Pharoah (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Pharoah (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 7

by Pharaoh

  He headed toward the kitchen, and Asar followed. “That would be after the kiss.”

  Asar stopped in his tracks. “What kiss?”

  “She and I kissed.”


  “The night we went for a swim.”

  The two men entered the kitchen. Asar roused the cook who promptly found them some food. They both looked like hell, but the cook ignored their condition and prepared them a feast fit for a king, and then he went back to bed. The two men sat across from each other at the huge table.

  “You kissed Zuri. Why did you not tell me about this? I thought I was your best friend.”

  “Because I know my best friend is interested in her, too. I am not such a fool that I cannot see that. You have liked her since we were kids.”

  “But I would not cross that boundary if you were interested.”

  Khai laughed. “Yes, you would.”

  “Well, maybe I would, but you should have told me that the two of you kissed. This certainly changes everything.” He raised his glass of wine in a salute to Khai.

  “Changes what?”

  “The rules of the game.”

  Hathor entered the kitchen looking very annoyed to see the both of them. “When did you get back?”

  “A few minutes ago,” Asar answered.

  “Just in time to meet two very beautiful Egyptian women.”

  Hathor fixed herself a glass of wine. “Oh you mean Fadil and Fenuke. Their father is a friend of my grandfather. They are nineteen years old and are highly skilled in the art of dance, massage, and palace protocol.” She sat down next to Asar.

  “What are they doing here, Mother?”

  “They are possible queen candidates. I told you that I would take matters into my own hands if you did not choose.”

  Khai frowned at her. “I am a grown man and pharaoh and capable of choosing a bride.”

  “Apparently not. Look at the mess of things you made with Zuri.”

  Asar laughed. “Told you.”

  “I did not make a mess. Zuri and I were getting along splendidly until Asar and Dakari insisted that I make nice with Assyria.”

  “She danced for you from what I was told. A very good dance and you did not make her queen.”

  “That is because she does not want to be queen,” Asar threw in to make matters worse.

  Khai frowned at him, too. “You stay out of it. This is your fault. You sent me to that place. You knew things were going to turn out this way.”

  “I knew nothing of the sort.”

  Khai went back to his meal. For some reason, he did not believe Asar.

  * * * *

  She was curious. That is the only way she could explain being back in Thebes. Her parents had insisted, and she wanted to know if Khai arranged this little scenario since Asar insisted he had nothing to do with it the last time.

  She looked around. He sure had a lot to choose from. Hopefully he’d pick someone this time so she could go home to Kush and remain there.

  “I think we have a very good chance,” Furaha said to her. “At least we can communicate with Khai. Most of these girls only speak their own native tongue.”

  Leave it to her cousin to figure that out. “Languages can be taught.”

  Furaha shook her head. “That would take too long. How can they speak for Egypt when they don’t know anything about it?”

  An Egyptian woman passed them. “What about her?” She was dressed in a one-sleeve long white dress. She wore her long black hair combed back from her forehead, showing that perfect oval face, large blue eyes, and henna-painted lips.

  “Her name is Akana. She is a distant cousin of Khai.”

  “They like marrying their kin to safeguard the dynastic succession.” Several Egyptian girls came in to entertain as the prospective brides lounged around. They wore next to nothing except a red, blue, and gold band with long tasseled strings around their waists. The tassels hung down low to their knees like a skirt. Their bare breasts moved enticingly under the matching neckpieces. Around their heads they wore matching bands to hold back their hair.

  Furaha leaned closer to be heard over the music. “Maybe you should have shown a little more skin when you danced. If you had, you could be warming Khai’s bed tonight instead of her.” She pointed to the young woman in the center of the group.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Her name is Mandisa. She is Khai’s concubine.”

  Zuri clasped her hand against her mouth to stifle a gasp.

  Furaha laughed. “Don’t be so naïve. You knew he had a few of them.”

  Zuri removed her hand and stared at the young woman. “How do you know this?”

  “Isis told me.”

  “Khai’s sister?”

  Furaha nodded. “She is a talkative little thing.”

  “And she told you this?”

  “Of course she did. Not out of spite, of course. I had to pretend to be her friend and then she just told me everything. Mandisa sleeps beside his bed on a pallet like a dog.”

  Zuri watched the pretty, big-breasted Egyptian dance. She could certainly see what Khai liked about her, and she could dance and play the lyre at the same time.

  “Clever,” Furaha whispered.

  Zuri shushed her and continued to watch the dancers and Mandisa. “She is nothing special. What does he plan to do with her once he chooses a queen?”

  “Probably keep her. Men do these types of things.”

  Not if she was queen. Zuri shook her head. What was she thinking? Why did she care? She did not want to be queen, but if she was chosen, Mandisa, or whatever her name was, had to go.

  * * * *

  Khai rubbed his temple. He’d talked so much today that his head hurt. Zuri had not put in an appearance yet, but Furaha had just left, which added to the pain. He’d been interviewing young women all day, and so far, he had some very good prospects, including Furaha who was not only funny but shrewd. He supposed he could put up with her as a wife if he had to.

  His mother entered the throne room and sat down next to him. “Well, what do you think of the selection?”

  “They are all very nice.”

  Hathor raised a kohl-shaded eyebrow. “Just nice?”

  “Some of them are very nice.”

  “But not as nice as the little Nubian?”


  “No, not her. Princess Zuri.”

  “I never could fool you.”

  “I have been your mother for a very long time.”

  “Bandru says that she will not be good for Egypt.”

  Hathor shrugged her shoulders. “What does he know? Nubia ran this place a long time before us. Zuri is smart, beautiful, and very active in her tribe. A man could do worse.”

  “But she does not want to be queen.”

  “I would not either if I had to compete for a man’s attention.”

  “Then why did you go to all this trouble to put this together?”

  “For you to know that you have options and for you to come to realize that she is the one for you.”

  “She is very opinionated.”

  “She has a nice set of breasts, big hips, and a wide behind. She will bear me many grandchildren.”

  Khai smiled. “The current queen of Egypt is very smart.”

  “Your father knew that instantly.”

  Khai leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “Where is the little hellfire?”

  “Zuri is in the library reading. She wanted to learn a thing or two about us before you talk with her.”

  Khai rose.

  “It is the longest walk you will ever have to take.”

  * * * *

  “She is beautiful, and she can read.”

  Zuri lifted her head out of the scroll. Asar looked in on her.

  “Why aren’t you in the throne room competing for Khai’s attention like the other young women?”

  “Because he has not called for me yet. Or maybe he’s already made his sel

  He walked in. “You’re hiding.”

  Zuri closed the book. She shook her head, sending a spray of black curls around her face. “I am not.”

  Asar touched her hair. “Khai would be a fool not to choose you.” He pulled her out of the chair and sat her atop the desk. “Look at you, with those light-brown eyes and gorgeous lips. Just looking at them makes my body hot.” He lowered his eyes.

  Zuri quickly closed her legs. “What kind of game are you playing?”

  “No game. I told you once before that I would be waiting in the wings should Khai choose someone else.”

  Zuri pushed him out of her way and slid off the desk. “What makes you think that I am interested in you?”

  “You have not slapped my face yet. That is usually a good sign.”

  “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  “Sure. My life is an open book.”

  “How many women have you taken to your bed?”

  Asar stopped. “You’re very forward.” He laughed. “More than I can remember, and I have satisfied each and every last one of them. Is that what you are worrying about? That I will not be man enough for you?”

  Zuri waved his arrogance away with her hand. “No. Do you have any concubines?”


  “What about Khai?”

  He smirked. “Who have you been talking to?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Yes, it does. You should never listen to palace gossip.”

  “Who is Mandisa?”

  Asar paled. “Should I know who that is?”

  “Let me ask it another way. Does the pharaoh have a concubine named Mandisa who sleeps in his room?”

  “I am not at liberty to answer that.”

  Zuri sighed. “You just did. It is written all over your face.”

  “I am sure he will end it with her as soon as he finds a queen.”

  “I hope he will. No woman should be forced to share her husband with anyone.”

  * * * *

  Khai crept away from the library, angry because his best friend was hitting on the woman he loved and because she now knew of his affair. He could not face her now. He walked toward his room. How was he going to talk to her after what he had just witnessed—Asar fawning over her like a lovesick puppy, and she using his lust for her to question him. The look on her face when she asked about Mandisa just broke his heart. Surely he was not ashamed for having a concubine. Mandisa had been good to him, and most of the time she was the only one who understood him. Maybe he could explain to Zuri, and she would understand. He just needed some time to sort things out.

  Asar called out to him by the time he made it to the stairs. Khai stopped and turned. “What do you want?”

  “You have got troubles.”

  “Most of them caused by you.”

  Asar grabbed his arm as he started to leave, but Khai shook it off. “I am serious. Zuri knows about Mandisa.”

  “Then that should make you very happy. Now you might have a chance with Zuri.” He sat down on the stairs.

  Asar sat down next to him. “What are you talking about?”

  “I saw the two of you in the library.”

  Asar laughed. “And?”

  “And you were literally trying to screw her on the desk.”

  “Oh that. I was just teasing her like I used to do when we were kids.”

  “I am not going to fall for that this time. You are in love with her, too.”

  “You have this all wrong. You know me. I mess with all women. I was only fooling with Zuri. She does not want me. Hell, she can barely tolerate me. Her eyes light up whenever I say your name. Believe me, if I thought I had a chance with her, I wouldn’t have invited her to your party.”

  Khai shook his head. “I do not know what to believe anymore.” He paused. “How did she find out about Mandisa?”

  Asar shrugged his shoulders. “Probably from Isis. She never did like her.”

  “My baby sister should mind her own business.”

  “She has your best interests at heart. We all do.”

  “But only you have a funny way of showing it. What would you have done if Zuri would have accepted your advances back there?”

  “I do not know.”

  Khai frowned. “You are horrible.”

  “So I have been told. While we are on the subject, if you’re not going to marry the Egyptian twins, can I have them?”

  Khai popped him on the top of the head.

  “Ouch, what was that for?”

  “What are you going to do with two women?”

  “The same thing I do with one. Have a real good time.”

  “You’re hopeless.”

  “Yes, but I never go to bed alone.”

  * * * *

  Zuri built up the courage to leave her room to face Khai. She searched the entire palace and then finally one of the house servants told her that he was in his room. Zuri walked up the stairs prepared to knock when she heard him speaking with someone. It was a woman. After a few minutes, the conversation grew intense and loud. Zuri walked away and hid behind a column out of sight as the door opened. A young woman walked past her crying. It was Mandisa. Zuri stepped out from behind the column and watched her as she slowly walked away. Had she and Khai had an argument? Had he asked her to leave? For some reason, she felt sorry for her. Maybe she should not have said anything to Asar. It was so like him to report back to Khai.

  She turned absently and walked straight into Khai.

  “What a pleasant surprise.”

  Zuri backed up. “I am sorry. I did not see you there.”

  “Apparently.” He reached out and captured a curl in his fingers. “But I am very glad to see you.”

  Zuri looked up at him. He stared down at the curl. “Are you?”

  “Yes, I am.” He backed her toward his room, still toying with her curl. “I was just about to come down to see you, but you have saved me a trip.”

  “I came up to talk to you, but I heard you were busy. Then this young woman came out of your room crying so I was about to leave.” She brushed his fingers out of her hair. Her body reacted to the closeness of his. “What did you do to her?”

  Khai chuckled softly. “Me? Nothing. We were just talking. I explained to her that things were going to change around here.”

  “Who is she?”

  “You already know the answer to that.”

  “I do not understand.”

  He took her hand. “No, but you will.” He led her to his rooms and closed the door behind them.

  “Maybe I should not be here. I do not think it is appropriate.”

  “I make all the rules around here. No one ever comes up here unless I invite them, so we should not be disturbed.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You are going to be perfectly safe.”

  “I do not want to run out of here crying like that young woman.”

  Khai laughed again. “You do not have to worry about that. You will not run out of here crying. In a few minutes the only thing you will be doing is shouting my name.” His eyes grew mysteriously dark like sapphires.

  Zuri gulped as he backed her farther into the room, trapping her inside his suite. “I do not understand.”

  Khai swept her up into his arms and carried her over to his bed. He gently sat her on top of it. “You will in a minute.” He stepped away from the bed, unfastened his robe, and let it drop to his feet. “This is what you do to me.”

  Zuri gasped. “What are you doing? You’re nude.”

  “I am going to make love to you, and when it is over, you will be the new queen of Egypt.”

  Chapter Seven

  Her imagination did not do his body justice. She allowed her eyes to slowly take it all in. His stance emphasized the force of his thighs and the slimness of his hips. Khai stood tall and straight like a towering spruce. He walked toward her, his powerful, well-muscled body moving with easy grace. She watched him in silence, savorin
g the effect.

  “Do I please you?”

  Zuri nodded and blushed. “I have never seen a more spectacular male body.” Men ran around naked in her kingdom all the time, but none could compare to him. She looked down a little lower. “Or one so virile.”

  He cupped his penis in his hand. “The future of Egypt lies deep inside of this.” He slowly pumped it until it grew thick and meaty.

  Zuri stared, transfixed, wondering what it would feel like buried deep inside her womanhood.

  Khai climbed on the bed next to her, pulling her into his lap and then kissing her until she felt faint under his seduction. She knew to refuse pharaoh’s advances would be an insult, and she really did not know if she wanted to. Part of her wanted to run screaming from the room while the other part wanted so desperately to stay and make love with him.

  His hands roamed all over her body, making the decision easier. Now she feared that she would not be good enough for him. What did she know of intercourse except what she heard in whispered conversations between the married women of her tribe? He was experienced and might find her lacking.

  Khai slowly lowered her on her back without breaking the intensity of his kiss. Moments later, he ripped the top of her dress from her body, exposing her breasts to him. Khai placed a warm kiss on her throat and continued to work his way down every area he exposed as he expertly slid the dress lower and lower until it hung at her ankles. In a few seconds, he had her naked without stopping to get a reaction from her. Luckily, she had no problem with her femininity.

  “Your body is exquisite,” he muttered as he cupped one of her breasts in his palm. “Soon they will be engorged with milk to feed our son.”

  Zuri smiled. She was by no means blind to his attraction. “You are so sure of yourself.”

  “I am pharaoh. I have to be.”

  His free hand moved recklessly to her neck, stroking her jugular vein and caressing her shoulder. His fingers were so cool and smooth on her skin that she trembled. His sexual magnetism made him self-confident. It poured out through his fingers. Every time his gaze met hers, her heart turned over in response. He stopped touching her long enough to just stare at her, and the look sent shivers of emotions through her. His gaze dropped from her eyes to her shoulders to her breasts.


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