The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy Page 16

by Alexandra North

  Has he noticed? Why would he be bothered anyway, who I chat up? That wasn’t against the rules.

  Feeling more in control of my emotions we move over to the farthest corner of the room, so I don’t appear desperate but that I still have a good enough view of his nibs.

  “Are you alright Lu? I didn’t know they’d be here honest.” Abby looks really worried and I immediately give her a quick hug. “So much for having a girly night to wash away the Silver stress.”

  “I’ll be fine. It was just a shock that’s all. Just a shame he looks so hot.” I bite my lip, considering him again. It was obscene to look that good.

  “Well so do you; let him see what he can’t have on tap – it’s time to flaunt what you’ve got and flirt with the lot of them. You deserve some fun,” she offers generously. “Remember what we spoke about the other day.”

  I laugh at my best friend’s cockiness. But I agree with what she has said and as if they have heard my thoughts, someone softly taps me on the shoulder. I spin around into an unexpected face.

  “Hey Leo.”

  His friend Simon is with him and smiles approvingly at Abs, who seems to open up like a flower under his ascertaining gaze.

  God Abby, could you look any more desperate?

  “Now then Ladies. How are we tonight?” He smiles slowly at us. “Can I get you a drink?”

  Holding up my full glass I smile warmly. “We’re fine thanks Leo, we’ve just got served, although good luck getting yours, it’s a busy one.”

  “Lucia, I need to talk to you at some point tonight. Can I get you alone for a while?”

  Really? Talking. Again!

  He smiles at me with his straight and definitely cosmetically enhanced, very white teeth. I do like a man with nice teeth but why am I always reminded of the scene from friends, when Ross’ teeth glow in the dark, whenever I look at Leo’s?

  Trying to refocus I quickly reply, “Yeah sure. What’s up?”

  “Nothing’s up. Just wanted to make my intentions clear to you again. I’m not sure that I did that properly, when I missed drinks last weekend.”

  I inwardly groan. I wish Leo was… well a bit less obvious about his interest. Maybe then I’d find him more attractive? Knowing that Seb could be watching us, I ignore the nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach and give Leo my full attention leaning in to talk closer.

  “It was fine you missed our date. I understood, I said that on the night.” To be honest I was glad that he hadn’t turned-up, as I would never have had the chance to experience my flustered fumbles with Sebastian.

  “I know you did, and its great we’re going to your sister’s on Saturday night - I just wondered…you are still interested aren’t you?” He takes a long drink of his pint of lager, giving me a moment to quickly find an answer that won’t offend but before I can respond he continues. “You just need to say; I really like you Lucia but I can take a hint and my fragile male ego is becoming more and more delicate by the day.” He laughs a little nervously but it breaks the ice, none-the-less.

  I laugh too. He is funny, in a kind of cheery boyish way, totally different to my moody ex and the overly confident and super sexy Sebastian. He was respectful, had a great job, (cheap mortgages as Abby always reminded me) and seemed to be really into me but something was stopping me from carrying on with our early days’ friendship. I definitely hadn’t yet felt the initial buzz that you get with a new interest. Maybe that was it?

  Who am I kidding? I know deep down what it is or rather who it is… and he really needed to just do one!

  God why are men like buses? They come all at once, or not at all. Three weeks ago, I would have jumped at this opportunity to date a fairly good-looking, stable man who didn’t seem deterred by the fact that I was a single mum and came with lots of baggage; the majority of which came from Toysrus.

  I look across to where the object of my thoughts is chatting animatedly and notice that he doesn’t seem the slightest bit interested in my own activities. Chris has joined them and is laughing at something Seb is saying. Sebastian is so different to Leo, he commands attention and gets it, easily. I watch as a girl I’d known years ago from the pub I’d used to waitress in, whilst at University, muscles her way closer to the group of attractive men; her eyes transfixed on her prize… Sebastian. My stomach juts with that unfamiliar sensation jealousy. Thoroughly annoyed at my reaction, I place my hand teasingly onto Leo’s arm and look at him as intently as I can muster.

  “I like you too Leo; I haven’t been ignoring you. I’ve just been really busy with work the last week or so and Finn of course.”

  I can see Abby mentally encouraging me as she works her own female magic with Simon – I now realise that she too is probably using him to make Nathan jealous. She really does want me to try dating Leo, even if it’s whilst experimenting with Seb.

  I take her very obvious head-nodding in Leo’s direction hint and remember that I should be using this fabulous opportunity that has landed in my lap, even if just to see if Sebastian is actually bothered. I glance up at Leo, through my eyelashes, giving him my undivided attention and thank the heavens for Eyelure falsies and whilst drawing my spritzer, slowly through my straw I smile at him encouragingly. He smiles back and seems to be transfixed with what my mouth is doing to my straw.

  “Oh OK. Good. I think you and I could be a good fit.”

  “Yeah? I mean I’m new to this dating game and I’m not promising anything but let’s see… OK?” I place my hand comfortingly on his arm and smile up into his grayish blue eyes, hidden behind dark Bakelite trendy spectacles.

  His hand covers mine and squeezes. Its warm and comforting but there are no electric currents, no instant fizz along my skin.

  “I’ve watched you from afar for a while and now I’m helping you with Elysium, I’m hoping to see much more of you Lucia.” His eyes are hooded as he watches me for a response and I’m about to respond when I’m roughly knocked to my left and then grabbed in a big bear hug. The remnants of my drink, held in my free hand, are launched all over Leo in the commotion.

  “Alright Sis. Lookin gorgeous as ever,” a handsome Italian face grins genuinely at me.

  “Well maybe before I was all messed up by you G. What are you like?” I reprimand him and lean in to give my sister’s hubby a kiss on his designer stubbled cheek.

  I notice that Leo seems to have been shuffled out of my near vicinity with the chaos and looks none too best pleased and not as dry as he had only moments earlier. I wince for him. I’m also sharply aware of a protective shield, which seems to have wrapped itself around me.

  I know it’s him. I can sense him. The immediate tension cloaking us is thick and claustrophobic and entirely evocative.

  “Look’s like he’s a bit of a drip, your Theo,” he drawls, leaning in towards me, his voice smooth and vaguely sly.

  “Don’t be awful and it’s Leo not Theo!” I frown at him but find it hard not to smirk, looking past Sebastian at Leo’s current appearance. “Leo is great when you get to know him.” My voice sounds overly bright and enthusiastic.

  “And have you?” His face is deadpan.

  “Have I what?” I know exactly what he’s asking but I’m not going to make it easy for him.

  “Got to know him…properly yet?”

  “It’s none of your business Mr. Silver, if I have but actually no, not in that way.” I say begrudgingly.

  Why did I just play my trump card so soon?

  “Good, because I’d be seriously pissed off,” he snarls.

  Recognising my chance to use my last ace, I stare at his deep brown darkening orbs. “I hadn’t finished actually, I was going to say, no not in that way…yet.” Feeling extremely smug I spin to give my full attention back to Leo; the present company was starting to thoroughly piss me off.

  I gasp as I’m grabbed forcefully at the elbow and twisted almost painfully to face my supposed friend. “Lu, don’t play games with me.” He l
ooks furious his face is stern and tense.

  “Excuse me? You are the one who made the first move, taking us from friends to whatever… this is.” I lift my hands in frustration and continue now on a roll. “Then when I’d considered all the pros and cons and offered myself on a bloody silver platter to you, with my text, you agree, before rejecting me… again!”

  I take a breath and go to take sip of my drink, immediately screwing my nose up at the empty slurp as my straw hits ice. I need another one and fast. Looking up at him, we lock eyes and watch each other intensely. To give him his due he looks chastised and I can tell he is thinking about his next move, running his tongue languidly along his bottom lip.

  “You’re right. Everything has changed between us and I’ve made a total mess of it until now - its just every time I see you all I want to do is...”

  His voice sounds sexier, more husky, and I watch his beautiful mouth as he slowly forms the words unhurriedly.

  “… take you.”

  Oh. My. God!

  Desire curls around my body, heating my very core. Arousal is evident in his own eyes but I’m tired of the games. I kick myself for getting sucked in again.

  What I would do for ten minutes with my old friend Seb; hormone free. The need, the pure ache I have for him is not enough to risk our friendship. Is it?

  “Look maybe this isn’t such a good idea Seb. I’m your mate.” I look up at him with heavy eyelashes, protecting my true feelings, before adding, “Just leave me alone. Please.” I bite my lip; aware that I’m asking him to do something I do not truly believe is the best option for us.

  “I can’t. You’re right, I started this but we’ve entered into an agreement now and I most certainly am not backing out. I can’t leave you alone.”

  He shrugs nonchalantly and leans into the doorpost, managing to look annoying sexy and cool all at once. His handsome face makes me want to cup the side of his jaw and lean into him to smell his Sebastian Scent.

  His voice halts my thoughts. “Believe me I’ve tried. You’re frighteningly hard to shake off.”

  Nice - like some stray annoying dog!

  I try to compose myself and aware of my lack of drink, grab his pint from his clasped hand, take a huge unladylike gulp and smart as it burns my raw throat on its travels down to my belly. I ignore his deep frown at my rather rude behaviour.

  “Don’t worry, let me make this very simple for you. Maybe I wasn’t clear the other night.”

  I can feel the emotion in my voice, my throat fills and my eyes begin to burn with expectant tears. I can sense that during our discussion, our friends seem to have moved away. Annoyed, I try to switch it down a notch, so my voice becomes much colder and more detached.

  “We are supposed friends and that’s all we are, all we’ve ever been, I get it. Recent kind of fuck buddies I suppose you could say!”

  Raising his brows, his head furrows and lips purse in obvious anger. “Fuck buddies obtain pleasure from their mutually beneficial arrangements. We haven’t…yet.”

  I bite my lip at his crudeness but choose to ignore him. It would annoy him more than any quick retaliation.

  “Look Lulu …” Seb moves forward, as if to try and pull me towards him but I deliberately step backwards and placing my arm out I take a deep breath. It’s now or never. I need to get a grip on this situation and take back some control over my life.

  “Right Ok. Well now that that’s all cleared up. I also need to say, don’t ever, ever tell me whom I can and can’t see again.” On a roll I take a deep breath. “If I want to sleep with Leo, or make my way through the entire Lords Rugby Team, all at once, I bloody well will. It’s my body and I’ll bloody well fuck who I want to!”

  Taking a deep breath I throw in my parting blow, hoping it might make a small, well maybe minute dent in his humongous ego. “Maybe tonight should be the night!”

  I glance over temptingly in Leo’s direction, with no intention of ever following through with my statement.

  Ha, that should do it.

  With that I pivot on my beautiful but already crippling new stilettos and flounce, and I mean flounce, it isn’t delicate, probably more like Miss Piggy than Miss World, but I think I get my point across, as I head towards the Ladies toilets. God that man makes me soo angry-my blood is literally boiling. How didn’t I see this before and why am I seriously hoping that he’s still there when I return to Abby? Talk about self-harming - a bloody self-harming schizophrenic.

  It’s only as I’m nearly at the turning for the ladies corridor that I give into the temptation and turn to see if he’s still watching me.

  He is.

  He’s staring right back at me, his eyes now black, his mouth grim and he looks completely confused. There’s definitely a storm brewing of turbulent anger and perhaps, could that be possessiveness? I don’t fucking know anymore.

  The night pretty much goes downhill from there. I should have left after our altercation. I can’t focus on anything but Sebastian and Leo is far too keen. An unimpressed Abs calls in the big guns and lines up a row of Jager- bombs, figuring that the Red Bull and Jagermeister shots will boost my abysmal mood! It kind of works and after several dribbly attempts, I’m relaxed into having a good giggle. Even with Sebastian and Nathan hanging around in the background, looking hot as, it isn’t enough to stop me finally beginning to loosen up. Niall has Finn tonight and again tomorrow night but as he is working tomorrow, I have him in the day. I can’t be too hung-over. My responsibilities as a mum are so important to me but surely there’s no harm in me letting go a little, guilt free?

  “Stop thinking about men and chill out,” Abby reads my mind, squishing me to her comfortingly.

  “I know. Ignore me Babe I’m just not in the mood. I’m shagged,” I sigh dramatically.

  “Or not… being the problem!” Abs chuckles to herself and raises her wineglass to mine in celebration of her wittiness.

  “What about Nathan? Have you and he spoken tonight?” I pipe up, hoping to change the subject.

  “Kind of. Lots of sexual heat and chemistry - that man is so going to get it,” she winks at me, her pretty brown eyes full of promise and I smile at her confident body clad in skinny jeans and blingy vest top.

  “I’m going to make a move Hun. Don’t be mad. Are you ready to come with? We’ll go to Aldo’s and get a disgustingly fattening veggie combo Pizza.”

  I’m pretty sure that this will sell it to her, when she is grabbed from behind by the tall and handsome, Mr. Silver.

  “Sorry Lulu - Abs is indisposed tonight - she’s going to be dining a la Silver service,” Nathan winks saucily at me and I grin back at him.

  Abby beams, before turning to face Nathan; her face now poker straight. “I’m not particularly hungry.”

  Nathan laughs at her bored approach; another man who loved the chase. “Neither am I… not for food anyhow.”

  Oh my! Sizzle. Lucky bastards. I literally shove Abby in her destiny’s direction. “Go! I’ll walk out with you and you can drop me at the taxi rank.”

  Abby raises her brows and shrugs her shoulders in an excited what’s a girl to do way and we grab our coats. I look back to see if Sebastian and Gino are leaving too but its way too busy to see them in the fast filling crowd and as Abs clamps a hand on my wrist I’m dragged through the crowds at break neck speed. Nothing like playing it cool Abigail!

  As I clamber into the taxi, my phone bleeps. I click my seatbelt on and check the screen.

  Make sure you lock your door and bolt your drawers

  from unwanted wanderers!

  Only one person allowed entry Ms Myers

  & I have the Silver key.

  I’ll be there in 10 minutes.


  My heart begins to race and skin flushes in expectation, as I will the driver to put his foot down and get me home ASAP. Jesus, I’m all over the place. After how he’s just made me feel, how can I be excited that he’s coming back to mine?<
br />
  Within minutes I’m inside, and am about to lock the door when I hear his sexy drawl, through the glass pane. He pushes his way through, eyes on me at all times.

  “Keys.” I nod in the direction of the console, stand mute as he locks up, and places them back down where they’d been and moisten my lips. Even in the dark he looked gorgeous. I realise I’m panting.

  “Are we alone?”


  “No Leo or Lords bloody Rugby Team?” His sarcasm is obvious.

  “No.” It’s a whisper of a reply.

  I watch as he steps towards me, predatory in his stance, until he stops, cups both palms on my face and draws me in to meet his lips. “Rule Number 5: Whilst you and I have sex, you are mine and mine alone.”

  Our mouths crash over one another, warm and wet and searching, desperate to unite and with each flicker of his tongue my sex clenches and my nipples buzz. God the man had moves. I press my body into his heat, molding our bodies together and wrap my arms around his waist, drawing his pelvis to mine. I feel the evidence of his arousal digging into my stomach and groan in pleasure; his desire for me was clear now. I feel him move from my mouth to my cheek, the tip of my nose, and trailing to my ear sending shivers and electric currents throughout my skin and into my veins. I literally buzz allover.

  Then he suckles my earlobe, around my drop earrings, licking gently, making my mind completely blank and filled with nothing but ecstasy, as his hand travels to the single button on my jacket, popping it open, deftly. I push my nipples out to be released but he teases me, running a finger lightly from my breastbone, down my cleavage, over my front fastening bra, down my abdomen, circling my belly button and resting at my jeans waistband. I hear the swallow, as I clear my drying mouth and try to regain some control, shivering in the dusk of the lounge and melt as I feel his mouth lick a path from collarbone to collarbone. I moan and move under his caress, desperate to appease the throb between my legs and heat burning all over my body. As I throw my head back, his lips on my neck, I feel his fingers at my buttons and the bite of cool air hits my skin. His teeth lightly nipping at the soft skin there.


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