The Lost Ranger: A Soldier's Story

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The Lost Ranger: A Soldier's Story Page 41

by Mehlo, Noel

  The Morning Report for June 5 indicated that Pfc Rene R. Brunelle joined B Company from Headquarters Company. The B Company Morning Report recorded on July 8, 1944 the 5th Ranger Infantry Battalion left GrévilleHague, France (MGRS 015278) at 0830 hours and arrived at Diélette, Flamanville, France (MGRS 973153) at 1000. They travelled by truck convoy a distance of 22 miles to the south-southwest of Gréville-Hague along the west coast of France.

  The months of July and August were a period where the Provisional Ranger Group took on multiple missions, was assigned and reassigned to various echelons and took on partnerships with other units. These units included the 2nd Ranger Infantry Battalion, 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate) consisting of American troops of Norwegian descent trained in commando tactics, 759th Light Tank Battalion, 4th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized) and 24th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized), 196th Field Artillery Battalion (105 H), and 18th Field Artillery Battalion (105 H). The Provisional Ranger Group expanded and contracted as the mission dictated and as these units were needed elsewhere in theatre. I reviewed the unit records of as many of these units as possible at NARA at College Park, Maryland to ascertain their relationships through summer 1944.

  The 99th infantry Battalion (Separate) was activated on July 19th, 1942 at Camp Ripley, Minnesota. The men of the unit consisted only of Norwegians and Americans with direct Norwegian descent and were known as the Viking Battalion. Soldiers picked out for this elite unit had to have a working knowledge of Norsk, the Norwegian language, and preferably already knowing how to ski.21 They were trained in commando tactics.

  The 759th Tank Battalion was activated on June 1, 1941 at Fort Knox, KY. They went to Iceland on August 31st 1942 for defense of the island. They moved to England on August 9, 1943. They arrived in France between June 15 and 16 1944. In June, they had attachments to the 2nd Infantry Division then the 101st Airborne Division. During this time, they patrolled mainly on the Cherbourg peninsula between St. Mere Eglise and Valognes. They fought for the liberation of Saint-Lô. The 759th Tank Battalion consisted of a battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company. It included three tank companies lettered A, B and C. Most other tank battalions contained four companies. The battalion had 34 officers, 513 enlisted men, 59 light tanks (M5A1), three assault guns (M8 with 75mm howitzer), three 81mm mortar halftracks (M21), 13 halftracks (M3) plus unarmored vehicles. This battalion and the 744th Tank Battalion were the only light tank battalions in the European Theatre of Operations. The Army determined the need to attach tank battalions to infantry units during the “Bocage” hedgerow fighting in Normandy. Figure 286 illustrates the unit and type of equipment discussed above.

  Ching remembered his assigned duty with the 759th Tank Battalion and Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron. He said their job was “to protect the tanks”. They rode on top of the tanks or armored vehicles. He said “you could not leave the tanks to go in there alone, sometime on patrol, and with the Calvary, you used to go on the back roads, to ... to protect the tanks, for another thing to go to these hamlets, where they still got some German pockets. We’re supposed to clean it up. We would sit on top of tanks in case we met up with some German Infantry. The tanks have got a lot of blind spots, it’s very easy to destroy by the enemy. When we meet with the enemy, all we dismount and we engage with the infantry, engage the enemy. In other words we protected the tanks, and we engaged with the enemy. Our objective is to get all the enemy as possible. Kill em’ all. So, cut down their fighting efficiency. But the Division, or Combat Team, each run 2,000 or about 10,000 persons. They no go out after these small hamlets or villages. They leave those small jobs for us.” He said sometimes the armor would drive at 10 or 15 mph. If they didn’t ride on top, they would have to run to catch up.

  The 4th Cavalry, 2nd Squadron became mechanized in spring 1942 and then arrived in England in December 1943. After further reorganization the unit became 4th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Mechanized. In 1943, 2nd Squadron was re-designated the 24th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Figure 287). The 4th Cavalry had the D-Day mission of getting two troops ashore to link up with the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions to provide them armor support. The 4th Calvary Groups two squadrons, the 4th and 24th Calvary Squadrons performed flank protection to the 4th and 9th Infantry Divisions during the capture of Cherbourg. They fought for thirty-nine continuous days on the Cherbourg Peninsula capturing over 600 prisoners while protecting the south flank of VII Corps.

  The 18th and 196th Field Artillery Battalion (105 mm howitzer) were considered non-Divisional Artillery assets (Figure 288). They were a Tennessee National Guard unit. Each unit had twelve M1 105mm howitzers and around 600 soldiers. The 196th landed on July 8 and was located at Les Deserts near St. Lo by July 23.14 The U.S. artillery was equipped with armament that was as good if not better than any other nation’s artillery units.

  Figure 286: 759th Tank Battalion (L) Company B in Montebourg, France with M5A1 in August 1944. ( NARA)

  Figure 287: M-8 armored cars of 29th Reconnaissance Squadron Mechanized belonging to Task Force Cota of 29th US ID gathered on the east side of the Place Sainte-Croix à Saint-Lô. Photo taken on 19 July 1944 at the moment of their relief by the 35th US ID (NARA). They used the same equipment as the 4th and 24th Reconnaissance Squadrons (Mechanized)

  Non-divisional artillery battalions were normally subordinated to field artillery groups. Nearly every U.S. artillery battalion was organized into three firing batteries with twelve pieces of artillery or tubes. The U.S. had an advantage over others in that our artillery was fully motorized, making it highly mobile on the battlefield. All 105 mm howitzer battalions were truck drawn in comparison to being horse drawn for many German units. The M1 105 mm gun had long range, accuracy and hitting power. The U.S. artillery benefited from good communications equipment and a firedirection system that highly refined the U.S. ability to maximize concentrated fire upon an enemy. The concept of time-on-target (TOT) was perfected in World War II and is still in use by our military today.22

  The Rangers had assigned duty to protect the attached field artillery units such as the 196th Field Artillery Battalion. Their mission was to protect the battery because as Ching put it, the units were all by themselves with no internal infantry support. The batteries would often be located just behind the front lines. “Sometimes, they need protection because the German infiltration comes after the battery. So, we also protect the battery when we got the orders. We were doing our job” said Ching. He went on to say that a squad, part of a squad or other assemblage of ten to 15 men would be assigned this duty at a time.

  Figure 288: US Army 105 mm Howitzer in France similar to ones used by 18th and 196th Field Artillery Battalion (105 mm howitzer) (NARA) On 8 July the 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate) moved to new location, Hau de Haunt, eight miles south of Cherbourg. From that date until 25th July, the 99th Infantry Battalion, in conjunction with the 2nd and 5th Ranger Infantry Battalions, patrolled the area of Cherbourg Peninsula between Cherbourg and Valognes. In addition, the security patrols checked the area for enemy material, ammunition, and casualties. Night firing exercises were conducted on the beach at Biville during the period using primarily German weapons. (99th INF BN Unit Journal) Army veteran Rev. Frank Grubbs sent me some photos he took of Valognes while he was on patrol there and granted me permission to share them. These photos are some of the same streets the 5th Rangers patrolled and are in Figures 289 and 290.

  Figure 289: Valognes – 1944, Town Center looking South. Church at Center, Left Fork is Road to Apple Orchard (Photo courtesy of Rev. Frank Grubbs)

  Figure 290: Valognes – 1944, View Looking South Down Main Road (Photo courtesy of Rev. Frank Grubbs) The First U.S. Army relieved the 101st Airborne Division from securing the area on an east-west line running through Montebourg and assigned these duties to the Provisional Ranger Group on July 8. ADSEC was told to call on the Commanding Officer of the Provisional Ranger Group in the event of any emergencies arising as a result of
the defense of Cherbourg. The 759th Light Tank Battalion (Light), 4th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized) and 24th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized) were detached from the 101st Airborne and attached to the Provisional Ranger Group. The 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate) was detached from ADSEC and attached to the Provisional Ranger Group.

  Figure 291: 5th Ranger were positioned in Diélette from July 8 through July 19, 1944, Specific location is unknown. (mapping adapted from Géoportail) The port in the village of Flamanville is known as Diélette with the Port de Diélette as its main marina.23 Diélette lies in the northern part of the commune of Flamanville. The port serves as a point of embarkation to the British Held Channel Islands, Guernsey, Alderney and Jersey among other lesser islands. During World War II, these islands were the only sovereign British territory to be captured and held by the Nazis.24 Glassman and others reference this as the guarding from German counterattack from the Channel Islands. The Rangers were there from July 8 to July 19. Figure 291 illustrates Diélette. This figure is a close-up of an area pictured in Figure 285.

  Lt. Colonel Max Schneider had seen the end of combat as a result of his actions on D-Day. Command knew that his effectiveness as a battlefield commander was now spent having fought heavily in Africa, Sicily, Italy and now Normandy. Although undiagnosed, he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. He had earned enough points to rotate back to the States. He was done and he knew it, and he had fulfilled every expectation placed on him from above. He became noticeably more relaxed during this period, and his peers and subordinates alike saw it.9 On June 12, Schneider sent a formal written request for rotation back to the States to the Colonel Rudder, Commander of the Provisional Ranger Group. His son wrote in his biography that the memorandum contained one sentence: “It is requested that your headquarters execute the necessary papers for my Rotation to the United States.” This request set in motion his return to the States as a hero. What many didn’t know at the time, was that Schneider was also a casualty of PTSD. He would have a remarkable career in the postwar military, until his mental wounds caught up to him and he committed suicide on March 25, 1959.19 The biography written on the man written by his son moving, and a must read.

  On July 10, First Army Headquarters issued Troop Assignment No. 77. This relieved 759th Tank Battalion (Light), 4th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized) and 24th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized) from the 101st Airborne Division and are attached them to the Provisional Ranger Group as of July 8. This order also relieved the 99th Infantry Battalion from Adv Sec Com Z, and attached it to the Provisional Ranger Group.

  On July 12, Tech Sgt Harvie C. Powell joined B Company from the 86th Replacement Battalion. On July 16, S/Sgt Pierre D Gunnoe, S/Sgt Edward W. Dickman, Pfc Albert P. Gipson, and Pfc Richard L. Miller transferred to military hospitals. Pfc Hubert A. Baker and Pfc Frank F. Dimarsico joined from Replacement Depots. On July 17, Pfc Henry Craig joined B Company from the 10th Replacement Depot.

  The B Company Morning Report recorded on July 19, 1944 the 5th Ranger Infantry Battalion left Diélette, France (MGRS 973153) and marched 2 ½ miles to Flamanville, France (MGRS 956116). Three men, Pvt Edward L. Saffert, Pvt Roland D. Gray and Pvt Ozley K Hamilton joined as replacements on June 19. The company bivouacked at a place called the Chateau de Flamanville. The duties held by the Provisional Ranger Group were taken over by the 15th Calvary Reconnaissance Group.20

  Figure 292: Postcard showing The Chateau de Flamanville where the Rangers were positioned July 19 to August 6, 1944 (public domain) Flamanville is a small village located in the in the township of Les Pieux part of the district of Cherbourg, department of Manche and is part of the region Basse-Normandie in northwest of France. The average elevation is 73 meters above sea level. It at 49.533° North and 1.864° West.25 Glassman reported that at Flamanville, the “Rangers had the mission of guarding the beach against counter-invasion by the Germans who were on Jersey and Guernsey Islands. While patrolling, the Rangers suffered many casualties, as the beach had been thoroughly mined by the enemy.” He further wrote that during the time the Rangers were there, the Germans made no move against the mainland, although later in the year, they did raid the area and capture U.S. prisoners.11

  In December 2012, General Raaen and I collaborated on the Rangers time at Flamanville. He wrote and emailed me the following account. “The Chateau de Flamanville is, I believe, located at 49.526692N, 1.870299E. This is just down La Rue de Chateau from the center of Flamanville (Figure 292). In today's Google aerial photos there is a lot of "new" construction around the old chateau. Seems to be much more water than I remember. The main body of the chateau ran north and south. The north wing was occupied by the Rostand family. Madame was the ruler, though her son Peter was the manager. Can't remember the wife's name but they had three, possibly four daughters. Marie, Helen, Bernadette and possibly an infant Chantal. Bernadette was my friend, we spoke about the same level of French though her vocabulary was much greater at age seven or so than mine after four years of French. Lt. Van Riper, my exec and commo officer, and I used to play contract bridge with Peter and his wife nearly every night.

  The chapel was on the first floor of the south wing and only Fr. Lacy was allowed in there except for RC services. Madame was most insistent that we heathen protestants not defile her chapel. Other than that, we occupied the south wing.

  In the east yard, suspended from a huge tree, Hq Co, had a large cargo chute. Underneath the canopy we had our pup tents and company HQ. Very comfortable, albeit a little nippy. Schneider and Sullivan lived on the second floor of the south wing.

  Most of the companies were scattered in the nearby villages. I don't remember a line company being at the chateau for any length of time. There simply wasn't enough room. Each company had a tactical mission as well as a mission to train replacements. The tactical missions all pertained to the defense of the west coast in the event that the Germans on the Channel Islands decided to make assault landings anywhere on the western shore of the Cherbourg Peninsula.

  The Ranger Group was still in existence, but Lt. Col. Rudder had been relieved of his group command and Colonel Slappy was the Group Commander. Slappy had commanded the 115th Infantry and was relieved when he argued with General Gerhardt about making an assault crossing of the Vire River with his exhausted forces. Very nice gentleman.

  I could not open the document titled "Le". But the photo you sent is the chateau as I remember it. Only those lakes bother me. I do remember that during the realm of Louis XIV (I think it was he), all the moats around chateaux were filled in. Louis did not want any protracted sieges. Perhaps the lakes were the remnants of the moats restored after the war.”

  Figure 293: Map illustrating the “Breakout” from hedgerow country (USACMH) The famed Breakout occurred in the end of July as American forces began to overwhelm the Germans and drive hard to the south, and ultimately toward Germany. The Provisional Ranger Group stood to protect the flanks and rear areas of this action. Figure 293 illustrates the German positions and the American drive to the south from July 28-29, 1944.

  The 759th Tank Battalion (Light) Unit Journal reported for the month of July the battalion was not in contact with enemy. During this period the battalion was stationed in the Cherbourg Peninsula with the mission of patrolling the eastern half of the peninsula to maintain order; locate and report all abandoned United States and Enemy equipment. They reported no vehicular loss during the period. Their casualties consisted of one enlisted man KIA, and two enlisted men severely wounded in action to mines. The 99th Infantry Battalion Unit Journal reported that from 25 July to 6 August, the 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate) conducted night firing, field problems at Teurtheville-Hague. (759th Tank BN Unit Journal)(99th INF BN Unit Journal)

  Figure 294: PFC Randall Ching and two Replacement Rangers riding atop an armored vehicle in summer 1944. Note camouflage on Ching’s helmet. (Courtesy Randall Ching) In 1945, Lawton Collins Lieutenant General, U.S. Army Commanding w
rote a letter to Colonel John C. Macdonald Commanding Officer, 4th Cavalry Group APO 307, United States Army about the contributions of the 4th Calvary Group. He wrote:

  With the end of the war in Europe, I wish to express to you and to the officers and men of the 4th Cavalry Group, reinforced, my admiration and deep appreciation for the magnificent job the group has done throughout the campaign of the VII Corps in Europe. The 4th Cavalry Group landed in Normandy, some elements on "D" Day, the remainder of the Group a short time after D-day, and performed exceptionally valuable service in the typical cavalry role of protecting the flanks of the VII Corps during the Cherbourg Campaign. A similar task was performed following the breakthrough at St. Lo-Marigny, and then the group was employed to link up the 1st Division at Mayenne with the south flank of the remainder of the divisions of the corps near Le Teilleul during the great defensive battle of Mortain.

  On July 21 Pvt Joseph B Barfield (sp?) joined B Company as a replacement Ranger. July 22 brought back Rangers Pfc John C. Marmo, Sgt Howard M. Goldberg, Tech 5 Eugene F. Pavlicek, Sgt Dalton L. Boudreaux, Pfc Henry J. Cordes. S/Sgt Hull became ill on July 25 and was placed on light duty in his quarters until July 29. On August 2, Pfc Donald H Phelps was transferred to a hospital. On August 3, Pfc Andrew L. Stockmaster was transferred to a hospital and returned August 7.

  An interesting story developed during the interviews with Randall Ching in 2014. He remembered that there was a way to pick out replacements to the unit after D-Day. It involved helmets and uniforms. In the picture in Figure 294, Ching, a veteran of D-Day had covered his helmet in camouflaged material the men found in the areas surrounding the beaches from the discarded parachutes of the men of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions. The landings resulted in parachutes lying around all over the place. This camouflaged material was cut up and placed on the helmets of most, if not all of the 5th Ranger Infantry Battalion men. This led to a better understanding of the parachutes used. They were not white as often portrayed in Hollywood pictures. The men sitting next to him on the armored vehicle did not have the camouflage on their helmets, and in fact their helmets exhibit very little wear. Also their uniforms are nice and crisp or clean. By this point in summer 1944 the Rangers who had been around a while had well-worn uniforms from being in the field and exposed to combat.


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