Indigo Knights: The Boxed Set

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Indigo Knights: The Boxed Set Page 22

by Jet Mykles

  Danny’s legs were shaking before he realized that he’d lost it. “Fuck, Cash,” he muttered, eyes shut tight. “I’m gonna come.”

  Cash gripped his wrist and kept moaning. Danny thrust, shook, came.

  Cash was still moaning when Danny flipped him onto his back and swallowed him down mere seconds before Cash’s cum flooded Danny’s mouth.

  Chapter Six

  For the first time since he’d moved to Chicago, Danny woke with a warm body in his own bed. Immediately aware of the welcome presence, he smiled and rolled to his side to snuggle against Cash’s back. Cash had pretty much passed out after that last orgasm, spilling everything he had into Danny’s mouth. Danny had barely managed to stay awake long enough to clean them both up a little and pull the blankets over them before he’d let sleep pull him under too.

  He checked the clock on the nightstand. It was still early for him. He wasn’t sure when or if Cash needed to be at school. Nosing aside Cash’s hair, he nuzzled at the back of his neck while sliding his fingers lightly over Cash’s chest. Probably should wake him up, Danny decided, pulling Cash so his back was flush against Danny’s chest. It had the added benefit of snugging his ass right against Danny’s morning wood. He opened his mouth and sucked at some of the warm skin at the side of Cash’s neck. This released a sigh from Cash, but Danny was pretty sure he was still asleep. Smiling into Cash’s skin, Danny slipped his hand down Cash’s chest, over his belly, and found the promising start of an erection to fondle.

  Danny knew the second Cash truly woke up. His body jerked once, and he drew in a breath. But by that time, Danny had him fully hard, and his hips were rocking instinctively.

  “Morning,” Danny murmured, the word jumbled because he was also licking up Cash’s neck toward his ear.

  “Oh God.”

  “No.” Danny sucked at his earlobe as he gave an extra-good stroke up Cash’s shaft. “It’s just me.”

  Cash groaned. “Not. Funny.”

  “It’s a little funny.” Chuckling, Danny shifted. With just a minor adjustment to his hold, he climbed over Cash until they were lying on their sides, facing each other. Cash was still groggy as Danny took a moment to find the lube, but was awake enough to watch him pour clear liquid in his palm. The eyes closed again when Danny reached down to wrap his slicked-up hand around both their cocks.

  “Ooooh fuuuck.”

  Danny cradled the back of Cash’s skull with his free hand and pulled forward so their foreheads touched. “Really?” he asked, closing his own eyes, the better to enjoy the friction of his hand and Cash’s cock. “Thought this might be better the morning after your first time.” He tipped his head so he could brush lips with Cash. “Should we switch position?”

  “Shut up.” Eyes still closed, Cash clutched at Danny’s sides and concentrated on rolling his hips to pump his cock through Danny’s grip.

  Danny grinned and squeezed. “But you’re so gorgeous. All sleepy and turned on.”

  “Shut up.”

  “You’re all flushed.”

  Cash’s eyes cracked open, hazy with pleasure but sparking with annoyance. “Shut up.”

  Again Danny brushed Cash’s lips with his. “Make me.”

  At first, Cash didn’t understand his words. Then he caught on. Mirroring Danny’s hold, Cash threaded fingers through Danny’s hair and yanked him into a kiss.

  Danny let out a groan of his own and kissed back with fervor. They strained together, clutching, pumping, pressing close. Danny knew Cash wouldn’t last long, so he let his own pleasure go sooner than he usually would. He almost timed it just right, coming only a few strokes after Cash coated their bellies with cum.

  They lay panting, foreheads pressed together, Danny’s free hand still wrapped around the back of Cash’s neck while Cash’s fingers now dug into the backs of Danny’s shoulders.

  Danny gave Cash a soft kiss. “Morning.”

  “Morning?” Cash gave a breathless laugh.

  “Wasn’t sure if you needed to get up for school or not.”

  Cash’s head jerked up. He flipped onto his back to look at the clock behind him, then sighed in relief. “I’ve still got time. Need to be at the lab in two hours.”

  Not enough time for much. Leaning on his elbow, Danny pulled the blanket down to reveal Cash’s bare belly, covered in sweat and spunk. “You might want to take another shower.”

  Cash glanced down. A frown signaled his thought process had kicked in. “Uh…yeah.”

  Danny kept his tone light as he traced Cash’s navel. “You want company?”

  Huge brown eyes finally focused on him. The haze of recent orgasm didn’t completely mask the panic, but he was probably calmer than he’d expected he would be. “Uh…”

  Danny could almost see the thoughts racing in Cash’s eyes. Foremost was “What have I done?” “You’re not going to freak out on me, are you?”

  “No.” Cash blinked, his gaze skittering down. Then, to Danny’s relief, he managed a small smile. “Maybe.”

  “Before you do, can you tell me if I was any good?”

  Bingo. Cash burst out laughing. There was a slight hysterical tone to it, but mostly it was a good, deep laugh. “You’re fucking nuts.”

  “Is that a yes or a no?”

  “I’m not telling you.”

  Smiling, Danny leaned closer to brush a kiss across the tip of Cash’s nose. “Don’t freak out on me, okay?”

  Cash sobered, but the smile teased his lips. “Yeah.”

  Danny moved the kiss to Cash’s lips. “No worries. We never have to do it again if you don’t want to.” Another kiss. “Although”—a swipe of tongue—“I really hope you’ll want to.”

  Surprising Danny, and maybe himself, Cash rolled toward him, pressing in for a proper kiss. Hand up to stroke the side of Danny’s neck, he met Danny’s gaze when their lips parted. “I think I want to.”

  Danny’s heart expanded to painful proportions, an experience he’d never quite had before. The wonder of it kept him from saying anything smartass. Instead, he plopped onto his back and covered his eyes with one forearm. “Go now. Take your sexy ass to the shower before I have to molest you again.”

  Danny kept his eyes covered while Cash rolled off the mattress, but he had to look as Cash walked away. To his credit—and Danny’s visual pleasure—Cash didn’t attempt to cover his delectable ass on the way out of the room.

  Danny lay for a moment, watching the ceiling as he listened to Cash go from bedroom to bathroom. Only then did he let himself really think about last night. It had gone well, he thought. He was certainly pleased with the outcome, and Cash didn’t look too traumatized. This should be good. They could have a lot of fun together. Until he left.

  Which you still have to tell Cash about.

  All in good time. Cash had school, and Danny had his first performance with the Knights tonight. Talking could wait.

  Chapter Seven

  “Hey, Roy.” Danny lifted a gloved hand to wave to the man sitting at the bar just inside the door.

  The manager of the club glanced up from his magazine and waved. “Hey.”

  Danny kept going on his way toward the door that led to what served as backstage. Work lights were on in the main club area, making it look like the warehouse it used to be, with bare beams and roughly finished walls. Nearly everything was painted black, with the glaring exceptions of the bar and the stage. The bar was a shiny blue that glowed like a black light when the work lights were off and the party lights were on. The stage was wood and exposed brick with a bank of harsh stage lights that made the little corner an oven during performances.

  Rabin followed Danny toward the back door. The two of them had chosen to take a walk down the street to fetch dinner for everyone after the sound check. Plastic bags full of Chinese food dangled from their hands as they passed by the stage, still set up with their equipment. Noble’s new indigo bass drum showed off the Knight’s stylized purple shield logo, gaudy and awesome even in just the work li
ghts. It was about an hour before the club would open, two before the current version of the Indigo Knights took the stage for the first time together.

  Danny pushed open a heavy door to plunge into the darkness off a narrow hallway. The only true light came from behind him and from the open doorway at the end to his right. A flash of purple that was Noble’s spiked hair crossed the opening, putting a smile on Danny’s face.

  Noble’s favored synth music filled the air, pumped into the small, brightly lit room from a boom box perched on a rickety table. Noble and Lance were there with Fiona and Rusty, the interns-turned-roadies. Bruce, the sound guy, was also there, sucking down Coke from a can. Noble’s hair was now properly spiked, standing straight up from the rest of his freshly shaven skull. In honor of the performance, he’d bleached and re-dyed the day before to a neon purple that glowed under the stage lights. He wore a loose, torn tank top of navy blue, and the two belts that circled his waist were completely unnecessary to hold up snug jeans. Lance wore his familiar black attire, with the long sleeves of his button-down rolled above his elbows and the worn knees of his jeans providing the only white to his wardrobe. His blond hair was pulled back into a tail, but the front was loose enough that most of it looked like it was going to fall forward into his face.

  Danny and Rabin received an enthusiastic greeting as everyone crowded in for food. While they were eating, the stereo system from the main part of the club kicked in, signaling the door was now open. Soon they’d see how well Gordon’s marketing efforts had paid off. A rush of excitement filled Danny and made it impossible for him to sit. He’d been onstage many times before, but it was always exciting, always new, always different. He couldn’t wait to get in front of the crowd.

  At the half-hour mark, he retrieved his backpack from the big general locker bestowed on the band for the night and fished out the loose white shirt he’d selected to wear. He’d purposely kept it bundled to preserve the wrinkles in the soft, nearly transparent fabric. Thoughts of Cash sprang to mind as he pulled off his T-shirt. He remembered Cash’s laugh when Danny had shown him the white shirt and the long blue scarf he planned to wear with it. Remembered Cash’s blush when Danny suggested he put the shirt—and nothing else—on himself. He’d blushed some more when Danny started to describe what they’d do with Cash naked. Needless to say, Cash had been a little late getting out the door. He’d pulled away, wished Danny good luck, and fled just in time. Danny grinned at the memory and hoped Cash wasn’t too worn-out late tonight, because Danny had plans for celebration.

  Lost in thought, he’d just slipped on the shirt over a tight black tank top when he turned to find Noble standing next to him, arms crossed, a smirk curling his mouth.


  “Someone got laid.”

  Fiona and Lance, seated on the couch beside them, stopped talking, attention now focused on Danny. Everyone else was on the other side of the room, and although it was small, with the music it was impossible for them to hear.

  For whatever reason, Danny decided to play dumb. “What?”

  Noble grinned. The kohl he’d smudged around his eyes made him look slightly demonic. More so than usual. “You got laid.”

  “And you know this how?”

  Lance laughed. “Noble knows these things.”

  Noble nodded and raised a silver-beringed finger to lay it aside his nose. “Noble knows these things.”

  “Pray tell, how?”

  The hand dropped from his nose, and for a moment, Noble just let his gaze roam Danny’s face. “A certain…satisfaction. A bit of peace.” Noble reached up to poke at the corner of Danny’s mouth. “A slight smile.” He chuckled. “Plus, you were humming.”

  “I was not.”

  “You absolutely were.”

  “Well. Can’t I just be happy because we’re playing our first gig tonight?”

  “Are you?”


  “Did you get laid?”

  No sense denying it. “Yes.”

  Lance chuckled. “See,” he said to Fiona, “told you.”

  Noble pushed at Danny’s lip with his finger before letting his hand fall again. “And who was the lucky guy? Was it the ever-elusive roommate we’ve yet to meet, or did you give in to frustration and find some random piece of ass?”

  Scary that Noble only mentioned two possibilities. For the first time in many years, Danny had been without at least a few fuck buddies available to call. Chicago just wasn’t good for him. Or maybe it was the winter. Yeah, blame the weather. “If you must know, it was Cash.”

  Noble’s eyebrows soared. “Oh ho. Do tell.”

  “Nothing to tell.”

  Noble clicked his tongue in mock sympathy. “Wasn’t that good?”

  “You ass. It was terrific.” He pushed past his friend, headed for the five-foot-wide mirror mounted on the opposite wall. “But I don’t need to tell you about it.”

  “Oh, boo.” Noble came to lean against the frame of the mirror, arms crossed, watching Danny. You popped some computer nerd’s cherry, and I don’t get details? I’m your bandmate. Your brother.”

  Danny tucked the tails of the shirt into his jeans, leaving the front unbuttoned and wide open. “I wouldn’t tell my brother, either.”

  Noble pouted. “That’s cold, man. Way cold.”

  “I love you, man. But I don’t fuck and tell.”

  Grimacing, Noble scratched at his smooth-shaven jaw. “I’m disappointed in you. How else will I get my jollies?”

  Danny finger combed his hair to mess it up a little. He wore it loose and long, the strawberry-blond, slightly wavy locks drifting down just past his shoulders. In a moment, he’d line his blue-green eyes to make them look more mysterious. He didn’t think he was conceited or anything, but he did know how to make himself look good. It was a must in his chosen profession. “Like you’re not gonna pick up some piece of ass tonight?”

  “Well, yeah, but I like hearing about it.”

  Laughing, Danny had to ask, “What about Lance?”

  Noble sent his best friend a withering glance. “It’s been so long since he got any, I think his dick’s shriveled and fallen off.”

  Without missing a beat, Lance patted his crotch. “It has. Truly sad. But that frees me for pursuits other than a hot, tight ass.”

  Beside him, young Fiona’s eyes widened, and a smile that could not be contained took over her mouth. She’d only known them a few days, but she fit in well. As did Rusty, though her counterpart wasn’t quite as overly friendly as she was. Danny was sure he was high as a kite, but he got his work done without flaw, so there was no point in making a deal about it.

  Noble sighed. He wandered over to drop onto the couch beside Fiona, who had moved to perch on the arm. He leaned forward to prop his elbow on one knee and plucked a fried wonton from the carton on the table before him. “There are no other pursuits, as I have tried on many occasions to explain to you. There is only dick and ass.”

  Danny chose to pursue Noble’s line of thought, exchanging grins with Fiona. “What about women?”

  Noble crunched his snack. “A means to procure more dick and ass.”

  Fiona gasped, then giggled as she swatted his back. Noble didn’t even flinch, just kept crunching.

  Danny shook his head, turning back to the mirror. He could see them all in the reflection. “You’re crude, man.”

  “Not crude. Just right.” He reached over to pat Fiona’s knee. “I’m sorry, dear, but it’s true. The world’d be a better place if men would just suck up to the fact that we all want it up the ass.”

  “Are you that misogynistic?”

  “What? Me? Hell no. I think women are great.” He squeezed Fiona’s hand. Judging from the gleam in her eye, she wasn’t taking any offense from his words, although she might be lamenting the fact that she didn’t have a chance with him. “That’s why I think we’d be doing them a fucking favor by admitting there is no such thing as latent homosexuality and there is just homosexualit
y with an occasional side of hetero for reproductive purposes.”

  That made Danny laugh so hard he started crying. He was pretty sure Noble was kidding around, but one could never quite tell with Noble.

  Pleased with himself, Noble sat back while everyone around him laughed. Once things had settled some, he stood, brushed nonexistent crumbs from his hands, then walked up to Danny.

  “You’re gonna bring the nerd around sometime, yeah?” he asked, standing behind Danny, meeting his eyes in reflection.

  “Not if you call him the nerd.”

  Noble placed a hand over his heart and put on his best solemn face. “I swear to not call the nerd a nerd to his face.”

  Danny chuckled and shook his head. “I’ll give it a shot. Not sure if he’s ever been to a club before.”

  “Mmm. Then you get to pop another cherry.” Laughing at his own joke, Noble smacked Danny’s ass and headed for the door. “C’mon, let’s go rock this joint.”

  Chapter Eight

  It started to snow during the gig. Lance was good enough to offer Danny a ride home so he didn’t have to drive, but even the short walk from the curb to his building’s front door made Danny again curse the state he currently lived in and its wind-chill factor. He had to hand one thing to the company that managed his building, however—the heat worked fine, in the common areas as well as in the apartments. So by the time he opened his own front door, he was already loosening his outer garments. The light over the stove was the main room’s illumination since not much streamed in through the window. A fainter, bluer light spilled down the hallway. When he was free of his coat, he followed the beacon to Cash’s open bedroom door.

  His current lover—and yes, he now happily thought of Cash in those terms—sat at his computer. The desk was turned so Cash was facing the door, and the contents on the monitor couldn’t be seen. His glasses reflected, but the details were too tiny to make out. Not that Danny really cared. He leaned in the doorway, crossed his arms, and enjoyed the view. Cash wore a loose, long-sleeved T-shirt with some sort of logo on it, and he was probably wearing one of his many pairs of sweats. His hair was a loose mop atop his head.


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