Dirty War: Dirty Justice Book Two

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Dirty War: Dirty Justice Book Two Page 21

by N. E. Henderson

  Turning into the driveway, I catch a glimpse of an SUV heading my way. Since I’ve been in it more than my own car lately, I recognize it immediately. A strange sensation washes over the top of my head and down the back of my neck.


  What’s he doing here?

  I slow, watching his eyes track mine as he passes me, leaving Drago’s house.

  He has no reason to be here. Diaz is dead. Houston will eventually go to trial for his part in all of it. Lance was the first person Eric found when he arrived. Houston hadn’t gotten away, but he was injured pretty badly. For weeks, we didn’t know if he would pull through. Guess the bastard is tough and, in this case, I’m glad he didn’t die. I look forward to seeing him tried and convicted, knowing the things that happen to cops in prison. That’ll be sweet, dirty justice in itself.

  Alder’s said it himself, the case is done, ended with Diaz and Houston. We don’t have anything substantial on Vincent, D’s father, and with him not on U.S. soil, we’re dead in the water, so why was Eric here?

  Pulling my car in directly behind Drago’s Bugatti, I stop abruptly, shutting the engine off, and then I hop out without grabbing my keys. I doubt I’ll be here long. I only came to give him a piece of my mind. He disappeared just as quickly as he showed up in that courtroom.

  Standing next to my car, I inhale, taking a calming breath before opening the rear door.

  Reaching inside, I press the release on Gabe’s car seat and lug it and him out. He’s sleeping, thank God. I’ve had the hardest twelve hours of my life since the judge awarded him to my care. I hate it’s not official and who knows how long it’ll take to officially adopt him.

  It’s something I don’t want to think about right now.

  I’m here for one reason and one reason only. Although, he is going to tell me why Eric was here before I leave.

  With the garage door open, I decide to enter through there, rounding D’s car instead of going to the front of the house. Chances are, the door will be unlocked here versus going to the front. Catching him off guard is my plan. I won’t be turned away before I’m inside. I won’t give him the chance or the choice not to hear me out.

  We’re over. Fine.

  Eventually, I’ll accept that and move on. But not before he acknowledges his son and gives me an explanation as to why he doesn’t want him. Not all babies are conceived out of love. That doesn’t mean they don’t deserve just as much love as the one that was planned and wanted from the beginning. All babies are precious and a gift to be cherished.

  So why doesn’t he?! That question makes my blood boil just beneath the surface of my skin.

  I wrap my fingers around the knob and twist. I luck out, finding the door unlocked, so I push it open, entering through the mudroom. The kitchen is just past the utility room and that’s where I place Gabriel down on the dark, hardwood flooring next to the stools.

  When I exit the open kitchen, I see Drago slumped back into the couch with a glass in his hand.

  “Are you kidding me?” The words fall from my lips. He’s drinking? He’s seriously drinking right now? I can’t believe this, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Give up your son—let’s celebrate. Why the fuck not!

  “Why are you here?” His voice is laced with surprise as his wide eyes take me in.

  “You’re getting drunk. That’s just perfect. Way to end the day on a high note.”

  “I’m not drunk. I wish I were fucking drunk. Drunk would be better than the state I’m in now.”

  He looks like hell. As I step closer, I drink in his appearance. His hair is even longer on top and disheveled like he’s been yanking on it out of frustration. Maybe giving up his son wasn’t a walk in the park for him like I thought. Still . . .

  “You killed Diaz, I didn’t say shit. I let it go because he deserved that bullet in his head. You don’t want to be with me, okay fine, I’ll even deal with that. But giving up your son, no, Drago, I won’t let that go. I won’t deal with that.” I throw my hands into the air. “I saw you today. It killed you to say those words to the judge. So why? Why did you do it?” I implore him to give me an answer—any answer.

  “Because I had to,” he bites out.

  He blows out a breath. Sitting up, he places his glass of whiskey on the coffee table in front of him, shoving it away.

  I expect him to say something more, to explain, but he doesn’t. He just sits there with his elbows on his knees staring off into space.

  I came here for answers and answers I intend to get.

  My eyes cut down, looking at the mess strewn out everywhere. Manila folders are open with papers spilling out; some almost falling off the coffee table.

  Before I start to question the mess laying in front of Drago, Gabe makes a sound from where I left him on the floor in the kitchen.

  “He’s here?” Drago jumps to his feet. He doesn’t wait for a response.

  I turn, watching him walk over to where he’s strapped into his car seat carrier.

  “Well, I didn’t exactly have anyone to leave him with, you know. My friends and family aren’t thrilled with me right now.”

  I can’t ask Connie. Even though she’s tried to be supportive in theory, she doesn’t like that I took on the responsibility of another person when he isn’t mine. She doesn’t get it. Alana and Jackson don’t get it. My father will probably never understand, even if he’s the reason I was able to get temporary custody of Gabriel today. As much as he dislikes the idea, he’s been the most supportive person about this. No way in hell I would have asked him though.

  Gabriel and I may not share DNA like he and Drago, but I do love him, fiercely, like he is my son. Why doesn’t D feel this way too? I don’t get it. I need him to make me understand.

  Looking down again, I see something that I hadn’t noticed before. A chain, half-hidden under papers. I reach for it, picking it up, and when I open my hand, I find myself staring at a neck-chain badge holder with an unmistakable gold piece that reads: Department of Justice on the top and then Drug Enforcement Administration US Special Agent.

  Why would Drago have someone’s DEA badge in his possession?

  Chills roll down my spine as I flip it over.

  I gasp, seeing Drago’s picture and badge number.

  It’s his?

  “Bri,” he calls my name from behind me.

  Turning around slowly, I face him, and if it were any other time, I might swoon at the sight of Gabriel clutched to his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around his son.

  “Is this real?” I hold out my palm, opening it for him to see. I already knew it was before I even asked. I know a real badge when I see one.

  Drago’s eyes leave mine to look down. He’s silent, not saying a word—not confirming or denying anything. He’s in deep thought, though. I can see the wheels turning as I look at him.

  I’ll be damned if he gives me some bullshit explanation, so before he speaks, I open my mouth, demanding the truth. “Answer me. Answer me now!”

  He bypasses me, taking Gabriel to the couch where he sits down with him. Drago keeps his eyes downcast, watching the baby whose eyes are closed, sleeping.

  “I’ve been undercover for seven years.” He keeps looking at Gabriel, not once lifting his eyes. “I’ve had enough to take down Diaz and his whole crew for a long time—but he wasn’t the one I wanted. I want my father. I wanted to be the one to put that son of a bitch away. And I want to look him in the eyes so he knows it is me that took him down.”

  He finally looks up. Sighing, he relaxes his back into the couch.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Same reason you didn’t tell me about him,” he nods. “I couldn’t. I couldn’t risk fucking up. But I did. I still managed to fuck up and I don’t even know how it happened. How he happened.”

  “You were drugged. Chasity admitted her uncle told her to do it. Someone wanted this to happen to use him over your head. Diaz, I guess. She isn’t speaking from what I’m tol

  “Fucking bitch.” He shakes his head. “Who goes along with something like that?”

  “Someone who thinks she’s in love with Dylan Harper, apparently.” I don’t want to talk about Chasity. If I never heard her name again, I wouldn’t complain.

  A grunt comes from D’s lips.

  “You’re really a cop?” I question him, even though he’s already confirmed it. Drago nods, watching his son, running his fingers over his smooth baby skin. “Is that why Eric was here? Did he know?”

  If that bastard knew and kept it from me, I swear to God—

  “E is my best friend . . . and partner.” He lifts his head, eyeing me wearily.

  I huff out a breath of air. That motherfucker I scream in my head. He’s going to hear it from me the next time I see him. I bet Justin knew too. Who else knew I wonder? Who else was laughing at me?

  “You still haven’t explained why you did what you did today.” I am dead set on answers. He’s not getting out of this, cop or not.

  “I had no choice. I can’t risk my father finding out about him.”

  “Who’s to say he doesn’t already know?” Hell, who’s to say he wasn’t a part of it all along? He has the most to gain from trapping Drago.

  “I can’t. But if I make it look like I don’t care and don’t want him, then he’s safe. You’re safe if my father thinks I don’t want you. At least until I can bring him down for the crimes I know he masterminded.”

  “That’s your excuse!” I berate. “You think walking out of our lives somehow keeps us safe?” I give him time to formulate another answer. “How dare you. How fucking dare you decide that without me! Did it ever occur to you that I’d rather chance you in my life than spend a minute without you?”

  I’m beyond mad at him right now. This is so much worse than thinking he didn’t want me as his girlfriend. This is worse than thinking he didn’t want his son. This is downright stupid. Sure, maybe someone else would see the nobleness in it, but I don’t. Anything that keeps him away isn’t noble. Maybe it’s harder having us both in his life, but I’d like to think it would be worth it. It would be worth it to me.

  “Well, I guess it doesn’t matter now. Does it?”

  “Yeah?” I bite out. “Why is that?”

  “Because I don’t think I can do it again.” His voice breaks and then he turns his head. Red-rimmed eyes meet mine and I almost choke. “I don’t think I can give either of you up ever again.”

  I’d laugh if his words weren’t damn near bringing me to tears with false hope.

  “Why should I believe you? You’ve walked away more than once already. How do I know you won’t do it again when you think one of us is in danger?”

  “Because it broke me a little more each time I did it. Because I can’t go through that again. And . . .” He swallows, anxiety thick in his eyes. “Because I love you, Bri.”

  “You what?”

  Did I hear him right? Did he just admit he loves me?

  “I love you.”

  I lose it. Tears tip over my eyelids, running down my face. I’d blame it on the pregnancy hormones, but I’ve cried more in the last three weeks than I have in my life combined.

  “Baby, we need to talk more. There is a lot I have to say and make up for, but let’s put him in bed first. I’m sure he’s had a long day. I know I have. It’s not right to keep him up when he should be resting.”

  “Where is he going to sleep?”

  “Mia has always stayed here off and on. The crib she used to sleep in is still in Luca’s old room. He can sleep there.”

  I nod, agreeing, because Drago’s right about one thing: we do have something to talk about. A big something to talk about.

  “Where are the dogs?” I ask when he walks into his bedroom.

  “At Luca’s. I asked him to take them earlier. I wasn’t up for taking care of them. I’d just given my son up and knew you’d never forgive me. I just wanted to be alone.”

  “You can’t leave me again, D. I won’t go through that hell again. If you aren’t completely sure, tell me now.”

  I’m pulled into his arms before that last sentence is completely off my tongue.

  “I’m done walking this path without you. I’m done keeping you in the dark. I won’t ever make a decision that’ll affect the three of us without you ever again.”

  “The four of us,” I correct, and then bite my lip as I anxiously peer up at him.

  “Four? What are you—” his question comes to an abrupt stop.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  It’s as if all the air left the room. It’s deathly silent, and then a tear leaks out of Drago’s eye, cascading down his cheek before his lips crash into mine, uniting us in a way that tells me he does want us—all three of us.

  With both of his hands, he cups my ass, hoisting me up his front until my legs are wrapped around his waist. My mind protests, urging me to make him sign a blood oath or something drastic so that I’m certain he’ll never put me through that hell again. But my heart wants this; needs this. And my instincts tell me he was truthful when he told me he loves me and won’t walk away again. I do believe him, but it’s hard to trust someone when you feel so betrayed by their actions.

  He carries me over to the bed, not releasing me as he lays me down with himself on top of me. Drago is so much bigger than me, yet his weight is a blessed welcome. The covers smell like him, which I love, but my soul yearns for them to smell like us. I want to be here with him, yet I know if this is going to work, we have to take things slow.

  “D,” I say breathlessly as I tear my lips away from his. “We need to—”

  It’s as if he already knows where my mind is going.

  “Slow has never been our strong suit, Bri. I had you in bed within a week of meeting you. I wanted to fuck you in my office that first day. Hell, I wanted to shove my dick in you the minute you stepped out of your car. Slow isn’t us, baby.”

  My heart knows he’s right, but my brain isn’t on the same page, which is why I turn my head, looking away from him. Those deep brown eyes cloud up my thinking. They have the power to bend me to his will and I don’t think he realizes that yet.

  “You’re fighting yourself,” he says, calling it out like it is. His fingers gently press into my jaw on both sides, pulling my eyes back to meet his. “We’re a foregone conclusion. Neither of us could stop this from happening. We weren’t meant to, Bri. Tell me you love me or I’m going to fuck my love into you.”

  He smiles that infectious, playful grin that always makes me tip my lips up.

  “I do love you, D.” A laugh escapes my mouth, fanning his face. “But maybe I want you to fuck your love into me anyway.”

  He’s off my chest in an instant, pushing to his knees where he sheds his dress shirt and pants. I go to unbutton mine, but he pushes my hands out of the way, taking the reins.

  “Ditch the shirt, baby. This is going to be hard and fast. I’ll make love to you later to make up for it, because right now I need inside this sexy-as-fuck body.”

  “You have a lot to repent for, Acerbi,” I tell him as I pull my blouse over my head. “But fucking me wildly isn’t one of them. I want this just as much as you do.”

  He yanks the cups of my bra down, exposing my breasts. My panties are pulled from my body and in the next second, he’s sliding inside my slick opening. I’m so ready for him, for us, that there’s no need to prime me. It seems I’m always ready to accept him and that’s the way it should be. We’re meant to be. Drago was right about that. Nothing short of death could keep us apart.

  “Jesus,” he breathes out as he comes back down to my level on the bed. “I love your pussy, baby. Have I ever told you that?”

  “I’ve never questioned that, D. Now move.”

  He bruises my lips with his, owning them. Rising off me, he pulls my legs up parallel to his chest and wraps an arm around them. Then slowly he retreats out of me, but he’s back inside in an instant. The brute force yanks a moan fro
m my lips.

  “Yes,” I cry out. This is exactly what I need. He’s exactly what I need; the only man I’ll ever need. Tiring of him is impossible. “Again,” I demand.

  “How much do you love my dick?” He pulls out slowly again and it’s maddening torture on my psyche and my body.

  “I love your dick so much, now move!”

  His smile is wicked, but I love that too. That smile is a promise of a fast orgasm and one I need right now.

  Tightening his grip around my legs, he reaches down with his free hand, where his thumb finds my clit. In the next instant, he’s moving so fast inside me I’m clueless where he ends and I begin. We’re one and it’s the best feeling in the world.

  Like lightning, my orgasm explodes at the first crack of thunder that is his cock and I ride shock after shock that attacks me, welcoming every sizzle. Drago squeezes my legs, following me as his cum coats my insides.

  “Fuck,” he finally says, dropping my legs. “That didn’t last long, but it sure felt fucking great.”

  He falls down onto his forearms, caging me before rolling off and taking me with him.

  “Babe,” I call out after the hum inside me settles a few minutes later.


  “Logically, how is this going to work? I’m guessing you’re still hell-bent on taking your dad down.”

  “I’ll never be able to stop until he’s behind bars, Bri. I want this, us, our family, but he has to be brought down, or you and our kids will never be safe.”

  I smile against his chest. Our kids. I love the way that sounds coming off his tongue. It both soothes my heart and ignites my soul. We are a family. And one way or another, we will make this work and be happy.

  “Then we take him down together.”

  His body tenses and I know his first instincts are to object, but Drago surprises me. “Okay, Detective. We do it together.”

  “Just right after I beat Eric’s ass.”

  D bellows, laughing so loud Gabriel’s cries from down the hall ring out the next second.

  “Whatever you need, baby.”

  He slides out from under me and gets up to get Gabe without me having to ask. He does want this. That I’m sure of and my heart soars higher than it ever has. I want this too; every single second we’re given.


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