My Baby Is A West Coast King 3

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My Baby Is A West Coast King 3 Page 25

by Shvonne Latrice

  “You know that ain’t true,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “The motels, the multiple days and nights y’all spent alone. My own son, wanting his— ahhhhh!!!” he let out a blood-curdling scream once Mischief threw the lit match onto his ass.

  We stood there watching him burn, but I wasn’t even paying attention because all I could think about was the shit my dad was spewing out just a few moments ago. We let that muthafucka cook until he stopped screaming, and until we felt there was pretty much nothing left.

  “Ugghhhh!” we all grunted in disgust after we doused him in water to stop the fire. Shit looked nasty and smelled worse. He didn’t look like shit but a long burnt ass skeleton, so we left out to the car.

  The drive was quiet until Chaz said, “Shai, bro, you gotta say something.”

  “Nah, I don—”

  “Yes the fuck you do!” Chaz yelled, glaring at him through the rearview mirror.

  “Fuck outta of here. You can’t make me say shit and I wish the fuck you would try, nigga. I’m on one tonight and I’m ready,” Mischief replied calmly.

  “Shit ain’t fair. She’s our mama too, and we need to know what the fuck that nigga was talking about back there,” I stated sternly, looking at Mischief stare out the window.

  “Look, she ain’t right in the fucking head and she ain’t been since we were little. All of them nights she would take me to motels or make me sleep in the bed with her, it was because she was trying to fuck me. All the shit she does to this day, is because she’s attracted me; her own fucking son,” he spoke, eyes never leaving what was outside the window as Ishmael drove. “There, are y’all niggas happy? Get ya mama some fucking help.”

  Nothing was said for the rest of the drive…


  One month later…

  “I can’t wait to see you tonight,” Hudson spoke into the phone, his deep voice sending vibrations through my body.

  “Same, see you later.” I quickly hung up. “Oh shit, mmmm, fuck,” I whimpered, gripping Adrian’s hair just as she made me cum.

  Here I was pregnant by this man, and loving being with him, while still stringing Adrian along. I was simply using Adrian at this point just to get my rocks off, and because I was too scared to tell her to go the fuck away.

  I don’t know what happened between us. I used to dream of being with her, and getting divorced from Chaz, but now that it had happened, I was on to someone else. Adrian just wasn’t enough by herself; it was like I needed a man on the side or vice versa.

  “Who was that?” She came up from under the covers, wiping her mouth.

  “A friend,” I replied, panting heavily as I peeled the covers back and climbed out of the bed.

  “A friend? A friend that’s important enough for you to talk to while we’re having sex? And one that you’re gonna see later?” She got out the bed and followed me into the bathroom.

  I started to brush my teeth, ignoring everything flying out of her mouth. Usually I would have cared a little, but these days, the only time I paid attention to her mouth was when it was attached to my pussy.

  “Please move,” I said, closing the door in her face once I finished flossing and rinsing.

  I took a nice hot shower, and then rubbed my body down in lotion before coming out. Adrian walked past me quickly, and started brushing her teeth as I went to the bedroom to get dressed. I was gonna go have some breakfast, alone.

  These days, I was so fucking hungry because of this baby, and it was like I would die if I didn’t eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I used to be able to eliminate one, but not anymore. I also ate way more snacks in between meals.

  “Where are you going, Jade?” Adrian came and stood in the doorway, wearing only her bra and panties.

  “I’m going to get food because I’m starving.”

  “Oh shoot, me too. I can come with—”

  “No! I don’t want you to come! I want you to go home now. I’m fine.”

  “Jade, what is up with you! You barely spend time with me and when you were in the process of the divorce, I understood, but now what’s your fucking excuse? Huh? I cannot keep doing this!”

  “Then don’t! Get the fuck out of here! I told you I didn’t want you here but you just had to show up last night anyway!”

  Tears slipped from her eyes as she folded her arms across her breasts.

  “Jade, I don’t get it,” she cried. “What is the problem? I’ve done everything to be there for you, even when you treated me like shit, like you’re doing now. Even when you tried to work things out with Chaz, I waited!”

  “And I told you then you could have left.” I shrugged, feeling bad for what I was saying. I needed her to get the fuck on though. If I wanted her later, then maybe I’d give her a call but I doubt it.

  “You don’t love me, Jade?” she sniffled, wiping her cheeks.

  “I do, Adrian, I do. I just…” I dropped my head back and then brought it back up. “I do love you but I want certain things that you can’t give me.”

  “Like what?”

  Chuckling, I shook my head.

  “You know what, Adrian. Babies, a real dick, and sometimes I like the feel of a man and you don’t have any of that.”

  “We can have a baby, Jade! There are so many ways for lesbian couples to—”

  “We are not a couple! Stop saying we are a fucking couple!”

  “Oh my gosh, yes we are! Just last week you said we were! Grow the fuck up! You are gay and you love me! Just accept it! You want a baby? We can have one! I may not be able to give you the other stuff, but this can work, Jade. You and me having a baby together would be perfect.”

  “I’m pregnant already.” I placed my hand on my hip.

  Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she asked, “By whom?” Her voice was trembling.

  “Not you, obviously. It’s a guy I met and I like him. We’re boyfriend and girlfriend, and we plan to raise this baby together so I don’t know what to tell you.”

  “You’d rather be with him, when you love me?”

  “I’m having his baby.”

  She moved closer to me, and I started backing away until I was up against the wall. Tears fell freely from her eyes as she stared at my stomach. It was still flat, of course, because I wasn’t too far along, but I was already feeling the symptoms, and very protective of what was inside of it.

  Falling down to her knees, she hugged my waistline tightly and sobbed violently. I watched her for a few moments, before caressing her soft hair.

  “Jade, please don’t do this,” she spoke softly, sniffling. I just closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the wall, still rubbing her hair slowly and gently.

  That night…

  Adrian and I sat on the couch, watching television as she massaged my feet. I felt nervous, yet excited about what was to hopefully become of my life. Just as I took a sip of my soda, I heard someone knocking on the door. I knew it was Hudson, so I took my feet from Adrian and got up to answer it.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Hudson walked in, towered over me for a kiss, and grinned. It faded once he saw Adrian.

  “Hey, babe.” I closed the door behind him. “This is Adrian, she umm, she works with me.”

  “The same Adrian your ex-husband caught you with?”

  Forgot I told him that.

  “Yes, baby, but listen to me.” I hugged his torso, and stared up into his handsome chocolate face as he stroked his beard. “What if we umm, do this together?”

  “Do what together?” he frowned.

  “Be together,” Adrian chimed in, pushing her hair behind her ears.

  “What? Hell nah! It’s either me or her, and come to think of it, you don’t even have that option, Jade, not with my kid in your stomach!”

  “Please, Hudson. You would have the both of us.” I dropped down and started to unbuckle him, and of course he let me. “Please,” I half smiled, removing him from his jeans.

  As soon as I took him into my mouth, a
nd Adrian started to kiss on his neck he said, “Shit, aight… okay.”


  Last night was a lot of fun… freaky fun, but this morning was hell. I’d thrown up three times already, and felt like shit. Some mornings I regretted my decision to keep this baby, but I knew I didn’t want to risk the chance of not being able to have any in the future.

  “Shit!” I called out, running from the bed and into the bathroom. Adrian and Hudson had gone off to work, so I was here alone since I’d called off, and experiencing the worst.

  After I got it all out, I rose to my feet and then rinsed my mouth out before brushing my teeth. I flossed and rinsed, then opened the bathroom door to see Chaz, which scared the shit out of me.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Just came to check up on you, and I see you’re pregnant again. Well, I hear you’re pregnant again.” He chuckled.

  “Who told you?”

  “No one, I just listened to you vomit for a nice minute or two.” He let me out of the bathroom and then followed me to the kitchen. “So whose is it?”

  “This guy I met. The one I told you about at the meeting before last.” I shrugged, downing a glass of juice and pouring some more. “Why do you care?”

  “I don’t care, I was just wondering because I thought you would have been back playing for the other team. I’m also making sure it ain’t mine.”

  “Well it’s not. I haven’t fucked you in forever, so relax. Your little Erynne won’t be leaving you anytime soon.”

  “Still salty I see.”

  “Actually, no. I’m very happy with my current arrangement.”

  “Arrangement? You refer to your relationship as an arrangement?”

  “Well, this one is, yeah. I’m with Adrian and Hudson. The new guy’s name is Hudson.”

  “Wow… well it seems like we both found what works best for us. I don’t think that shit will end well, but it’s none of my business,” he grinned, with his handsome self.

  “Yeah, it’s not. And it’s none of my business either but I don’t think you and Erynne will end well either.”

  “It was nice seeing you, Jade. Make sure this fucking rent doesn’t go up, and if I find out that nigga is living here, he’s gon’ pay for the shit I’m paying for.”

  “Yeah, yeah, get out so I can go lie down.” I walked up to him and started to shove his big ass out the kitchen and towards the door. It was like pushing a huge ass heavy metal dresser.

  “Can I just ask why you got rid of our baby?” He turned to me once he was at the door.

  “I told you, Chaz, I lost it.” I shrugged, eyes darting all over because I was too afraid to make eye contact. He knew I was lying but I refused to admit it, so it was just gonna be a never ending thing.

  “You’ll never change, huh?”

  “Nothing worth changing.”

  He nodded in response and walked out the door, leaving his sexy cologne to linger in the air for a little bit.

  I went back to the bedroom, climbed under the covers, and laid down on the plush pillow, enjoying the scent of Adrian’s perfume mixed with Hudson’s cologne. Life was perfect as of now… perfect for me.


  “You don’t let me go no damn where alone anymore.” Kordell licked his lips, looking all sexy as he whipped his car into a parking spot. He was wearing a basketball jersey, so his muscular tatted arms were on full display.

  “No I don’t, especially not here.”

  He shook his head, cutting the engine off and getting out of the car to unbuckle Melody. As I was about to get out of the car, my phone rang and I saw it was Johnathan, my lawyer in the child custody case, and my mom’s new boo.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Hello, Miss Reid, is this a bad time?”

  “No, no, is everything okay?”

  My stomach started to feel queasy thinking that maybe the judge had changed his mind or something. I mean why else would Johnathan feel the need to call me?

  “Well, depends on the way you look at it. Mr. Cambridge, Melody’s father was arrested this morning due to tampering with evidence to assist one of his clients in winning a case.”

  “Wait a second,” I spoke lowly to Kordell who knocked on the window while holding Melody on his side. “So do you think he will be locked away for a long time?”

  “I’m not sure, but it doesn’t matter anyway because you got him to sign over his parental rights to Melody recently.”

  “What? No I didn’t.”

  “You didn’t? Your mother brought them into me, and I filed them for you. I guess I will have to check with her and get back to you, but I just wanted to update you on his situation regardless, Miss Reid.”

  “Thanks Johnathan.” I hung up and stared at the phone in utter confusion.

  For one, I hadn’t spoken to Miles long enough to get him to sign anything. I barely talked to him during his past supervised visits with Melody. Secondly, Miles would never sign away his parental rights. I mentioned it at Melody’s first supervised visit and he damn near bit my head off before I even completed my sentence and I hadn’t said a word to him since. I’d had the papers drawn up and everything, but he was adamant so I gave up.

  “You good?” Kordell asked as I got out of the car, and we started towards the entrance of the hospital. We were here to see Brooke since she’d delivered her son. I didn’t want to go, but Kordell was not about to come here and see that conniving bitch by himself.

  “Yeah, I guess. Miles got arrested but Johnathan told me he’s signed over his parental rights. That’s crazy because just some weeks ago, he was swearing he never would. And Johnathan said my mother brought in the papers he’d drawn up for me, and they were signed I guess. I’m gonna have to call her.”

  “Oh,” Kordell said, focusing his attention on the nurse receptionist so we could get name badges.

  We stepped onto the elevator, and still he refused to look at me. Something told me his rouge ass had something to do with this, which made me just shake my head.

  “Kordell, what did you do?” I questioned as we stepped off the elevator.

  “About what?”

  “Miles. How did you get him to sign?”

  “Oh, nah, he signed the papers willingly. Had to put a gun to his head and break his other hand, but he eventually complied. Then I had your mother get them to Johnathan.”

  “Kordell!” I whispered harshly since it was so quiet in the hospital.

  He just kissed me, and then opened Brooke’s hospital room door so that I could walk in. I stepped to the side to allow he and Melody in front of me, and then I followed behind.

  “Kordell!” That hoe Brooke sat up in her hospital bed with excited eyes. Them shits faded as soon as she saw me step onto the scene.

  “Hey, this is Cassie, my girlfriend as you know, and this is my baby Melody, who is fast asleep.” Kordell kissed Melody’s cheek as she slept peacefully on his chest.

  “Nice to meet you guys. That’s Braden over there.” She pointed to the small baby in the clear crib, soundly asleep.

  “He’s adorable,” I commented, walking over with Kordell to look down at him.

  “Thank you.”

  “What’s his last name?” Kordell asked.

  “Benjamin. I didn’t have anyone here to sign the birth certificate, but they still let me use his father’s last name.”

  “Cool. So you’re good? You need anything?”

  “Uh no, no, I’m fine. Shaina’s been helping a lot. She was just here but she went to get me some food.” She chuckled nervously.

  “Good.” Kordell scanned the room. “Well, here you go.” He reached into his jean pocket to pull out a knot of cash, before peeling some off for her. “Just in case. I’ll be checking on you.”

  “Just because that’s his brother though, so don’t get any ideas,” I said, and Kordell grabbed my hand to lead me out the hospital room.

  “Bye! Thanks, Dell!” Brooke hollered after us.

Kordell wrapped his free arm around my body, and pulled me in to kiss my temple gently once we were on the elevator.

  “I can’t believe you just said that shit.”

  “I can’t believe you got Miles to sign over his rights, crazy!”

  Laughing, he said, “Yep, so now all I have to do is adopt her. Damn, then we’ll have a kid together. That’s crazy as hell, huh?”

  We stepped off the elevator holding hands.

  “Actually, we will have two.”

  He stopped in his tracks and looked at me with his mouth agape.

  “What the fuck are you trying to say, Cass?”

  “That we’re having a baby, and you’re gonna adopt Melody, so that’s two— ahh!” I screeched as he started to kiss all over my face. Melody woke up and started to cry her little eyes out.

  “I’m sorry, baby, relax.” Kordell laid her head back down on his chest and kissed her forehead. Just like that, she was back resting peacefully. “I love you.” He draped his arm around my shoulder as we walked to the car.

  “I love you too.”

  “Now we gotta get married or some shit, huh?”

  “We could.” I shrugged like it was nothing but was smiling on the inside as we continued through the parking lot.

  “Yeah… we do.”

  When I first met him I thought he’d be a distant memory by now. Life was really never what you expect it to be.


  “Mmmm, shit,” I whimpered as Kordell fucked me hard from behind.

  I hugged the pillow under me, and clenched my teeth as he wrapped my hair around his large fist, yanking my head back. I could feel my juices spilling down between my thighs as he slammed into me feverishly. He was so deep inside of me that I swear I felt it in my chest.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, turning me on. I loved hearing him moan, because not only was it sexy, but it let me know what we were doing felt just as good to him as it did to me.

  He pounded harder, slapping our skin together just before we both let out throaty moans from cumming.

  “Turn yo’ ass over.” He pulled out, flipped me on my back, and then started to kiss down my stomach. I just relaxed my body and let him do his thing…


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