One with the Wind

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One with the Wind Page 12

by Jane Livingston

  They walked out to the living room where Josie’s parents waited.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t hear him calling for you Nick. He was looking for you and slid down the stairs,” said Josie’s mother. “You two are parents. You should be acting like parents instead of teenagers.”

  “Mom, you said you bought stuff for the children. You didn’t think of a safety gate for the stairway! We come all the way from Moscow, safe and sound and now my son is injured in our home. This wouldn’t have happened in Russia!” Josie yelled.

  “We are here for you and we can leave first thing in the morning if you don’t appreciate us,” scolded Josie’s mom.

  “Why doesn’t everyone calm down? Everything is all right,” replied Josie’s father.

  Nick sat down on a chair with Yuri facing him. “I’m sorry I didn’t hear you bud. Do you forgive me?” He kissed his forehead and hugged him to his chest. “I'm here. I love you. Do you want to sleep with mommy and me tonight?”

  Yuri nodded tearfully. When Nick carried Yuri to their bedroom and lay him down, Yuri bounced up, jumping and giggling. “You’re just like your mother. What you wouldn’t do for attention,” he said as he tickled Yuri’s belly.

  “Gracious,” Josie sighed sarcastically as she lay next to Yuri.

  She turned on her side to face Nick and laughed through her tears. “What an episode. I don’t think my mother will ever be the same again. Will you a least try to wear pants the next time something like this happens?”

  Nick brushed Yuri’s hair. “I will try to keep my pants on, but I can’t promise.”

  As the weeks passed, their life settled down into a routine. Nick worked in New York City and Josie spent her days creating a home for their family. There were times she regretted not following her own career, but spending her time with the boys and taking care of Nick was better than any job she could imagine.

  She had dinner on the table when Nick returned from work. They both helped the boys with their meals as they ate. “I talked to my mom. They want us to come out to Johnstown. I told them we could go next weekend,” Nick said.

  Josie took a drink of water. “Nick, don’t you remember that weekend is our five year anniversary?”

  “What anniversary?” he said, cutting the carrots on Yuri’s plate.

  “Wedding! You do remember we are married?”

  “Oh, well, I guess my parents could watch the boys that night. We can go to Main Street Grill for dinner.” He smiled. “It’s where we had our first date.”

  “Main Street Grill! Why don’t we go fuck at Jared’s house? That’s where you first kissed me.”

  Nick covered Yuri’s ears. “Honey, language.” He took a mouthful of food and looked at Josie thoughtfully. “When we get back, I’ll take you out to a nice place in the city, how’s that?”

  “Sounds fine,” she said, not hiding her disappointment.

  Two weeks later, Nick packed up the car for the long drive to Johnstown. They had planned to break the trip over two days, stopping in Hershey for the night. Despite being disappointed by Nick’s lack of anniversary plans, Josie enjoyed the drive home and was looking forward to seeing her old friends.

  Mrs. Markovich barreled out the front door as soon as Nick pulled in the driveway. She kissed and hugged everyone over and over again. “Oh, I can’t believe you’re home. You all look so good.” Mrs. Markovich had prepared a huge meal for them which waited on the table. It was like they had returned from Moscow with the vast spread on the dining room table. “You’re father pulled your high chair from the attic,” said Mrs. Markovich. “My God, I remember when you were just a baby. Now you have babies.” She then turned her attention to Josie. “Tell me, are you two still having sex?”

  “Mom!” protested Nick.

  “I made this fig flavored vodka. They say it is an aphrodisiac,” said Mrs. Markovich.

  “Mom, we’re fine,” he said.

  “That sounds wonderful,” replied Josie, “can I try some?”

  Mrs. Markovich rose from the table to fetch the vodka. “Honey, I’ll give you the bottle.”

  Josie winked at Mrs. Markovich. “We don’t even need glasses.”

  “That’s my girl,” said Mrs. Markovich and kissed Josie on the head.

  Nick glanced away embarrassed.

  “Honey, it’s important you keep the fire going in your marriage, especially after children. Remember the trouble your brother had,” said Mrs. Markovich.

  “Yes, mom,” he sighed.

  The afternoon of their fifth anniversary came and Nick waited downstairs for Josie. “Come on sweetheart, we’re going to be late. I have reservations.”

  Josie walked down the stairs wearing a sundress and heels. “Since when did the Main Street Grill take reservations and why do we need to go so early. Old people eat at four o’clock, Nick.”

  “I want to beat the crowds,” he said.

  They got in the car with the windows rolled down. “One with the wind, remember?” he said.

  “You’re a geek.” She rested her elbow on the window edge.

  “I’m not the one who originally said it,” he reminded.

  “So now I’m the geek.”

  He grinned at her and pulled onto the street. Nick drove through the city, passing their old stomping grounds. They drove by the high school and where they used to park near the Stony Creek River. He continued to drive, winding through the woods.

  “I thought we were going to be late and now you’re driving through the country. Main Street Grill is downtown, five minutes from your parent’s house.” Josie checked her reflection in her compact mirror.

  “It’s a beautiful day,” he said with a grin. “Plans are for suckers, let’s improvise.”

  Josie shook her head. There was no sense in arguing with him when he was being a flake. Finally Nick pulled into the parking lot of the Bedford Springs, a spa resort nestled in the woods. Nick got out, walked around the car and opened the door for Josie.

  “What’s this? Why are we here?” she asked.

  He said nothing as he guided her toward the entrance. Inside, the host escorted them through to an outdoor garden patio where a chorus of, “Surprise!” rang out.

  Josie looked around the room and saw many familiar faces¾her parents, sister and cousins, childhood and high school friends, her college roommate, Wendy, and even Marta and Oleg. “What is this?”

  “Our wedding reception,” he whispered in her ear. “We eloped remember.”

  “What?” Josie mumbled tearfully.

  “Happy Anniversary,” he whispered and guided her through the room.

  As the neared the front of the room, Rod Stewart’s, You’re in my Heart, began to play. Nick took Josie in his arms and started to dance.

  “You are such an asshole,” Josie cried quietly. “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “Do you think I could deny my wife a wedding dance,” he said.

  After the song ended, You Can Call Me Al, by Paul Simon played. Nick pulled Al from his high chair and handed him to Josie and then he lifted Yuri and carried him to the dance floor. Together as a family they danced. Josie waltzed Al around the dance floor and Nick flung Yuri around like Superman. Soon, everyone in the hall was dancing and having a good time.

  Once the dancing subsided, everyone returned to their seats for dinner. Josie noticed a package on her chair. “Is it safe to open here?” she asked Nick.

  “Of course,” he said with a wink, “the other package you can unwrap once we get to our suite.”

  Josie unwrapped the gift. It was a photo book Nick had put together. It had nearly two hundred pages of photos dating back to their high school days. The past ten years of their life together recorded in one beautiful book., Josie cried throughout the entire reception. Her eyes did not dry until they said their goodbyes and she and Nick retired to their suite.

  Josie held her hand over her mouth as she entered the room. The hot tub outside on the balcony had a view of the treet
ops. Nick walked outside and turned back to Josie. “What do you say we get naked?”

  She walked behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I was hoping you would say that.”

  They undressed and made love while the hot tub filled. Nick got out of bed and uncorked the champagne and poured two glasses. “Here’s to Mrs. Markovich.”

  Josie chuckled. “Back at you, Mr. Markovich.”

  He walked out onto the balcony and looked over the edge. “Can you imagine if there are bird watchers out there? They’d get quite a view seeing us up here.”

  “Seeing you,” said Josie as she got into the tub. “Step away from the edge sweetheart. Your privates are private to me.”

  Nick climbed into the tub and sat next to Josie. He put his arm around her shoulder and fondled her breasts. “It’s been a long time since we’ve been together like this, no kids, no parents—just the two of us.”

  She kissed his neck, reached down between his legs and rubbed the shaft of his penis. “I missed you.”

  He rose to his feet and guided Josie around so her back was facing him. She lifted her torso out of the tub and leaned over the edge for Nick to take her from behind. He caressed her between her legs until she was wet and her legs spread further apart. He drove himself inside her.

  She giggled as she rocked back and forth looking at the scenery over the balcony. I wonder if anyone sees us and what would they think?

  When he withdrew she got out of the tub and turned on her back. She spread her legs so he could enter her in a missionary position. The fresh air and his penis felt good as Josie looked up at the sky. After they both reached orgasm, they slid back down into the hot tub. Nick poured more champagne. They clinked glasses and relaxed, staring at the starry sky.

  “Never a dull moment with you, Markovich,” she said.

  Nick looked at Josie and smiled. “My purpose here is to entertain.”

  “I thought it was to observe,” she remarked.

  “Well of course, I need to observe to know how to entertain.”

  “I still can’t get over today. I can’t believe you had this all planned.” She looked at him harshly. “I can’t believe you lied to me.”

  “Lie to you, right. You’re just upset because I surprised you,” he said. “Bet you didn’t think I had it in me.”

  “No, every single moment you surprise me,” she joked.

  Josie woke early the next morning and had a cup of coffee on the balcony. She flipped slowly through the photo book and reflected on every memory—they had been through so much together. The past seemed like a dream. She could hardly wait for the next ten years.

  Sexual Bucket List

  Josie reclined on the couch and leafed through photo book Nick made for their five year anniversary. Nick and Josie had taken thousands of pictures over the years. Some of them were in albums and some were locked in a special box in their bedroom. Maybe in a hundred years someone will find the pictures and ask who these crazy fucks were?

  Josie frowned at the slightly faded photos in front of her. Over ten years had passed since her wedding reception and her relationship with Nick had changed so dramatically. Sometimes it felt as though she didn’t know him at all and when he was home, she felt like she was sleeping with a stranger.

  Yuri grew into a loud and stubborn teenager with a tremendous amount of energy and Al was laid back to the point of being lazy. Dealing with two teenage boys and holding down a full-time job while Nick traveled made life increasingly difficult. Josie, like many working mothers, lost herself in the madness of everyday life. She tried desperately to try to recapture her life by looking through old photos. It only made her want to cry.

  “Mom, when’s Dad coming home!” yelled Yuri from the top of the stairs.

  “Around dinner time!” she screamed.

  Nick had great success in his career and had become a leading cinematographer for documentary films. He loved traveling to exotic locales to be on set—Peru, Easter Island, The North Pole. While Josie stayed at home with the boys, she started wondering whether Nick was having an affair?

  When Nick did return from one of his trips, his attention was given to Yuri and Al who tackled him as soon as he walked in the door. As expected, wrestling became the Markovich family sport and both boys couldn’t wait to show their new moves to their father. Being the only women in the house, Josie felt pushed out and neglected.

  It was dinnertime when Nick returned from his latest trip. He dropped his bags in the entryway of the downstairs office. The boys leaped from the kitchen table to greet him, abandoning their meal and Josie.

  “Dad!” they screamed and launched themselves at him.

  He wrestled with the boys on the living room floor. Josie called out from the kitchen. “It’s dinner time! You can attack your father after you finish dinner.” She could hear Nick mumble. “The master is calling.” The boys and Nick took their seat at the table.

  “That master is calling?” Josie questioned snidely.

  Nick filled his plate with carrots and potatoes. “That’s what you are, aren’t you?”

  She didn’t respond, hoping her silence would be enough of an answer.

  “She’s like a slave master,” responded Al. “She doesn’t let us do anything when you’re not here. All we have to do is chores.”

  “Did you have chores when you were younger dad? Did grand mom make you clean the bathroom?” asked Yuri.

  “I don’t remember. That is like another lifetime ago,” he said.

  “Mom does. It’s gross. That’s what maids are for,” said Al.

  “Well if you don’t learn to do it, how do you know if a hired maid is doing it properly? You gotta learn how to do it before you can hire someone to do it for you,” said Nick.

  “I know how to do it. Mom, can we get a maid?” asked Al.

  “If your father wants to pay for one, I’m all for it,” replied Josie. She took her plate and walked to the sink. “Maybe he can hire a cook as well.”

  It was then Nick realized there was something wrong with Josie. He picked up his plate and followed her. “Is there something going on I should know about?”

  Josie turned on the water and scrubbed her plate clean. “Maybe if you were around more, you would know.”

  “Honey, it’s my job. I’m a filmmaker. We go on location to film. Our backyard is not big enough,” he said.

  She ripped the plate out of his hand. “So, do you want me to hire you a prostitute as well as a cook?”

  Nick paused and shook his head. “What?”

  ‘“And there have been many affairs and many times I thought to leave.’ What does that mean Nick? Who were the affairs and when did you think to leave?”

  “What are you talking about?” he asked, growing irritated.

  “That was the lyrics to the Rod Stewart song you chose to dance with me at our wedding reception. Who were the affairs, Nick?”

  “Again I ask—what? What the hell is the matter with you? That is the one line you are intent on focusing on. You honey, are nuts!” he yelled.

  “You’re away so much, you must have another woman, or women,” she said and looked over her shoulder to see her boys still seated at the table, “and then you come home and pay no attention to me. Maybe if you’re bored at home, I can hire someone to entertain you.”

  He looked at her hard, turned around and walked out the front door, slamming it behind him. Yuri and Al looked at Josie and then at Nick who opened the door and returned to the kitchen.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Josie asked.

  “Well, I thought I entered an alternative universe, so I thought I’d start again and maybe in this universe my wife is not a fucking crazy,” he said.

  Josie chuckled sarcastically. “You think this is funny. Our marriage is on the rocks and you’re making jokes.”

  “Our marriage is on the rocks?” he questioned shocked.

  “Are you having an affair?” she asked, whispering so the b
oys couldn’t hear her.

  “No! Jo, how can you even think that!” he exclaimed.

  She turned and looked at him sternly. “Are you watching porn when you’re alone on the road?”

  He hesitated. “I—”

  “I knew it! You promised you’d never watch porn without me,” she stated strongly. “What was it—lesbian, anal, threesome,” she broke into tears, “barely legal? Is that it? You long for some tight, young thing?”

  “No, honey it was just lesbian, sometimes threesome,” he said in a comforting tone.

  “Ah ha! So I’m not enough for you? You want to invite another woman into our bed?”

  Nick turned around and walked out of the kitchen. He wasn’t going to continue this conversation with her. He never expected it from Josie, but she had lost her mind.

  Later, after the boys had gone to sleep, Josie crawled into bed alone. She turned on her side away from the door and cried. It is true; my marriage is falling apart. She wiped her eyes when she felt Nick’s weight fall onto the bed beside her.

  “They’re having a premiere party for the documentary I did in Peru. If you don’t want to come with me, I will take the boys,” he said.

  “Oh, I’m going! You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

  Nick sighed heavily. “Are we going to talk about this, or are you just going to make me suffer?” he asked.

  “Make you suffer?” Josie replied. “What do you think I’ve been doing for the past ten years?

  “You have been suffering the past ten years?” He turned to face the back of her head. “The past ten years of raising a family has been hell. Is that how you really feel?”

  “No, but it would have been nice to have a little help. You’re living your fantasy life, traveling around the world, while I have been doing all the mundane things.”

  “You have a good job, I thought you liked. When I’m not traveling, I work from home to help with the boys. I have made dinner and picked the boys up from practice when you had to work late. Besides, I think it’s terribly offensive when you call our life together mundane.”


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