Goblin: a LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates LitRPG Series Book 1)

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Goblin: a LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates LitRPG Series Book 1) Page 17

by Paul Bellow

  "Never mind. Hurry."

  I spurred the horse which took off faster.

  "Over here," I called to the bear.

  Where's Benji? Is he going to help?

  The horse, terrified at the bear towering in front of us, lifted on her back feet. I tumbled to the ground.

  You take 2 damage, but you still feed good at 56(58) hit points.

  Gah At least falling can't poison me.

  The bear lumbered forward, swiping its paw.

  The bear claw INJURES you for 11 damage.

  "Be gone, mighty beast," Benji yelled then swung his mace.

  The bear turned its attention to him. I scrambled backward before getting to my feet.

  Is Sarah ever going to cast a spell?

  On cue, six golden bolts shot through the air and struck the bear.

  It growled then dropped to all fours and clamored toward her.

  "Get him, Benji," I yelled while rushing to intersect the beast.

  "Take this," I said, stabbing.

  Your thrust INJURES the grizzly bear for 12 damage.

  With the amulet that improved my strength, we might make quick work of the creature.

  The bear screamed in pain but kept barreling toward Sarah. She stepped out of the way as Benji caught up and based the bear on its head with his mace.

  We really should invite him into the party.

  I ran over and swung again.

  Your stab HITS the grizzly bear for 8 points of damage.

  The bear didn't look well. It stood on its back two feet then fell forward. I leaped to the side, barely avoiding it.

  The grizzly bear is dead!

  You get 1200 xp divided by two party members.

  You get +600xp (-10%) = +540 xp

  You have 10,634 xp.

  You need 5,366 xp for next level

  You have a new skill: Dodge Basic Level 1 of 10

  "Thank you," the peasant said as he ran off toward the ramshackle buildings outside the castle walls.

  "We should bring the bear to the castle. They might want it."

  "I hope it wasn't Captain Riggard's pet or spiritual animal or something," Sarah said.

  "We don't have the cart, so we'll leave it here for now."

  "Sounds good, boss. The peasants will probably be back for it."

  "Let's go," Sarah said as she climbed onto her horse.

  "Wait, where'd my horse go?"

  I turned all the way around, looking for it.

  "Mine's gone too," Benji said.

  Sarah laughed.

  "Looks like you boys are walking."

  Benji, always positive, said, "At least it's not far."

  "True," I said. "Let's go. It's getting late, and I want to at least get in the castle."

  While I had said nothing to the others, I wondered about John's statement we might not get in to see Captain Riggard.

  Did we need his help? If he refused, we would have to find Snargaos on our own. Either way, I didn't plan on losing.

  As we approached the castle, I saw half-a-dozen men in full-armor standing near the closed gate. Two watchmen on the walls called out.

  "Strangers approaching."

  My armor causing problems again? Why are people in this game so racist?

  I nudged Benji then held up my arms.

  "We come in peace seeking Captain Riggard," I said in a loud voice.

  "Get off the horse, elf," a man on the ground said.

  Clad in shining armor, including a full-helmet, he stepped forward.

  Sarah hopped down and held on to her reins.

  "Why are you wearing that garbage armor?" he asked me.

  "It's a family heirloom and all I can afford."

  He snorted then spat on the ground.

  "Goblin-lovers aren’t allowed at Castle Casteel."

  "Look, we want to talk to Captain Riggard."

  "We know he's busy, but he'll want to talk with us," Sarah said.

  "We don't need no fancy-prancy elves around here either."

  Benji stepped out from behind me.

  "You got something against men of the cloth?"

  The man sheathed his sword and held out his arms.

  "Benji Bigelow? Is that really you?"

  "In the flesh and blood, Rathgar."

  The two men hugged.

  "Enough," Benji said. "Your armor is crushing me."

  "I remember when you wore the same armor."

  Had Benji been a soldier in the Great War with the goblins?

  "My friends and I need to talk with Captain Riggard right away. It's concerning Magi Inyontoo."

  The joy fell from Rathgar's face.

  "We've heard reports someone stole the Cursed Pendant of Visions."

  "That would be us," I said, raising a finger.

  "We lost it, though," Benji said.

  Rathgar stepped back and swung his arm toward the gate.

  "Come inside. I'll get the Captain. He'll want to talk to your motley crew."

  "Good job, Benji," I said as we followed Rathgar toward the gate which was opening.

  "Don't mention it," he replied, not calling me boss as usual.

  There was something different about him, but I still couldn't figure it out.

  After the tall wooden gates swung open, we followed Rathgar inside. Hundreds of soldiers milled about, some of them practice-fighting each other.

  "Get a stable for her horse," Rathgar called out.

  "Be good to him," Sarah said as another soldier took the reins.

  "Don't worry," Rathgar said. "We haven't had to eat horse meat in years. Things are getting better for humans. One of these days, it’ll go back to the old ways."

  "The humans weren't meant to lord it over all the other races," Sarah said.

  Rathgar stopped on the far end of the courtyard.

  "What did you say, elf?"

  "She's a friend," Benji said. "I swear my life on it."

  Rathgar stared at Sarah a bit longer before turning and walking toward the four-story brick and stone structure in middle of the complex.

  "Can we trust this guy?" I asked Benji on the sly.

  He nodded as we reached a wooden door. Rathgar opened it and walked in without fanfare.

  "How do you know him?"

  "I...um...I can't say?"

  "That a question or an answer?"

  Benji stopped walking and nodded his head to a man sitting at the head of a long oak table. He stood up and walked over in our direction.

  "Is that Benji Bigelow I hear?" Captain Riggard asked.

  He stopped and patted Benji's arm with his hand encased in a chain-mail glove.

  "You know it's me, old dog."

  "And who are these two?" he asked.

  "We may look like riff-raff, but we were the ones who stole the Cursed Pendant of Visions from Magi Inyontoo in his lair."

  Captain Riggard laughed.

  "Yeah, and I heard you lost it too."

  > Consider Captain Riggard

  This player character is the highest level with a good alignment. In constant opposition with Magi Inyontoo, he hopes to dispel him from the realm entirely. Captain Riggard will kill anyone who goes OOC in his presence.

  What the...

  "And who are you?" he asked me.

  "My name is Drex, and I hail from Harrisburg."

  "That's mighty offensive armor you're wearing."

  "I'm just doing my part to make the world more inclusive."

  Captain Riggard snorted.

  "The world would be great with no goblins at all. If you only knew half the things they're doing to people in the realm."

  "We've had our run-ins with them," Sarah said. "That's why we came here. We need your help."

  "Need is a strong word," I said.

  "No, Drex. We need Captain Riggard's help to find the list of ingredients for Dawn Acid."

  "Dawn Acid, huh? And you're intent on destroying the Cursed Pendant of Visions?"

  "We are," I said.

sp; A faint memory of placing it around my neck flashed in the back of my mind.

  "Good. That thing is evil. Anyone who's worn it can't be trusted. You haven't worn it, have you?"

  "No," I said before the other two could speak.

  Your alignment has changed.

  -5 alignment you are now +85 (Very Good)

  "Can we join your party?" I asked to change the subject.

  "No," Captain Riggard said then laughed. "You're too inexperienced to join in a party with me."

  Benji stopped smiling and looked away when he saw me notice him.

  "Thanks for your help," Kali said. "We want to destroy this thing so bad."

  "And destroy it we will, but first we will need to get the ancient recipe for Dawn Acid."

  "Where's it at?" I asked.

  "The ruins of Esterhollow. My scouts tell me Snargao the Impatient has arrived and will hand-off the pendant to Magi Inyontoo soon. We must maketh much haste."

  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Something about his hardcore role-playing struck me as positive on a personal level. Why wouldn't he talk OOC?

  "We need new horses," Benji said.

  "Not a problem. Rest up and eat. In the morning, we ride."

  Captain Riggard left the room. Servants came in with plates of food and pitchers of water and wine. After we had our fill, I took Sarah aside to go OOC.

  "We need to talk, Sarah."

  OOC penalty!

  -10% xp in your next encounter

  Her smiled faded.

  "What?" I asked.

  "Nothing. What did you want to say OOC?"

  "It's about Captain Riggard. He's a PC, but the game told me he would kill anyone who went OOC with him."

  "That's odd," she said. "But thanks for telling me."

  "We need to watch out for each other. There doesn't seem to be any designated PvP zones."

  "I'm tired of this game. We've been in here for days and days."

  "Me too," I said.

  Another slight lie wouldn't hurt.


  She stared into my eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, but Benji walked over.

  "Everything okay?" he asked.

  I nodded.

  "Good night, you two," Sarah said. "I'm off to get some rest and think."

  "Don't say up too late reading your books," Benji said.

  After she'd left, he turned.

  "It's okay, boss. We'll finish this quest. I'm with you until the bitter end."

  "Thanks, Benji. I appreciate you."

  He perked up.

  "Enough to let me join your party?"

  "Not now, okay? Soon. I promise."

  Lips pursed tightly together, he nodded.

  "I’m ready for bed too. All this riding and running around adventuring takes its toll on the body."

  "You're telling me," he said.

  We both found sleeping rooms on the first floor of the main building in the castle walls. As I drifted off to dreamland, I wondered why the game didn't have a quit feature.

  Did it have to do with my father not wanting me to plug into the game and play it? No answers came, but sleep eventually did, resting my body and mind for adventures to come.

  ()xxxx[:::: Chapter 22 ::::>

  Are Overland Encounters Random?


  The next morning, we ate heartily then got on our horses. Riding behind Captain Riggard gave us a certain sense of grandeur. I felt like a heroine in a video game.

  Maybe that's the point.

  "What, Kali?"

  Nothing, Charlotte.

  "I'll keep my eyes open for new spells when we're at the ruins."

  Good idea.

  A mile down the road leading to Castle Casteel, we veered toward the northeast. I wondered if we would ever find success with our quest, the main one to get out of the game.

  Eric looked cool in his armor, riding casually as we made our way to an unknown future. His jealousy back at Harrisburg had surprised me, at least a little. Did he care for me?

  "Riders approaching from behind," Benji said.

  I peered over my shoulder and saw a group of four figures in cloaks with hoods rushing toward us.

  "Whoa," Captain Riggard called out as he stopped his horse.

  The riders turned before reaching us and went around, galloping ahead.

  "What was that all about?" I asked.

  "They're probably up to no good, but we're on another quest. We should keep going."

  "I can scout ahead," Eric said.

  "Not necessary. I have powerful magic to help warn us."

  Who is this Captain Riggard guy? Should we stick with him?

  "It might be wise, Kali, at least for now."

  Thanks, Charlotte.

  "Let's ride," Captain Riggard said.

  He took off at a slower pace in the direction the hooded figures had gone. They were only one worry in a world we didn't know well.

  "Are you sure they won’t attack us later tonight?" Eric asked.

  He rode next to Captain Riggard across the field we were in.

  "They wouldn't dare fight me. Only one man in the realm has the power to defeat me, and we're on the way to deal with him now. Soon, I'll be the most powerful man."

  As he quit talking, I studied his expression. Could we trust him? Eric's paranoia had rubbed off on me. I continued watching Captain Riggard as I rode behind him.

  How long has he been in this game? Is he forever stuck in the game? Are we? The questions continued most of the morning with no answers evident. I needed to keep going.

  We rode hard for another three or four hours. I had no sense of time anymore. The days and nights were all running together in my mind.


  Later that evening, we stopped and made camp near a group of trees on the edge of a long-since abandoned field. I tied my horse to a tree then walked over to the others.

  "We'll start a fire to keep warm. I want to leave first thing in the morning."

  "Sounds good," Benji said.

  "I had an idea about our assault on the ruins," Eric said.

  Captain Riggard laughed.

  "You? Have an idea?"

  He threw his head back and laughed harder.

  "I'm serious," Eric said, his brow furrowed.

  Why did he always get so upset when things didn't go his way? Did it have to do with his being paralyzed in the real world? Or something else?

  "I'll tell you three a story after we get the campfire going. After you hear it, you can tell me about your plan."

  "Fine," Eric said then turned and walked off.

  "I'll go with him to get wood," Benji said.

  We need to get him in our party soon before he leaves us. Benji apparently knew more about the game world than us. I wasn't sure how, but I would get it out of him.

  "He would make a good member of your party, Kali. I recommend him."

  Oh, you do, do you?

  I smiled.

  "What's so funny, elf?" Captain Riggard asked.


  "Can you start a fire with your magic?"

  "No, but I can do it with sticks."

  "Gah, what use are you? Typical woman."

  My head flinched back at his blatant sexism. Was he trying to stay in-character or was he a douche in the real-world too?

  "Don't provoke him, Kali. Please."

  "You got something to say, elf?"

  Each one of his words came out like an insult.

  "No," I said. "I'll help them get wood."

  "Do something. I'll be here resting for the fight tomorrow."

  If I ever make it to a high-level, I’ll never be like him, I thought as I walked away to find Eric and Benji.

  They were walking around the trees, gathering sticks and twigs to get the fire going.

  "Isn't Captain Riggard great?" Benji asked as I walked up to them.

  "He's something."

hing okay?" Eric asked.

  "Yeah. He got sexist with me back there, but I didn't do you-know-what."

  Benji groaned and walked away to gather wood away from us.

  "Hold, travelers," Captain Riggard called out behind us.

  What now?

  Eric and I returned to our campsite. Captain Riggard stood a few feet away, his sword drawn as a cart with two poorly dressed people sitting in front. I couldn't tell if they were men or women.

  "I am Captain Riggard, defender of these lands. What news have you for me?"

  "The goblins are attacking again," the person on the left said in a faintly feminine voice.

  "Oh? Tell me more."

  "We were with a band of settlers, and they attacked us yesterday. Everyone died except for us."

  That's terrible.

  "This will not stand," Captain Riggard said.

  He's so melodramatic.

  "I thought so too, Kali."

  "You two can camp here with us tonight."

  "Thank you, kind sir."

  Eric, Benji and I went back to gathering wood. We soon had a nice fire going. Our new guests sat next to each other on a log, not saying much even when we asked them questions.

  Captain Riggard didn't mind. He launched into a story of the Great War with the goblinoids. To hear tell him, it had happened only a week or two earlier. His eyes lit up at the violent parts.

  I forgot about the newcomers as I got swept up in Captain Riggard's tale.

  "At that point, I had to chance it all to save us all or walk away and watch the city burn."

  "But the city burned to the ground, right?" Eric asked.

  Here we go. Someone must've cast Raise Testosterone at a high level.

  "Were you there?" Captain Riggard asked.

  "No, but..."

  "Then shut up, pup. You know nothing. I'll tell you of another battle the night the city went up in flames. After storming Castle Casteen and razing it, the goblinoid hordes crossed into our lands. When they reached Esterhollow, we didn't have a chance."

  He stared up into the sky as reliving the battles of that night.

  "I lost many good friends that day."

  "To friends," Benji said, raising his water pouch.

  "We had little clean water in those days either. The goblins poisoned our wells as they rampaged. I'll never forget those days."

  He's really getting into it. Why is he stuck here on the first level?


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