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That Snowy Night (Into The Fire Book 11)

Page 6

by J. H. Croix

  “I know. I just hope you understand.”

  “Of course I do.”

  Reaching for her hand, I gave it a quick squeeze. Her lips curled in a weary smile. “He’s usually up for a few hours in the evenings. If you’d like to come by, that would be a good time to see him.”

  “I have to work tonight, but I have Sunday night off.”

  My mother nodded and took another swallow of her coffee, the sound loud in the quiet kitchen. I could hear the ticking of the clock above the stove and a crow calling outside in the trees, its call piercing in the cold winter day.

  “Now let’s talk about something else,” my mother began. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned since I found out about your father’s diagnosis, it’s that it doesn’t help at all to dwell on it.”

  “I met someone,” I said impulsively. I suppose my mother’s blunt honesty had inspired me although I surprised myself by offering that up.

  A small smile teased at the corners of my mother’s lips. “Really?”

  “His name is Alex, and he lives in Alaska. It’s kind of crazy, but you remember that summer I went to camp in Colorado?”

  “Of course I do. You loved it. You were so upset we didn’t have a forwarding address for the mail. What does this have to do with Alex in Alaska?”

  “If you can believe it, I met him at that camp. I figured I’d never see him again. I had a fit about not having a forwarding address because I gave him our address for a letter. If you’re wondering, he says he wrote one. Anyway, I got stuck in the snow, and he happened to be the person who stopped to help me.”

  My mother’s brows hitched up. “And? Tell me more.”

  So I told her about everything—except for the hot sex. I ended with, “And that’s that. I’m here, and he’s there, and that’s too far for any kind of reasonable long-distance relationship.”

  My mother narrowed her eyes, and she leveled me with a look. “Don’t be ridiculous. Why don’t you go to Alaska? There’s nothing holding you here.”

  “Mom, you just told me Dad is dying. I’m not gonna just leave. Plus, you’re here.”

  “I am. But we’ll stay in touch. Maybe wait until your dad passes, but don’t just write this guy off. You told me he wants to give things a shot. Don’t be afraid to take a chance.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Don’t be afraid to take a chance.

  My mother’s words had been playing on a loop in my brain all evening. Fortunately, I could literally run this bar with one hand tied behind my back.

  I mixed a margarita and pulled a draft beer from the tap as I replayed my conversation with my mother in my brain. “Here you go,” I said as I slid the beer in one direction and the margarita in another. I counted out change quickly and kept moving.

  Suddenly, the hair on the back of my neck stood, and a jolt of awareness sizzled down my spine. There’s no way Alex is here.


  I knew that voice. A vivid memory of Alex’s eyes boring into mine just before my body tightened and he cried my name in a gruff shout flashed in my thoughts.

  Don’t turn around. You’re imagining things.

  My body didn’t listen, as usual. Turning, I couldn’t keep my mouth from falling open when I saw him standing at the corner of the bar. His hair was mussed as if he’d run a hand through it too many times. The second his brown eyes locked with mine, my heart flipped over in my chest and butterflies spun wildly in my belly.

  “Damn. Never thought I’d see Delilah shocked,” Griffin said from beside my shoulder.

  I glanced back at my fellow bartender for the evening, and all I could do was shake my head. My eyes reflexively swung back toward Alex, almost expecting him to go up in smoke.

  Gulp. He was still there. In the flesh. He leaned his elbow on the bar, a slow grin unfurling on his face and sending sparks flying through my body. I felt as if I’d been plugged into a socket as a jumble of emotions spun through me.

  The most unfamiliar emotion of all—joy. I didn’t even know what to do with how happy I was to see him.

  Griffin clapped me on the shoulder. “I think you need to take a break.”

  When I looked back toward him, I saw him looking at Alex, and it was as if they communicated in silence. “Come on back,” Griffin said, striding past me where my feet were still frozen in place on the rubber mats laid over the wood floor behind the bar.

  Griffin casually lifted a section of the counter, gesturing for Alex to come behind the bar. “Delilah’s on break. Actually, her shift is done for the night.”

  I didn’t know what Griffin saw on my face, but I didn’t have time to give him hell for anything, much less the mental organization to be on my toes enough to pull it off. I moved in a daze.

  In another moment, the door to the back hallway clicked shut behind me, and I looked up into Alex’s face. My pulse was skittering, and my body felt as if I were about to levitate off the floor from the force of my physical reaction at his mere presence.

  “What—” My question ended in a mumble when Alex stepped to me and pulled me into a full body embrace.

  I burrowed my face against his chest and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, simply breathing him in. Every molecule in my body spun in excitement and then settled into the feel of him. Alex was a touchstone to hold me steady in the maelstrom of the emotional storm inside.

  Taking several shaky breaths, I savored the scent of him, crisp and woodsy. Somehow, he carried the scent of snow. “You smell like snow,” I said into his chest.

  His laughter rumbled through me. “That’s because it’s snowing outside, sweetheart. I didn’t bring the snow with me from Alaska.”

  I finally lifted my head and leaned back. “What are you doing here?” I finished the question I had started several moments ago.

  “I missed you. So I bought a plane ticket, and I came to see you.”

  Gah. Just hearing his voice sent a hot shiver through me, followed by a rush of emotion so intense, my eyes felt hot from the sting of tears. I wasn’t a crier and wasn’t about to turn into one, so I took a breath and blinked hard.

  “You could’ve told me you were coming.”

  Alex shrugged. “Sure, I could’ve. And you probably would’ve told me not to bother. I know you, girl.”

  I suddenly felt bashful, an emotion I didn’t experience often. But hardly anyone read me the way Alex did.

  Chapter Thirteen


  My heart was kicking along rapidly as I looked down into Delilah’s clear green eyes. She bit her lip, her white teeth denting the plump surface. It felt so good to have her in my arms again.

  Every cell in my body felt as if it was on fire while my cock swelled and pressed against my zipper. I couldn’t even be romantic around Delilah. Pure lust took over the second I was close to her.

  Her eyes searched my face, and her lips slowly curled into a smile. “I’m not easy to surprise,” she murmured as her cheeks flushed pink.

  “I’d bet not. You’re too cynical to believe in surprises.”

  Her lashes swept down again, and I slid my hand up her back to trail my fingers through her silky, dark hair. “I missed you,” I repeated. “In case you didn’t notice.”

  She lifted her head again. “You mean to tell me you don’t text all the girls every day?” she teased, her tone light.

  I knew Delilah’s doubts weren’t specific to me, but it still stung. Just a little.

  “Definitely not. There’s only one girl I met at camp who I never forgot.”

  The door to the back hallway opened, and Delilah jumped back. The guy who’d told her she was done for the night came through.

  “Sorry,” he said quickly as he glanced between us. “Need a case of the brewery stout.”

  Delilah hurried down the hallway, calling over her shoulder, “Alex, this is Griffin. Griffin, Alex.”

  Griffin flashed me a grin. “Nice to meet you. I can get that, you know,” he c
alled to Delilah’s back as he followed her down the hall.

  She slipped through a door in the hall and returned in another second with a case of beer. “I’m working too. I’m not gonna leave you on your own tonight. It’s busy out there.”

  Griffin glanced at me and then back to Delilah. “Like I said, you’re done for the night. I can handle it.”

  I stayed quiet. I had shown up unannounced. I could handle waiting a few hours if Delilah preferred to work. Don’t get me wrong, though. I wanted her all to myself as soon as possible.

  Delilah chewed on her bottom lip as she looked from me to Griffin. He took the case of beer from her, commenting, “Drag her out of here if necessary.”

  “I’m going, I’m going,” she insisted. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

  Griffin was already making his way back to the door at the end of the hall. “Hell no, I don’t mind. I’ll get all the tips.”

  Delilah rolled her eyes. “Thank you. I owe you one.”

  As Griffin shouldered through the door, the hum of the collective voices in the bar filled the hallway. The door swung shut, and the sounds were muted again.

  Delilah looked over at me before spinning away. “Let me get my coat and purse.”

  I leaned against the wall and waited. A moment later, she reappeared, sliding her arms into a fluffy down jacket and looping her purse over her shoulder. “Did you drive here?” She stopped in front of me and looked up.

  Her question barely registered because I needed to kiss her. It couldn’t wait another second. Pushing away from the wall, I pulled her back into my arms, lifting a hand to trace my thumb along her jaw. “Missed you,” I murmured right before dipping my head and brushing my lips across hers.

  It felt as if lightning struck between us, the sensation sending licks of fire everywhere. Delilah let out a soft sigh and arched into me. In a hot second, I angled my head to the side and fit my mouth over hers. Her tongue darted out to tangle with mine as I dove into the warm sweetness of her mouth.

  Kissing Delilah was everything. Fierce need slid through my veins as she arched into me. We were both fully clothed with winter jackets on, but by the time I drew away, the searing intensity of that kiss had me feeling stripped bare.

  Delilah’s eyes had gone dark, and her breath was coming in short pants. All the while, my heartbeat galloped along madly, and I could barely catch my breath.

  “We should go,” she whispered.

  “Lead the way.”

  After a small standoff in the parking lot behind the bar where Delilah worked, I gave in to her insistence that I follow her home in my rental car. I selfishly wanted her right beside me immediately. But Delilah was stubborn, and I didn’t think it was worth pushing the issue.

  I followed her small car down the road in the darkness. Snow was falling lightly, illuminated like glitter in the headlights. The mountain roads here were winding. I didn’t like thinking of her driving them alone when it was snowy and dark like this all winter.

  When we arrived at a small apartment complex, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and followed her up the stairs. She flicked on the lights when we stepped inside and turned to look at me. Her gaze was guarded, and she seemed worried. Her hands twirled in the air when she gestured vaguely around the room.

  “It’s not much. I don’t, well, I don’t have a lot of money. I try to keep my rent low because I’m doing those online classes,” she explained.

  Delilah turned away quickly, shrugging out of her jacket and toeing off her boots. “You can hang your coat up.” She gestured to a row of hooks on the wall by the door.

  I followed her lead, hanging up my jacket and taking off my shoes. Her apartment was small, clean, and tidy. It was one large room with the kitchen and living room together with two doors in the back. I presumed one led to a bathroom and the other to a bedroom.

  A window looked out over the street in the darkness. Delilah crossed the room and pulled some gauzy white curtains closed over the window.

  “Are you hungry?” she asked as she walked over to the small kitchen where there was a round table. The living room was furnished with a big cream-colored sectional with plenty of cushions and a coffee table.

  “Actually, I am,” I said. “You don’t have to make me anything, though.”

  “Let’s order pizza. There’s a place just down the street, and they’ll deliver.”

  I had a late dinner with Delilah. We ordered pizza, and I learned pepperoni was her favorite. Of course it was. Because it was my favorite too.

  I learned Lost Deer Brewery had a delicious porter, and I learned I loved sitting on the couch with Delilah’s feet over my thighs and the pizza box resting on her legs. We ate pizza and watched a house buying show.

  Delilah asked me about my work and Willow Brook. It didn’t skip my notice that whenever I asked her questions about her personal life here, she gave me nothing more than the vaguest of answers. She seemed to have mastered the skill of offering just enough information so it didn’t seem as if she was avoiding, while never giving much of anything specific.

  After we finished about half the pizza, I lifted the box from her thighs and set it on the coffee table. “Come here,” I murmured.

  “I’m right here.” She wiggled her feet encased in bright blue socks as if to emphasize her point.

  “Not close enough.” I snaked an arm around her waist and tugged her closer.

  She giggled. A giggle from Delilah made my heart squeeze, just because she was usually so guarded. She landed with her knees on either side of my thighs. Perfect.

  I brushed her hair away from her face. “So I thought we should set some ground rules.”

  “Ground rules?” One of her dark brows rose in a slash.

  “Yeah. I’m your unexpected guest, but I do have some manners. Don’t change your work schedule for me. I actually arranged some work at the airport in Asheville. I’ll be here for two weeks. I’m hoping you’ll let me spend every night with you.”

  Delilah’s mouth fell open in a pretty little O. “You’re here for two weeks? You found work?” she squeaked.

  I nodded, toying with the ends of her hair and resisting the urge to cup her tempting breasts. “Yup. I know you’ve got a life, and you’re busy. I didn’t want to be sitting around twiddling my thumbs every day. Can I stay here?”

  Delilah bit her lip before she nodded.

  “Do you want me here?” I pressed.

  She chewed on the inside of her cheek as she stared back at me. “Of course,” she finally whispered as her cheeks turned pink.

  My heart gave a thumping beat. I didn’t know how to label the way I felt when I was with Delilah. I knew I didn’t want to let her and us slip away, but I wasn’t ready to give my feelings a name.

  I did know my desire for her ran deeper than any river on earth, ridiculous as that may sound. When she settled her weight more firmly on my lap, I couldn’t resist letting my hands slide down her sides to grip her hips.

  Arching my hips slightly, I was gratified when she let out a soft gasp and I felt the heat of her core against my arousal. I eased my grip on her hips, letting one hand slide up to cup a breast. She wore a V-neck T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Nothing special at all. Yet Delilah’s unadorned beauty slayed me.

  “What made you decide to visit?” she asked with a gasp as I teased my thumb over the tight peak of her nipple.

  “I missed you, and I wanted to see you. It’s that simple. I called an old friend from college who works at the airport in Asheville. He said he could line up some jobs for me, so I booked a ticket. If you’re wondering, I don’t mind chasing you across the country.”

  Delilah leaned forward, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to the side of my neck. That was all it took. “No more talking,” she murmured. She nipped my neck and made her way to my mouth.

  Kissing Delilah was like diving into a fire. Her mouth was warm and teasing, her tongue tangling with mine. She was a bossy kisser, and I loved it.

sp; I slid my hand through her hair to cup her nape and angled her head to the side, devouring her mouth. Her hands got busy. She shoved my T-shirt up, and I slid my hand over the soft curve of her belly, savoring the feel of her silky skin.

  “Alex,” she gasped, the word ending with a whimper.

  “Yes?” I followed that question with a drag of my tongue along the sensitive skin just above her collarbone.

  “I need—”

  She ground her hips against me. Next thing I knew, she was fumbling with the buttons on my fly. Reaching between us, I caught her hands with mine. “What do you need?”

  “You,” she whispered fiercely.

  “You got it, sweetheart.”

  I lifted her off my lap, and she let out a whimper of protest. “Don’t worry, just making access easier,” I teased.

  Our clothes came off in a rush. Then I was sinking back onto the couch, and Delilah was straddling me, her eyes dark on mine. I felt her slick arousal when she rocked her hips over the underside of my cock.

  For a few seconds there, I convinced myself I was in control, but I should’ve known better. There was no such thing as control for me when it came to Delilah. She rose, and I felt the satiny wet kiss of her entrance, then the slow slide as she sheathed me in her silky heat.

  Chapter Fourteen


  My forehead fell to Alex’s. He held me close with one hand gripping my hip and the other wrapped around my waist. My breasts brushed against his chest with every subtle shift of motion. My heart felt as if it were going to burst. Desire was caught in a storm of emotion rushing through me.

  The feel of Alex filling and stretching me was intoxicating. I tried to catch my breath, scrambling for purchase in my heart and body, but I couldn’t. Sensation caught me in a riptide, and I was towed along in the rush. The pleasure was so intense as it tossed me asunder.


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