Frank,” she said.

  “Thank you. Stop getting all mushy. You’re going to make me cry,” Frank chuckled.

  She turned toward Frank and kissed him.

  Chapter 16


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