Divine Cruelty

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Divine Cruelty Page 10

by Lee Ash

  'There have been several changes here at the estate while you've been away,' he confided.

  With her fingers reaching the thatch of curls at his groin, Rachel silently encouraged him to continue. She divided her concentration perfectly between listening to her master and teasing him to full hardness. Her small hand encircled his thickening girth and she lightly stroked back and forth.

  He plucked open two buttons on her jacket and grinned at the revelation of her bra. Pulling one cup easily aside, exposing the pierced tip of her breast, he rubbed his thumb over the sensitive flesh until she shivered. The nipple remained pointing downward, because links from the chains threaded through her breast and clit rings were caught under the strap of the bra, but the discomfort all added to Rachel's enjoyment. She groaned softly to let him know she found his touch exciting.

  'These last seven days have made for a week of great changes,' he started reflectively. 'So much has happened, and all of it so quickly, it's difficult to know where to begin.'

  She glanced at him curiously, wondering if he was building to bad news. He was staring thoughtfully at her nipple as he teased the stiffening flesh and she worried that the lack of eye contact might portend bad news. Pulling his shaft to full hardness she voiced the only concern that truly worried her. 'Am I still your favourite?'

  He laughed and placed a kiss against her cheek before snapping his fingers for the second pony girl. She responded immediately, kneeling at the foot of the bed with her buttocks thrust toward him. Her swollen pussy lips were slick with arousal and they silently beckoned to be used. As she waited for him to take her, she laid her reins neatly on the bed.

  'I've been meaning to find out how these divine pussies feel compared to unmodified ones,' Master Vince confided. He was pulling himself away from Rachel and moving toward the pony girl. Unaware that he was doing it, he licked his lips.

  Rachel stared at his naked behind, her stomach tightening in knots of consternation as she realised he hadn't answered her question. She wondered if his silence came from the fact that he was her master, and had no need to explain himself to a slave, or if the unthinkable had happened and he had found someone to replace her as his favourite. With growing anxiety she wanted to press him for an answer but, until he deigned to acknowledge her again, she knew she didn't dare.

  'Christ! Yes!' he grunted, thrusting himself inside the pony girl. 'That really does feel good.'

  The slave squealed as he penetrated her and Rachel arched her eyebrows in surprise. She could see Master Vince was tugging hard on the reins - forcing her bound breasts in opposite directions and straining hard on the bridle clips that adorned her swollen labia - but Rachel still didn't think she had ever heard a pony girl make any sound of complaint before. Startled from her worries about the master's affections, she watched more intently.

  'I don't even have to tell you to squeeze, do I bitch,' he gasped, riding with deliberate urgency. His length pushed in and out, sliding effortlessly through her wetness. The fattened flesh of swollen labia gripped tight around him and Rachel could hear the thick squelch of every penetration. The pony girl made a small moan of protest in response to each thrust but it was only when the master pulled on the reins that her cries became properly audible. Not paying any attention to the slave's needs or complaints, Master Vince continued to use her.

  'Jason said this type of pussy felt divine,' he grunted. 'And he wasn't kidding.' His sentences were spat in staccato bursts, secondary considerations to his breathless greed for the slave. 'She's going to squeeze the come out of me before I've had the chance to properly ride her.'

  Mesmerised, Rachel could only watch her master enjoying the pony girl.

  He pulled harder on the reins, forcing a startled grimace from his mount, before laughing happily. He was paying particular attention to the reins that controlled her labia, snatching the leather so it yanked and dragged at her delicate flesh. Before he had finished, the slave was shrieking for mercy and Rachel was aghast that any of the stable's pony girls could make such a cry.

  Snatching the riding crop from the bed, he began to slap the slave's thighs and sides as he rode her more briskly. Rachel noticed that, although he was striking hard enough to leave blazing stripes on her skin, the pony girl accepted that punishment in customary silence. It was only when the master tugged on her reins that she shrieked for leniency. 'Squeeze your pussy muscles,' he demanded. 'Get your cunt to suck the come from my cock.'

  Gritting her teeth with the effort, her neck muscles straining from exertion, the slave did as she was told. Rachel could see the consternation in the woman's face and envied her the torment she was suffering. She lay forgotten on the bed, wishing she could participate but knowing the master wouldn't approve of her unsolicited interaction. The thought of touching herself crossed her mind and she was even tempted to run the risk of suffering the punishment that would come if she were caught in the act of self-pleasure. But, not wanting to spoil her first day back with a reprimand, and not knowing where she currently stood in the master's favours, Rachel resisted the urge.

  'God but that feels good,' he exclaimed. He pushed into the slave with one hard, final thrust and held himself there as the orgasm shot from his body. Dropping the crop to the floor, he used both hands to hold the reins and pulled as hard as he was able. The pony girl's spiralling shriek echoed from the walls of the bedchamber and rang shrilly in Rachel's ears.

  Master Vince pushed the slave away and collapsed back next to Rachel. 'Go back to your damned stable,' he told the pony girl. 'Your moans and shrieks were unbecoming and, because of them, you don't merit a sugar lump.'

  Crestfallen, and looking as though the refusal of a treat hurt more than any of the lashes she had just suffered, the pony girl slipped through the door and out of the bedchamber.

  Rachel was annoyed to see that O'Mara still maintained her vigil beyond the doorway. The mousy blonde's eyes flitted over the scene and her scrutiny of the room seemed somehow perverted and invasive.

  'That's the only problem with these modifications,' Master Vince mused thoughtfully. 'I wonder if there's a way we can compensate.'

  'What's the problem?' Rachel asked curiously. 'I thought you said they felt divine? Isn't that what everyone's saying?'

  'It makes the slaves too sensitive. Didn't you hear that bitch whining?'

  She nodded. 'I'd never heard a pony girl complain before. I didn't think they knew how.'

  He grunted and studied her seriously. 'The swollen look is aesthetically pleasing, and if you had a cock you'd know how good it feels, but it seems to make the slaves more prone to protestation. Perhaps I need to be doing this on slaves with more self-control?' he suggested. 'Maybe that's where I'm going wrong?'

  'You'd be hard pressed to find a slave with more self-control than your pony girls,' Rachel said pragmatically.

  He nodded reluctant agreement although she noticed he was studying her with an expression she couldn't quite understand. 'You're right,' he agreed eventually. 'There aren't many slaves on this estate with more restraint than the pony girls. Maybe I should spend more time training the slaves not to cry out?'

  Rachel could tell he was only thinking aloud and knew he wouldn't appreciate any answer she cared to supply. Personally she thought the modified pussy lips looked exceedingly desirable but, if it made a slave so sensitive that even a pony girl would cry out, it wasn't something she wanted to endure. She thought the hateful tarocco readings were already bad enough without the additional suffering that would come from having her labia made more sensitive and, if she had been going to voice any opinion, she would have told him that.


  She heard him saying her name as though he was repeating himself and she wondered how she could have committed the unforgivable sin of not hanging on the master's every word. Smiling apologetically she asked him to repeat his question.

  'What's troubling you?'

  She considered her options, then realised it would only be right t
o respond honestly. 'I asked you something before and you didn't answer me. I need to know, one way or the other, so I'll ask you again: Am I still your favourite?'

  His conciliatory smile spoke volumes. The avuncular way he patted her leg was just as revealing. 'The title "favourite" is such a subjective term,' he began. 'I'll always think highly of you, Rachel, but it's not appropriate for a master to show preference for one particular slave when he's involved in a relationship.'

  Dumbfounded, Rachel could only stare. She heard the shower in the en-suite stop running and the silence in the room turned thick and embarrassing. 'Relationship?' she gasped. 'What relationship?'

  He seemed briefly puzzled, then smiled as understanding crept over his features. 'Of course. With you being away from the house for the last week you wouldn't know, would you?'

  Shaking her head, blinking away the hateful sting of tears that prickled the backs of her eyes, Rachel didn't bother to glance at the woman who was walking out of the en-suite. She noticed it was a blonde, wrapped tightly in a towelling robe - and the woman was pressing herself lovingly into Master Vince's embrace - but Rachel's world was filled with her master and the revelation of his devastating news.

  'I'm no longer acting the role of a carefree bachelor,' Master Vince said proudly. 'The estate now has a new resident and I'm soon going to be married.' Placing his arm around the blonde, he squeezed her and planted a kiss against her cheek. 'Rachel,' he said happily. 'I'd like you to meet my betrothed.'

  For the first time since the woman had entered the room, Rachel glanced at the blonde. Putting a hand over her mouth to stifle her gasp of astonishment, she realised that Helena's warning had been chillingly accurate. The situation was truly terrible. This really was the worst thing that could possibly happen.

  Master Vince and Pearl were going to get married.


  Naked, Pearl was surprisingly attractive. She had just come from freshening herself up in the en-suite and her body glowed with the dusky lustre of clean, scrubbed flesh. Her figure was unremarkable and almost boyish, with small breasts and a slender frame, but she exuded a sexuality that went beyond simple appearance. Rachel wondered if it had something to do with the desirable shape of her long, coltish legs, or the neat way her pussy hairs had been trimmed to an exclamation mark over her sex, or the black ink tattoo of a butterfly on her right breast. Unable to quantify the exact reason, she realised that Pearl held herself with a confidence and authority that Rachel had never seen in any other naked woman.

  As the blonde fastened the harness for the strap-on around her hips, smiling as Master Vince helped her to secure the buckles on the contraption, Rachel wondered how she had never noticed the woman's latent appeal before. She pecked his cheek before stepping back into the en-suite.

  'Doesn't she look lovely?' Master Vince asked Rachel.

  'Why is she wearing a strap-on?'

  He laughed and placed a comforting arm around her shoulders. 'She's using that until we become man and wife.' He seemed unaware that his words were like a knife in Rachel's heart. 'Pearl seems to think that wearing the strap-on will be the ideal way for her to save herself until we're married.'

  Rachel puzzled over the statement before understanding finally made her open her eyes wide with disbelief. 'Are you saying she's a virgin? You can't be serious.'

  His stern frown told Rachel that he didn't approve of her tone. 'I'm very serious,' he said firmly. 'Pearl says she's never been with another man and, if I doubted her honesty, I wouldn't be marrying her.' As Pearl returned from the en-suite he fixed Rachel with a silencing glare to tell her that the conversation was now closed but it was a pointless gesture. Lost for words, Rachel wouldn't have been able to think of anything she could say. Appalled by this development she cursed the arrogant streak that had made her lie at the tarocco reading.

  'I can't understand why you consider this one your favourite,' Pearl said dourly. She reached out and stroked her fingertips against Rachel's cheek. The razor sharp edges of her scarlet-painted nails grazed soft flesh. 'She's pretty and submissive, I'll grant you that, yet she has that glint of defiance flickering in her eyes. It's almost as though she's begging to be properly broken.'

  Master Vince shook his head to correct her. 'Rachel is my former favourite,' he said carefully. 'No one is now higher in my estimation than you, my darling.'

  Seemingly touched by the sentiment, Pearl smiled for him and then graced his lips with a gentle kiss. The tenderness and affection were so obvious that Rachel wanted to turn away. She supposed this meant it would now be easier for Master Bernard to take permanent charge of her but that realisation didn't make the insult any easier to bear. She was no longer Master Vince's favourite and the change in status hurt deeply.

  'Come closer, girl,' Pearl commanded. 'Come closer and get down on your knees in front of me.'

  Because she knew she had to obey the instruction, Rachel did as she was told. She wasn't used to being instructed by another woman, and she didn't like the way Pearl called her girl, but she knew Master Vince would be offended if she didn't treat his betrothed as though the blonde deserved appropriate respect. Kneeling pliantly before Pearl, Rachel went through the motions of paying homage to the woman's huge, rubber strap-on.

  It was long and black, with the sculpting detailed to make it look like an enormous penis. When she held it in her mouth Rachel thought it even had the feel of a real erection as it pressed against her tongue and cheeks. If she had closed her eyes it would have been easy to believe she was accepting a mammoth condom-covered length rather than an oversized sex toy. But, knowing better than to close her eyes, she stared sullenly up at the blonde, sucked on the shaft, and lubricated its length with her saliva.

  The black straps of the harness accentuated the pallor of Pearl's porcelain skin and made Rachel think of bondage and binding. The dominant flicker in the blonde's eyes told Rachel that Pearl would never be the victim in any of those types of games but she didn't doubt the woman was familiar with every variation. Feeling the slave trader's fingers grip tightly in her hair, having her head pulled this way and that so she could saturate the rubber cock with her mouth and tongue, Rachel knew Pearl would never be subservient to anyone.

  'That's it, you little bitch,' Pearl hissed. 'Get my cock good and wet.'

  Rachel did as she was told.

  Behind her, Master Vince stripped the clothes from her body. He was artless in the way he undressed her, tearing her jacket and blouse and allowing his haste to belie his greedy need. Wrenching the skirt from her hips he began to tug at her bra, pants and stockings until she was naked. It was all so different from the respect she had been afforded at Master Bernard's albergo that Rachel was stung by the contrast. The experiences were worlds apart and she was surprised that they both fired her with the same voracious appetite.

  The blonde renewed her grip on Rachel's hair and pulled until she had her attention. After studying Rachel's face for a moment she glanced at Master Vince and nodded grudging approval. 'I still have reservations,' Pearl decided, hauling Rachel from the floor. 'I still think she's got too high an opinion of herself. But I'm sure she'll be ideal for what you're proposing this afternoon.'

  Rachel tried not to show her panic, wondering what perversities the couple might have planned. She knew Master Vince could be sadistic with the lesser staff and, now she was no longer his favourite, she wondered if she should categorise herself amongst that number. Whatever he had proposed was clearly something that appealed to Pearl and that alone was enough to unsettle Rachel. But there was no time to contemplate any of her worries because Pearl was inching her body closer. The rubber erection pressed against Rachel's stomach and the woman's flat chest touched her full breasts.

  Pushing a thigh between Rachel's legs, Pearl smiled cruelly and grabbed her hips. The smooth skin of her leg rubbed at Rachel's pussy and she pressed herself onto the hard nub of the piercing. Each time the clit ring was pinched against her delicate flesh Rachel had
to struggle not to grimace.

  'Are you ready?' Pearl asked softly.

  Rachel knew the question wasn't directed at her so she remained dutifully silent. Pearl was staring past her as she spoke and, with a glance over her shoulder, Rachel could see the master sat on the edge of the bed with his erection standing proud between his legs.

  'I'm ready, if you are,' he replied.

  Neither of them asked Rachel if she was ready and her acquiescence was taken for granted as she was guided onto his length. The swollen end of his glans rested over her anus for a moment and the sensitive muscle was slow to relent. The master placed his hands on her buttocks to spread her wide and, when Rachel eased herself down, he effortlessly slid into her anus.

  She stifled a gasp as his thickness rushed in too quickly but neither of her tormentors noticed the brief distress. They were each involved with the other and Rachel knew, unless she had been screaming and shouting, neither of them would have heeded any sounds she made.

  Intently studying Master Vince, Pearl stepped between their open legs and pushed her strap-on into Rachel's pussy. The entry was sudden and crude and almost forced Rachel to shriek. It was only because she remembered her own disgust for the pony girl's protests that she resisted the urge. She reminded herself that none of the slaves on the master's estate were permitted to cry out and, suppressing the bitter tears the thought evoked, she supposed that rule should equally apply to his former favourite.


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