Intercepting Love

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Intercepting Love Page 11

by L. P. Dover

  “Yeah, he says he procured a DJ and for us to be prepared to dance. He also asked if I would race a couple of the guys on the track for fun.”

  After we got down the stairs, Luke opened up the front door and I followed him out. “What did you tell him?” I asked, locking the door. “Are you going to do it?”

  My brother had a whole motocross track built in his backyard. Evan rode for the fun of it, but Luke actually went out there and practiced. “I told him I couldn’t since tonight was the only night I had for our date. I didn’t want to waste it by riding my bike. Don’t you think that would be selfish of me?”

  “No,” I laughed. “I think everyone would love to watch you race with the guys. I don’t mind if you want to. I’d be happy to watch.”

  He opened the door to his truck and his smile brightened. “Really? If you want me to, I will. You haven’t watched me practice in a while. Before I hurt my leg I had gotten a lot faster. I can show those football players what it’s like to compete in a real sport.”

  “Whatever you do, don’t let them hear you say that,” I stated, laughing.

  I’d hate to see what happened if he did.

  After watching Kate and Luke leave for the party, I figured it was about time to pick up my date for the night. Even though Kate and I were seeing each other, I wasn’t about to go to the party alone. It just so happened that it didn’t take long to get to my date’s house … only about one hundred feet.

  “It’s about time you got here to pick me up,” Lara teased, meeting me in her driveway. “I thought I was going to have to go to the party alone. Does Kate know you’re bringing me?”

  “Nope, she still thinks I’m bringing Lindsey. I told her yesterday after practice that I couldn’t take her. She wasn’t exactly happy with me after that.” While Kate was busy looking over one of the guys, I snuck away and told Lindsey that I had other plans for the party. She wasn’t surprised, so that at least made it easier on me.

  Lara laughed and took my arm as we walked back to my car. “I bet not. I hope Kate realizes how lucky she is to have you. I figured you would still want to take Lindsey since Kate was going to be with Luke.”

  “I’m not going to lie, the thought did cross my mind. However, the last thing I want to do is cause problems between me and Kate. I don’t like to play games, but I will if I have to.”

  When we got to my car, there was a small white piece of paper under one of my windshield wipers that I hadn’t noticed earlier. Lara waltzed over, slid it out, and unfolded it. “What is that?” I asked.

  Eyes wide, she furrowed her brows and passed the note to me. “Well, unlike you, it looks like someone else does like to play games.”

  In big, bold letters the note said:

  Glaring at the note, I crumpled it up in my hands but then read it again. “What the fuck! Really? He’s going to be like this?”

  “Do you think it was Luke?” Lara asked.

  “Who else?” I snapped. “It’s not a secret that he’s pissed off about me and Kate.”

  What are we … in high school? The last thing the letter did was scare me away from her. If that was Luke’s mission, he failed.

  Lara took the letter from me and shook her head. “This is so strange. I’ve known Luke a long time, and I’ve never seen him do anything like this. Are you going to show Kate?”

  She handed it back to me and I looked at it one more time before angrily putting it in my back pocket. “I don’t know. I’m probably going to go straight to him.”

  “Well, I think you should tell her. If he’s actually that psycho over her, she needs to know. Trust me, I know what it’s like to have a crazy boyfriend and it’s not fun.”

  Getting in my car, we started on our way to Evan’s house in complete silence. The wheels in Lara’s head were turning and I knew she was just as perturbed about the situation as I was. She had a point, though; if Luke was being serious about the note then Kate needed to know. My only problem was getting her away from him to tell her.

  When we arrived at Evan’s house, a majority of the team and their friends were already there and congregating outside. Walking side by side, Lara and I went on our search for Kate and Luke. When we walked past Lindsey, she rolled her eyes and turned her head, but not without Lara noticing with a smirk on her face.

  “Was that the girl you were supposed to bring?” she asked. “She’s hot.”

  Putting my arm around Lara, I briefly squeezed her shoulders and let go. “Yeah, but she’s not as hot as you. I’m surprised Kate hasn’t set you up with one of the players. Are they not your type?”

  “Actually, no,” she replied, gazing out in the distance. “I tend to go for the ones who never notice me.”

  I followed her gaze until I spotted who she was looking at … Luke.

  “Lara, please tell me you’re joking? Is that the reason why you helped me with Kate; to get her away from him so you could go after him?”

  “No,” she gasped halfheartedly. “I mean, not exactly. I never told Kate I had a thing for him. Besides, I haven’t really had much time to date anyway with helping my sister at the restaurant. Also, Kate meshes well with you. You two fit together,” she said, and turned to look at them, “… they don’t.”

  “But the guy has some serious issues. You read the letter, Lara.”

  “Yes, I know, but I’ve had a thing for him for a long time now. When I look at him, I don’t see him as being like that.”

  “Yeah, well, looks can fool you,” I argued.

  Kate’s eyes went wide when she saw us, and she tapped Luke on the arm and said something to him before starting our way. Unfortunately, he followed, scowling the whole time.

  “Hey, guys, I didn’t know you two were coming together. What happened to Lindsey?” she asked, glancing curiously from me to Lara.

  Luke scoffed and mumbled in her ear, “She probably changed her mind.”

  “Actually, it was the opposite,” Lara snapped. “Cooper turned Lindsey down because he knew it would piss Kate off if he brought her. So instead, he asked me to be his date and I accepted.”

  “Also,” I added, putting my arm around her. “She’s a lot hotter than Lindsey, and a much better date.” In her ear, I quickly whispered, “I need you to get Kate out of here for a few minutes.”

  Lara nodded and hurriedly reached out to grab Kate’s hands. “Kate, can you show me to the bathroom? I really need to go.”

  “You know where it’s at,” Kate exclaimed incredulously. “You’ve been here plenty of times.”

  Lara huffed. “Yeah, but I already forgot. You know how my mind is. Please, come with me. I really have to go.”

  Exasperated, Kate flung her hands in the air and chuckled. “Fine, I’ll go. Just don’t pee on yourself before we get there.”

  As soon as they walked off, Luke glared at me before taking off in another direction. “Not so fast,” I said. “We need to talk.”

  Luke scoffed, “I have nothing to say to you.”

  Taking the note out of my back pocket, I opened it up and thrust it at him. “So I guess you said it all here, huh? Kind of lame if you ask me.”

  Narrowing his eyes, he took the letter and read it. “What the hell is this?”

  “I was hoping you’d tell me.”

  He shoved the letter right back at me. “What? You think I wrote it? Why would I do that?” he asked incredulously, eyes wide and full of anger. “If I was going to threaten you, it wouldn’t be in a fucking letter. How do I know you didn’t write it so you could blame it on me? Then Kate would think I was some kind of psycho.”

  “Sorry, but that’s not my style. I wasn’t planning on telling her, but if this shit happens again I’m coming straight for you.”

  Shaking his head, Luke chuckled and stalked closer. He was about two inches shorter than me, and I had to admit he had some serious balls to step up to me. “Is that supposed to scare me, douchebag? What are you going to do when you find me, try to kick my ass?”

bsp; It was my turn to smile down at him. “Why don’t you write another note and find out?”

  We stared each other down for a minute before the sound of Lara’s laugh echoed across the yard; we quickly stepped back. Kate knew something was up because she glared at us both as she walked toward us.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  Luke was the first one to answer. “Yep, but now I need to prepare for the race. You ready?” He took her hand and thought she’d follow along with him, but she stood firm.

  “I’ll join you in just a minute. I need to talk to Cooper for a second.”

  Gritting his teeth, Luke narrowed his eyes at me and huffed before turning on his heel and stalking off. Over his shoulder, he growled, “Fine, you know where to find me.”

  “Luke, don’t be like that,” Kate yelled back at him. He kept walking as if he didn’t hear her. I guess I couldn’t blame the guy for wanting to sulk; he knew what her choice was because I could see it in his eyes. I’d be pretty pissed if Kate chose him over me.

  Looking uncomfortable, Lara backed away from us and waved, heading in the direction Luke stalked off to. “And I’m just going to disappear, too. I’ll be around if you need me.”

  Once Lara was out of earshot, Kate crossed her arms at her chest and grinned. “So Lara’s your date for the night, huh? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Why? Are you jealous?” I teased.

  She laughed and shook her head. “Maybe. Although, I do have to say that I’m really happy you’re not with Lindsey.”

  Yeah, me too.

  “Oh yeah, so what was it you wanted to talk to me about? You said it was important. Did you falter on your meds?” she asked quietly.

  Taking her hand, I looked down at her and smiled. “No, I think I’m fine with that. I’m pretty sure I can stop taking them now and be okay.”

  “Cooper, don’t do that,” she warned. “You may feel great, but you have to do this slowly. Your withdrawal symptoms are minor right now, but if you stop them cold like that your symptoms will be brutal. I’m surprised you’re not having more issues than what you’ve had.”

  It’s because I have you, I wanted to say. Being addicted to her was a better drug than any pain killer.

  “Actually, I wanted to make sure you were free tomorrow. I have somewhere I have to be and I want you to go.”

  “Where?” she asked curiously.

  I looked around at everyone close by and knew it would be risky to even mention it. “I can’t tell you here, but as soon as we get you back home I’ll explain. Will you be able to spend the day with me tomorrow?”

  Mischievously, she smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “I think I could probably say yes if you tell me what you and Luke were arguing about. It wasn’t about me, was it?”

  Sighing, I moved closer and gazed down into her stormy gray eyes. “Not exactly, but if you want the truth I think your name was brought up at least once.”

  She groaned and hung her head. “I knew I should’ve just called off the date with him. He’s been my friend for so long, it’s hard to say no to him sometimes. When I was still depressed over everything that happened, he was one of the people I could always count on to bring a smile to my face.”

  “You don’t have to explain it to me; I understand,” I told her. “But you’re not planning on anymore dates with him, are you?”

  Shaking her head, she laughed and reached for my hands. “No, no more dates. I wouldn’t exactly call what we’re doing a date either. I think he knows it’s a losing battle.”

  I wasn’t too sure of that.

  “Do you think we’ll get in trouble if I kiss you right now?” I asked huskily.

  She bit her lip and peered at everyone all around us. Luke wasn’t in sight, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t watching. “Probably, so we might want to be careful what we do out here in front of everyone.”

  Lifting my hands to her cheeks, I swept her golden blonde hair away from her shoulders and smirked. The strapless, white sundress she wore showed off her bare shoulders and it just so happened that she still had a few bite marks on her skin from last night. I smoothed my fingers over them and a raspy moan escaped her lips. My cock got hard just listening to it; it brought back memories of the night before.

  “I see you found the marks you left behind last night,” she teased.

  “They look good on you. How about I put a little more?”

  Lifting up on her toes, she put her hands on my shoulders and rubbed her body against my dick while whispering into my ear, “Follow me then.”

  The moment Cooper’s eyes found me, I knew … I could feel it. When I turned around and saw him walking toward me—his blue eyes focused solely on me with a smirk on his face, dressed in a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt—I knew I was going to be in some trouble. My insides lit up like fire and immediately my clit throbbed in remembrance of last night. He said he was addicted to me, but I had a feeling I was slowly growing addicted to him. That had never happened to me before.

  I had no idea Cooper could surprise me anymore than he already had. Not bringing Lindsey to the party because of me was something I didn’t expect. If anything, I figured he’d want to bring her since I was there with another man. You would think most guys would do that … but not him. Luke would have, though. That was what made Cooper different from the rest. All of my preconceived notions about what he was like from the newspapers weren’t what he was like at all.

  When we got inside of the house, it was pretty much vacant except for a few people here and there. No one noticed me and Cooper sneaking off down the long hallway. As soon as we were out of sight, Cooper trapped me against the wall and quickly lowered his lips to mine, hard and aggressive.

  “I wanted to do this the moment I saw you tonight,” he growled, biting my lip. His hands came around my back and grabbed my ass underneath my dress, squeezing it tight.

  “We can’t do it here,” I exclaimed. “We’re almost there.”

  I wasn’t about to take him to one of the bedrooms because that would be the first place someone would look. Instead, there was a room at the far end of the house that hadn’t been finished yet. My brother didn’t know what to do with it, so he kept it empty until he decided.

  When we got into the room, I shut the door and looked around. Yep, it was still the same; empty with cream colored walls and beige carpet. Once I locked the door that was all it took for Cooper to descend on me again. “We probably need to do this quick,” I advised.

  With my arms around his shoulders, Cooper picked me up in his arms and I straddled his waist before he pushed me against the wall. “Trust me, love. I can do this hard and quick.”

  Once his jeans fell to the floor, he grabbed the backs of my thighs and slid my underwear over so he could slip a finger inside of me; he moaned in delight.

  “I think you’re already ready for me.”

  “I was ready for you the moment I saw you,” I murmured huskily.

  Sliding my dress down over my breasts, Cooper lowered his lips to one and sucked, moaning deep in his throat. My hips moved against him on their own accord and I tried to lift up so I could get him inside of me.

  I didn’t have to wait long because he gripped my hips and slammed into me, thrusting hard. I yelped at first from the sheer pain and pleasure of it, but it felt so damn good I didn’t want it to stop.

  “Harder, Cooper.”

  He chuckled in my ear and picked up his pace. “Like that, love?”

  “Oh yeah,” I breathed.

  My heart pounded in my ears as the adrenaline of doing something wild and crazy overtook me body and soul. Never have I wanted to do anything reckless or in the spur of a moment. I liked things planned and orderly. Not with Cooper, though. With him I wanted to feel the emotions again … I wanted to feel the pleasure of a man’s touch and not feel guilty about it. Most of all, I wanted to feel alive, and with Cooper that was what he made me feel … alive.

  We needed to hurry, but I w
anted to hold off my orgasm for as long as I could. It felt so good I didn’t want our tryst to end, but it was easier said than done.

  “You’re getting tight, love. Let it go so I can come inside of you,” he ordered, his voice low and heated.

  Gripping his shoulders, I held on tight as my body tightened around his cock and sent me over the edge. To muffle my screams, Cooper closed his lips over mine just as he too gave in to the pleasure of our lovemaking. He held me firmly down on his body until I could feel the last remnants of his release spurting inside of me.

  Breathing hard, he kissed me and bit my lip while slowly lifting me up and setting me down on the floor. My legs were like Jell-O, so I slid down the wall to a sitting position while Cooper lifted his jeans and knelt in front of me. Thankfully, the room was carpeted so I didn’t have to worry about cold, hardwood floors against my ass.

  “I take it you liked that?” he asked, fixing the top of my dress to cover up my breasts.

  I smiled lazily. “No … I loved it.”

  Taking my hands, Cooper pulled me to my feet and then buttoned his jeans with a melancholy look on his face. “Since we’re alone, I’ll go ahead and tell you about tomorrow. My family’s coming into town and I would like for you to be there with me.”

  “Why am I sensing that you’re not happy about that?” I asked.

  “It’s because I’m not. My mother and father aren’t exactly the easiest two people to get along with. If I do something right there’s always something else that I do wrong. I could never please them, so I gave up trying.”

  I couldn’t imagine living like that. My parents were always supportive and they still were. I didn’t see them much, but I at least tried to call them a couple of times a week.

  “Is it just going to be your mother and father tomorrow? Are they staying at your house while they’re in town?”

  “No,” he answered, glancing down at the floor. “They’re staying at my uncle’s house. That’s where we will be going tomorrow afternoon.”


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