Changed Wolf

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Changed Wolf Page 5

by Chloe Peterson

  Giselle blushed again and fanned her face. "I didn't mean it like that."

  "Then what did you mean?"

  Zoe knew that there was an excellent chance Giselle knew that she was stupidly attracted to her. The idea that she'd take advantage of that at a time like this was like a slap to her face.

  Giselle shook her head. "Whoo, that came out wrong. I meant that you couldn't go back to your clan. You should stay with the Whitehearts."

  Zoe dropped her arms. "I'd love to, but I can't do that. It would bring heat on you guys."

  "You have to," Giselle pushed. "Look, after we drop these women off, you'll need a place to crash. You'll have been up for almost twenty-four hours. Just crash with us until we figure something out."

  Giselle took a step forward. "Please. I'd be worried sick about you trying to check into some shitty motel when your father might be looking for you. No one knows you're working with me, and they'd never suspect the Whiteheart clan would be helping you out. Not after that whole situation with Eva. It's the best hiding spot for you."

  Zoe bit the inside of her cheek and mulled over Giselle's words. The truth was that she had nowhere to go to, and no one to call. Zoe knew full well that her father had paid informants all over town. That was how Maddox found people so quickly.

  The idea of trying to find her feet across state lines didn't sit with Zoe well either. She needed to be around for her father's reaction.

  If he were going to take his anger out on Chase and Jax, then she would need to be near to get them out. Zoe wouldn't just light the match, then watch them burn.

  "Okay." Zoe took a deep breath. "I'll stay with you guys for a short while, but just until I see what my father's going to do to Jax and my brother. After that, I'll leave."

  Giselle pulled Zoe into a quick hug. "Great. You'll love the fresh air at the farm."

  "Wait," Zoe said following Giselle who sped to her truck. "Don't we need to talk to Rowan first?"

  Giselle laughed. "Rowan's a got a big heart. It won't be a problem. Trust me. By this time tomorrow, you'll be cozy in bed at the Whiteheart Clan's base. If you're lucky, I might even join you."

  Giselle winked before hopping into her truck. Zoe stood dumbfounded. So much had changed within the last hour. Was she ready to face it all? To meet her father's wrath, now that she knew it was coming? To deal with the guilt that her foresight regarding Chase and Jax would bring? To face a new life?

  I guess I'll have to wait and see. At least I've got a great friend to wait with. Maybe I'll even take her up on that bed sharing offer. Lord knows she's been driving me crazy long enough.

  Zoe snorted. "Yeah right. Like I'm that kind of girl."


  Giselle rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling. She'd spent the last three or so hours struggling to find a comfortable position on the living room couch. It didn't matter how plush the cushions were, Giselle's mind wouldn't rest.

  After the run-in with Jared, Giselle and Zoe had made quick work of dropping the women off to the gas station where the transporter would take them across the border to a sanctuary.

  Giselle had been happy to see the smiles of relief on the women's faces when they got onto the road that led straight out of Falhurst. When Giselle had turned to Zoe, she'd expected to see joy on the older woman's face, but what she found was anything but that.

  Zoe looked scared and lost. She wouldn't even respond when Giselle asked what was wrong. When Giselle had led them back to the house and offered up her room, Zoe had said nothing but "thank you."

  Dammit! I should get her to open up. But how? She's not the type that can be easily moved.

  Giselle sat up and ran a hand through her cropped hair. It was getting a little long. She was due for a haircut.

  Giselle snorted. "How could I be thinking of a haircut right now?"

  "In all fairness, you've always been a little vain."

  Giselle jumped up and screamed. She turned to find Jade smiling at her from the doorway of the house. Once the worst of her shock passed, she took a deep breath.

  "What the hell, Jade?"

  "What? I knocked." Jade grinned, and her mate Emma shook her head.

  "She's always doing that to me. She can't help it."

  Giselle rolled her eyes. "I don't buy it. No one can be so stealthy twenty-four seven."

  "I'm military trained," Jade said, walking into the living room and taking a seat. Emma perched on the armchair and circled her arm around Jade's shoulder. The sight usually made Giselle roll her eyes, but this morning she found it oddly sweet.

  "No need to rub that in at every moment."

  Jade's face dropped. "Trust me. I'd never do that. I paid a high price for my service."

  Giselle opened her mouth and then shut it. She didn't want to say anything offensive, or worse, stupid. She'd learned the hard way over the last twenty-four hours that silence was sometimes the best option. It gave a person time to open up and share.

  Right after Jared left, Giselle had done her best to make Zoe laugh like usual. Now, she regretted that decision. At that moment, Zoe had been fragile and open. That was Giselle's chance to tell her that everything was going to be okay and that nothing was her fault.

  Instead, I threw line after line at her.

  Jade snapped her fingers. "Uh, earth to Giselle."

  "Huh?" Giselle looked up at her friend.

  "I said, why did you call this meeting?"

  Giselle got up. "I'll explain once everyone's here. It's a long story."

  A couple of minutes later, the entire Whiteheart clan sat in the living room, their sleepy gazes fixed on Giselle.

  "Okay," Mara said, looking unusually bright. "What's this meeting about? I've got to get to work in a bit."

  Giselle cleared her throat. "I guess I'll start from the beginning. A few weeks ago, I was driving back from a late shift when I saw a figure lying on the side of the road. That figure turned out to be Zoe Dagiel."

  Brooke gasped. "What the hell!"

  Mara shushed her and motioned for Giselle to continue.

  "I later found out she'd been carrying out a few heists to try and make some of the most powerful clans in Falhurst, just a little less powerful. Kind of like Robin Hood. Well, her mission that night went wrong. When I found her, she was lucid and had two stab wounds in her abdomen."

  Giselle stopped and swallowed, fighting against the ache in her chest as she relived that moment. Zoe had been close to death that night, and it'd taken every ounce of magic Giselle had to get the worst of the bleeding to stop.

  "Anyway, I helped her and got her home. When I went to check in on her the next day, she came clean and told me all about what it was she was doing. I suggested that it was safer and easier for her to steal from the Darksong. It took some convincing, but she agreed. I volunteered to help, and the rest is history."

  Mara hmmed. "So that's where you've been going."

  "I thought it was a little odd that you weren't spending entire nights out like you usually do and nowhere near your usual frequency," Brooke piped in.

  Jade chuckled. "Wow, I never thought I'd see the day. Giselle's finally gotten tired of playing Casanova!"

  Everyone chuckled except for Mara. "Let's not focus on Giselle's love life. She's trying to tell us something important. What is it, honey?"

  Giselle inhaled. This was the hard part, but she had every confidence that her clan would do the right thing. Giselle had trusted them with her life. Now, she'd trust them with the life of someone that was starting to mean a lot to her.

  "Last night, Zoe and I went out on another heist. It ended up being a setup."

  Rowan scooted forward in her seat. "Did you get caught?"

  "No, but Zoe did. I stayed in the truck."

  Giselle shook her head. That wasn't like her, but she'd been so damn scared. She clearly didn't have the same type of courage she liked to think she had.

  Zoe, on the other hand, had been brave, never backing down, even as she face
d a potentially fatal enemy.

  "What happened?" Emma asked, her voice worried. She was so damn thoughtful and acted a little like a second mother to the clan when she and Jade were around.

  "The man that caught us was Jared, the Darksong Alpha's lieutenant. He and Zoe talked, and he let us go. We completed the mission and returned here. Zoe is upstairs sleeping in my room, and I'd like to offer her our help. Her father knows she's the one that's been stealing from him. She needs a safe place."

  "Wait," Rowan said. "You brought a wanted fugitive here?"

  Giselle scoffed. "She's not a fugitive. She's my friend."

  "A friend that's wanted by the most powerful clan in Falhurst. You've been running around town, committing crimes, and then you brought a wanted woman to our home without talking to any of us. Is any of that accurate?"

  Giselle clenched her jaw and growled low. "Why are you acting like this? Helping people is a big part of the Whiteheart mandate! You do remember our mandate, don't you? Or are you too loved up to think of anyone but you and your mate?" Giselle spat.

  "Whoa," Brooke said getting up. She placed a hand on Giselle's shoulder, but the wolf shifter shrugged it off.

  "Don't try and calm me down. I want to understand what's got Rowan so damn riled up about the idea of helping an innocent!"

  Rowan stood. "You've been lying to us for over a month. Getting involved in things that could pull all of us into trouble. Then you brought Zoe here, putting all of us in danger! Why shouldn't I be upset?"

  Giselle rolled her eyes. "You're not in danger. No one knows I've been working with Zoe. Besides, I called this team meeting to get all of your consent. Before, what I was doing was a side thing that didn't involve you. Now, I'm asking your permission."

  Rowan scoffed. "Everything you do involves us, Giselle. That's what being a part of a clan means."

  "Are you or are you not going to help Zoe?" Giselle folded her arms. "There's no point in arguing further. I want to know."

  Cold silence greeted Giselle, and her eyes burned with unshed tears. Out of everyone in her life, she'd trusted her clan members more than anyone. Time and time again, they'd shown her that they were trustworthy, kindhearted women.

  It's like I don't even know who they are anymore.

  Giselle stormed out of the room before angry tears fell down her face. She'd promised Zoe help, and now her team was getting in the way of that. The one group of people she'd been able to count on were letting her down.

  "Nothing new," she mumbled, as she wiped hot tears away.

  "Hey," Brooke said, running after her.

  Giselle stopped and turned to face her friend. "What?"

  "I feel like things kind of went left in there. That happens when people wake up cranky."

  "Is that your excuse for Rowan, your best friend?"

  "No, it's a logical argument. We all woke up less than ten minutes ago, then got hit by a wave of new information. You know that Mara and Jade like to process. I'm still in shock over what you just said. I'd say the same goes for Eva, Emma, and Rowan. No one here is against you."

  "Then why were you all silent? You made me feel like I was out on a limb by myself."

  Brooke winced. "And for that, I apologize. I was trying to wrap my head around everything, then things between you and Rowan got heated."

  Giselle cocked her head "Why did Rowan get heated? She's one of the most level-headed people I know."

  Brooke sighed. "I'm not supposed to say anything, but Eva's parents got in touch. It sounds like they want to have some type of relationship with her. Rowan's been a little on edge over that over the last couple of days."

  Giselle raised her eyebrows. Eva's parents had sold her to the Darksong. It made sense that Rowan was a little sensitive, especially because Zoe was the Darksong Second up until a few hours ago.

  Giselle sighed. "This is all too complicated. To be honest, I haven't gotten much sleep either. No wonder I'm acting like a hormonal mess." Giselle wiped the remaining wetness from her face.

  "I think it's more than that," Brooke said gently. "You care about Zoe. A lot."

  Giselle parted her lips to protest, but the words wouldn't leave her mouth. Yes, she did have a massive crush on the older woman, but what she felt was so much more than that. It was that truth that wouldn't allow her to deny what she felt for Zoe.

  Don't go there. There's nothing but pain down that road.

  "She's my friend and a damn good one. We've been through a lot. Risked our lives together. Zoe deserves to have someone stand by her. Her entire clan will disown her. She needs friends. I thought we could be that to her."

  Brooke nodded. "And we will be. Things in this clan have always worked by majority vote. You've got my vote, and I'm pretty darn good at arguing. What do you say? Let's go in there and convince everyone to let Zoe stay."

  Giselle grinned and pulled Brooke into a tight hug. "Thanks. I think my emotions are all over the place because I'm crazy hungry."

  Brooke chuckled. "I've been there. Come on."

  Giselle walked back into the living room, only to be pulled into a hug by Rowan. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice heavy.

  "For what?"

  Giselle pulled back and stared at her friend. Rowan sounded like she was sorry for more than just a heated fight. Brooke was right. Their Alpha was going through a lot.

  Rowan turned to face the women. "I let my built-up frustration, and fear over another matter get the better of me and ruined what was supposed to be a constructive team meeting. I'm sorry to all of you, especially Giselle, who was only trying to share with the women closest to her."

  "It's early," Mara added, always the voice of reason. "I'm sure none of us have gotten the chance to wake up properly."

  "That's what I said," Brooke mumbled.

  Giselle smiled at her friend. "You did say that. Look, I can't force any of you to help you, but I want you guys to know more about why I think we should help her."

  "There's no need," Eva said, standing up. "We all know how barbaric the Darksong can be. I do first hand. What Zoe was doing was heroic. You helped her do that. I'm proud of you and proud that the Whiteheart clan was involved in something so noble."

  Everyone nodded, and Giselle's heart filled with warmth. They finally got it, and they were proud of her. No one had said they were proud of her ever in life.

  "Uh, maybe we should keep that pride under wraps," Jade said. "We need to see what Reirder's reaction will be before we voice our support of Zoe."

  Giselle spun around. "So, she can stay?"

  Jade grinned. "I vote she can."

  Everyone else agreed, and Brooke mouthed the words "I told you" to Giselle.

  "Thanks, guys. Zoe is an amazing person. You'll find that out as soon as you meet her. She's nothing like you'd imagine. She's strong and compassionate. She's also really good at reading people, which can be a little—"

  "Whoa," Jade said holding her hands up. "The hero worship is starting to overwhelm me here."

  The group chuckled as Giselle's cheeks reddened. "All I'm saying is that she's a good apple that will probably fight our help."

  "I guess we're about to find out for ourselves," Mara said, turning to face the stairs.

  Giselle craned her neck, and there, at the top of the stairs, stood Zoe Dagiel, looking irresistible in the same clothes she'd worn last night. The light of the morning allowed Giselle to fully appreciate the fitted skinny jeans that her crush wore.

  Zoe locked gazes with Giselle and furrowed her eyebrows in question.

  Giselle grinned. "I was just telling them about you," she croaked.

  Jade imitated her broken voice, and Giselle turned to glare at her. Her heart wasn't in it though. It was too busy constricting at the thought that she and Zoe would be spending a lot more time together.

  Giselle turned to watch Zoe come down the stairs, her hips swaying gently, her strong legs, flexing with each step.

  God help me keep my eyes, hands, and feelings to myself


  Zoe's eyes darted around as she walked into the living room. All eyes were on her. She couldn't read all of the emotions behind them, but Giselle's, in particular, seemed to have a fiery quality to them.

  It's obvious they've been talking about me. I hope it's all good.

  "Hi, Zoe," one of the women said, pulling Zoe into a hug. The wolf shifter's eyes flew open, but she returned the embrace.

  "Uh, hi."

  The woman pulled back and smiled. "I'm Mara. Unfortunately, I have to head to work. Bakers always have an early start, and I'm more than late. It was good to meet you, though. I'll see you when I get back."

  Zoe rubbed her neck. "I’m not sure that's going to be possible."

  "Why?" Giselle asked, taking a step forward. "I already talked to the team, and we agreed you could stay. You don't have to take off."

  Zoe's eyes widened, and she locked gazes with Rowan. "You're letting me stay with you?"

  Rowan smiled. "No. My team and I are letting you stay with us. We voted and agreed."

  Zoe exhaled. "Wow."

  That kind of democracy was the kind of thing she'd been dreaming of. Now, she found herself wondering if she'd been barking up the wrong tree.

  The Whitehearts had been formed after each member declared their independence from their clans. Zoe was sure that had come at a price for some of them. Perhaps she should have tried something similar?

  No. Either option would have led to war. Her dad would never have let his children leave.

  "Come on guys," Mara said. "Don't just stare at Zoe. Introduce yourselves. Well, properly this time. That last encounter was hostile, to say the least."

  Mara chuckled before the women did as instructed. Things were a little awkward at first, but Zoe quickly realized that these women were genuinely pleased to have her there. She was also really happy to see two couples in the group.

  LGBT shifters never lived openly. That was why the Titanrun existed. Seeing these women openly embrace each other in front of their clan members was refreshing.

  "It's nice to meet you all," Zoe said. "I would have loved to stay here, but I'm afraid I do have to get going."


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