Forever a Father

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Forever a Father Page 16

by Lynne Marshall

  He pulled her hips near his, then delved into her neck with kisses, finding the exact spot that drove her mad. After a deep sigh she entwined her hands around the back of his neck while he grazed his lips over her ear and cheek, then delivered a fierce kiss. And she loved it.

  Several seconds later, heated up and raring to go, she stared into his eyes, seeing the flare of desire there, and the unmistakable message that he wanted her as much as she needed him.

  “Let’s go to bed,” he said.

  In that instant she refused to let old fallout and second-guessing left over from Ron mess up anything.

  * * *

  Sunday morning, Keela woke up before Daniel. She took a moment to savor the man she’d come to know as a lover, now innocently asleep in her bed. Overnight stubble darkened his chin and cheeks. His thick-lashed lids were peacefully closed, his breathing slow and steady. The expanding emotions he evoked in that yummy but vulnerable state made her sigh. He was a man of his word. Everything he said he’d do, he did. How different from Ron. That quality was the first thing that had attracted her to Daniel, the day he’d hired her.

  After quickly ripping each other’s clothes off last night, and satisfying the out-of-control fire burning between them, they’d taken their time. He’d proved to be not only considerate but knowledgeable, and making love with him had been like nothing she’d ever experienced before. Was it true some people were best suited for each other? After last night, it certainly seemed like it.

  A subtle sensation between her legs made her check the hour. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough time to wake him up the way she wanted, shower and still get to Paso Robles to pick up Anna. If Keela was a minute late, she feared Ron would grill her about it, and how would she explain her reason? I was having mind-blowing sex with my new guy.

  The thought made her grin. She rolled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom, grabbing her purse from the living room chair and checking her cell phone on the way. There was a missed call from Ron, last night. Uh-oh.

  She dialed his number. “Is everything all right?”

  “Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

  I was having mind-blowing sex with my new guy? “It was in my purse. I guess I didn’t hear it. Is Anna okay?”

  “She had trouble going to sleep and wanted to talk to you.”

  “Oh, no.” Keela’s heart pinched at the thought of not being there for her daughter.

  “She was okay. We let her stay up and watch some TV with us. I was surprised you weren’t right on top of the phone, though.”

  Uh... “I had a long day and went to bed early.” She might get sent straight to purgatory, but no way would she tell him the whole truth! “I’ll be there by ten.”

  “Okay. Hey, Keela?”


  “We had a good time.”

  Maybe the man was finally coming around on the parental part, or was that only his side of the story? “Great! See you later.”

  After a brief shower, she set off for the kitchen to scald the pot for some nice strong Irish tea and make toast for a quick breakfast. But knowing Daniel was in the other room, she stretched beyond her usual routine and scrambled eggs. Then just as he ambled into the kitchen, looking half-asleep and gorgeous anyway, she scattered some grated cheese over the top of the eggs.

  “Good morning,” she said, excited to see him.

  “Good morning,” he replied, with a morning rasp in his voice and his heavy-lidded eyes looking far too sexy beneath his bed hair. She could definitely get used to seeing him like that. He walked right up to her, put his hands on her hips and tugged her near, then kissed her. The lazy smile he gave afterward was as big a turn-on as his beard stubble.

  But she had a daughter to pick up, so she handed him a plate of eggs and toast instead of herself, like she really wanted to, and once he’d sat at the kitchen table, passed him a mug of tea. “Milk?”

  “I’m good.” His sexy gaze went a step further... Real good.

  So was she, and they’d done it to each other, and her feelings were right where they deserved to be. Happy. Remembering every part of his body tangled up with hers, she thought maybe she’d dressed too warmly for the day.

  Risky as it seemed, she joined him at the table.

  After a long draw on his tea, he leveled his gaze at her. “So how do we work this?”

  She played it coy. “Us?”

  “I think we’re starting to get us down pretty good,” he said with a near cocky smile. “I’m talking about Anna.”

  Keela inhaled to clear her head. Of course Mr. Considerate would think of Anna, too. “Right. Well, I don’t want to confuse her.”

  “Should we keep things secret?”

  “No. We’ve all spent plenty of time together, and I’d like to keep doing that.” She nibbled on her toast, considering their options. “I definitely want to continue—” She nodded meaningfully toward the bedroom.

  His hand came to rest on top of hers and squeezed. “Definitely.”

  Inside, she let out a huge sigh but did her best to play it cool. “Good.” After sharing another long and meaningful stare, his eyes setting off all kinds of things zipping and zinging through her body, she finished her toast and gulped her cooled tea. Okay, she was ready for the conversation where they came to an understanding, and said it out loud.

  Wait! She looked at her watch. “I’ve got to leave to pick up Anna!”

  He stood, like he needed to clear out, too.

  She grabbed her purse. “But take your time here, okay?”

  He sat back down. “Thanks. I’ll lock up when I leave.”

  She intended to just give him a quick kiss on the brow, but she somehow wound up on his lap, kissing him, forgetting the time. Finally, with every part of her skin alive and tingling, especially her breasts from the extra attention he’d paid them, she ended the kiss and left her house with a song in her heart and the promise for a beautiful day.

  * * *

  Daniel drank more tea, watching Keela pull out of her parking spot, her hair shining in the sun and a smile on her face. He’d helped put that smile there. They’d figured out some amazing moves together last night, and he’d quickly memorized every part of her sweet body. She’d given every indication she liked everything he’d done, too, and thinking about it only made him want her more.

  He went back to the kitchen to finish the eggs and clean up before he went home. Boy, was he going to get a grilling from his brothers for staying out all night. It made him grin. He had a helluva lot to tell, too, but he’d keep all the best parts to himself and play down the rest. Otherwise they’d never let him hear the end of it.

  How was a guy supposed to, to use his grandfather’s term, court a woman with a daughter? He liked Conor’s advice the best. À la carte. First and foremost, it was about him and Keela. Maybe he’d start by having flowers delivered at work tomorrow, and every morning after that. He definitely wanted to see her again in the coming week, though he didn’t know when or how just yet. He’d come up with something, that was for sure, because, glancing out the kitchen window, he already missed Keela.

  And he wouldn’t forget Anna.

  * * *

  Friday night, Daniel sat on the sidelines with the football players at their first preseason game and watched for Keela. After a hectic week where they hadn’t worked out a time for a proper date, he’d invited her and Anna to come to the game. A man had to be flexible that way sometimes. He’d arranged for them to sit in the bleachers with the pep squad so Anna could watch all the cheers and acrobatics up close.

  His idea to send flowers every day had gone over great, and he and Keela had managed to steal several kisses Monday through Friday at work, even though Abby was getting suspicious. The stolen kisses had proved to be the fire to keep him going when the week quickly got out of control with emergency a
dd-ons and extra duty, and group physicals for the 4Cs junior male and female teams. Bringing Keela and Anna to the game was the best he could do for a date. Keela being Keela, she completely understood.

  In place of seeing each other during the week, they’d had several long, late-night phone calls, a promise he’d made and kept. They’d even FaceTimed once or twice—he’d sneaked out of the hotel suite and sat on a lounger on the grass. Seeing Keela sitting on her bed in a nightgown made him want to run right over to her house, but out of respect for his girlfriend, who also happened to be a working mother, he didn’t. He liked how things were going and sensed she did, too.

  Just before kickoff, Daniel spotted Keela with Anna and waved. The five-year-old jumped up and down and clapped before waving back. He worried she might slip through the opening of the stadium bleachers but knew Keela wouldn’t let that happen.

  He grabbed one of the players who never made it off the bench for games. “Greg, would you do me a favor and buy two hot chocolates and deliver them to the lady with the child over there?” He pointed out Keela and Anna before handing the guy some money, with extra to keep.

  The kid took off, and in no time Daniel noticed Keela lifting her cup, steam rising into the field lights, with a huge smile on her face. Anna was already taking a drink and afterward she waved her thanks, whipped cream in evidence on her upper lip.

  At halftime he brought them each a hot dog, hoping his services wouldn’t be needed much for the team so he could hang out. Though he’d worked with Keela five days that week, it felt completely different to be with her outside the clinic. Of course, after three days of flowers being delivered, there was no fooling Abby that something was going on between them, but they’d still managed to handle their work routine in a strictly professional fashion. Except for stealing those kisses every now and then. At the moment, sitting next to her, their thighs touching on the bleacher bench, all he could think about was making love to her.

  “You’re s’posed to lean!” Anna said, breaking into his thoughts. “See? The girls are shouting.”

  Daniel cleared his head of thoughts of Keela and picked Anna up, sitting her on his knee. With her in his arms, he leaned to the left, then to the right, like the cheerleaders insisted with their multicolored pompoms. Then he stood up and sat right back down.

  “Why do they say ‘fight fight fight’?”

  “It’s supposed to make the team play better.”


  Daniel glanced at Keela, whose eyes were sparkling under the lights. She gave him a don’t-look-at-me response, her melodious laugh turning him on nearly as much as sitting beside her. The best part of all was knowing that after the game he’d be going home with her, and eventually Little Miss Why would go to sleep, so they could make love again.


  Chapter Nine

  Three weeks later...

  Keela couldn’t believe how quickly life had changed. She and Daniel had fallen into a “couple’s” routine on every level. They saw each other at work Monday through Friday, had an official date on Saturday night, and after they’d had incredible adult time, he’d sneak off before Anna woke up Sunday morning. Then he’d turn around and come right back with take-out coffee, cocoa for Anna, plus muffins for all, and with plans for some kind of group event for the three of them the rest of the day. He was as dependable in his private life as he was at work, and Keela started to believe in her good choice of men. Never had she expected to trust another man after Ron.

  Daniel proved repeatedly to be a man of his word. What a refreshing change from her ex, not having to worry. Trusting. Not to say she’d given her heart to Daniel or anything, but to be honest, she was crazy about the guy.

  There was one scary part, though. He made her dream again. About a different kind of life. About the future. Now it was time to trust her judgment. To trust that Daniel was worth risking her heart on.

  Monday evening, he’d called and promised Anna a trip to the aquarium, and today, Sunday, they’d taken a long drive to get there. They’d spent hours observing octopuses and squid, marveling over an exhibit featuring the kelp forest, then went back and forth between over-and underwater views of the sea otters’ crazy antics in the aquarium’s replication of the local bay.

  Keela had never seen Anna smile and laugh so much in her life. Every time she watched Daniel explain things, help her daughter be brave or assist with the simple matter of Anna maneuvering around the busy aquarium on crutches, Keela’s heart warmed and her thoughts wandered to a secret and special place.

  If she could put the feeling into a word, it would be—No, on second thought she wasn’t ready to go there. Admitting it would change everything, and she sensed Daniel was nowhere near ready to love again. Yet.

  Anna had fallen asleep on the long drive home, and Daniel carried her into the house, where she woke up immediately.

  “I’m hungry.”

  Keela looked at Daniel and shrugged. They’d stopped at a drive-through on their way home and got hamburgers and fries to go.

  Daniel used his knuckles to knock on Anna’s cast. “Is this hollow? Is that where all the food is going?”

  “No!” Anna giggled. “Mom says I’m a growing girl.”

  He mussed her hair. “You’ll always be a little squirt to me.”

  Keela loved how Anna had learned to play along with Daniel’s teasing, because she trusted him, too, especially now when she messed up his hair and said, “You’re Dr. Dan to me.”

  He got serious. “Maybe it’s time you dropped the doctor part and just call me Dan?” He glanced at Keela, as if to get her approval about letting Anna call him that. She nodded, loving the subtle significance of the moment. Small steps. Daniel and Anna were growing closer, too.

  Hugging the stuffed otter Daniel had bought her at the aquarium, Anna grinned. “I’m going to name him Dan.”

  “Wow, you’re naming a toy after me? I’ve finally arrived.”

  Anna hugged Daniel. The real one. “Because I love you.”

  The room went momentarily silent. Stunned was more like it. Keela could see Daniel struggle with how to respond to such a spontaneous declaration. Where she wasn’t ready to say the word, her daughter had fearlessly exclaimed it. Love! Clearly, it rattled him, and he wasn’t sure what to say or do. It rattled Keela, too.

  She thought back to the mistake she’d made the first time they’d been together—You’ve restored my faith in men—and how he’d run off, practically kicking and screaming, into the night. If Anna’s innocent outburst made him tense up, Keela could only imagine what her own declaration of you-know-what would do to him. Time. They needed more time as a couple.

  After a pause, with a serious and kind expression on his face, Daniel reached for Anna’s shoulder. “You know what, Anna-bug? I love you, too.”

  He hadn’t run away. He’d embraced her love and returned it!

  He would never lie about anything as wonderful as that, would he? The moment put a spotlight on not one but two hearts Keela needed to guard. If things didn’t work out with Daniel, both she and her daughter would be deeply hurt. She’d get through it—though it wouldn’t be easy—but she’d had practice before. The thought of her daughter suffering from a broken heart because of Daniel tore at Keela’s motherly instincts.

  The room felt heavy with feelings and concerns and declarations of love, and though both Daniel and Anna were smiling and hugging in that feel-good way, Keela was overwhelmed and needed something to keep her busy. She headed for the kitchen. “I’m making sandwiches if you’re still hungry.”

  “Yay!” Anna dropped Daniel in a flash and followed the food train. It proved hunger trumped love in Anna’s world, which could be a blessing if things didn’t work out. Still, Keela worried about Anna falling for Daniel so easily.

  After using the bathroom, Daniel came sauntering into the kitchen
, smiling at Keela as if nothing life-altering had just occurred, and the mere sight of him made her insides quiver. He joined Anna at the table.

  “You want a sandwich, too?”

  “No, I’m good. Just keeping Anna-bug company.”

  Warmth thumped through Keela’s chest. Could the guy be any sweeter? Or sexier? Or more lovable?

  Her cell phone rang, and with a heart loaded with good vibes, she answered with a smile in her voice.

  If anything could leach the joy from her, Ron could. Though he sounded in a good mood himself when he asked to speak to Anna. “Sure. She’s right here. I’ll get her.”

  Keela handed the phone to Anna, her instincts on alert. “It’s your dad.” The child went quiet for an instant before taking the device.

  Three weeks ago, when she’d stayed overnight at her father’s, Anna had told Keela that he’d gotten upset with her for missing her mom, and Anna had cried before he’d let her call. Knowing that made Keela feel guilty. She’d been in bed with Daniel at the time, and oblivious to her cell phone all the way in the living room inside her purse. Anna must have felt abandoned, and it killed Keela to think that. But guilt or no guilt, things had worked out, Ron finally let Anna stay up and watch some TV with him and Ingrid, though Keela shuddered to think what kind of TV that may have been at that hour on a Saturday night.

  “Hi,” Anna said tentatively, and Keela noted she didn’t call him Dad. “Good.” After a pause, where Keela could only assume Ron had asked what she’d done today, Anna became animated. “I saw...”

  Keela and Daniel grinned at each other as the little girl rattled off almost all the fish, mammals and other sea life they’d seen that day. She really had been paying attention. After another pause, so Ron could talk, Anna blurted, “I went with Mom and my new dad.”

  Keela’s soaring heart took the express elevator to her gut, and Daniel visibly winced. The kitchen seemed to have been hit by a shock wave and got stuck in time. She and Daniel stared at each other, her panic reflected in his eyes.


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