Phoenix's Heart

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Phoenix's Heart Page 12

by Khelsey Jackson

  “There is a lot.” He listened for a few minutes and shut his eyes. “We will be there soon.” He ended the call and looked at her. “We need to get to your place. Max wants to check you.”

  Jennifer felt her body go numb. “Am I losing our babies?”

  Phoenix shook his head. “Hell no, I won't let that happen.” He put his hand out for her to take. She put her hand in his, and he pulled her up to him. She glanced at the bed and there was a blood stain on the sheets. She felt her eyes fill with her tears. “Oh shit, we need to go now. I will have Mark follow us with your car.”

  She nodded, she wasn’t in the mood to be driving. “Can you hand me my purse?” She knew she still had a few pads in there; he grabbed her purse and handed it to her. “Thanks, I need panties.

  He walked over to his dresser drawers and handed her red lace boy shorts. “I will go and tell Mark what's going on.” He walked out of the room and she put her hands on her belly.

  “Please be okay,” she whispered and a few tears fell from her eyes.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jennifer walked out of the bathroom, and saw Phoenix. She knew he could tell that she had been crying.

  “Oh darling, everything is going to be fine.” She nodded and hoped so. She still hadn’t felt the babies move. “I'm going to carry you down the stairs to my SUV. Mark has already left with your car.”

  She shook her head, there was no way she was letting him carry her all that way. “You can't carry me that far.”

  He smiled, and walked to her. “Darling, I can and will.” He scooped her up, and she smiled weakly at him. “Let's go.”

  Jennifer couldn't believe Phoenix carried her all that way, but he did. “I want to carry you inside.”

  She shook her head. “No, I can walk.” She looked at him and he didn’t look happy. “Phoenix, if I need you to carry me I will tell you.”

  He looked out of the window. “Fine, but I am opening your door.” She knew she had made him mad, and she didn’t care. She was worried, and didn’t want to be treated like a child. He opened his door and she watched him walk over to her side. He left his suit jacket in the car.

  Phoenix opened her door and helped her out. “Thank you.” He nodded, and she walked ahead of him.

  It didn’t take long before he was holding her hand. “I'm sorry I’m acting like an ass, but I am scared out of my mind.”

  She looked at him. “I am too.” She squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back.

  Before they got to her door, Megan rushed out and to them. “Oh Jenny!” Her best friend wrapped her arms around Jennifer. “Max, tell me what's going on. Come on he is waiting for you in your room.” Megan grabbed Jennifer's other hand and pulled her into their apartment.

  Max was standing against her doorframe. “Jennifer I need you to lay on the edge of your bed, with your feet hanging off the side.” She nodded and did what he said. He had some gloves, along with the portable ultrasound. “Good, now this is going to hurt. I’m going to check and see if you are dilated.” She nodded and lay back. As he was checking she bit her lip.

  “You are three centimeters. I’m going to check the babies now.” Megan handed him a blanket to put on top of her, and then he lifted her dress up to her chest.

  “Is three centimeters bad?” she asked Max. He shook his head. “It's not normal for how far along as you are. But that might mean you will be having these babies soon.” She felt the cold lubricant on her and then she felt him moving the wand. She held her breath and closed her eyes. “I see, Jennifer your babies are too big in there. I think you'll be having them soon.”

  She opened her eyes, and Max smiled at her. “They are okay?” He nodded.

  “But the amount of blood scares me. I want you on bed rest. That means you are not allowed up unless you are in the bathroom, and even then only fifteen minutes per day. So no more working and no more sex.” She looked at Phoenix, he nodded at her. Jennifer didn’t know if she could do without Phoenix, and she knew he couldn’t do without her.

  “You are going to stay with me. We'll have a girl’s day!” Megan said, and Jennifer winked at her best friend.

  Max winked and gave her a grin. “Hon, why don’t we give them some alone time. You will have Jennifer all day. But I want her to rest.” Jennifer sat up and watched Megan's face light up as Max put his arm around her shoulders.

  “Sure.” She didn’t take her eyes off of Max, they walked out of Jennifer's room together.

  “Darling, I have to go to work today, and then I have a dinner meeting tonight,” Phoenix said as she frowned at him.

  “So I won't see you at all today or tonight?” He sat next to her on the bed and took her hand in his.

  “I'll try like hell to come over tonight.” Phoenix brought her hand to his warm soft lips. “Just do what Max said and stay in bed.” He leaned in and gently kissed her lips.

  “Okay.” She smiled against his lips.

  He stood up and let go of her hand. “Bye my darling angel.” He winked and walked out of the door.

  Megan came in and Jennifer lay back on her bed. Her best friend joined her; she fell asleep snuggling with Megan.


  Phoenix and Max walked quietly out of the apartment. He was so happy that his babies were okay.

  “Are you sure Jennifer is okay?” He asked. Max nodded.

  “Yes, but I wasn’t kidding. She will be having those babies soon. If I would have to guess I would say in the next two or three days.”

  Phoenix couldn't believe he was going to be a father that soon. He smiled and hoped they looked like Jennifer, or at least had her smile. He was mesmerized by her beautiful smile.

  “You got it really bad for her, and the sad part is you don’t even know it.”

  “I can't love anyone, it's not in my DNA,” Phoenix said as they walked out of the warm building.

  Max shook his head. “That is a lie, you love those babies already.” Phoenix looked away, because he did love his babies already. “Jennifer isn't going to leave you like your mother.”

  Phoenix knew that, but it is still in the back of his mind. “I have to go, I have a meeting in twenty minutes.”

  “Give her a chance, try to let her into your heart, Phoenix.”

  Phoenix laughed and nodded. He only wished it were that easy.


  Jennifer only woke up one time all day, and it was when Megan forced her to eat some chicken and rice. She looked at the clock, and knew that Phoenix should already be home. She got out of bed and walked out to the living room. Max and Megan were cuddling on the couch.

  Max looked up at her and narrowed his eyes. “Hey I am heading to Phoenix's. I will stay laying down when I get there.”

  Megan stood up and smiled. “I will bring you.”

  Jennifer shook her head. “No, it only takes me ten minutes to get there.”

  She looked back at Max, and he nodded. “Fine, but promise me you will be laying down and resting, and still no sex.” He winked, and she blushed.

  Jennifer knew that Phoenix was busy, but she wanted to see him. He wanted her to move in with him, so she knocked on the door. Mark opened the door and smiled at her. He was very handsome like Phoenix, and she wondered if he was an incubus. He had light brown hair, and hazel-blue eyes.

  “Ms. Cruz.” He nodded and smiled at her. “How are you feeling?”

  She returned his beautiful smile. “Mark, call me Jennifer. And I am feeling better. Is Phoenix home?” She knew that was a dumb question she saw his SUV when she pulled up.

  He nodded, and glanced away from her. She had a feeling he was hiding something. “He is.” He turned his hazel-blue eyes back to hers. “Would you like me to get him?” She had a really bad feeling and she was scared. The last time she had this feeling it was with Ryan.

  She shook her head, and walked past him into the house. Jennifer walked up the stairs, as she walked past a room she heard a woman’s laughter. She came to a stop, and turned her head to t
he door. It was open a little and she could see bright red hair.

  “Phoenix, I am so happy you took me up on my offer.” Melissa turned around, and smiled at Phoenix.

  “Melissa I had fun. Thank you, I needed to get my mind off of things.” Jennifer watched Melissa throw her arms around his neck. Jennifer felt her heart breaking, Phoenix didn’t push her away. Melissa stood up on her tippy toes and brought her lips to his, he didn’t push her away.

  Jennifer felt her heart drop to her stomach as she watched his lips touch Melissa's. When his lips were on hers, he wrapped his arms around her back.

  She had seen enough, she slammed the door open and was impressed when it hit the wall loudly, Phoenix and Melissa jump apart. His eyes widened when he saw her, and Melissa smirked.

  “What the hell is going on!” she yelled, and Phoenix started to walk towards her. She shook her head. “No! You said you had a business meeting, and I see you making out with this slut.” She felt her babies starting to go crazy inside her, she wondered if they knew what was going on. She slowed her breathing, she didn't want to stress them.

  “Darl--” She didn't let him finish.

  She glared at him. “Don't you dare call me darling, I’m not your darling.” She turned to walk away, knowing he would come after her.

  Jennifer walked down the stairs and met Mark's sad knowing eyes, she had to look away or she would cry. She was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

  “Jennifer, please let me explain.” She looked at his hand and pushed it off.

  She turned around, and shook her head. “There is nothing to explain. I saw you kissing another woman after you promised me you wouldn't! You cannot drain me, so there was no reason you should be kissing her.” She felt tears filling her eyes. He brought his hand up to her face, but she slapped it away before he could touch her. “Don't touch me!” He knew that this was her biggest fear, and he did it. He cheated on her.

  She kept her eyes on his, and she saw the regret in his face. “Jennifer I am so sorry. Melissa doesn't mean anything to me.” He grabbed her hands, and she didn't fight him. “You mean everything to me. You are the mother of my babies.”

  Jennifer shook her head, and she felt her heart falling. “That isn't enough anymore. I need more if you want me to stay.” She knew she would never own his heart.

  He closed his eyes. “I already asked you to marry me, what else can I offer you?” He opened his midnight blue eyes.

  She took back her hands. “Your heart, Phoenix. I want you to love me. That is all I ever wanted.” She threw her arms up and looked around. “I don't care about any of this, your money means nothing to me.” His face was blank, she couldn't read anything.

  His shoulders dropped, and so did his head. “I can't love you.”

  She welcomed her tears because he was just tore her heart into pieces. “Then I can't be with you.” She said through her sobs.

  He looked up at her and he had crazy eyes. “What do you mean, you can't be with me. Fuck Jennifer, we are having twins anytime.”

  Even with her tears she gave him a smile. “You will be their father no matter what, but I won't be with you. I am done. Seeing you with her killed me. You know what Ryan did, and you still cheated on me.”

  “Damn it Jennifer, it was one stupid kiss!” He didn't get it, he didn't see why a kiss would hurt her.

  “It wasn't a stupid kiss. What would have happened if I didn't walk in?”

  “I wouldn't have fucked her. Like you said I can fuck you and not drain you, so there is no point in having someone else.” She nodded, and turned around. She was done, and tired. “Darling, please don't leave me. I will do anything to make it up to you. Please don't walk out.” He just did it, he just completely broke her heart.

  She stopped at the door but didn’t turn around. “There is only one way I will stay Phoenix. Tell me you love me and I will never walk out this door.” She waited for about thirty seconds, and nodded. “Good bye, Phoenix.” She walked out the door and walked to her car.

  As she was driving away she looked into the review mirror one more time as her tears fell from her eyes.


  Phoenix stared at the door that Jennifer just walked out of. He couldn't believe she saw him kissing Melissa, he couldn't even believe he’d kissed her. He saw movement in the corner of his eye, and saw Mark.

  “I'm sorry sir,” he said. Phoenix just shook his head. Jennifer was too upset to be driving.

  “Can you follow her, and make sure she gets home safely?” he asked his employee.

  “Of course.” Mark nodded and walked out of the door.

  Phoenix headed up the stairs to a waiting Melissa. He walked into his office, and she smiled when he walked in.

  “Melissa what happened was a mistake,” he said, and she glared at him.

  “No, you and Jennifer were the mistake. We fit together better.” As she walked towards him she swayed her hips. “I know you want me. I can see it.” She was now standing in front of him, she tried to touch his face and he took her hand in his.

  “No we don't fit together, I fit with Jennifer. She is pregnant with my babies.” He turned her around and pushed her to the door. “Now leave Melissa, I will be buying you out in the morning.” He gently pushed her out of the door.

  “Fuck you, Phoenix!” He heard her stomping down the stairs.

  When he was alone, he dropped to his knees. He just lost Jennifer and he had no clue how to get her back. He put his head in his hands and tried to think of something.


  Jennifer slammed the front door of her apartment shut, and Megan ran out of her bedroom barely dressed. Max stood behind her without a shirt on.

  “Bastard,” she said and tried to walk past Megan. She didn't let her, she grabbed her arm.

  “What the hell happened?” Megan turned Jennifer around and put her hands on her shoulders.

  “Phoenix.” She hiccupped, and more tears fell. “He cheated on me!”

  Through Jennifer's tears she saw Megan's face became bright red. That happened when she was really pissed off. “I am going to cut his balls off! Then what kind of fucking incubus can he be?” Jennifer shook her head, she didn’t want that.

  “No, I’m just AHHHH!” She would have fallen to her knees if Megan weren’t holding on to her. She felt her stomach as it turned rock hard. Max touched her abdomen.

  “Jennifer you are in labor. Put your arms around my neck.” She gave him her best nod. She did what Max asked. “Now breathe. Megan, call Phoenix. He should know he is becoming a father soon.”

  “Jenny do you want me to call him?” She thought about it for a second, then nodded. She loved him, and he deserved to be here. “Fine.”

  “Meg, also grab my bag that is in your room,” he said as she walked away.

  Max brought Jennifer into her room, and laid her on her bed. “Shouldn’t you be bringing me to the hospital?”

  Max smiled. “No, they wouldn’t understand what to do with your babies. Don't worry I have everything that they have with me. I stocked up just for you.” She nodded as she felt another contraction, and she breathed like they do on TV. “Good keep doing that,” he said. “Now about Phoenix, when we kiss someone we can take a little from them. It's like chocolate, there is a little caffeine in chocolate you'll get your little buzz from it. We get a little buzz from a kiss, it fuels us. Jennifer he has a problem with loving people. I love him like a brother, and he loves me the same. But his mother fucked him up, and after his grandmother died he didn’t want to feel that again. So he swore he would never love anyone again. Just give him another chance, I know you love him.”

  She nodded as tears fell down her cheeks. She just wanted Phoenix here, and wanted him to hold her hand.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Phoenix looked at his phone, Max was calling. “Is something wrong with Jennifer?” He felt his heart beating faster.

  “Besides some asshole breaking her heart? She is having your babies and for some
reason she wants you here.” He knew that voice. It was Megan.

  “What! I’m on my way, Megan. Tell me how to make it up to her? Please help me,” he said as he rushed to his BMW, he had to get there fast.

  “All she wants is your love, Phoenix,” Megan said and hung up.

  Phoenix jumped into his car and thought about Jennifer. Could he live life without her, after knowing how much happiness she had brought into his life? His chest ached when he tried to think of his life without her, he had only felt that after he lost his grandmother. Then it hit him. He loved her. He popped open his glove box and saw his grandmother's wedding ring, she gave it to him to give to his true love. And that was Jennifer Cruz.

  He rushed in and saw Megan waiting for him.

  “You know I should cut off your balls and feed them to you,” she said and put her hands on her hips.

  He nodded. “I agree, but I do love her. I am just a dumb ass that didn’t see it until you yelled at me.” He wrapped his arms around Megan, and she went completely still.

  “You truly love her? Because if you are lying just to get her back I will do worse than cut off your balls. I will behead you. Max said that is how you kill an incubus.” He moved her an arm length away and stared down at her. He can't believe Max told her that.

  “I would give you my own sword,” he said. She blinked and then smiled.

  “Good, now get that ass in there and tell her how you feel.” She opened the door and he walked in.


  Jennifer took a deep breath as she went through another contraction. “Where are the drugs you promised?”

  Max laughed, and she kind wanted to kill him right now. “I will give them to you when Megan gets into the room.” Just then her bedroom door opened, she saw Megan and Phoenix walk in.

  Phoenix looked at her, and smiled. “Jennifer,” he whispered.

  “Let me get some drugs in her or she won't like you very much. She has called me almost every name in the book.” Max chuckled, and she glared at him. He threw his hands up. He had her arch her back and Phoenix held her shoulders down.


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