Take Me Home: Book 4 The Wakefield Romance Series

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Take Me Home: Book 4 The Wakefield Romance Series Page 10

by Hewitt, Theresa Marguerite

  She looks up at me out of the corner of her eye and I know she believes me. I give her a smile and lean down, nice and slow, whispering, “The smile that rolls off these lips is what gets me through the day.” I lightly cover her lips with mine, kissing her sweetly. I feel the hesitation, but within a second she is kissing me back; her hands gripping into my jacket, pulling me closer.

  Her grip pulls her up on the very tip of her toes and I smile into her kiss when I sweep my hands down, under her ass that I love so much, and scoop her up while wrapping her legs around my waist. Her arms go around my neck as I continue to claim her lips, letting her know that she’s mine and I’m hers; now and forever. Rhea’s tongue meets mine and I can’t help but chuckle when she bites lightly on my bottom lip. Pushing her back up against the closed door of the only empty stall, I break our kiss only to tell her, “Baby. I’ve loved you forever and I’ll continue loving you forever, no matter what bumps in the road we encounter. No one…and I mean no one will ever come between us.”

  I take her lips again, kissing her roughly until she moans into my mouth and melts into my body, her back arching against the rough wood making her hips grind into me. Oh my sexy wife, just wait, I think as I nibble on her earlobe and kick the stall open.

  Her laugh makes my blood pump even faster when I drop to my knees, laying us down on the hay piled in the corner. “Chad we’re not really gonna have sex here, are we?” Even in the sparse light from the single bulb above the stall, her blue-gray eyes still get to me and I run my fingers over her soft cheek, lingering on her bottom lip and trailing them down her neck.

  I lay over her, stroking her face and taking in this magnificent beauty that I’m married to; the woman who is the mother of my son. “No, Baby, we’re not gonna have sex out here.” She gives me that heart stopper of a smile, leans up and kisses me, lingering and light; not asking for anything, just telling me that she loves me and that she probably knows what I’m going to say next. “I’m gonna make love to you out here.”

  Her hand on my cheek pulls me in and her lips cover mine perfectly, one of her hands moving back to tangle in my hair and the other running under my jacket and down my back, making my muscles bunch and twitch with the simple touch. Up on my elbows, I quickly unbutton her jeans, make her lift her hips up and give her a wicked smile.

  “Plus, you can’t tell me this is your first roll in the hay.” She pulls her foot free from me tugging her boot off and kicks me in the chest, but I just laugh, grabbing her foot and kissing all the way up to her stomach. “Is this my baby’s first roll in the hay?” I ask her, whispering in her ear and letting my warm breath roll over her skin, seeing the goose-bumps rise on her almost all bare body. Her chest is rising and falling rapidly as she lies beneath me and she nods her head, giving me that sexy and innocent smile that she knows cuts me deep and I’m done for.

  I waste no more time shedding my clothes, almost falling on my ass as I stumble trying to get my boots off, and Rhea just giggles at me, pulling one of the saddle blankets down from the wall and throwing it over us as I lay back down with her. I don’t need the blanket, and as I roam my lips down her chest, pulling one of her pert nipples into my mouth and sucking lightly as she writhes beneath me, wanting something more as I release it with a quick bite. Moving down with my hands running down her side, I situate myself between my wife’s thighs, kissing the scar on her right leg.

  Her body shakes when I run my fingers over the raised, jagged shaped flesh and I kiss it once more, turning my attention to what I know she really wants. She’s already trying to fight the waves as I sweep my thumb over mound, swirling it over her clit and watching her legs tremble. At first, I just kiss her, then I pull her sensitive bundle in and run my tongue over it as my fingers find her entrance. I love that she falls apart under my touch and as my fingers slide in and out, my tongue teasing her clit, she fists the hay beneath her; screaming my name out as her walls squeeze down.

  I fucking love the way her chest is rising and falling, her skin flushed from her orgasm and I release the hold I have on her as she rides out the waves. Not even a second after I move up over her and her hands cover my cheeks, pulling my mouth to hers. She wants what she wants and who am I to deny her? So, settling between her legs the little moan that leaves her when I push slowly into her is music to my ears.

  Her lips leave mine and her warm breath runs over my cheek as I move within her, holding her left hip as she rises up to meet me. “I’m sorry…” she starts to say and I cover her mouth with mine to quiet her, rolling my hips into her and chuckling when she bites down on my lip.

  “Shh, Baby,” I tell her, making her look at me and rubbing the pad of my thumb over her cheekbone. “Jus’ know that I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Chad.” She smiles a smile that seems to reach into my heart and wrap around it, and I crash my lips down onto hers, losing all of my resolve. I take my time, my lips never leaving any part of her body, until Rhea’s hands move down and grip into my ass; her little signal for me that she wants it harder and faster. Again, who am I to deny my wife?

  Her head goes back as I grab her hips, driving into her, feeling her muscles tighten around me. She’s so fucking beautiful and I’m coming close faster than I want to. She gasps my name, her hands wrapped around my forearms and I’m a goner. Seeing my sexy as hell wife trembling beneath me is more than enough to do me in and I lean down, taking her lips just as I drive deep one more time, grunting into her mouth as her hands hold my face.

  It’s cold, and yes we are in a barn, but I’d be happy if we lay here all night, tangled in one another’s arms. I love my wife, and my family, and I’ll do anything to show them this. Damn those bastards at Savage Security for trying to break us, because I have no doubt it was them; but little did they know they were dealing with one tough country couple whom has loved each other for most of their lives.

  I do feel as if I need to tell who that it was a coworker in those pictures, so I turn to her and start to say, “Baby, you need to know that the woman in those pictures is…”

  With her fingers against my lips, her beautiful naked body lying beside me, she gives me a heart shattering smile. “I don’t need to know. I trust you, I really do. It’s jus’ with you leavin’ so suddenly I think all of the emotions took over and my imagination went wild.” She leans in and kisses me lightly, trailing kisses up to my nose and making me chuckle. “I love you and I trust you; no matter what.”

  Her stare reaches down and tugs at my heart and I pull her face to mine once more, kissing her thoroughly until she’s panting for breath. “I love you and trust you, no matter what, Baby.”

  I don’t plan on stopping loving Rhea anytime soon, and as she snuggles into my side, kissing my chest, I can happily say I don’t think she does either. I’m perfectly alright with that, that’s for damn sure.



  Watching Ellie’s taillights disappear, I’m left standing here like a fool. I don’t know what to say and I’m breaking deep down inside.

  Walking slowly, mindlessly, toward my new home, I’m kicking myself for not grabbing her and making her look at me; making her talk to me. I fucked it all up, is what I keep thinking over and over again as I get closer to my driveway.

  I hear a front door opening and I look back down and across the street to see Rosa heading toward Chad’s house, but I don’t have enough left in me to wonder what she’s doing. Reaching my parked truck, I lean back against it, throwing my head back and looking up at the now clear sky.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, my breath fogging in the chill. I’m sorry for leaving the way I did and for not making it right while I was away with at least a phone call or something.

  Ellie looked so broken and so torn between leaving and staying, the tears that were streaming down her face breaking my heart as she drove away. I know I can’t push her. She’s an adult and I’ll give her some time. But fuck, does it hurt, and a wave of anger rolls over me.
/>   I turn on my truck and start punching the back panel repeatedly, my fists connecting with the metal in rapid succession. I don’t stop until I’m out of breath and my knuckles are bleeding and throbbing. I throw my forehead against the cool side window and try to take a few calming breaths, the adrenaline flowing through my veins like a freight train. My arms are shaking and vibrating with the pain from my stupidity, but it doesn’t bother me.

  “I’m so fuckin’ sorry, Ellie,” I grind out, giving the window a pound before pushing myself away, jogging up the driveway and up the steps. Maybe a good hot shower will help.

  Entering the sparse living room, I can see Jack in the kitchen. I don’t want to say anything to him about it, but as I round the corner heading for the stairs, he says, “Ya know, poundin’ a huge dent into your truck ain’t gonna mend my sister’s broken heart.”

  “Go fuck yourself, Hatter,” I bark and jog up the stairs. I don’t need a lecture. I don’t need anyone except Ellie, but she’s not here. “Fuck,” I mutter to myself and slam the bathroom door. I’ve got to make this right somehow.



  December 23, 2013

  Tonight we’re having a little get together at Muncy’s Pub to celebrate Rhea’s birthday, leaving her husband and her to celebrate it on their own tomorrow without interruptions from friends. Chelsi and Jude are out in my living room, laughing and chatting away while I’m back here in my bedroom, trying to psych myself up because I know Bobby will be there tonight.

  It’s been three days since he’s been back and I’ve tried to dodge him the best I can. I just can’t find the strength to talk, hell, even think about him without crying and I’m tearing up now as I try to apply a little makeup. The only trace I’ve seen of him is his truck parked in the driveway of the home he’s purchased, and his form in the front window as I dropped Jack off the other day from our breakfast.

  Jack, my loving big brother—hell, I give him points for trying to talk to me about Bobby, but at one point in our conversation as we sat in the small diner in town, I screamed at him out of frustration to just stop. People looked our way, but God bless Janice Ludwell’s heart; she shushed their whispering and told them to mind their own business. He didn’t bring Bobby up once after that and we had spent the entire day together, just walking around town as it snowed lightly. He’s been all over the world numerous times, but he’s still the same Jacky that I remember; funny as hell, humble-yet cocky, and loving. It’s good to have him back.

  “Ell? You almost ready?” Jude’s deep voice echoes off the old walls of my trailer, shocking me from my musing and I snap back to reality, seeing the tears lining my lashes and I fight them away with a shake of my head. Before I know it, his muscular, always tan, tattooed figure is leaning against my door jam in jeans and a worn out Lynyrd Skynyrd tee, his arms crossed over his chest making his muscles bulge. “Are you okay?” he asks quietly, looking from the tears now streaming down my cheeks to my shaking hands and I give him a strained smile, nodding slowly. Jude’s dark eyes wash over me, and his concern makes me more nervous about seeing Bobby. So I look to my shoes, focusing in on wiping some invisible spots away from my boots.

  “Ellie Mae…” he drags out my name, plopping down on the bed next to me and throwing his arm around my shoulders. “Ya know you’re gonna have to talk to him sooner or later, so why drag it out?”

  “It’s jus’…too hard,” I say on a sigh, sinking my head onto his shoulder and accepting the one armed hug.

  “Yeah, but…it’s not gonna go away,” he says, shaking me a bit and making me stand with him. He squares me with him, gripping my shoulders for a second before rubbing his thumbs over my cheeks, brushing the tears away. “Alright! Enough of this…let’s go have some beers and celebrate Rhea’s birthday.” I can’t help but smile when he makes a funny face at me and I slap him in the chest, grabbing my sweatshirt and following him into the living room.

  I can tell when Chelsi notices my red eyes and she grabs my hand, throwing my purse over her shoulder and locking up for me. “It’ll be alright,” she says, giving me a one armed hug before she slides into the back of Jude’s sports car. “The words will come when they are needed.” She gives me a smile, but right now, I don’t believe her.

  Right now, I don’t feel as if I’ll ever be ready to talk to Bobby, the tightness in my chest growing by the second as Jude speeds toward town. I know, I’m acting like a pissed off teenager, but hell…I just don’t know how to say all of the things that I want to or need to without them coming out wrong.

  Pulling into Muncy’s parking lot, I finally notice that I’m twisting the corner of my sweatshirt, and release it with wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans. His truck, his muted red, lifted up, rusty-in-some-spots truck is sitting right there, not five cars down right next to Chad’s bright red one. I take a deep breath and step out into the crisp, dusk air, meeting Chelsi and Jude already ten steps ahead of me.

  The party atmosphere that hits me when Jude pulls the heavy wooden door open automatically makes me smile. The loud country music coming from the jukebox, the yummy smells of burgers and fries, and of course the laughter and shouts of all my cousin’s friends that are filling the bar. And I mean filling the bar; we have to wind our way through the crowds of standing and sitting patrons, around the tables and past the booths, finding Rhea and Chad standing near the bar with a bundled up Charlie in Dana’s arms.

  “Elwie!” he squeals, reaching out for me and clearing away any anxiety or worry that has clouded my mind, replacing it with sticky, lovey, toddler goodness in a second as I take him from his grandmother. He hugs his little arms and legs around my body and I squeeze him tight, making him giggle loudly and Chad eggs him on with some tickles.

  “Alright, lil’ guy,” Dana says to him, holding her arms out and when he shakes his head no, she gives him a pout. The little man can’t resist the pout from his mother or grandmother and he immediately reaches for her; Dana’s smile lighting up the entire room almost. She reminds me of my mom, and Rhea says the same about hers, and I am glad that she accepted me with all of my faults and secrets. “It’s good to see ya, Ellie Mae,” she says, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek that I reciprocate.

  “Alright, Mama,” Chad laughs, pulling my attention as he wraps his wife in a tight hug, “leave us be so we can get all drunk ‘n rowdy.” The smart smirk that finds his lips makes everyone within a few feet of our group laugh and Dana slaps him on the arm, before kissing his cheek and Rhea’s. Watching her walk out, it seems like everyone in the entire bar says a goodbye or ‘see ya later’ to Dana Payne, drawing my attention to a booth near the jukebox; under the twelve point white tail buck that Chad shot this past fall.

  Bobby’s laugh mingles with my older brother’s, seeming to travel all the way across the crowded room and squeeze my heart, taking my breath away. He’s sitting on the outside of the booth, his jean clad legs stretched out and taking up a lot of the space with his height; his worn out work boots sticking out into the walkway. Austin French, my brother, and Elliot Uclid are crammed into the booth with him, all laughing away, and I have to turn away. His smile and slight five o’clock shadow are too much for my heart and mind to take.

  Spinning back around, I am immediately pulled into a half hug by my cousin, easing my mind a little, and I wrap my arm around her waist. “Seems like all the town is here!” I have to shout because a new song is blaring into the sound system, pumping Dierks Bentley all throughout the place.

  “Yeah, it’s great seeing everyone in one place.” She smiles, nodding to the different groups of people. “You don’t really notice how much time slips by when you don’t see someone ‘cuz life just takes precedence.” I agree with her statement, following her nod to a booth that houses Jesse Ludwell, Duke Orr’s cousin, and his new wife; Holly Unger. Yup, after being shocked to the core by what Duke did to Rhea, Jesse and Holly both took it hard, but they eventually found each other and tied the knot not three week
s ago. Plus, as Holly shifts in the booth, I see her very pregnant belly.

  “Life works in funny ways,” I say, seeing Rhea’s smile and laughing lightly with her as she turns back to the bar.

  “Yes it does,” she agrees, squeezing my shoulders and kissing me on the cheek. I know she’s trying to tell me something, but Brad catches my attention before I let the hidden meaning of her words sink in.

  “Hey, girlie.” He smiles and winks, his dark hair getting longer each time I see him. Now it’s slicked back with gel, making him look a little like a young Elvis, and his stare reaches over my head as he signals to someone in the room. “Wanna do me a favor?” His eyebrow raises and I can’t say no to him. I nod and his grin grows, making me laugh to myself as he reaches across the bar and slaps me on the cheek lightly.

  “Take this over to Jesse and Holly’s booth, would ya?” He pushes a tray with two cups of coffee, a cup of hot cocoa, and a bowl of chowder across the bar top toward me and I pick it up without second thought, balancing it on my shoulder and weaving through the room. I’ve helped the bar out more than once with Rhea and Kendall, so when some of the locals see me with the tray, they signal for refills and I nod my acknowledgement.

  “Hey guys,” I say with a smile, shocked with the bright ones I get in return. Jesse and Holly had never been the social butterflies since I’ve been around, and the whole Duke thing, but in the last couple of months they’ve been around more and it’s great to see them healing with each other. Well, hell…if that isn’t a sign I don’t know what is, but I shake it away and return my attention to their smiles. “Here is your stuff. Do you think ya need anythin’ else?”


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