Cole's Promise

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Cole's Promise Page 7

by Susan Macatee

  “Tell me, Claire, how close were you and Richard…I mean…?”

  She shook her head against the pillow. “Never. We didn’t do much beyond kissing before he left.”

  Cole sucked in a breath. “So, you’ve never been with a man?”

  “Not in this way.” She sighed. “I thought I’d die a spinster after Richard was killed in battle. I thought I could never give my heart to anyone ever again.”

  Cole threaded his arms around her back and clutched her to him, her warmth seeping through the material of the chemise. “I want to show you everything about what it means for a man and woman to love, but we’ll take it real slow.”

  She smiled. “I’d like to know. And I want my husband to be the man to show me.”

  He unhooked her skirt and together they slid the yards of material down her legs. He gazed at his bride.

  “Now, you must let me undress you,” Claire said boldly.

  He grinned. “If you’re ready, Mrs. Manning.”

  “I am, Lieutenant Manning.” She reached up to undo the buttons on his vest and push the garment from his shoulders.

  He allowed the vest to fall to the floor, then she reached for the buttons of his shirt.


  Claire held her breath as she revealed Cole’s broad chest, covered with a sprinkling of dark hair. She’d never seen Richard or any other grown man without at least a shirt. Cole was magnificent, his hard muscles and flat stomach ready for her questing hands to explore.

  Once she divested him of the rest of his clothing, they lay side by side in the bed, his hand stroking her bare back, sending gooseflesh up her spine.

  His gaze caught hers, then moved lower as his callused hand reached out to cup her naked breast. Her sigh encouraged him, and his thumb stroked her nipple, sending a delicious thrill straight to her belly.

  His hand roved over her stomach to her private area. She bit her lip as the delicious sensations increased. Writhing beneath his touch, a long, moaning cry escaped her lips.

  He rolled over her, covering her body with his. “I don’t want to hurt you, Claire,” he whispered in her ear. “I want to make this the most wonderful night of your life. Just allow me to love you.”

  She nodded. “I want to love you, too, but you must show me all of what goes on between a man and woman.”

  “I will. Just lie back and enjoy for now.”

  She did as he asked, allowing his touch and scent to take her to heights of rapture she’d never felt before. She sighed, moaned, and panted for his intimate attentions. At long last, he spread her legs and positioned himself between them. His manhood throbbed against her belly. She reached out to touch the smooth silk of his shaft.

  “I didn’t know it was like this,” she murmured.

  He smiled, lifting himself over her. “Allow me to serve you first. We have all of our lives to experiment.”

  “Do you promise?” she asked.

  “With my life.”

  Her heart nearly broke in two as she realized what those words meant. He’d promised to be with her for the rest of her life. Whatever he had planned, he would be gentle and caring.

  He stroked between her legs, increasing the thrill. Wetness seeped down her thighs, and when she thought she could bear no more, he pressed his length against her folds.

  “I’m going to take it very slow this time,” he whispered. “It might hurt for a little bit, but I promise it will be better the next time.”

  She nodded. “I want you, Cole.”

  He slid into her, and after a bit of pressure and a slight moment of pain, his movement sent her soaring to the heavens. She moaned again, a bit embarrassed at the sounds building in her throat and escaping her lips.

  Cole let out a satisfied sigh and collapsed atop her. She stroked his hair and ran her other hand up his smooth back.

  “I love you so much, Claire.” He lifted himself up and rolled over to face her on the bed. “I’ve never loved anyone as much as I do you.”

  Claire swallowed. “Never?”

  He gathered her in his arms. “Never in my life.”

  She smiled. Although she’d agreed to marry Richard, she’d never felt with him what she had in her husband’s arms.

  “I love you, too, more than anyone ever before.”

  He leaned over and kissed her thoroughly. Even his kiss was pure rapture sending sparks shooting beneath her closed eyelids.

  She never wanted tonight to end and dreaded what awaited her in the morning.


  Cole crept out of bed early in the morning, so as not to wake Claire. Her features relaxed as she slept, her gold hair spreading in waves over the pillow. He could imagine her an angelic being in her filmy nightdress. He quietly dressed and slipped outside.

  A rail thin woman in a patterned apron caught his gaze as he shut the door of the room.

  “Your missus still sleeping?” she asked, a knowing smile flitting over her thin lips.

  Cole raised a finger to his mouth. “I wanted to surprise her with some tea and sweetcakes for our first breakfast as man and wife.”

  The woman smiled and motioned him closer. “Go on down to the kitchen. Mrs. Densler is preparing a sit down meal, but I’m sure you can persuade her to allow you a few treats for your bride.”

  Cole nodded. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  She turned back to her task pushing a broom down the narrow hall and waved him off.

  Cole found what he was looking for in the roomy kitchen. Mrs. Densler sent him on his way with a tray carrying a heated tea pot, cups and saucers, sugar and cream, and assorted sweetcakes and rolls.

  He reentered the room to find the bed empty. Claire stood at the window, clutching her wrapper around her. She turned as he stepped to the small table and set the tray down.

  “Where did you go?” Her gaze dipped, then rose.

  “To fetch breakfast.” He stepped to her side. “I thought we’d enjoy a little more time all to ourselves.”

  She shivered. “I woke to find you gone.”

  “I’m right here, my love.” He gathered her into his arms. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  She shook her head. “The war isn’t yet over. You have to go.” She lifted her face to catch his gaze. “I’ll come with you.”

  Cole shook his head. “No. You’re my wife now. I want you safe at home.”

  “But…” Claire bit her lip.

  Cole lifted her chin with a finger. “We have a few more days before my furlough is up. After that, the regiment will be moving. I want you to get on the train and go back to Philadelphia…and wait there for my return.”

  Her chin trembled. “Promise you’ll come back to me.”

  “I promise, my love.” His lips found hers.


  Claire strode along the train platform on the arm of her husband. Dressed in his officer’s uniform, complete with sword at his hip, he presented a dashing sight. She caught the envious gazes of women alighting from the train or standing beside their bags on the wood planks.

  She tried to hold her emotions in check, at least until she’d boarded the train taking her away from him.

  Cole handed Claire’s bag to the porter, then turned to wrap her in his strong arms.

  She snuggled into his embrace, laying her head on his broad chest. “Cole, I don’t want to leave you.” His scent of leather and pine wrenched a small sob from her throat. “I can’t let you go. What if I never see you again?”

  He lifted her chin so their gazes met. “I don’t want you to go either, my love, but I want you where you’ll be safe. I’ll write you from my new location, and you be sure to write back. I’ll be looking for your first letter.”

  “But I’ll be so worried. What if something happens to you?” Her breath caught. “What if you’re injured in battle, or worse?” Her gaze lifted to his. The thought of losing him, as she had Richard, tore her heart in two.

  Cole cupped her cheek in his hand, his gaze drifting over her face as i
f committing it to memory. “Claire, I promise I’ll return to you. Have faith.”

  She gulped. “How can I? All the time we’re apart, I’ll worry.”

  He gripped her hand. “My promise to come back will have to hold you.” He lifted her hand to his lips.

  Her hand tingled where his lips touched. Near bursting into tears, she had to hold them in check. Had to stay strong for her husband.

  When he released her hand, his gaze sought hers. “Do you believe I’ll return to you?”

  “Yes,” she murmured.

  On her window seat in the train, she watched him standing on the platform until he was no longer visible. Settling back with a sigh, she resigned herself. He’d promised to come back, and she had to believe he would.

  Chapter Nine

  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  May 1865

  Claire gazed out the window of the home she once again shared with her parents in Philadelphia. Over the nearly two years since she’d wed, Cole had gotten short furloughs to pay visits and meet her parents and family twice over the past two years. Each time he’d left, she found herself grieving his loss anew, but he promised to come back.

  The war had been over for a month, the formal surrender signed. Claire’s happiness had been shattered, however, when her last letter to Cole remained unanswered. Each day, she checked the post office, hoping for word of her husband’s return…but nothing.

  Her mother tried to comfort her, telling her if he’d been hurt or killed, she would have gotten word. Her father consoled her, saying he likely was moving around and hadn’t received her last letter or had time to send one ahead.

  But Claire worried something had happened to her handsome husband. How was she to go on without seeing him again?

  In her dreams, she recalled his promise to return. Had it been an empty one…one he couldn’t possibly keep?


  In June 1865, three months after the surrender at Appomattox, a post arrived for her written in Cole’s hand. She clutched it to her chest, afraid to open it. At least it meant he was alive…or had been when he’d penned the note.

  She sucked in a breath and opened the seal.

  May 30, 1865

  Dearest Claire,

  I hope you are well. I’ve just received a letter from you dated November 19, 1864. Our regiment has been moving around quite a bit these past six months, so I was unable to get a letter off to you and this one must have been traveling all over the country. I missed seeing you last Christmas, but now the war is officially over, I’ll be by to see you soon. And once I have you in my arms, I’ll never let you go again.

  Be on the lookout for my return. I promised I’d come back, don’t you remember?

  Longing to see you again.

  Your loving husband,


  Claire whooped for joy and rushed home to show the letter to her mother. As they stood in the kitchen chattering, a knock at the door startled them.

  “I’ll get it, Mother.” Claire stepped into the foyer and opened the door, her eyes widening.

  “I promised I’d come back.” Cole stood on the threshold in full uniform, looking a bit thinner, but devastatingly handsome all the same.

  “Come in.” Claire yanked his arm, all but pulling him into the house.

  Her mother’s startled gasp sounded behind her. “Cole, I’m so happy to see you alive and well.”

  He grinned. “I promised my wife I’d return to her, and I was determined not to let her down.”

  “Oh, Cole.” Claire gathered him into her arms and sobbed onto his wool coat. “I feared I’d never see you again.”

  He rubbed a hand up and down her back. “I told you, I keep my promises.” He brushed her tears away and took her mouth for the most thrilling, satisfying kiss of her life.

  Claire sighed into the kiss with the knowledge that this would only be the start of their lives together.

  A word about the author...

  Susan Macatee sets her stories of romance during and just after the American Civil War. Her passion for this period in American history also extends to the paranormal. You’ll find time travelers, ghosts, and vampires in the mix.

  Her interest in the period stems from her years spent as a civilian Civil War re-enactor, alongside her husband, who did the military side, with the 28th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment for about ten years.

  Her other love is science fiction, which she reads voraciously and hopes to incorporate into future romance plots.

  She lives with her husband and sons, and the family dog, a boxer-mix named Chase. She spends her free time cheering on her local baseball team, the Philadelphia Phillies, spending time with Chase and her husband, watching favorite old movies, and inhaling books.

  Visit Susan at

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