One Hot Forty-Five

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One Hot Forty-Five Page 17

by B. J Daniels

  He carefully opened the envelope and slipped out the single sheet of paper.

  To my dearest Lantry,

  And suddenly he could hear her sweet voice, feel the brush of her fingers across his cheek, the memory coming alive again as his heart swelled and his eyes filled with tears.

  For a few minutes he had his mother back.

  He just wished she’d lived long enough to see this day. Her wish had come true. All five of her sons were happily married to cowgirls—or at least women who were fast becoming Montana cowgirls.

  Carefully, he put the letter back in the envelope and went to find his wife. His wife. He smiled at the memory of Dede in her wedding dress standing next to him before the altar. Some day she would sing to their babies.

  He headed out the door of the main ranchhouse. He knew he’d find her down at the corrals with the new mare. What she didn’t know was that the horse was her wedding present, and one day she would ride again.

  When he saw her leaning on the corral fence, his heart filled with so much joy and love he thought he might explode. A man didn’t deserve to be this happy.

  As he watched her, the sun in her hair, lighting her blue eyes, he remembered something his father had once told him. A horse always knows its way home. So does a cowboy.

  This one is for Danni Hill and her wonderful bookstore,

  Promises. Thanks for letting me be a part of it.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-4135-4


  Copyright © 2009 by Barbara Heinlein

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  †Whitehorse, Montana

  †Whitehorse, Montana

  †Whitehorse, Montana

  †Whitehorse, Montana

  †Whitehorse, Montana

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  *Whitehorse, Montana: The Corbetts

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  *Whitehorse, Montana: The Corbetts




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