The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy Page 23

by Alexandra North

  Annoying myself at my neediness I blush; it doesn’t go unnoticed by his blackened orbs and it dawns on me that he’d posed the question in that way to get this exact reaction from me. The bastard!

  I’m tempted to call his bluff and retaliate with “I’ll have the Full English with a side order of Cumberland sausage,” but instead I refrain.

  “Scrambled eggs on toast please and a mug of tea.” I thank him calmly and place my bag on the floor next to my chair. When I’ve straightened up I see he’s already left to place my order at the countertop. I remind myself that this is something he would have naturally done, prior to last night, before we’d ravished our bodies and had seen each other naked – but I am touched all the same!

  “So, good night last night Babe wasn’t it?” Abby props her lovely smiley face on beautifully and brightly coloured manicured hands; resting her elbows on the table.

  I recognise the same satisfied sensual demeanour in her that I saw this morning reflected in my dressing table mirror and I’m so happy for her. Nathan is a lovely bloke and mouth-wateringly hot! Bob and Bitzi Silver have created sons that could compete with Greek-Gods in the hunk department - they must both be so proud of them.

  “Awesome night. Shame about the heeadd though,” Nathan dramatically strokes his brow. “Felt like a bugger this morning didn’t I Abs?”

  Abby raises her shoulder to her ear (a gesture I know she does when she’s been found out) and acts evasive. “I wouldn’t know Nay.” They snigger together privately.

  Bloody hell. This was really moving fast. Abs and Nay; nicknames already, stolen looks.

  I really hope that it continues smoothly, for both their sakes. Long-term they’d make a cool couple - Abnay or Nayabs - very Brangelina!

  I change the subject, to take the onus off them. “Great idea to come here. I could eat a horse!”

  “Must have worked up an appetite?” Sebastian rejoins us and winks at me, sliding his lean 6ft frame back into the leather chair. I can feel his presence pulsating around me, via our legs, which are millimetres away from connecting, thigh to thigh underneath the table. The heat emitting from our combined proximity is enough to boil me another pot of tea and I wish I could rest my leg into his, just a bit more; then we would touch. The need to have some form of physical contact is all consuming.

  I’m aware that the three of them are chattering away and discussing the events of last night but it is all a blur as I take in the male body radiating cool, unadulterated sexual prowess next to me. He’s changed into a fitted white t-shirt and Diesel Jeans and looks fresh and clean and.... my mind is taken to the gutter again, as I recollect the way in which he got clean. I lick my lips and blinking to jerk me out of my idolising, I try to return to the conversation. Luckily Abby has picked up on my discomfort and discreetly asks if I want to nip to the toilet before the food arrives.

  We pop upstairs in silence but as soon as the door secludes us in the Ladies, she pounces on me. “You did it didn’t you? You did the dirty with Sebastian?” Spinning round in squealing shock, exceedingly pleased with her private investigator talents. “Well thank fuck for that!”

  In that split-second I want to lie and say no, to savour the secret to myself for a little longer but looking at her expectant eyes I realise she is too good a friend, not to see what is pretty much tattooed on my forehead and I can’t do it to her. I cave.

  “Yep. Seb and I had sex after the party. FBR No.1 when & where turned out to be last night; at my house.” My shoulders slump almost defeated and I sigh. Sensing this Abby grabs me in a big bear hug to her Chanel perfumed chest.

  “Oh Honey, that’s great news isn’t it? Especially after the mess up the week before?” she pushes me back to thoroughly view my reaction, rubbing my arm gently.

  “It is… yeah. I’m pissed though as we never spoke about that hook-up from Manchester, Stacey? You know that girl Chris said Sebastian conquered only a few nights after he took me to bed? Not that he really has to explain himself - we’re fuck buddies that’s all.” I look up at her confused, scrunched up face and finish. “We didn’t do much talking anyway.”

  “Oh yeah. I remember now. Well she obviously isn’t that important to him, is she?” she suggests comfortingly but even I can see her argument is flawed.

  “Was it worth it? The ten year wait I mean?”

  I nod again quietly and crumple. “It was fucking amazing Abs!” I admit quietly and resolutely.

  “Oh you poor baby. He’s gone and bloody ruined it for other men hasn’t he, the bastard. I knew he was hot but I didn’t think he’d be that good!”

  I nod mutely pouting pathetically and we giggle together. “Well…it must run in the family,” she continues in a know-it-all voice, “… cos Nathan blew me away last night too! Well actually I blew him away first and then he did me but who cares, the long and the not at all short of it is…,” she breaks with a contented look of pure cat that got the cream, on her face and purrs, throwing her arms in the air excitedly, “… it was fucking amazing!”

  We both take a second to mull over our respective experiences and at the exact same time pull a fake silent scream at each other; thinking what the crap have we begun?

  “I like Nath, Abby. He’s one of the good ones.” Rubbing her shoulder I open the door for us to head back. “We need to talk in depth about this, you and I, very soon. But I’m not telling anyone else yet, apart from you and probably Suzie. OK?”

  “My lips are closed,” she pretend zips her own and with a naughty voice mock drawls. “I promise! Well… these ones anyway!”

  Dirty mare!

  Back at the table the lads are buttering toast and dunking teabags. The smell of coffee and bacon fills my nose and my stomach greedily gurgles in expectation.

  “Come on girlies - the food’s getting cold!” Nathan states and hands me a steaming mug of perfectly brewed tea. “Ooh just how I like it Nath. Cheers!”

  He smiles back, his brown eyes, the same shape but slighter lighter than Seb’s crinkling in the corners. “Only the best for you Lulu.”

  Sebastian has almost finished his full fry up, as I begin to enjoy my scrambled eggs. At first I’m not that into them, too high on pleasure for food but pretty soon I’m scraping my plate clean and feel so much better for it as my seriously shrunk stomach adapts to a full meal. My body soaks up the sustenance and practically sighs in thanks. I sense that I’m being watched again but choose to remain fixated upon Abby – it is the safest available option. If I cave and look at Sebastian I’m done for… again.

  “What you up to today Abs?” I prompt her, encouraging her assistance with my exaggerated wide eyes.

  “Not much to be honest,” she grins at Nathan and I presume that whatever they are doing… will be with each other; either that or they’ll be doing each other!

  Rolling my eyes and smirking at her vagueness I take a gulp of hot sweet tea. “I’ve got washing and ironing coming out of the woodwork; it’s got to be tackled soon, so nothing particularly sexy at my end either.”

  I swear I hear Seb say, “I beg to differ,” but it’s almost a whisper and he continues to watch Nathan, so I continue; I must just be hearing things.

  “Maybe a visit to the supermarket if I can be arsed? Very boring but it’ll be nice to chill out. I can’t take the hangovers anymore.”

  “I hear ya girl!” Abby agrees and I giggle at her girlfriend swagger.

  “Finn is back at 3pm but I wondered about maybe taking him to see a late afternoon movie?”

  Abby nods in all the right places, her mouth still full of her bacon & egg sandwich.

  Normally she would have offered to come with me at that point; she loved watching kids films and used Finn as a reason to not appear sad at nearly thirty, going to catch anything Pixar and Disney related. This time however she doesn’t bite anything other than her butty.

  I study her face. She really does look glowing and I wonder if people can tell just by
looking at me, that I was seriously fucked the night before? Surely not?

  I do hope that isn’t the case considering Niall was dropping Finn off this afternoon. The last thing I needed was his accusing mind prying into my love life. Although he still appeared to think it was his God-given right.

  We comfortably chatter about Nathan joining Sebastian at Silver Construction and I’m pleased they confirm he’ll definitely be working with me at The Ashton on and off in between other jobs. His joinery skills were second-to-none and he was creating the most amazing bed frame and headboard plus window seats for the immense floor to ceiling bedroom sashes in the suite. I couldn’t wait to see them finished.

  Before long, we are all happily replete and as we start to rise from the table, Nathan bluntly points out. “Bloody true what they say about the best cure for a hangover. Morning nookie followed by a large fry-up! I feel almost human again. Wouldn’t you agree Seb?”

  He is immediately dug in the ribs with a flying elbow from a slightly flushed Abby. I feel for her but when Nathan throws his arm around her, drawing her close to him, I realise that they are in the very early stages of a serious romance and not just a fling, even if they were still unsure of it themselves.

  I am so happy for them. Who cares if everyone knows?

  The only problem is that the divide between Sebastian and I has grown in the short time we’d been there and their closeness is only showcasing our own stilted atmosphere. Maybe that isn’t the case to all and sundry but it is to me and I hate it. I can feel my mood going south rapidly. Sebastian only adds to the chilliness when he answers Nathan’s question gruffly.

  “I wouldn’t know mate!” I am pleased that he hasn’t bragged about what went on between us but I am also crestfallen that he is acting as if nothing ever happened, especially after sending me that beautiful rose!

  We head to the counter, to settle our bills and Sebastian waves our money away, insistent, instead handing over his card and treating us. It is a nice gesture, but after the coldness that is apparent between us, I am irritated by his controlling ways…again. I recognise that this would not have upset me before last night and that now everything had altered. Our friendship had tilted already.

  In the car park, to the rear of the café, I hug Abby and promise to call her next week for a girlie catch-up; we are long overdue. I make a mental note to talk in depth with her about my contraception debacle. Nathan kisses me on the cheek and does some convoluted handshake with Seb that they fail miserably to complete and chuckle over and then the two new lovers wander over towards his truck. They’d shared one car to come meet us I begrudgingly acknowledge. Why had I thought arriving separately would be a good idea again?

  “Right well thanks for the breakie Sebastian.”

  I can hear the frost slicing through my voice. I think that Nathan and Abby’s familiarity has made our own lack of it, too clear and I’m gutted. This wasn’t how I thought today would go, not after the shower episode.

  “Woah Woah Woah! Where do you think you’re going Lady?” He grabs my wrist as I spin away from him; hurt welling inside and getting more confused by the second. I feel emotionally hung-over.

  “Are you OK?” he seems genuinely concerned

  “I’m fine!” I put on my best happy voice, “Just a little tired that’s all.”

  Act like nothing is wrong Lucia, don’t be a drama queen.

  He rubs his hand over his head, drawing me to focus on his handsome face. “Me too. I need some serious shut-eye. Didn’t get much last night.”

  I think that’s his attempt to lighten the mood but he fails miserably and the moment is still awkward and clunky. We don’t know whether to hug, peck or kiss.

  We both choose to do neither. It’s all a complete disaster.

  “Anyway thanks again. I’ll see you soon,” I offer smiling tightly whilst I begin to walk backwards, my insides crumpling at the emptiness I feel.

  Why do I feel as though I’m about to cry? Bloody turn around and go before you do!

  “No probs Lu – I’ll call you,” he nods, staring at my face as if he wants to say more; do more. He doesn’t act upon it but to be honest I don’t give him the chance; I just want to get out of there.

  We turn and head to our respective vehicles. Everything is up in the air; too much is unsaid but both of us are too wary to push it. It’s as though we have finally figured out how to be together physically but now we couldn’t be friends. He’d gone from hero to Zero in the space of eating breakfast.


  What the hell just happened? How did things go to shit between her screaming my name for the neighbours to hear and buying her breakfast?

  We’ve just had the most amazing sex I’ve ever experienced - connecting in a way I’ve never achieved or thought possible. It had been hot, dirty; sexual, uniting and gut wrenchingly toe curling, all in one. Our bodies fitting together like they were made for each other; her touch making me come so easily; I’d feared I’d not be able to give her the momentous night I’d promised.

  And this morning - God! I’d never needed to be buried inside a woman again so badly, so fast, that I couldn’t think straight. I’d been so caught up in the moment I’d forgotten all about protection - I’m pretty sure she’s on the pill? Isn’t she? She’d have said if that weren’t the case surely?

  How could I be so irresponsible?

  My mind if brimming with questions, as I pull up outside the office. A few hours sorting through my mounting emails would help me focus. I should have stayed with her this morning. We should have driven down to The Brew-UP together, like Na and Abby. Why didn’t I think of that? My brother was playing it well - he seemed to be falling hard for Lu’s friend. I hadn’t seen him quite so enamoured before. Good on him, but he was making me look like a fucking amateur.

  I shake my head; laughing to myself as I unlock the main doors, hit the alarm and head through the empty office space. I loved coming in to Silver Con on a weekend - it was quiet with no phones ringing to interrupt my progression. Heading straight over to the cappuccino maker, I set up a frothy coffee with full fat milk and add two sugars. Sweet coffee yeah, but not in tea - don’t know how Lu does that!

  Settling at my desk, I buzz the imac into life and set up my stall for business. She’d said she was going to take Finn to the movies this aft hadn’t she? Maybe I should join them? I quite fancy a bit more of that domesticity lark. I can’t leave things the way we just had.

  Sipping my coffee I click on a few emails, adding one immediately to the trash.

  Be honest with yourself - you need to be near her again.

  It’s true - only an hour apart and I’m itching to have full skin-on-skin contact; place my palm in the dip of her back and smell her luscious hair; stroke the back of my hand down her soft cheek. I might just be following my baby bro’s footsteps here and it scares the be Jesus out of me.

  I need to taste her again!

  She was like a drug and now I’ve had my first hit, I crave more.

  So much for playing it cool!

  Odd how in the past if I’d had an issue with a woman, I would have rung Lu for her amazing therapist advise. That wasn’t a option now. Let’s face it I’d never really cared enough to spend the next morning driving myself insane with the thought of a woman. I’d certainly never put a woman before work.

  Stretching back into my chair I look up, as something catches my eye, on the CCTV monitor to my right. I squint, looking closer, and see a car. The camera image is black and white and the cars windows are tinted, so I can’t see the driver. Maybe it was a delivery? I watch and wait, as the car waits a while. It’s a dark saloon, VW or maybe a Vauxhall, I can’t really tell from this angle. Then as quickly as it arrived, the vehicle is exiting the driveway to our office, careful to manoeuvre wide, around my own Range Rover, cleverly avoiding the camera.

  Now until that moment, I’d just thought if you weren’t here with a delivery mate, you’d made
a wrong turn - now I’m not so sure.

  I’d parked in a shitty place. Crap!

  If I hadn’t been lazy Sunday driving, I’d have been able to see his plate. Don’t want people casing the place for a burglary; we had a lot of technical equipment in here, plus some serious tools and vehicles, in the workshops. I run off a message to Toni, asking her to keep an eye out for any other suspicious ongoings, then finish the last dregs of my coffee. After firing off a couple more emails, one to Paul, a major shareholder, about the Jannah Hotel project in Dubai and another to the architect firm involved. Within an hour I’m done. It’s futile to deny things any longer. I was no good to anyone here.

  Grabbing my black leather jacket, I slip it on, check for my phone and keys and switch off. I’m already decided, that my next stop is Lucia’s. I’m going to swing by hers and see if I can manipulate a little boy into letting me take him and his yummy mummy out for popcorn. Anything to be in her company a little longer.

  After a chilled few hours on Sunday afternoon, catching up on my soaps and impressing myself at my skilful ironing achievements (I hate ironing!), I am feeling a little more me. I’ve even tackled the ironing in The Basket, which I save for angry days - full of impossible to press duvet covers and linen clothing, I wish I’d never purchased and would never get wrinkle-free. I smile secretly satisfied at my efficient laundry duties. Now all I needed was Finn back in my arms and I would be able to forget Sebastian for a while. I should have been tackling some of the mountains of work I need to address for the ensuing week but I can’t focus properly.

  I am fortunate that I do not have to see my ex, as Finn is delivered back by Niall’s Dad, Pete, a tall lean man, who adores Finn and has great family values. He asks after me and appears to want to linger but I don’t ask him in, and instead chatter briefly on the steps up to the terrace. He really is a pleasant man, if a little blinded of his son’s inadequacies and I am touched that Pete has often mentioned that I’m doing a great job but never seems to forget to slip in the remark, ‘How nice it would be if you and Niall gave it another go - Maybe make it legal this time?’ and I cringe. He means well but doesn’t know the full story of our split, or what a shit his son had been and fully aware that he’s Finn’s Grandpa, I’m reluctant to shout, ‘When hell freezes over!’ in front of little ears. Instead I politely choose to ignore his rather insidious comment and encourage Finn to make a fuss over him with a goodbye cuddle.


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