Indigo Knights: The Boxed Set

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Indigo Knights: The Boxed Set Page 54

by Jet Mykles

“Okay. See you tomorrow.”

  “Later.” He clicked his phone off but stared at it, still facing the storefront.

  “Hey.” A hand on his shoulder broke him out of his thoughts. Danny stepped around into his sight. “You okay?”

  Noble glanced up at his friend. Danny’s dyed platinum-blond hair was mostly hidden underneath an LA baseball cap, the signature stripe of indigo tucked up inside. Black sunglasses hid his bluer-than-blue eyes, almost concealing his identify. They were in a part of town that wasn’t much impressed by celebrity, so they hadn’t taken great pains to disguise themselves.

  “I’m okay.” Noble tucked his phone into his pocket, then reached up to tug at the gray knit cap that hid all but a few stray strands of his hair. His sunglasses shielded him from the August sun. “You busy tomorrow?”

  They started walking again, blending into the sparse afternoon crowd.

  “After rehearsal?”



  “Want to check out a party at an actor’s place?” Noble’s phone vibrated.

  “What actor?”

  “You’ve seen the trailers for Criminea?”


  He took out his phone and thumbed through his pass code to get to the text Reine had just sent. “You know the main guy? The one with the wand that sets fire to that gargoyle thing?”

  Danny thought about it while Noble read the text. They stopped at a corner to wait for traffic. “Oh yeah, the gorgeous brunet.”

  “That’s the one.”

  “Shit, man. Where’d you meet him?”

  Noble tucked his phone away again as they joined a crowd crossing the street. “At that party I went to the other night.”

  “You didn’t tell me about him.”

  Noble grinned. “Wasn’t anything to tell. I barely talked to him.”

  “So he’s straight, then.”

  “Seems to be.”

  “Pity.” They laughed. Two girls crossing the street froze and gaped at the sight of them, but Danny and Noble kept moving on. “So why’s he inviting you to a party?”

  “Please. You know even straight boys can’t resist my charm.”

  Danny snorted.

  Noble chuckled. “I don’t know. He said to invite the band, so maybe it’s one of those status things. ‘Get a rock star to your party.’”

  “Could be that.”

  “So, you up for it? Looks like it’s in Brooklyn.”

  “I don’t know.” Danny’s boyfriend, Cash, was back in Chicago. It was both sickening and sweet how much in love Danny was with him and how faithful Danny was. Much to Noble’s dismay, each one of his bandmates was hopelessly in love with someone. It left him as the sole single member of the band.

  “Oh, come on. Keep me company.”

  “Like you’ll be hurting for company.” They turned in to their destination, a trendy boutique Hell and Johnnie had recommended to them.

  “You need to get out,” Noble declared, holding the door open. “Meet people.”

  “I meet plenty of people.”

  “What happened to you?” He gave his friend a playful shove farther into the shop. “Oh, wait, you fell in love.”

  Danny caught his balance, then gave him the look. “Just wait until you fall for someone.”

  Noble made the sign of the cross. “Don’t jinx me like that.”

  Two attractive young men came forward to introduce themselves and ask if they could help. Noble couldn’t be sure if they were recognized or not, so he kept his peace and spent the next hour letting his guy show him some clothes.

  “So, how about tomorrow?” Noble asked Danny when they were alone in the dressing room.

  “The party? Yeah, okay.” Danny turned to check out his ass in the floor-to-ceiling mirror. “I’ve never been to a Hollywood party in New York.”


  “Hello? Hollywood? Actors? Me?”

  “Right.” Danny had been born and bred in Los Angeles. He claimed there was no way to be in the music business there and not overlap with movies. “So should be old hat for you.”

  “With one big difference.”

  Noble saw Danny’s grin in the mirror and shared it. “This time, you’re a star.”

  Facing front, Danny smoothed a hand down the expensive silk of the shirt he wore. “This time, I’m a star.”

  * * * *

  The apartment was everything Noble would have expected for a rich young star to have. A loft on the top of a brick building in a trendy part of Brooklyn. The apartment wasn’t huge, but it had rooftop access; plus, the apartment across the hall was open as well. A paid bartender made a kitchen counter work as a bar, and music filled the air. All the windows were open, but the bodies made the hot summer night even hotter. Movie and classic band posters covered the walls, some lit by neon. Noble and Danny waded into a crowd and were recognized almost immediately. Noble recognized a few of those who stopped them.

  Noble lost track of Danny pretty quickly. One minute, he was reacquainting himself with friends from the other night; the next, Danny was gone. After Noble got himself a drink, he spied the platinum locks by a door that probably led to a bedroom, where Danny stood chatting with a bunch of girls, so he was fine. Surrounded by friendly people, Noble enjoyed the hell out of the vibe. This was his kind of party. Now he was sorry it had taken them until one in the morning to arrive. He could tell that, as big as the crowd was now, it had waned. But although the remains of the birthday cake on a table at the other end of the room had been abandoned, there was still food, and the bar remained fully stocked.

  It was three o’clock before he followed a new friend upstairs to the roof for a breath of fresh air. Not so many people up here, in spite of the fact that it felt a little cooler. The view was worth it, but the guy trying to shove his tongue down Noble’s throat was not. Not that he didn’t enjoy tongues, just not without a little warning. He and the drunk came to terms that ended up with the guy taking off in a huff. Noble shared some laughs with the small group of smokers who saw it happen, then introduced himself and spent some time in the breeze that didn’t quite dispel the heat of the night.

  The smokers came and went—most in pursuit of alcohol or something else mind-altering—and Noble found himself alone with two new friends. From the sounds of it, the party was winding down. On the street below, Noble could see a trickling stream of partygoers either walking away or climbing into cabs that magically appeared. He was starting to wonder if he should look for Danny, when the host himself showed up. Noble had spied Foxy through the crowd earlier but had managed to avoid him. No, not avoid. He was being a good boy and leaving the straight guy alone. Alone because he didn’t trust the melty feeling he got in his gut when he looked at the guy. Foxy was entirely too enticing, with the loose brown curls that framed his oval face. He was simply dressed in a light blue BIRTHDAY BOY T-shirt over light jeans. The shirt was clearly new, but he’d cut the neck, exposing a collarbone area that Noble itched to explore.

  Foxy greeted Holly with a hug and a kiss and Derrick with a mutual arm slap, accepting their birthday wishes with a sheepish smile and thanks.

  “Happy birthday,” Noble offered when it came his turn.

  Foxy glanced at the hand Noble held out, then took it. There was that squeeze again, just a tad beyond friendly. “Thanks.”

  “Terrific party.” Noble pulled his hand back and leaned against the half wall that separated him and a plummet of four stories. He’d looked, but Zach wasn’t in the apartment. Was that an oversight on the handler’s part? Or maybe Zach had found another pastime for the night. “Sorry I missed most of the festivities.”

  “Nah.” Foxy pulled out a pack of cigarettes and took one out. “You didn’t miss anything.”

  Noble watched him light up from a lighter Holly held for him. Noble had never had been a smoker himself, but he had to admit he did like the look. In that brief moment when the lighter illuminated Foxy’s face, he was the image of
an old-time movie star. The kind who’d talk you into bed with charm.

  The four of them chitchatted for a bit. All the while, Noble tried desperately not to stare at the actor. Tried not to cozy up to his side. He couldn’t believe how hard it was, and was glad for the loose tails of his shirt, which hid his crotch. Everything in him wanted to rub on Foxy and mark him with scent. That low voice soothed him, and the easy laugh excited him. He wanted to do things to the man to hear what it sounded like when he came. Then Holly had to leave, and Derrick went with her. Just like that, Noble was alone with the younger man.

  “So is the roof part of your place?” Noble asked, looking at the metal table and chairs about ten feet away from them.

  “I don’t really know.” Foxy leaned against the half wall with arms crossed over his broad chest. The first cigarette was long gone, and he hadn’t lit another. “I’m subleasing the place from a friend. I’ve only had it a few weeks.”

  “New to New York?”

  “Kinda.” Foxy turned so he could brace both arms on the wall, looking out over the street below. Noble couldn’t help but notice the gorgeous curve to his biceps. Not huge but nicely shaped. “I went to school here, but I never really lived here. Couldn’t afford it before.”

  “And now?”

  A small smile. “Now I’m doing okay for myself.”

  Noble chuckled, elbows on the wall so he too could look out at the street. “Um, yeah. You must be doing really well. With two more movies guaranteed, even.”

  “Yeah. It’s okay.”

  “When do you start the next one?”

  A roll of one shoulder substituted for a shrug while Foxy stood up straight. He tossed a surreptitious glance toward the door. “I head back up to Vancouver next month.” He turned to face Noble, one arm supporting his weight. “You head out pretty soon, right?”

  “Yep. We’re off for a stupid-long trip across Europe and Asia.” He couldn’t help but smile. “It’ll be awesome.”

  “I’ll bet. What’s it like, being a rock star?”

  Noble told him, not sure Foxy was really interested. Oh, he paid attention and asked questions, but part of his attention was also on the roof door. Was he looking for Zach? Had he slipped his handler’s leash? They had somehow migrated to the far corner of the rooftop, just out of quick viewing of anyone who might come up. Noble noted the move but didn’t comment on it. Other than the occasional glances, though, Foxy didn’t veer from his conversation with Noble. If he was at all uncomfortable with the openly gay guy, he didn’t show it.

  “So…” Foxy glanced down at the street, the one word heavy with implication that his next question meant more than he wanted it to seem. “How do you deal with the whole gay thing?”

  Noble hummed, gazing up at the stars. “Pretty good. Since I am gay.”

  “Oh, I know. I didn’t mean… Sorry.” Foxy ran a hand through his hair. “I meant the…notoriety, I guess. Doesn’t, like, everyone ask you about it?”

  “Well, yeah. It tends to come up a lot.” Interesting. Noble shrugged. “Not much I can do about it. It’s not so bad.”

  Big eyes latched onto him. “Really?”

  Is someone in the closet? Noble punched down his hope. “Nah. There were a couple of towns where some assholes protested, and we get letters and shit, but mostly we’ve got really great fans.”



  “And they don’t care that you’re gay?”

  Noble laughed. “Some of ’em prefer it.” He laughed harder at the comical confusion that crossed Foxy’s face. “I know, doesn’t make all that much sense, but it works.”

  Foxy considered his words, slowly nodded. “That’s pretty cool.”

  “Most of the time. Yeah.”

  Foxy fingered the box of cigarettes he took out of his pocket, the silence settling between them.

  “You can go ahead and light up,” Noble assured him.

  “What? Oh.” He looked at the pack. “Actually, I don’t smoke that much.” He gave Noble a sheepish grin. “I use it as an excuse to get away from crowds.”

  Noble laughed. “Who cares if you get lung cancer, right?”

  “Right.” Still grinning, Foxy tossed the pack onto the metal table. “So did you mean what you said about getting me some seats when you guys get back in town?”

  “Sure.” Noble ran a hand through his hair, wondering just where Foxy’s ramblings were taking them. “Maybe you and Reine can come.” Although Reine had invited Noble to the party, he’d texted during rehearsal to send regrets that he couldn’t make it.

  “Reine? Oh, right.” A tiny frown wrinkled his brow as he stared at the street below. “Are you and he…?”

  “Are we…?”

  “Together? He’s gay.”

  “Oh yes. I know.” He was oddly reluctant to say they’d fucked, but he’d never been one to hide what he’d done. “We’ve had some fun together.”

  “But you’re not a thing?” It seemed important to Foxy to confirm that.

  Noble was deciding how to answer—whether to tease, blow it off, or tell the man it was none of his business—but almost on cue, Zach came through the door, clearly looking for someone. That someone was Foxy. “Donny!” he called, heading in their direction. “What’re you doing? Everyone’s been looking for you.”

  Judging by the way Foxy’s face fell as he turned away, Zach was indeed the person he’d been waiting to see. Noble was shocked it’d taken Zach this long to track him down.

  Zach reached them with a big smile, which he turned on Noble, not at all surprised to see him. “Hey, Noble.”

  “Hey, Zach.” He suppressed laughter as they shook hands. Clearly, Foxy was being rescued.

  “Everyone’s been looking for you,” Zach told Foxy again.

  “I’ve been right here.”

  “People are leaving.”

  Foxy gazed down at the street rather than at Zach. “I see that.”

  “Don’t you want to say good-bye?”

  “Why?” Foxy shrugged. “Most of ’em are gone, and I didn’t know half of them anyway.”

  A small sigh raised Zach’s chest, together with a tiny eye roll that Foxy didn’t see. Clearly Zach’s charge was not all Zach wanted him to be. But the annoyance was slight and quickly dropped. He smiled again for Noble. “So, when are you guys headed overseas?”

  Foxy grunted. Abruptly, he turned to retrieve the cigarette pack from the table.

  Pretending he didn’t notice the very interesting dynamic, Noble returned Zach’s smile. “This weekend.”

  “Wow, that’s soon. How long will you be gone?”

  “Most of the year. We’ll be all over Europe; then we’ll hit Hong Kong, Korea, Japan…some others I can’t remember.”

  Zach nodded eagerly, happier with each destination Noble mentioned. “That sounds awesome. I’ve always wanted to tour with a rock band.”

  “Me too.”

  Behind Zach, Foxy expelled smoke in a huff, his eyes on the building across the street.

  “So.” Noble checked his phone for the time. “It’s probably time I got the hell out of here.”

  That got Foxy’s attention. “So, uh, hey. Shouldn’t we exchange numbers or something?”

  Caught off guard, Zach’s surprise was too obvious. “What?”

  But Foxy spoke to Noble. “You know, for those tickets.”

  “Oh.” Amused, still holding his phone, Noble was ready to comply. “Sure—”

  “Oh, there’s no need.” Zach was being really blatant now. He stepped in front of Foxy to block him. “I’m sure I can get in touch with your people.”

  “My people. Right.” Noble smiled to let him know he saw what was going on, but despite it all, he didn’t want to rock the boat. If Zach didn’t want him close to Foxy, so be it. Was probably a better idea anyway. “You do that.” He gave Foxy a smile that was probably too warm. “Nice to see you again.”


  Noble turned his bac
k and walked away from the hissed discussion that erupted behind him. Laughing to himself, he took the stairs and went looking to see if Danny was still around. He was, one of a half dozen people left in the apartment’s main room.

  “Hey!” Danny called from his seat on the couch. The girl seated next to him was pretty but not fawning. “I was just going to go looking for you.”

  “I’m here. Headed out. You?”

  “Yep.” Danny stood and began saying good-bye to those around him.

  They’d called for a cab and were about to go down to meet it when Foxy showed up at Noble’s side.

  “Hey.” Bumping his chest up against Noble’s shoulder, he smiled past Noble at Danny, extending a hand. “Hi. You’re Danny Champion.”

  Danny’s quick blue eyes noted the contact between Foxy and Noble, but he looked up from it to smile as he took the offered hand. “I am.”

  “I’m a big fan,” Foxy proclaimed. “I didn’t want you to go without introducing myself.”

  Another new friend came forward to say his good-byes. This one was drunk, so they were jostled a bit when he ran into Danny. Then Noble felt a hand slide into the back pocket of his jeans. Very subtle. He doubted anyone else noticed as his—and Foxy’s—back was to the wall. It was a very quick touch, not a grope. Foxy had put something in his pocket.

  “Well, thanks for inviting us,” Noble said, shaking Foxy’s hand. “We’ll have to hook up when we’re back in town.”

  Foxy met his eyes, and Noble could swear that sparks scattered between them. “Yeah. Please. Do.”

  Noble got them out of the apartment and back onto the street in record time. A cab was waiting for them, but Noble took a moment to dig a card out of his pocket before climbing in beside Danny.

  “What’s that?” Danny asked. Noble held up the card.

  A business card. Fancy linen. One side had a publicist’s and an agent’s numbers embossed in shiny black. On the other side was a handwritten note: Call me, please. Donny. Then a number.

  “Is that from who I think it’s from?” Danny asked, leaning over to look.

  Noble tapped the card against his lips. “Foxy slipped it in my pocket when we were leaving.”

  Danny’s face lit up. “Oooo. And what were we up to on the roof?”


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