
Home > Mystery > Chosen > Page 26
Chosen Page 26

by Denise Grover Swank

  “Where’s Will?” Something didn’t feel right, no matter how friendly he appeared.

  Senator Warren sat up. “He’s busy at the moment.”

  “Could you tell him I need him? I’m sure he’ll come right away.”

  The senator narrowed his eyes and tilted his head, appraising her. He caught himself and smiled again. “I’m sure he’ll come when he’s able.”

  Now, she worried for Will’s safety. He said he’d stay with her until they made him leave. Anything could have happened to him while she was knocked out. While there was a chance that he had lied about staying, she didn’t think he had.

  Will said he could feel her in the woods and knew she was alive. He thought it was one sided, but if he told the truth and it really happened, maybe she could do the same for him. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the mark Jake had branded on her back, thinking of Will. A feeling of him rushed through her, strength and loyalty and an overwhelming surge of regret. He was anxious, but safe.

  “Are you alright?” the senator’s voice rose.

  Emma opened her eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m still groggy and keep dozing off.”

  He cleared his throat. “As I was saying, you are a very important person to us. We realize you have been through quite an ordeal and would like to offer you our protection.”

  “Who is we?”

  “Myself and my associates. We are friends to you and would like to keep you safe. Unfortunately, while I would love to personally oversee your convalescence, I have other pressing matters to attend to. My son Alex has graciously offered to see after you.”

  “That is very kind of you and your son, but it really isn’t necessary. I’m sure Will can handle my care until I am well enough to take care of myself. Thank you.”

  His eyes hardened. “I’m sure Mr. Davenport is capable of many things, including overseeing your medical care. However, he’ll be preoccupied. He has agreed to work for my security detail. In fact, we leave tonight. But there’s nothing to worry about,” he said, trying to sound light and jovial. “Alex is eager to step in and take over.”

  The way he said the last part raised a prickle of warning. “I really need to speak to Will.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be around shortly. We’ll see if he has time before he leaves for Washington.”

  “I’m quite certain he wouldn’t leave without saying something to me.”

  He shrugged with a wave of his hand. “Perhaps.”

  “Senator Warren, you told me that the fate of the world rests on my shoulders. What makes you say that?”

  His face brightened. “You, my dear, are very special. There have been prophecies about you. Your son will be a light unto the world.”


  “No, not Jake. Your other son.”

  “I don’t have another son.”

  He smiled with a glint in his eye. “Not yet.”

  The night of Jake’s conception flooded back into her memory. She gripped the bedrail and gasped.

  Senator Warren rose from his chair. “Are you all right? I’m sure it’s a bit shocking to find out that you're pregnant this way.”

  “Pregnant?” How…? She hadn’t even slept with anyone… Will. But it would be too soon to know. That was only a couple of days ago.

  “Yes. You will have a son.”

  How would he know that? How did these people know about Jake and her real name? “Aren’t you supposed to be accompanied by a chorus of angels to make an announcement like that?”

  He laughed, his eyes twinkling with delight. “Oh, my dear, you are not what I expected.”

  “What did you expect?” she sneered.

  He titled his head as he appraised her. “Someone more malleable.”

  “Sorry to disappoint.”

  “No disappointment at all. But I do say, you will be a challenge for my son,” he said with a chuckle.

  “I’ll be a challenge for no one. I am not a possession to be handed around from person to person.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. You are a valuable possession,” his voice lowered, taking an ominous tone.

  “I want Will.”

  “I told you, Will is busy.”

  “Will!” She called out. It worked before. If she called loud enough they might bring him again. “Will!”

  “Emma, I must insist that you stop.”

  “I’ll stop when you bring Will to see me.”

  He rolled his eyes, then he sighed. “Give me a moment.” He stepped out into the hall.

  Will tensed the moment heard her call his name. The guards around him reached for their guns and he stopped. Waiting. A moment later the senator came out and walked to him his mouth pursed into a grimace.

  “She insists on seeing you and is being most uncooperative.”

  Will snorted. “That sounds like Emma.”

  “Maybe so, but I’ll allow you into see her on the condition that you convince her to cooperate.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  Warren raised an eyebrow with a leer.“Because her life depends on it. Yes, we need her alive to deliver this baby, but there’s nothing that tells us we need her after.”

  Will wished he could kill this man with his bare hands, but he’d save that for another day. “What do you want me to tell her? I presume you don’t want me to tell her what you just told me. That might not be very effective with Emma.”

  Warren scoffed. “Of course not. We don’t need to make this difficult. Tell her to trust us. Tell her to cooperate. Tell her to give Alex a chance.”

  “Alex? Alex from the meeting this morning?” But now Will saw the resemblance.

  “Yes, Alex is my son and will see to her care.”

  Will really didn’t like the way he said “her care.” And he really didn’t like the thought of Alex being anywhere near her. Unfortunately, he didn’t know what he could do about it. “All right.”

  Senator Warren smiled. “Excellent. You’ll go in with me and convince her, then tell her goodbye. I’ve already told her that you’re leaving with me tonight.”

  They walked through the door, Will still trying to figure out an escape plan until he saw her on the bed. She looked so pale and fragile he had no idea how he’d ever get her out. He reminded himself that he’d brought Emma here because she would have died without medical care. There was no way he could take her.

  She saw him and the fury on her face melted into relief. His heart crumbled, unsure he could really do it. He couldn’t take her, couldn’t leave her. That didn’t leave very many options. He walked to her side and took her hands in his, not caring if any of them saw. They knew he had a bond to her, why should he try to hide it?

  “Will, he says you’re leaving with him to go to Washington. What is he talking about?” She glared, chipping a crack in his resolve. He wasn’t sure he could do this.

  He took a deep breath. “Yes.”

  “What the hell, Will? Only a couple of hours ago you told me you wouldn’t leave me. Then a U.S. senator offers you a job and you’re off and running?”

  He cringed. “Emma.” He leaned his forehead against hers and cupped the back of her head. “I don’t want to leave you, but I have to.”

  “Then tell me why? I don’t understand.”

  “Will has been offered a job that is too good to pass up. Isn’t that right Will?” Warren interrupted.

  “Yes.” His voice hardened.

  Emma glanced from Warren to Will. She narrowed her eyes. He knew she was putting it together.

  “Will is also here to convince you that we will provide excellent care for you. Isn’t that right, Will?”

  His jaw locked.“Yes,”

  “Will, you don’t sound very convincing,” the senator said. “Need I remind you what’s at stake?”

  He hesitated, the pressure in his chest becoming unbearable. “Emma, I have to go, but they’ve promised to take care of you.”

  Emma shook her head. “No, I refuse to stay here.”
br />   “Emma, you don’t have a choice.”

  “Then don’t go, Will.”

  The anger in her voice nearly shattered his resolve. He didn’t expect her to make it easy for him. “Emma, remember our bet? The one in the woods? I won, and I’m calling in my bet right now. You have to do something I ask, no questions asked. This is it.”

  She shook her head again. “No, Will. Don’t do this.”

  “It’s time to go, Will.” Warren grabbed the door handle.

  Emma clutched Will’s hand in a tight grip, anger burning in her eyes. “What happened to ‘I’ll stay with you?’ If you really care about me you will not walk out that door.”

  “I’m sorry, Emma.” His voice cracked as he leaned down and kissed her.

  She grabbed the back of his head and whispered in his face. “Don’t do this, Will. I don’t care what they threatened, please don’t do this.”

  “God, Emma. I’m so sorry.” He kissed her again and stood up, hoping he made the right decision.

  “It’s time to go, Will.”

  He prayed she would forgive him. “I love you.” He turned and walked toward the door.

  “Will!” she called out after him. Her voiced echoed in his head as the door shut behind him.


  Emma watched in stunned silence as Will walked out of the room. He left me. He swore he wouldn’t leave her, yet he did. As she sorted through her rage and grief, a niggle of doubt crept into the mix. Will was either an incredibly good actor or he genuinely cared about her. She couldn’t help but believe that the mark Jake burned on his arm helped ensure it. When she took several deep breaths and examined Will’s actions the past few days, she came to a conclusion. Will would leave her only for a good reason. Her.

  What had they threatened to do? Was she in danger now? Surely Will would never leave her if he thought she was in real danger.

  The door opened and a young man entered the room. His stylish haircut and tailored shirt screamed money and sophistication. She knew him and instantly recognized the resemblance to his father. How had she not put it together? Air stuck in her chest.

  “Hello, Emmanuella. I’m not sure if you remember me. I regret that I never officially introduced myself. I’m Alex.” He paused and smiled a charming smile. He had the air of a man used to getting what he wanted. “We met several years ago and I must offer my apologies. Apparently you are the one.”

  Her lungs screamed in protest and she released her breath in a gasp as she stared into the face of the man who raped her nearly six years ago.


  What have you done? The words echoed in his head until he thought he’d go mad. It was the only way. Was it the only way? He slid into the backseat of the sedan with the senator. Two armed men sat in the front seat.

  “To the airport, gentlemen.” Warren said. “I’m eager to shake the dust of South Dakota off my feet.” He turned to Will. “I can’t wait to show you Washington. I think you’ll like it there, once you get used to it. Plenty of opportunities for someone like you.”

  Will refused to answer and instead slumped as he stared out the window. His arm tingled. He glanced down at his mark. It looked the same, but began to slowly burn. He sat up. Something was wrong. “What happened to Emma after we left?”

  Warren shook his head in confusion. “Nothing happened. Alex was going to visit her.”

  “Would he hurt her?”

  Warren waved his hand. “No, don’t be ridiculous. She’s much too valuable to him. He’s been promised her child.”

  “You mean my child.” Will hadn’t stopped to consider the talk about a baby actually concerned his own son.

  Senator Warren scoffed. “You won’t be raising the boy. I thought that was well-established.”

  The burning of his mark increased. He thought about her, concentrating, slowly sensing her anger and terror.

  “What was he going to do?” Will asked, his words clipped.

  “Nothing. He was only going to visit her. What is this all about?”

  Will concentrated again, pretending to look out the window as he shut his eyes. He thought about her, but went deeper, calling out to her through his mind, into hers.

  Will? Her voice called his head. He nearly jumped. He’s here, Will. How could he be here? How did he find me?

  Will knew exactly who she meant. He’s there with you now?


  I’m coming.

  Two guards would be easy.


  “How did you find me?” Emma asked. The monitor gave away her terror. She ripped out the cord.

  “It’s much too complicated for you to understand,” Alex said, wrinkling his nose with impatience.

  She narrowed her eyes. “Try me.”

  He walked to the chair by her bed and sat down. “I’d rather talk about my son.”

  “What are you talking about?” Her voice rose in anger.

  “Come now, Emmanuella. I know I have a son. Tell me about him.”

  Her heart skipped, making her glad she had disconnected the monitor. He knew about Jake. Her anger burned, hot and fierce. “Have you been the one chasing us for the last three years?”

  He crossed his legs, looking bored. “No, but I know who was.”


  “Emmanuella,” Alex cooed in a soothing voice. “You really should calm down. It really doesn’t concern you.”

  “The hell it doesn’t. He’s my son.”

  He raised his eyebrows with a smirk. “He’s my son, too.”

  She gaped at him in disbelief. “Are you kidding me? Where have you been the last five years? No, forget that, because I guarantee if you had shown up I would have killed you.”

  Alex cocked his head and eyed her with interest. “You’ve changed, Emmanuella.”

  “Changed? How the hell would you know? You didn’t know me at all. You used me and left me laying in the dirt.”

  “Yes, a most regrettable misunderstanding.”



  “Stop calling me that! My name is Emma.”

  “Emma,” he said her name with a condescending tone and a patronizing smile. “You need to calm down. You’re going to harm the baby.”

  Emma’s mouth fell open.

  “I promise to be a better father for this one.”

  She took several deep breaths trying to regain control. “Where is my son?”

  His mouth lifted into sardonic smile, giving his eyes an evil glint. “What’s it worth to you?”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “I’m sure we can work out some kind of arrangement.”


  The car drove down the long circular drive leading from the compound. Will saw the guard station about five hundred feet ahead. The road ran parallel to a stretch of trees and would soon curve to the guard station. He knew it would be better to do this inside the compound than out, and he was running out of time.

  Will jumped forward and wrapped his hands around the head and chest of the man in front of him. He jerked, snapping his neck. He reached into the man’s jacket and pulled the gun out of the holster. Will pointed it toward the driver before he had a chance to grab his own gun.

  “We’re driving back to the medical building. Keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times, please.” Will said in a deceptively polite tone.

  The senator slid away from Will, holding up his hands. “Now, Will. There’s no need for violence.”

  Will shot a quick glance at him, breaking eye contact on the driver for only a moment. “Senator, there wouldn’t be if you hadn’t forced me to it.”

  They were approaching the guard station. The road curved around but a side road turned to the guard station. “Keep circling around. You make any kind of move that tells them something’s up and I’ll blow your brains out. Got it?”

  The man kept driving. Will was relieved when they passed and headed back to the medica
l building.

  “Will, this is crazy. Let’s not do anything rash.” Warren used his constituent calming voice. “Obviously, I underestimated your need to be with her. Let’s go somewhere and sit down and discuss this. I’m sure we can work something out.”

  “Oh, we’ll work something out all right. Is there a road that goes behind the medical building?”

  “Yes, but…”

  Will pointed the gun at the back of the driver’s head. “Take the back road. Here’s what’s going to happen when we get there. We’re going to park really close to the back of the building. Then we’re all going to inside together. Anyone makes a wrong move and the Senator gets a bullet to the head. Got it?”

  The driver slowly nodded as he drove off the main road onto a road that circled around behind the buildings.

  “Are there security cameras in the back?”

  “No,” Warren said.

  Will pointed the gun at Warren’s temple. “Are there security cameras in the back? If we get there and I find a single one, Warren’s getting it in the head and you, Mr. Security, will be answering for it. So let me ask again. Are there security cameras in the back?”

  “Yes,” the man answered.

  “That’s better. Where? What are they pointed at?”

  “The back door. The parking lot.”

  “Okay, good.” They approached the building ahead. “How do we get in the back door?”

  “We’ll need a key.”

  “Do you have a key? What’s your name?”

  “Yes. Travis.”

  “Okay, Travis. You work with me and I won’t kill you. I promise and I’m a man of my word. But you give me a reason to shoot you and I won’t hesitate to do it. Agreed?”


  “Good. Now park close to the door.” Travis drove through a small parking lot and pulled up to the back of the building, parking next to the curb at the back door. “Keep your hands on the steering wheel. Now take out the keys with your right hand and slowly hand them to me. Are the keys to the back door on this key ring?”

  “Yes,” Travis said. He pulled the keys out of the ignition and handed them to Will.


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