Dare_A BWWM Billionaire Romance

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by Rowena


  A BWWM Billionaire Romance


  Eromantica Publications

  Copyright © 2018 by Rowena

  All rights reserved.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Eromantica Publications

  First Edition: April 2018



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  About the Author

  Also by Rowena

  Mailing List


  LIAM - I f*cked up pretty badly with Kiara Montgomery years ago, but an unexpected second chance is on the horizon. Now that she’s a rising star, however, and on the radar of tons of other rich, powerful men, do I stand a fighting chance?

  F*ck yeah, I do, and I’m gonna take it…

  KIARA - What was I thinking, admitting on national TV that I’m still a virgin? Now I have all kinds of freaks after me who took that as a challenge, and unfortunately, one of them is Liam Cox—a guy I thought I’d gotten over after he broke my heart long ago. Like most, he’s probably just chasing me for the ‘grand prize,’ and knowing that should save me from falling for his charms all over again. Right??

  **A steamy second chance BWWM romance with no cliffhangers, no cheating, and an HEA!**

  PLEASE NOTE: This story is intended for mature audiences. It contains coarse language and graphic depictions of sex acts between consenting adults.



  “Check this one out,” my brother calls from the living room.

  I tear my attention away from the three dots in the text bubble on my cell, hoping a reply will have arrived by the time I glance back at it.

  I mean, are you DTF tonight or what, girl?

  “What is it?” I ask Logan as I join him in the living room, trying to keep annoyance out of my voice.

  He’s standing there with the remote to my 55-inch smart TV in his hand, towering over just about everything and looking a bit mischievous as he stares at the screen.

  We’re both pretty tall, but I have dark hair and blue-gray eyes whereas my brother is a dirty blond with sky blue eyes.

  Some call us “Irish twins” though we’re not Irish and not twins—we were born about a year apart—but it’s one of those old racist terms still floating around that most of the sting has gone out of since integration.

  I’m not even sure why Logan’s here—I love my brother, but I like my space and I’m trying to make plans to get my dick wet soon.

  He has his own place too—we both live in spacious suites with all the entertainment we could want at our fingertips, so I’m confused why he decided to pop by my place on a Thursday night.

  “Why are you here again?” I ask him.

  “I’m so bored,” he says, throwing his head back dramatically. “Nothing’s fun and new anymore. Except this,” he says, excitedly indicating the TV screen with the remote. “What do you think?” he asks slyly as he turns to me, his one deep dimple appearing with his half-grin.

  I quickly realize where this is going.

  My brother and I have fun every now and then making a challenge of a female conquest.

  Usually, I sleep with whomever I want—someone who catches the attention of my cock somehow.

  I meet prospective bed-warmers everywhere I go—on planes, in coffee shops, in elevators, etc.

  I don’t have particular tastes; in fact, I’m a firm believer in tasting the rainbow, so I’ve been with girls of all colors and body types.

  My brother likes them slim with big tits, for example, but I’m not so picky.

  Some tits, no ass? Sure.

  No tits, big ass? Hell yes.

  No tits, no ass? That’s fine too.

  What attracts me isn’t usually the body (although sometimes, it’s definitely just that)—it’s the spirit of the girl. Her overall vibe.

  Confident girls get my attention always, whereas insecure, shrinking violet types are pretty much a repellent.

  My brother loves the latter though—way easier to talk them into bed.

  These days, Logan picks someone for me for kicks every now and then.

  Thankfully, the women are always physically attractive, but what I’ve come to learn is that good looks aren’t always enough of a turn-on; in fact, some girls almost make my dick shrivel up based on their personalities alone, no matter what they look like.

  For example, this one girl checked all the boxes physically—she was beautiful, kept her body tight and fit, and had an hourglass shape. She was blond and brown-eyed, and I was totally into her until I saw her in action in relation to other people.

  She was rude for no good reason, lashing out at strangers who’d done nothing to her.

  She berated a barista who’d spelled her name wrong, told a homeless guy holding up a sign to “get a fucking job or, at least, deodorant” and basically treated everyone she perceived as being of working class or less like dirt.

  Banging her could have easily been a sure thing, but no matter how hot she was, I lost all interest in being anywhere near her and dropped her fast.

  “I dare you to get that girl to fall for you,” my brother says.

  “Isn’t even this getting boring to you?” I ask him as I turn my attention to the TV, dreading what I’ll see instead of happily anticipating it like before, despite Logan’s track record of picking someone I can convince myself to be interested in.

  But once the girl registers, that dread transforms completely.

  My eyes get trapped on the screen as familiarity hits me and my chest swells, my heart rate increasing.

  I know that girl.

  Her name is Kiara Montgomery—the first girl I ever thought of as being marriage material, way back in high school.

  She didn’t strike me as such at first; in fact, it took a long time for her to even register as a possible love interest.

  Back then, I still didn’t have a type per se, but Kiara definitely wasn’t it.

  Given my status as one of the most popular guys in school, I pretty much had my pick of the top chicks, so I took advantage, dating only girls most would consider hot.

  Kiara wouldn’t have been on anyone’s list—she was a plain, quiet nerd, and she wasn’t carrying around an enticing set of tits or a juicy ass. Nothing about her stood out, not even being one of few with her skin tone.

  She would have never made it onto my radar had it not been for the need I had for a tutor at some point.
  I’m filthy rich now, but I wasn’t back then, so my parents couldn’t just hire someone for me—they were both working class and had three mouths to feed: my brother, my sister, and me. Most resources they had went toward my sister—she was the smart one.

  So there I was, needing a volunteer tutor, and there Kiara was, volunteering to tutor anyone who needed it in both English and Spanish.

  At first, she was just some nerd helping me improve my grades in certain classes, but then she turned into someone I considered a friend—a real one. She became someone I genuinely enjoyed spending time with, her personality a welcome surprise.

  Then one day, she was suddenly someone I wanted to be much, much more than a friend.

  But I fucked things up and we went our separate ways, never to hear from each other again.

  It’s been about seven years since then.

  The way she made me feel back then—I never quite got that feeling again throughout my entire dating life; no one has made my chest practically glow the way she did.

  Sure, I met girls some would consider marriage material on paper, but they’re pretty uninspiring outside of a roll in the hay or temporary companionship.

  Truth is, I have tons of fun chasing, but then I lose interest after they’re caught.

  Some girls last a few months after being conquered, but inevitably, I feel a need to move on, no matter how interesting or amusing they seemed at first.

  I wonder if what I feel for Kiara now, as I stare at her onscreen, is because I never slept with her.

  She was the only one who got away, so we have unfinished business according to my cock.

  Maybe I can finally start having healthy relationships with the appropriate girls after Kiara and I take care of that unfinished business; maybe I can finally get her out of my head and heart with this dare.

  But the glow in my chest right now is telling me something different.

  Getting involved with her again means I could find myself falling even deeper for a girl who might never forgive me for what I did to her.

  “What is it?” Logan asks. “Wait, are you scared? Think this one will be too hard?”

  I watch my brother carefully, searching for signs he knows exactly what he’s doing pointing me in this particular girl’s direction, that he has decided to be diabolical with his choice this time around.

  But he’s watching the screen blankly, mild general appraisal in his eyes as he takes the girl in again, his head cocked a little to the side.

  “Oh, please,” I say dismissively. “Piece of cake.”

  “And she’s pretty hot, right? Not a bad conquest to have,” he says with a casual shrug.

  He really doesn’t recognize her! He has no idea how much more of a challenge this would be than usual.

  I guess I shouldn’t be surprised—Kiara looks a lot different sitting in that interviewee chair next to the late night host.

  She’s no longer wearing glasses—solved by contacts or LASIK, I presume, considering she couldn’t see jack without them and there’s no way she’s doing this interview with blurry vision.

  Back in the day, she wore zero makeup and loose clothes that hid any figure she might’ve had. She even kept her hair pulled back into a bun for the most part.

  But now, with her straightened dark hair down and makeup carefully done, wearing a flattering, flowy yellow-gold dress over her smooth, mahogany skin, Kiara—or Kiki as I eventually came to call her—is quite a striking creature.

  Her body is scrumptious and can’t be denied, no matter how conservatively she’s dressed.

  I’m pleased to see her people have decided not to make a sexpot of her, though they clearly can—she’s beautiful from head to toe—but they’re going for classy.

  Good choice, considering I can’t imagine Kiki trying to be a sultry vixen.

  Then again, I never imagined she’d be on my TV screen being interviewed by a late night show host due to a talent I never knew she had.

  “Cute as she is, I don’t get it—why this one?” I ask my brother. “Why do you think she’d be a challenge at all?”

  “Because,” he begins, drawing out the word and looking mighty mischievous again, “she just told this dude she’s a virgin and doesn’t plan to lose it until she’s married.”

  For some reason, that makes me laugh. I’m not sure why just yet.

  “So you see,” Logan continues, “I dare you to get her into bed without the ring.”

  Normally, I wouldn’t be phased, but the history between Kiara and me gives me pause.

  I can’t do something like this to her—not again!


  I stare at my brother again, keeping my face as neutral as I can while I study him.

  “What?” he says after a few moments.

  I still see no sign he recognizes her, despite having met her and seen her around here and there while she was tutoring me.

  But she’s not the type he would have noticed outside of me, and he had no reason to register her properly since Kiara and I ended up dating secretly.

  While I came to recognize she was a cutie once we met up for the first time, the rest of the school—including my brother—probably kept missing her natural beauty since she was so shy and hid so well from scrutinizing eyes. Logan didn’t get to see much of her up close.

  I decide not to jog his memory.

  “A virgin, huh? Rewind it—let me see the interview from the top.”

  “So you’re in?”

  I shrug, staring at the screen as I wait for him to honor my request.

  Logan rewinds it a little, and I have to stop myself from telling him to go back to the very beginning so I can watch it from the moment she walks out from backstage.

  I’ll just watch the whole segment again later.

  He presses play.

  “I’ve been warned about you,” Kiara says with a bright, beautiful smile and a playful wag of her manicured finger.

  The host widens his blue eyes in mock innocence.

  “Me? What on earth could you have been warned about?” he says in his British accent.

  “You are very good at your job, apparently—you tease all sorts of things out of people they wouldn’t otherwise be open to sharing.”

  The host tugs at his tie in a silly way, waggling his eyebrows.

  “Well, from what I hear, you’re squeaky clean,” he says.

  “Oh, this,” she says resignedly, then points to a plain ring on her finger. “Guess wearing a purity ring doesn’t exactly help keep my intentions quiet.”

  “So you’re waiting till marriage, are you?”

  “Perhaps. Not for any religious reason or anything—it just seems like the right thing to do for me. I’m not interested in casual relationships.”

  “Anyone special in your life right now? Asking for a friend.”

  The audience cracks up at that but a bit of rage runs through me.

  “No one particularly special outside of friends and family. I’m focusing on my music at this time.”

  “So when exactly did you know you wanted to be a singer?”

  She looks slightly uncomfortable for some reason, but it lasts a half second.

  “It hit me pretty late, actually. Like most kids, at some point, I pretended a spoon or pen was a microphone and sang to the amusement of my mom or whoever. Later in life, a roommate posted a clip of my singing on YouTube and it got a crazy amount of hits. I started doing covers, then all sorts of offers started pouring in.”

  “And what’s next for you?”

  “I’m laying down tracks for an animated film which I’m very excited about that. Can’t say more than that just yet.” She makes a zipped mouth gesture. “And I’m attending an awards show you might have heard about next weekend.”

  “Ah, yes—you’re up for Best New Artist! We wish you the best of luck.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And don’t be shy—you have a new album coming out soon, don’t you?”

p; “Yes. It drops in two weeks.”

  “Your folks were kind enough to supply us a copy.” He whips out a square item and the camera zooms in on it.

  The album cover is quite beautiful, mostly because she’s on it.

  “Tracks three and eight are my favorites,” the host says genuinely as he tucks the CD away. “Now tell me a bit about this charity you’re involved with.”

  I hear a little of her response before turning to my brother.

  “Yup—I’m definitely in,” I say.

  He gives me a conspiratorial smile.




  It’s been about a minute, and I’m still waiting for my friend Angel to stop laughing.

  “It’s really not that funny,” I say flatly.

  “Yes, it is!” she replies gleefully. “Oh my god—I don’t know who told you it was a good idea to announce your virginity to the whole world.”

  “Obviously, it wasn’t something I wanted to share, but my manager thought it would be great for my image.”

  “You can’t actually be surprised your phone is ringing off the hook now.”

  “Actually, I am! Who knew it would be such a big deal?”

  “Come. On. You can’t be that naive. So many guys are gonna take that as a challenge...”

  “Not just guys, apparently. We’ve been fielding calls from chicks who’d also like to turn me out.”

  Angel explodes into laughter again.

  “Well, I’m glad my current troubles amuse you,” I say dryly but I’m smiling a little.

  The whole thing is a little funny.

  “Hey, it’s not the worst thing in the world that your dating pool suddenly got way bigger. I mean, look at the quality of candidates you have ready to court you now!”


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