Belong To The Night

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Belong To The Night Page 32

by Shelly Laurenston

  “Give it up, cher,” Boudreau murmured. He propped up on one elbow. “What is it?” he asked the vampire. His voice was husky from sleep, but had a hard note that made Dori look at him. A muscle twitched in his tightly held jaw.

  Sabin spoke before she could ask what the problem was. “It is nearly nine a.m.” Sabin looked pointedly at his watch. “I have given you all the time I can. We must make our plans and gather our supplies.” Without waiting for either of them to respond, he turned and walked to the door. “Get dressed and come downstairs. Grady is preparing breakfast.”

  He closed the door behind him.

  “He’s a man of few words, eh?” Boudreau leaned down and pressed a kiss against her shoulder, then one in the sensitive crook of her neck. His voice was once again that of her sexy lover.

  She sighed and tilted her head, giving him easier access. “Mmm.” His stubbled jaw rasped across her skin, sending hot/cold shivers through her body. “What—”

  “As much as I’d like to follow this to its logical conclusion, cher, we don’t have time.” Deep regret colored his tone.

  She knew he was right, but it still sucked. Big time. She heaved a sigh and gave him a lingering kiss, then threw off the covers. Getting out of bed, she stretched.

  From behind her came a low groan that was part growl. She looked over her shoulder to see Boudreau crawling across the bed toward her. Hard muscles bunched and released, dark eyes glittered with feral, lustful intent.

  She held up her hand. “Jake, we don’t have time. Remember?”

  He stopped, holding her gaze for a moment before dropping his head. “Damn.” He flexed his shoulders. “Go take a shower, cher. I’ll wait.” He flopped down, head and arms hanging over the edge of the bed.

  Walking into the bathroom, Dori gave him a lingering look. Long legs, tight ass, strong back and shoulders. Her fingers curled with the need to dig into his hard flesh. With a sigh, she went into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

  They didn’t have time. Maybe tomorrow. But if they weren’t successful tonight, there would be no tomorrows.

  For either of them.

  Chapter Five

  Half an hour later, Jake sat at the table watching Dori pick at her breakfast. Experience had taught him not to allow circumstances to affect his appetite. To eat was to stay healthy and strong. His plate was clean. “Come on, cher.” He picked up her fork and brought a bite of egg to her lips. “You need to eat.”

  “Boudreau is right, Dori.” Sabin leaned back in his chair and sipped from a cup. At Jake’s raised eyebrow, he shrugged and offered, “Coffee. It doesn’t do anything for me, but I enjoy the flavor.”

  Dori took the fork from Jake and ate a few more bites. She pushed the plate away. “I’m done. I can’t eat any more.”

  Jake could see a spark of defiance in her gaze and knew that to push her on this would get him nowhere. Another thing he’d learned as a cop: fight the battles you can win, or the battles you have no choice but to fight. This particular skirmish didn’t fit either of those scenarios.

  Sabin must have agreed, for he motioned to Grady, who came forward and cleared the table. As soon as the older man left the room, Sabin leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table. “First, we need to gather supplies. I have a sufficient amount of juniper berries, but we’ll need more Dragon’s Blood than I have available.”

  Jake’s eyebrows climbed his forehead. “Dragon’s Blood?”

  Sabin sighed. No doubt impatient with his lack of knowledge. Again.

  “It’s resin from a plant, Jake,” Dori said, with a hard look at the vampire. “I have some at the hotel. Never leave home without it,” she quipped in response to Jake’s questioning look. She glanced back at Sabin. “My supply is from the Dracaena Draco tree.”

  “Hmm. Mine is Sangre del Drago, from Mexico.” Sabin paused, tapping his chin. “It should not matter. You will go and retrieve your supply and, while you’re doing so, I will craft a spell of protection and ready the incense for power amplification. Then we’ll finish this, once and for all.”

  “Bossy, ain’t he?” Jake sat back in his chair and looped one arm over the back. When the vampire looked at him, Jake quirked an eyebrow. He knew his entire demeanor was almost guaranteed to provoke Sabin, but he didn’t care. He’d had enough of the other man’s arrogance.

  The fact that Sabin had seen Dori’s breasts still rankled, although Jake was doing his best not to act on it. It wasn’t just that he was certain he’d come out with the short stick in a match up between him and Sabin. He wasn’t sure how Dori would react to such a primitive display of possession. Never mind that she’d agreed she belonged to him; it was said during the heat of sex. In the cold light of day, he wasn’t sure she’d be so agreeable.

  Independent, take-charge women could surely try a man’s patience.

  Remembering this particular woman’s take-charge attitude from the night before made a certain unruly part of his anatomy rear up and take notice. Dieu, she could try his patience to next week and back if she’d always go down on him as enthusiastically as she had last night.

  Sabin inclined his head. “You’re right, Boudreau. It was thoughtless of me to enter your room uninvited. It will not happen again.”

  Merde. The man could read minds, too?

  Sabin’s lips tilted on one side. “Your face is very expressive, Detective. Especially to one who has been around as long as I have.” He stood and pushed his chair against the table. “But, don’t worry. I don’t read minds. I merely put myself in your place and asked how I would feel if I’d awoken to find another man had seen my woman’s nudity.”

  He walked to a long-doored cupboard and opened it. From around the door came his voice. “I would have been most displeased.”

  “Displeased, nothin’,” Jake muttered. “I was pissed.”

  Dori sent him a look, making him realize she had just figured out why he’d seemed angry upon finding Sabin in their room. Her eyes widened slightly, then she dropped her gaze to his lap. Seeing his erection, her face flushed, and she looked away, biting her lip.

  “Would you two get your libidos under control!” Sabin plunked two jars on the table.

  Jake leaned forward, ignoring Sabin’s comment and trying to ignore his hard-on. One of the jars contained small berries. “They look like blueberries.”

  “Yes, when dried they take on this darker color. But, believe me, if you tasted one you would know immediately you weren’t eating a blueberry.” Sabin screwed off the lid and picked up one of the small, round berries. “They are quite bitter.”

  The vampire pointed to the other jar. “That is Dragon’s Blood resin.”

  Jake picked up the jar and shook it. The contents clanked against the glass. “Look like li’l red rocks.”

  “They act as a power enhancer.” Dori pushed her chair away from the table and stood. “We should go, Jake.”

  “Yes, yes, go.” Sabin took the jar of resin nuggets from Jake. “I will get everything prepared.” He walked to the back door, where he plucked a set of keys from a hook on the wall. “Here, take the Boxster.” He glanced at Dori. “Unless you’d rather take the Harley?”

  “No way.” Dori crossed her arms. “I’m not even sure I want him driving the Boxster. Can’t we take the Mercedes?” The look on her face suggested that she thought they’d be safer in the bigger car.

  “Aw, come on, cher.” Jake pulled her into his arms and kissed the corner of her mouth. Pitching his voice deep and giving it a deliberate rasp, he promised, “I’ll give you the best ride of your life.”

  She pinched him in the side, hard.

  He tried not to flinch. Merde, but she had strong fingers. “Now, cher, don’t be so mean.” He pressed a kiss to her full bottom lip. This was one battle he was willing to fight. It wasn’t every day he was offered a chance to drive such a powerful sports car. “I’m only tellin’ you true.”

  She sighed and shook her head. “Fine. I’ll be sure to say �
�I told you so’ after you wrap us around a tree.”

  “You wound me, cher. I’ve had the best driver’s training the State of Louisiana has to offer.” Jake gave her a quick kiss on her mouth then reached around for the keys.

  Sabin placed them in his hand, a small smile playing about his mouth. With a stern look belied by the humor gleaming in his eyes, the vampire said, “If you wrap my car around a tree, I’ll do more than say ‘I told you so.’”

  Jake gave a derisive snort. “We’ll be fine. Come on, ma petite.”

  Dori led the way to the garage. She walked around to the passenger side, aware that Boudreau was right behind her.

  “Let me get that for you, cher.” He reached around her to open the door and she inhaled his scent, a lingering odor of soap and musky male that made her bones loosen. She would’ve thought she had her desire under control, as many times as they’d made love during the night. He’d reached for her more than once, and that last time…

  With his cock buried deep in her pussy and his demand that she admit she belonged to him, she’d never felt so dominated…And liberated at the same time. Somehow, defying logic, giving up control had set her free.

  She pressed a kiss to his hard jaw and then got into the car. He carefully closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side. Once inside, he buckled his seatbelt, pressed the automatic door opener, waited until the garage door was fully open, and turned the key in the ignition.

  The powerful engine hummed to life. When he pressed the accelerator a few times, gunning the engine, she grinned. “Just can’t resist, can you?”

  “It’s a beautiful thing, cher. A work of art.”

  She’d never understand the male fascination for automated vehicles. It didn’t seem to matter if they were sports cars, diesel pickups, motorcycles, or luxury automobiles. If it had an engine, men were in love.

  He adjusted the mirrors then ran his fingers around the black leather steering wheel. Touched the dashboard. Curled his hand around the gearshift. His expression was enraptured, like a child seeing Santa Claus for the first time.

  It was irritatingly endearing. But when he rubbed his thumb across the knob of the gearshift, she decided enough was enough. “Oh, for crying out loud, Boudreau. Put the damned car in reverse and let’s go.”

  He grinned at her like a little boy, but obligingly shifted the lever into reverse before he backed the car out. Pushing the gearshift into first gear, he looked at her expectantly. “Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be,” she muttered and grabbed at the door, not really finding anything to latch on to.

  “We’re not even movin’ yet, cher.”

  “I’m just getting ready.” When the car didn’t move, she looked at him.

  He stared at her with one arrogant brow cocked over twinkling brown eyes.

  “Well?” She tried to lift just one of her eyebrows and failed. Damn, she’d never been able to pull off that look as well as Boudreau could.

  He merely grinned and pressed the accelerator. The car surged forward. She watched his square-tipped fingers skillfully handle the steering wheel, coming down periodically to smoothly shift gears. Remembering those long fingers on her body, she squirmed in her seat.

  Focus, Dori. We have work to do, and you lusting after his body isn’t going to help.

  But he was too alluring to not touch at all. She reached out with her left hand and twined her fingers in the silky hair at the nape of his neck. His eyes immediately went half-mast with pleasure. That fast, and he went from boyishly charming to a self-assured, aroused man.

  “Damn, petite. You put your hands on me, an’ I’ll follow you anywhere.”

  With a pleased smile, she settled back into her seat and kept her hand on his nape. Too soon they’d turned onto Royal Street and were pulling up in front of the Monteleone. She gave his skin a lingering caress then removed her hand. The doorman opened the car door and helped her out of the low-slung car. “Thank you, Charlie,” she murmured.

  A wide smile brightened the doorman’s dark face. He tipped his hat. “It’s good to see you again, Miss Falcon.” Looking at Boudreau as he walked around the car and joined them, he asked, “Shall I have the valet move your car, sir?”

  “No, thanks. Charlie, is it?” Boudreau waited for the man’s nod. “We won’t be long. The car will be all right here, then?”

  “Yessir, it’ll be jus’ fine here. Don’ worry.”

  She and Boudreau walked through the opulent lobby. When she smiled and waved at the concierge, Boudreau commented, “You don’ meet any strangers, do you, cher?”

  “Not many.” While they waited for the elevator, she looped her arm through his. He briefly squeezed her arm against his side and pressed a kiss against her temple.

  As soon as the elevator doors closed behind them, Boudreau pushed her against the wall and slanted his mouth hungrily over hers. When she opened her lips under his sensual assault, his tongue slipped into her mouth like wet, hot silk. The sensation rocketed straight to her pussy, and she gave a moan. Her eyes fluttered shut. Opening her mouth wider, she rose up on her toes and twined her arms around his neck.

  She needed more of him. She wanted to drink him down.

  He didn’t waste the opportunity. One broad hand flattened against her back, pulling her groin against him. The other hand clamped around the back of her neck, holding her head immobile. He controlled the kiss, and at that moment she didn’t want it any other way.

  His head lifted, and she opened her eyes to find him staring down at her. His breath came hard and fast. Moving his hands to cup her rear, he lifted her. Reflexively, she wrapped her legs around his hips, clasping her ankles under his buttocks.

  The action fit the notch of her pussy against his erection. They groaned in unison.

  He kept one hand under her ass. The other one wrapped in her hair and tilted her head, and he pounced once again on her mouth.

  She closed her eyes and groaned again. Boudreau was the only man who could turn her on so fast, so hard. Even with the slight sting in her scalp where his hand gripped her hair, the bruising of her lips from the force of his mouth grinding onto hers—or maybe because of it. Her panties were so wet she was sure her arousal would seep through her jeans.

  He took the kiss deeper, fucking into her mouth with his tongue. Pressure gathered in her pelvis, making her pussy clench and weep in response. She rubbed her mound against him, feeling an orgasm hovering just out of her grasp. She whimpered into his mouth and strained against him. Her nipples tightened painfully. Mindlessly, she dragged her breasts back and forth against his chest.

  He tilted his pelvis just a fraction and that was all it took. Her womb clenched, her nipples stabbed into his chest. She exploded with one long wail that was swallowed by his mouth.

  Strong teeth nipped her bottom lip, and the slight sting sent another round of shudders through her body. Dori hung suspended in his arms, fighting to breathe while he drew her orgasm out with purposeful expertise. Once the last spasm had faded, she rested her head on his shoulder and let her feet slide to the floor.

  His big hand released her hair and rubbed up and down her back. He pressed his face against the top of her head. “You okay, there, cher?” The deep rumble of his voice sent another convulsive shudder through her.

  “Hmm.” She rubbed her face against his shoulder then rested her ear against his chest. His heart raced, thumping loudly in her ear. “I feel great. How ’bout you?”

  His chuckle reverberated against her face. Taking one hand in his, he drew it down his waist, past his belt, to the hard ridge of his cock. “What you think, cher? How do I feel to you?” His voice was raspy with lust.

  Dori felt the thick pike of his cock and curled her fingers over him. Her tongue swiped over swollen lips that felt too dry even as smoldering desire flickered to life low in her belly. Flattening her palm, she caressed the length of his shaft with one firm stroke and watched his eyes narrow in response.

  With a mu
ttered oath, he reached to the side and hit a button, and the elevator—which she hadn’t even realized he’d brought to a stop—lurched on its way.

  It came to a smooth stop on the thirteenth floor and the doors pinged open. With a blush, Dori pulled her hand away from Boudreau and stepped in front of him. They exited the elevator, nodding politely to the elderly couple waiting to get on.

  “What was the holdup?” the woman muttered to the man, with a glare directed at Dori and Boudreau.

  “Never mind, dear.” As he was passing Dori, the older man grinned and winked at her.

  Dori gasped, then laughed and dragged Boudreau away from the elevator.

  “What?” Boudreau pulled her into his arms, clasping his hands behind her back.

  “They knew exactly what we were doing. At least he did.”

  “And that embarrasses you?”

  His voice was devoid of emotion. She recognized the tone. He was trying very hard to hide what he was feeling. She pulled back from him and searched his face. The dark depths of his eyes gave her what she was searching for. He cared. Deeply. And was afraid that, even though she’d admitted her love to him, she didn’t share the depth of his feelings.

  She loved this man; she would tell him as often as she needed to. Especially since, if things didn’t go as planned with the demon, she wouldn’t have many more chances. Reaching up, she clasped his face between her palms. Holding his gaze with hers, she said in a tone as firm as she could manage, considering she wanted to cry with joy, “I’m not embarrassed. I love you, Jake Boudreau.”

  His eyes closed. When they opened again, they blazed with such love that she did weep. His thumbs reached up and brushed the moisture from her face. “Ah, don’ cry, cher.” He rubbed the moisture from her eyes. “I love you, too.”

  “I know.”

  When he raised an eyebrow at her cockiness, she grinned through her tears.


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