Sweet Dreams (Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series Book 1)

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Sweet Dreams (Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series Book 1) Page 1

by Stacy Claflin

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

































  More Indigo Bay

  The Hunters

  Preview of Bayside Promises

  Other Books


  Title Page

  Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

































  More Indigo Bay

  The Hunters

  Preview of Bayside Promises

  Other Books



  by Stacy Claflin


  Copyright ©2017 Stacy Claflin. All rights reserved.

  Cover by Najla Qamber Designs


  Edited by Staci Troilo

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, businesses, events, or locales is purely coincidental or used fictitiously. The author has taken great liberties with locales including the creation of fictional towns.

  Reproduction in whole or part of this publication without express written consent is strictly prohibited. Do not upload or distribute anywhere.

  This ebook is for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be resold or given away to others. If you would like to share this book with others, please either purchase it for them or direct them to StacyClaflin.com for links. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

  To receive 3 free novels from the author, click here.

  Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series

  What is the Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series? It's tons of fun for readers! But more specifically, it is a set of six books written by authors who love romance. Grab a glass of sweet tea, sit on the porch, and get ready to be swept away into this charming South Carolina beach town.

  The Indigo Bay world has been written so readers can dive in anywhere in the series without missing a beat. Read one or all—they're all sweet, fun rides that you won't soon forget. Also, as special treats, you'll see some recurring characters. How many can you find?

  Sweet Dreams by Stacy Claflin

  Sweet Matchmaker by Jean Oram

  Sweet Sunrise by Kay Correll

  Sweet Illusions by Jeanette Lewis

  Sweet Regrets by Jennifer Peel

  Sweet Rendezvous by Danielle Stewart


  Sky Hampton pulled into the parking spot, double-checked the address on the quaint building, and turned off the car. The little Yorkie in the passenger seat gave a curious whine.

  She stretched and rubbed Pixie's head. "Yeah, I'm ready to get out, too." Sky unbuckled the doggie seat belt and held open her large Coach bag for the pup to hop into. Once Pixie was settled, Sky got out of her Audi. The humidity clung to her like a wet towel. She slid on sunglasses, donned a hat, then headed for the building marked Guest Services.

  "Are we going to be guests, or will we settle?" Sky pulled at her collar. "We're not in Oregon anymore, are we?"

  Pixie gave a little yap. Her tail whipped lightly against the purse.

  "You're right. That's exactly what we want. Something completely different. We'll adjust to this—assuming they have AC." It was only springtime, and the heat and humidity were already oppressive. She didn't even want to think about what the summer might be like. At least they could ease into the heat.

  Sky pushed the door open and took in the little building. No one sat at the reception desk, and everything was quiet. A plate of sticky buns sat next to a pot of coffee.

  "Hello?" Sky called.

  A brunette about her age came out from around the corner. She smiled wide at Sky. "Hi! I didn't realize we had guests." She nodded toward Sky's purse. Pixie had popped her head out.

  Sky rubbed the Yorkie's head. "I'm Sky Hampton. I'm renting a cottage."

  "Oh, yes. I talked with you on the phone. My name's Zoe." She typed on the computer. "Have a bun or some coffee. Do you want to take off your sunglasses?"

  Sky didn't reach for the refreshments or her sunglasses.

  Zoe glanced up. "You should really try one. They're from Sweet Caroline's, and they're to die for."

  "I'll keep that in mind, thanks." Sky smiled.

  An awkward silence followed.

  Zoe quickly grabbed a key and some paperwork. "You're in the dark blue cottage. Looks like you're paid for the month. Staying longer, by any chance?"

  "Hopefully. We'll see."


  Sky chewed on her lower lip. What was the best way to describe her situation? She'd probably get asked about that a lot in the small town of Indigo Bay. "It's complicated." That would have to do for now.

  "Hmm. Well, I hope you enjoy your stay. Let us know as soon as you know if you'll be staying or leaving."

  "Sure thing."

  Zoe shoved the papers across the desk. "Just sign where the X's are."

  Sky grabbed a pen and signed.

  "If you need anything, the numbers are on this sheet." Zoe handed it to her. "If you have anything that needs fixin', Jace is your man. He's the cottage handyman."

  "Sounds good."

  Zoe handed her some other papers and a key. "Hope you enjoy your time in the cottages. There's lots to do. The beach is real close, and so is a lot of other stuff. Stop by Sweet Caroline's for refreshments—it's a great place to meet people, too."

  "Thanks so much." Sky returned the smile that hadn't left Zoe's face, and took her stuff.

  "Don't forget, if you need anything, just holler."

  "Will do." Sky tucked the papers in her purse next to Pixie and headed back to the car. It was a short drive to the dark blue cottage. She parked in front and studied the structure. It was bigger than she'd imagined and looked well cared for. She scratched Pixie behind the ear. "Ready to see our new home?"

  Pixie licked her hand.

  Sky got out of the car and set the pup on a patch of grass, holding tightly to the leash. Pixie jumped around and sniffed the ground. She marked her territory and then went right back to sniffing, her tail and
ears both high in the air. She barked and panted, giving her seal of approval.

  A couple walking down the street waved and called hello.

  Sky returned the wave and hurried to the cottage, eager to settle in. As soon as she opened the door, a wave of cool air greeted them. Sky smiled and let go of the leash. Pixie ran inside, her claws tapping on the hardwoods as she explored. Sky stepped in, closed the door behind her, and took in the sight of her new home.

  Most everything was in dark hardwoods, and she loved it. The fully furnished cottage made her feel like kicking her feet up and relaxing after the long drive. She set her purse on the kitchen table and headed back out to the Audi, making half a dozen trips before remote-locking the sedan and locking herself inside the little bungalow.

  "Pixie! Where are you?"

  Tapping sounded before the little copper-and-black fluff-ball appeared around a corner.

  "How do you like it?"

  Pixie ran around her legs until Sky scooped her up and snuggled her. "Feel free to wear yourself out running around. We don't have to get back in the car anytime soon."

  The pup covered her in kisses until she couldn't take it, and Sky set her down. Pixie scampered off, sliding around a corner. Sky chuckled and then looked at her pile of bags and luggage. As tempting as it was to crash on the overstuffed couch and close her eyes, she really just wanted to get settled in. It had been a long drive from Oregon, and she'd barely slept so she could make the best time possible.

  Her body ached, but she reached for a few of the bags needed in the bedroom and searched her new home until she found it on the other side of the cottage. An hour later, she was fully unpacked and ready for a nap.

  Pixie skittered into the bedroom. She yapped and jumped around.

  "Aren't you ready for a nap?"


  Sky rubbed her eyes. "Right. You slept the whole way here."

  Pixie tugged on Sky's pants—she'd put them on that morning in Kearney, Nebraska out of habit from the chilly weather she was used to in Oregon. The pup continued pulling.

  Sky picked her up. "You're lucky you're so cute, but we still need to break you of that habit."

  Pixie squirmed until Sky set her down and followed her to the sliding glass door. On the other side, a family of ducks wandered around, quacking.

  "Oh," Sky gushed. "They're so cute."

  Pixie barked.

  "Hush. You'll scare them away." She picked her up and rubbed between Pixie's ears.

  A loud beep sounded from somewhere, followed by a thunk, thunk.

  The pup raised her ears and looked at Sky.

  Thunk. Thud. Crash!

  Silence echoed around them.

  The AC had died.


  Jace Fisher dug through his toolbox, grumbling about the AC at the dark blue cottage. He needed to convince Dallas it was time to replace the unit. Jace could only do so much for a machine on its last legs, and with a new resident calling on her first day, it just looked bad for the whole resort.

  He stuck the tools he needed into his smaller box and headed outside. Jace lowered his baseball cap in hopes of avoiding eye contact with everyone he came across—though most of the regulars knew he preferred to keep to himself and usually respected that.

  When he came to the dark blue cottage, he set the toolbox down and knocked. "Here to fix the AC!"

  The door opened, and in front of him stood a tall, slender brunette with enchanting deep brown eyes. Their gazes locked, and Jace studied her. She seemed familiar, like he knew her, but he was certain he'd never met her before. He'd have remembered those eyes. Of that much he was sure.

  He cleared his throat and stuck out his hand. "Jace Fisher. I'm here to fix your AC unit."

  She shook his hand. Hers was so smooth and soft, and it smelled fruity and sweet. He quickly pulled his hand away.

  "Thank you." A tiny, fluffy dog ran to her feet and she scooped it up. "I don't know what happened," she said quickly. "It made all these noises, and then just went out. Oh, I'm Sky Hampton."

  Hampton. Why did that seem familiar? "Nice to meet you, Sky."

  She stepped back and pulled her long hair away from her neck and fanned herself, balancing the fur ball. "Come on in. It's over here."

  Jace gave a nod and picked up his toolbox. "I'm familiar with the cottages."

  "Oh, of course. Well, I'll just stay out of your way, then."

  "I'll do my best to be out of your hair as soon as possible." He hurried over to the living room and got to work. It was the same problem it'd been for the last few months. He fixed it quickly, having done the same thing numerous times before.

  It roared to life, blowing out cool air. Not cold, but cool. He scratched his chin and tinkered with it some more, not getting any colder air. Jace checked the coolant level. That wasn't the problem.

  "Miss," he called.

  She appeared, the dog following at her heels. "You can call me Sky."

  Jace nodded. "I just want to show you something."

  Sky came over. "What's that?"

  "See this knob?" He tapped the temperature control.

  She nodded.

  "If this thing goes out, hit about a foot above it. Sometimes that'll kick it into shape. If not, give me another call. In the meantime, I'm calling Dallas, the owner of the cottages, to request we replace the entire unit. I apologize that you have to deal with it—it should've already been taken care of."

  Sky smiled sweetly. "It's fine. Thanks so much for fixing it."

  He shrugged. "Not a problem. It's my job."

  "Hey, do you want a water or something? I don't have much else to offer. I still need to go shopping."

  "I'm fine. Hope you enjoy your stay."

  "Thanks." She walked him to the door and waved as he left.

  Jace gave a quick wave and headed back to his place. Once there, he replaced his tools into the larger box and headed inside to finish his supper. After eating, he gave Dallas a call. It went to voicemail.

  "Dallas, this is Jace. We need a new AC unit in the dark blue cottage ASAP. As soon as our newest guest arrived, it went out again. If you need me to pick one up, just say the word." He ended the call and walked over to the sliding glass door. It was another nice night—as most were in Indigo Bay.

  He grabbed his sketch book and pencils and headed outside to his favorite little hiding spot, nestled in between some trees. A root stuck up out of the ground at the perfect angle to be a seat. It was just far enough away from the main part of the beach that nobody ever bothered him there.

  Jace made himself comfortable and found an empty page in his book. He glanced around, deciding what to draw this evening. In the distance, a whooping crane stuck its beak into the water and spread its wings. Jace pulled out a red pencil, starting with the bright spot on the bird's head. He drew quickly, and carved the image into his mind knowing it wouldn't be long before a beach ball or a couple walking hand-in-hand would scare the creature away.

  He wasn't sure how much time had passed when the masterpiece was finally complete. Jace studied the drawing of the crane fishing for something in the slightly wavy water. He added some more red to the top of its head and then leaned back against the tree, marveling that the bird was still in the same spot, poking around.

  It flung its head back, splashing water. A crab squirmed around in its beak.

  "Look at that." A rare smile spread across Jace's face. Would the bird actually eat the clawed sea creature?

  A toddler ran toward the bird, screaming at the top of his lungs. The crane spread out its wide wings, blocking Jace's view of the crab, and flew away.

  So much for that. He returned the red pencil to the pouch and watched as the boy's mother chased after him, carrying a baby.

  Jace's blood ran cold.

  Was that Alisha? He leaned forward and squinted, his supper threatening to make a reappearance. It was Alisha. Ben ran over, catching up with them.

  What were they doing back in town? Visitin
g family? Or showing up to rub their happiness in Jace's face?

  Jace folded his arms and glowered at the woman who'd left him at the altar, taking his best man and lifelong friend with her. The hurt sliced through his heart with as much pain as it had the day of his wedding, when neither the bride nor best man had ever showed.


  Sky finished off the protein bar and threw the wrapper in the garbage. "That wasn't the best dinner I've ever had." She glanced at Pixie. "You ate better than I did tonight. Tomorrow we'll find a grocery store."

  The pup yapped and then ran around in circles.

  She laughed. "Probably should get you outside for some exercise." Sky stretched and rose, hoping the air had cooled. It was darker outside, giving her hope.

  The way the evening light shone in through the windows made the cottage seem almost magical.

  "Look at this lighting. I've got to get some pictures for my blog. This place is adorable in the daytime, but now—it's fantastic."

  Pixie jumped around, obviously not caring one bit about the lighting.

  Sky pulled out her phone and snapped about fifty pictures from just about every angle, capturing the Yorkie as much as she could. Her readers followed her for the fashion advice, but they stayed because of Pixie—the real star of the blog.

  She backed up the pictures to the cloud before grabbing the leash.

  The AC unit made a sputtering noise. Sky groaned, but then remembered Jace's advice. She went over to the unit and hit it with the side of her fist about a foot above the knob. It clunked a couple times, and then returned to the normal sounds.

  "I hope they replace this soon."

  It made a clacking noise, as if to say it hoped they didn't replace it.

  She whacked it one more time, and it went back to normal without complaint. Pixie jumped around her feet. Sky latched the leash to her collar and they headed out back. It took forever to actually make it to the beach with the little dog stopping every two feet to sniff around and occasionally mark her territory.

  The sun was starting to set, and the sky had gorgeous shades of purple and pink intermixed with some orange. The water reflected the colors, taking her breath away. She pulled out her phone and snapped a ton of pictures. Her next blog post would be amazing. The readers were going to go nuts over her new home.


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