The Wizard of OZ

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The Wizard of OZ Page 25

by S. D. Stuart

  Now she knew it was all a ruse to gain her trust.

  And it had worked.

  What a fool she had been. She let her guard down for the briefest of moments and he took full advantage of it.

  She suppressed the tears that wanted to flow because her mother told her to always be strong. And she needed to be strong now more than ever.

  The two guards stationed outside of Nero’s office each opened their side of the double doors as the small group approached.

  The Wizard shoved Dorothy inside ahead of him. She stumbled and almost fell as she staggered into the massive room.

  Nero turned from the window that looked out over Little Roma and frowned. “What is this?”

  The Wizard came up behind her and shoved her again. “I bring you a gift.”

  She stumbled but regained her balance quickly and stood facing Nero.

  Nero looked at the Wizard. “Why is she all tied up?”

  She’s my prisoner.”

  “She cannot be your prisoner because she works for me.”

  Dorothy could not keep the look of horror from crossing her face. “I do not.”

  Nero turned to her with a smile. “Don’t you?”


  “Let’s take a look at the facts, shall we?” He held up a single finger as he spoke. “One, you brought the second emerald heart into OZ at my request. Don’t look so surprised. Who do you think sent out that message in the first place?”

  He continued ticking items off on his fingers. “Two, you killed the East Marshal, but I must admit, the Air Pirates played a small part in that one.

  “Three, you killed the West Marshal, granted with a little help from Caleb.

  “Four, you found the true Wizard. I have already received word that we picked him up right where he was waiting for you.

  “Five, you helped me discover a traitor in my midst.

  “Six, and probably the most significant, you found the key I have been searching for my entire life. And for that, I am eternally grateful to you, Dorothy.”

  She shook her head in disbelief. “You can’t take credit for any of that. I made every decision myself and you weren’t even there.” She glanced over at Caleb. “Even when you had your spy with me, he never suggested anything. He went along with everything I said. How can you claim you were directing anything? I did everything of my own free will.”

  Nero laughed. “Only God gives you free will. Most people who work for me usually do not even realize it. Besides, there must always be a little flexibility in any plan for it to succeed, don’t you agree?”

  She breathed heavily, the hatred building quickly inside of her.

  “You have done well for me, Dorothy.” He nodded to the two guards stationed against one wall. “Untie her.”

  The guards approached from the side and unwound the chains from around her wrists. The chains fell loosely to her feet and she massaged her sore wrists.

  The Wizard looked quizzically from Dorothy back to Nero. “What are you doing? She is the enemy.”

  Nero locked eyes with the Wizard. “She is not my enemy. My enemies are the ones who lie to me. Now, who in this room has lied to me lately?”

  The Wizard turned to run but the two guards who had released Dorothy were already behind him. They grabbed him and held him in place.

  Nero looked over at Caleb and smiled. “I believe you have something for me?”

  Caleb walked over and handed the clockwork key to him along with both emerald hearts.

  Nero pocketed the hearts and walked slowly up to the Wizard as he twisted the key around in his hands. “When were you going to tell me you had found my key?”

  The Wizard stared at him, but remained silent.

  Nero let a tiny laugh escape his lips. “Were you afraid that once I had the key, I would remove you as the Wizard?”

  The Wizard shrugged his shoulders. “The thought had crossed my mind.”

  Nero shook his head in disgust. “How could you be so small minded? I do not care about you being the Wizard. If you had just done as I asked, you would have been the Wizard over all of OZ.”

  The Wizard looked dumbfounded. “You would have made me ruler over OZ in exchange for that little key?”

  Nero inspected the key. “I would have made you ruler over the whole world in exchange for what this key unlocks.”

  He looked up from the key back to the Wizard. “You have caused a lot of people a lot of trouble by keeping this from me. But there is one person in particular you have caused immeasurable pain.”

  Nero spun around to face Dorothy. “You see? I am not your enemy. If he had given this to me when he first found it, I would not have needed to borrow your father, you would not have grown up an orphan and you most certainly would not be here now.” He pointed to the Wizard. “He is the reason for your sad and lonely existence.”

  He moved in closer to Dorothy and spoke barely above a whisper. “How would you like him to suffer for everything he has done to you?”

  She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. “You caused me all this pain, not him. I would rather make you suffer for everything you did to me.”

  “If you were to choose between killing him or killing me, who would it be?”

  Her heart beat steadily faster. “I know exactly who I would kill.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Her eyes darkened as she let the hatred spill out of her heart and on to her face. “Yes.”

  He took a step back and mocked a hurt expression on his face. “But I can give you what you really want.”

  “How could you possibly know what I really want?”

  Nero nodded to a guard who had been standing by a small door on the other side of the room. Despite everything that had taken place, the guard had not moved from his post. It was as if whatever he kept in that room was more important than anything else that had happened in this one.

  The guard opened the door and in walked Dorothy’s father.

  Chapter 36

  Nero enjoyed watching the volley of emotions fight for control over the muscles in her face as Dorothy watched her father walk into the room.

  Professor Benjamin Gale’s eyes scanned the room as he entered and, when they fell on Dorothy, he stopped abruptly mid-stride.

  His face lit up briefly before it was replaced by confusion. “Dorothy?”

  She bolted across the room toward him. “Daddy!”

  Despite being as tall as he was, she launched herself in the air at him with her arms open wide. He caught her in a hug and they spun around.

  She buried her head in his shoulder and the tears spilled out. “I thought I would never find you.”

  He held her tightly for a moment before holding her back at arm’s-length and staring into her eyes. “What are you doing here?”

  She did not bother to wipe the tears on her face. “We got your message.”

  “That message was for William. Not for you.”

  “I wasn’t going to just sit around and wait. I couldn’t.”

  His face saddened. “You should not have come.”

  Nero cleared his throat to get their attention. It was time to finish what he had started. “This little family reunion is very touching Professor, but that is not why you are here.”

  He held up the two glowing emerald hearts. “I believe you owe me a weapon.”

  Benjamin stood in front of Dorothy, as if that would protect her. “I will not do anything until my daughter is safely away from here.”

  Nero drew a pistol from inside his coat and pointed it at Benjamin. “You finish what you started or I will kill you where you stand.”

  Benjamin puffed out his chest in defiance. “If you kill me, you will never get your weapon.”

  Nero regarded the man before him and realized killing him would be meaningless if it meant a delay in getting the weapon he was promised. “While that is not entirely true, I understand the need of a father to protect his child.”

  Nero lowere
d his pistol.

  Benjamin glanced at Dorothy for a moment and then fixed Nero with a solid stare. “Put my daughter on an airship bearing to the north.”

  Dorothy gripped her father’s arm. “No. I’m not going anywhere without you.”

  He turned around and carefully removed his daughter’s hand and held it between his own. “I have to stay here and finish what I was hired to do. Then, and only then, will I know you are safe.”

  More tears flowed down her face as she shook her head. “I’m not leaving you.”

  Benjamin grew more intense. “I’m not asking you, Dorothy, I’m telling you. Get out of here and get somewhere safe. Now that I know you are in OZ, I will find you again. I promise.”

  Caleb stepped forward. “I can make sure she gets away safely, Professor.”

  Benjamin looked at him. “Thank you very much.” He looked back at Dorothy. “Go quickly, before Nero changes his mind.”

  Nero chuckled. “You know me so well, Professor. I suggest you do as he says little girl. I am known to be very fickle with my decisions.”

  Nero sighed heavily as he endured more hugs and more tears. He nodded his head rapidly at Caleb who finally got the message and took Dorothy out of the room.

  As soon as they left the room, he held out the two emerald hearts to Benjamin. “It’s time to get started.”

  Benjamin took the emeralds and walked over to the machine that stood by the window.

  The Wizard, who had remained silent, finally dared to speak. “Why do you still need the weapon when you have the key?”

  Nero turned to him with a smile. “The key has but one use. Granted, its one use is very significant to the world, but my emerald powered weapon can be used for a variety of purposes.”

  Caleb entered the room. “Her airship will depart in five minutes.”

  Benjamin glanced out the window and then turned to Nero. “This window does not face north. How do I know if she’s really leaving or not?”

  Caleb bowed slightly. “I anticipated the Professor would require proof and asked the captain to circle the casino once before continuing on his journey to the north.”

  Nero returned Caleb’s bow with a nod of his head. “Thank you, Caleb.”

  He turned to Benjamin. “I trust that will be sufficient?”

  Benjamin regarded him for moment and then nodded before continuing his work on the massive brass and iron contraption that stood taller than he did.

  “What about me?” the Wizard asked.

  Nero regarded the man who had betrayed him. The man who withheld the key to unlock the door to the secrets of the universe. The man who had withheld ultimate power from him.

  He walked up to the Wizard and stood in front of him. “What do you think I should do with you?”

  The Wizard smiled nervously. “Let me go?”

  Nero laughed and pointed a finger at the Wizard. “You are wrong when you think you are of no more use to me.” He looked at the guards on either side. “Let him go.”

  The guards looked each other and then back at him.

  “I will not ask again.”

  The guards released the Wizard and took two steps backward to stand in front of the double doors.

  Benjamin stood back from the contraction. “It’s done.”

  Nero grinned at Benjamin. “Splendid.”

  He walked quickly up to the device and stared at it. “How do you turn it on?”

  Benjamin pointed at a small knob set in the middle of a brass faceplate. “Push that knob.”

  Nero reached a finger out and pushed the button until it was flush with the faceplate. A nearly imperceptible hum emanated from the world’s first coherent light emitting weapon. His eyes glistened with excitement.

  He snapped his head toward Benjamin. “How do I aim it?”

  “Look through the tube mounted along the top. Whatever you see through it will be destroyed by the beam when you push that button there.”

  “How about a little demonstration, Professor?”

  Benjamin looked around and then pointed at a bowl of fruit sitting on the edge of the table. “Swivel it around on its base until you can see that bowl of fruit on the table there through the tube. When you push the button, you will see what it does.”

  Nero gripped the two handles mounted on the side and swiveled the contraption around until he could see the fruit through the tube.

  He pushed the button and there was a single deep thumping noise that he felt more than heard. The bowl of fruit exploded into dust.

  Nero could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins. “You have done well, Professor. But what does this do against flesh?”

  Benjamin stammered as he spoke. “I designed this so you could get through a door. Not to use it against people.”

  “And that is why the scientists are not in charge of ruling the world. They just don’t think big enough.”

  Nero swung the weapon toward the Wizard and pushed the button. “Like I said, I can definitely find a use for you.”

  The Wizard hunched over in pain and screamed right before every cell of his body exploded into dust.

  Nero nodded his head in appreciation of his new toy. “What’s the biggest thing this can destroy?”

  Benjamin scratched nervously at his chin. “I’m not sure. Conceivably, if you turn it up all the way with that dial you could destroy an entire section of castle wall.”

  Nero glanced out the window and saw a new target. He looked back at Benjamin.

  “Could this destroy an entire airship?”

  Benjamin’s eyes grew wide. “You promised to let her go.”

  “I did let her go. If you don’t believe me, look for yourself.” He pointed out the window. “There she is.”

  He grabbed the dual handles and swung the weapon around until it pointed out the window. He sighted down the tube at the airship hanging peacefully in the sky and pushed the button.

  “Stop!” Benjamin yelled as the two guards sprang into action and grabbed him before he reached Nero.

  Nero waited for a long moment and then pushed the button again.

  The machine felt warmer, but the airship still hung in the sky in one piece.

  He let out a loud exasperated breath and faced Benjamin, who struggled against the guards. “You promised me a powerful weapon.”

  Caleb took a step forward. “He mentioned you can increase the power with that dial.”

  He regarded the dial that had tick lines with numbers increasing from 1 to 10 around it. The dial was currently set on one.

  He shrugged. “I guess I should listen better.”

  He twisted the dial all the way to ten and sighted down the tube. As soon as he found the airship again, he pushed the button.

  The airship exploded in a fireball before evaporating into dust.

  Nero’s face broke into a wide smile. “You have served me well, Professor.”

  Benjamin stood still, no emotion played on his face. “And you have failed me, Nero.”

  Nero felt surprise at the bold comment. “I … have failed you?”

  “I gave you but one task, to let my daughter go. And you failed. Now you will suffer the consequences of your actions.”

  Multiple explosions echoed in through the window.

  Nero spun around and saw flames leaping up all around the city.

  His city.

  Strange flying machines dropped balls of flame into his city that erupted into massive explosions.

  His city!

  He could not believe that anyone dared challenge him. He spun back toward Benjamin. “What is this?!”

  Benjamin smiled. “I believe it’s called a rebellion.”

  “And who would be foolish enough to lead a rebellion against me? You?”

  Benjamin shook his head. “No. Not me.”

  “Then who?”

  Benjamin pointed to his left.

  Nero’s eyes followed the direction Benjamin indicated and his mouth fell open.

othy stood in the open doorway, pointing a revolver at him.


  Chapter 37

  Nero should have realized that introducing a new element in the delicate ecosystem that was OZ brought with it the possibility for unexpected results. Nevertheless, he thought his plan had enough flexibility to account for everything.

  Gunfire joined the explosions outside the window as his army retaliated against the flying machines dropping their fiery bombs.

  He looked quickly toward his guards who stood stiffly at attention and did nothing about Dorothy pointing a gun at him.

  Who could have turned his own guards against him?

  Who indeed?

  He turned and looked at Caleb, who stood with his arms crossed over his chest. He returned his icy stare with a wry smile. “What did she say to you to make you turn against me?”

  “The truth.”

  “And you think I have been lying to you all this time?”

  “You kept me from my people. You kept me from my parents.”

  “Do you know how the rest of OZ treats hybrids? Of course you don’t, because I saved you from all of that. I saved you from a life of misery and pain.”

  “And what kind of life did you give me in return? You trained me from birth to be your warrior. To do all the things you did not want to do yourself.”

  Caleb looked at his furry-clawed fingers. He looked up from his hands to Nero. “You made me kill for you.”

  He sprang forward and Nero barely had time to flinch before Caleb wrapped his hands around Nero’s throat and dug his claws into the flesh of his neck.

  “I will no longer do your dirty work.”

  Nero resisted letting any of the pain he felt register on his face. “Have you told your little girlfriend how much you loved it? The thrill of the hunt? The pleasure of the kill? I barely had to ask before your victim was dead at your feet. You were the perfect assassin.”

  “I didn’t have a choice.”

  “You always had a choice. I didn’t keep you here with chains or threat.”

  “You made me your slave.”

  “I made you my son.”

  The claws dug deeper into his neck and Caleb frothed at the mouth. “You are not my father!”


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