Playboy Ever After

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Playboy Ever After Page 64

by Chance Carter

  Alice had never seen a man tear up before and found herself instantly drawn to him, wanting to comfort him. She reached out and took his hand in hers, patting it gently before releasing him. It wasn’t much, but it was all she could give him for the moment.

  He smiled at her weakly, as though embarrassed by his tears.

  “I’m not sure I can accept this from you, Billy. It’s too much,” Alice finally said, her words thick with emotion.

  “It is not enough,” Billy answered, shrugging his shoulders.

  He was silent for a moment then offered her a wily grin.

  “Trust me, I can afford it. I made James buy me out. It cost him a shit load of money, that son of a bitch.”

  Alice smiled back, satisfied. There was a big part of her that took great pleasure in J.J.’s suffering.

  “Let me earn back the love you once felt for me. I want to prove to you that I’m the man you thought I was. Please, let me do this for you, for Amy,” he pleaded, reaching for her hand once more.

  She allowed him to take it. Alice nodded her head, bringing a smile of relief to Billy’s face.

  “I know that I have to earn your trust again, Alice, and I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  He paused, searching her eyes.

  Alice felt her tears rising once more. She was still reeling from his betrayal, but wanted desperately to trust him. She needed time to process everything he said. She wasn’t ready to trust her feelings, but was leaning heavily towards believing him.

  “Ok,” she managed to squeak out, just before they were interrupted by the school bus pulling up to the driveway.

  Amy jumped off the bus, holding her backpack in front of her. Alice threw Billy a stern look, silently begging him to choose his words carefully. He nodded as if completely understood.

  “Billy! You’re home!” Amy shouted gleefully.

  She ran to him, throwing herself around his legs. A genuine smile spread across Billy’s face as he scooped her up and spun her around. Alice felt a genuine warmth expanding in her chest as she witnessed the sincere affection they had for each other.

  She knew, in that moment, that the healing had begun.

  Chapter 26


  Billy had one hand wrapped tightly around Alice’s and the other in the small of her back, leading her carefully into the arena. After three months of diligent effort, it was finally complete, just in time for Christmas. She tugged on the blindfold, giggling nervously.

  “Stop fidgeting with your blindfold, woman. I want to surprise you,” he warned playfully.

  It had been no easy task keeping her out of the new space over the past few weeks, but he was able to pull it off, in spite of her curiosity.

  As soon as Alice had agreed to let him back on the ranch, he had made it his mission to do right by her. He rebuilt the Equine Centre, post by post, brick by brick, pouring every ounce of his love into it, and waiting patiently for her to come around, earning her trust with every nail he drove into the arena.

  She opened her heart a little more to him each day, eventually inviting him back in. As the weeks went by, her apprehension faded, slowly at first, but soon they were laughing again, rebuilding their friendship, and falling in love.

  He was exhausted, but had never been more content in his life. He loved being near Alice and Amy and would gladly invest every ounce of energy he had in giving them the happiness and security they deserved.

  Alice had not yet invited him back into her bed, but in some ways it didn’t matter. If anything, it forced them to rebuild their intimacy in other ways, and they spent many evenings sharing intimate details about their lives, their desires, their fears, even the really painful stuff. She never flinched, no matter what he shared, which only served to make him love her more deeply.

  “Ok, stop here,” he ordered, turning her in the correct position.

  Alice laughed and clapped her hands gleefully. He wanted to kiss her, right there, in front of everyone, but that would wait. He reached up and pulled off her blindfold.

  “Oh, my God! It is absolutely perfect, Billy!” she cheered, looking around the space, her eyes wide with enthusiasm.

  Her friends and family, along with the crew were lined up, facing one another, clapping and cheering as she passed between them, reaching out to touch their hands as she passed by. She spun around, pure joy on her face, her eyes glistening with tears. She met Billy’s gaze and smiled brightly at him. His heart was ready to burst, as though it could no longer contain his own joy, or the pride and love he felt for her.

  They celebrated with champagne, laughing, and talking, the crew teasing Billy and sharing funny stories of their building adventures over the past several months. He had formed a genuine bond with the boys. Alice appreciated every moment and it showed in her beautiful smile.

  “I have one more surprise for you,” he said, cozying up beside her.

  She turned and smiled at him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He returned her embrace, enjoying the warmth and the fullness of her curves.

  “You see those horses over there?” he said, pointing to Sadie and Donald. He had them tacked up and ready to ride.

  “Yes?” she said, looking at him playfully.

  “Ride with me. I have something to show you,” he said, leading her to Sadie.

  She mounted her horse tentatively. Billy handed her a large wrap, which she draped around her shoulders, then he expertly slipped onto Donald’s saddle, drawing a proud smile from Alice.

  “Look at you,” she teased. “more a cowboy than a city slicker now, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he quipped back playfully. “Try to keep up.”

  He clicked his tongue at Donald, leading them both out of the arena.

  Although it was Christmas Eve, the weather was an unseasonably warm, and with the sun shining, it felt even warmer. Billy rode beside Alice, toward the ocean, to the exact spot where they had made love back in the summer. The most romantic place on the ranch, according to Alice.

  They were nearly there when he pulled up on the reigns, bringing Donald to a stop.

  “Hold up, Alice. Let’s get off here and walk the rest of the way,” Billy requested, sliding out of the saddle.

  “Are you going to blindfold me again?” Alice asked with a smirk.

  “Is that a question or a request?” he teased, helping her down from Sadie.

  “You decide.”

  She winked.

  Billy grinned at her, and playfully smacked her bottom as she set her feet on the ground.

  “Hmmm, tempting,” he growled, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Maybe later. First give me a kiss, then follow me.”

  Alice lifted her chin to him and Billy tenderly kissed her. She parted her lips for him so he could tease her with his tongue. The passion still excited him, even though he had kissed her a thousand times. He could have kissed her all day, but he was anxious to share his surprise. He gently pulled himself away and ground tied the ponies, securing them so they wouldn’t wander off.

  “Ok, ready?” he asked her, taking her hand in his.

  “What are you up to?” she asked tentatively, pulling the wrap around herself a little tighter.

  “Just come with me,” he said, encouraging her to follow.

  He led her down the path toward the embankment, trying to shield her from the beach with his body, until his gift to her finally revealed itself. Alice stopped suddenly in her tracks, inhaling deeply.

  “Merry Christmas,” he whispered, turning around to look at his lady.

  The look on Alice’s face was exactly what he had hoped for. Surprise, gratitude, emotional, all rounded out with loving appreciation.

  “You made me a wedding gazebo?” she cried softly, her eyes filling with tears.

  Billy nodded softly, a gentle smile forming on his handsome face. He raised his hand and wiped the tears from her rosy cheeks.

  “I remember you telling me that this was the spot that your Dad propos
ed. I know it has always meant a lot to you, to your family. I wanted to honor that, but I also wanted to give you something meaningful for Christmas, from my heart,” he confessed, wanting her to know how special she was to him.

  “This is beautiful, Billy. I’m speechless. I can’t believe you did this for me. I’m so happy,” she whispered softly, her words catching in her throat.

  Billy inhaled deeply, thrilled with her response.

  “You deserve it, Angel. I want you to be happy,” he said pulling her into his arms.

  She laid her head against his shoulder, her tears spilling freely.

  “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,” she said through tears of joy.

  “Let’s go see it,” he said, taking her hand and leading her carefully down the embankment, protecting her from slipping.

  Once at the bottom, he guided her to the gazebo and helped her up the wooden steps, the fresh smell of California redwood teasing their senses. He was proud of his workmanship and was excited to show it off to her, but he especially wanted her to see the plaque he made up.

  Mary & Dan White ~ February 14, 1985 ~ for eternity.

  “True love stories never have endings.”

  Richard Bach

  Billy embraced Alice from behind as she read the words he had chosen. He could hear her sniffling, her chest rising and falling with emotion, and gently kissed the top of her head, allowing her the time to take it all in.

  Finally, he released her, and took a step back, reaching into the pocket of his jeans. He knelt on one knee, and waited for her to spin around, holding the velvet ring box in front of him. She turned around, missing the warmth of his body behind her.

  “Alice, I love you. I have spent the past three months carrying this ring in my pocket, knowing that there was no other woman in the world that I wanted to spend eternity with, but I knew I had to do more than tell you. I had to prove it to you in a thousand different ways, with my words, my hands, and my heart so that you would know completely the man who adores you,” Billy confessed, his words heavy with emotion. “I knew I also had to open myself up to you, trust you unreservedly, and love you unconditionally, no matter how scared it made me, because you deserve nothing less. God knows I’m flawed, Alice, but I’ll never stop trying to be the man you deserve and I’ll love you every minute of every day, for the rest of my life. You and Amy both. Will you marry me?” he asked, taking her shaking hand into his own.

  He held his breath, hoping that he had done enough to win back her trust, that she loved him and wanted him as much as he loved her. He hoped he didn’t spook her. Was it too soon?

  Alice dropped to her knees in front of him, cradling his face tenderly in her hands, and kissed him with more desire than he even could have hoped for. He pulled her in close and kissed her back, matching her passion. His own tears welled up in his eyes, and he chuckled despite himself, joy spreading through every inch of his being. Alice pulled away and looked at him, nodding her head slowly.

  “Yes. Yes. I love you, Billy. Every flawed, blessed cell in your body. You are the only man for me and I’ll never let a day go by without reminding you of that,” she gushed, allowing him to slip the ring on her finger.

  He kissed her again, sealing the deal.

  “Let’s get married in the spring, right here. We will be the first ones to wed under this gazebo. What do you think?” he asked hopefully.

  Alice smiled shyly at him, and shook her head no. Billy cocked his head, unable to hide his frown. Would she want a long engagement? Had he not done enough to prove his love?

  “Maybe we should wait until summer,” she suggested slyly. “I want to fit into a proper wedding dress...”

  Billy considered her words, not really following her meaning. Alice giggled at him.

  “I have a surprise too, Billy. A little something I have been assembling for you.” she teased. “I know you have been teasing me lately about loving my juicy curves, but I am afraid they are only temporary. I’m pregnant,” she whispered, her eyes glowing with love.

  “What? How? When? Are you sure?” he sputtered, searching for the right words.

  “Yes, I’m sure. Been baking this little monkey for five months now. You are going to be a Daddy,” she gushed, caressing her belly playfully.

  Billy reached down and placed his hand on top of hers.

  “But we were always careful,” he observed cautiously, mentally doing the math.

  Alice raised her eyebrows at him and grinned, waiting for him to get there.

  “Oh,” he remembered with a smirk. “Except that one time we weren’t. In the hayloft.”

  Alice nodded, unable to contain her giggles.

  “Why didn’t you tell me? How long have you known?”

  “I found out about a week after you came back. I was waiting for the right time to tell you,” she admitted, hoping she didn’t upset him.

  “Well I guess the timing couldn’t have been better than this!” he said, sweeping her into his arms.

  He was going to be a daddy! First to Amy, the daughter who already loved him, and then to this child blessed to him and his lovely cowgirl. Nothing in the world could have prepared him for this moment, or the extreme joy and peace in his heart.

  “Merry Christmas, my love,” Alice whispered.

  “Merry Christmas, Alice. Now, for God’s sake, let me make love to you.”

  * * *

  “Here?” Alice said shyly, looking around at the beautiful gazebo, the cool ocean breeze gently wafting over them.

  “I couldn’t wait another second if my life depended on it,” Billy said.

  He got down onto his knees in front of her and gently kissed her tummy.

  “I can’t believe you’re giving me a child,” he whispered, more to himself than to her. “Thank you for forgiving me.”

  “I do, Billy. I really do.”

  He got up and swept her into his arms, then brought her to the far side of the gazebo, where he gently set her down.

  He looked down at her with so much love he thought his heart was going to explode.

  “Are you just going to look at me, or are you going to do something?” she teased.

  He stripped slowly in front of her. As he did so, she did the same, throwing her clothes across the gazebo.

  He laid out his clothes on the ground, making her a little bed. As she lay onto it, he leapt on top of her and began tickling her, making her squirm and wriggle in his arms.

  When he stopped tickling her they caught their breath and he looked into her eyes.

  “I love you so fucking much,” he said.

  She kissed him in a passionate embrace, pressing her lips tightly against his. As their tongues danced, he reached down to her belly and caressed it with his hand. Then he leaned down and kissed her breasts, then her pregnant belly again.

  His hand slid over her thighs and found the warmth between her legs, spreading them open. She submitted willingly.

  His kiss moved to her neck and back over her voluptuous breasts, pausing at each nipple to lick and suck. She arched her back in pleasure, eager for what she knew was coming.

  His mouth continued its journey down over her navel, all the way to the lips of her pussy. He stopped for a second when he reached her pussy, thinking about the child she was carrying for him, his child, then he started making out with the lips of her pussy, kissing her passionately, sliding his tongue deep inside her.

  He continued until her breathing sped up and he felt her convulse in the pleasure of orgasm.

  “Oh Billy,” she moaned.

  “Now you’re mine,” he said. “Mine at last. Mine forever.”

  She cried out and squirmed in ecstasy as his tongue continued to work it’s magic inside her pussy.

  “This is quite a Christmas present,” she moaned breathlessly, still in the throes of orgasm.

  “You’re the gift,” Billy said. “You and the family we’re building together.”

  “I love you,” she sighed, her cheeks f
lushed from the pleasure of her orgasm.

  “You’re my soulmate,” Billy said.

  She nodded, and he rose up above her and grabbed her ankles, lifting them up to his shoulders as he brought the tip of his erect cock to the tender lips of her pussy.

  She was already soaking wet and he slid into her easily, sliding all the way to the hilt. When he was deep within her, he began to thrust, back and forth, making love to her in a way that made them both realize they’d crossed some invisible line. Things would never be the same for either of them again. The whole world was being created anew for them, and this was the beginning of what was going to be the rest of their lives.

  He was gentle at first, then more frantic. With each thrust, his pleasure grew and grew, and she moaned in pleasure as she felt his cock grow in anticipation of his orgasm. She was thrilled by the thought that he wasn’t wearing a condom.

  He looked into her eyes and she wrapped her ankles around the back of his neck. He thrust deep into her, into the very core of her body, and felt the surge of orgasm rush through him like a drug. He thrust hard, driving his shaft into her, and she cried out. His cum poured into her in powerful surges, flowing freely into the deepest parts of her body. He felt himself cumming, so deep inside her that there would be no undoing it. He orgasmed, again and again, and each new burst of cum made her cry out in pleasure.

  “I’m yours,” he moaned as he collapsed in pleasure, his skin covered in sweat.

  “That’s right,” Alice whispered. “You’re mine.”

  They lay in each other’s arms until she fell asleep. Billy pulled his clothes over her to protect her from the night air. He let the soft sound of her breathing lull him into a calmness and happiness he’d never known was possible.

  This was it.

  This was his heaven.

  The night air, the ocean breeze, and it was Christmas too. The time God had created to remind every man that life was a gift to be cherished, and that finding a woman to love was the best part of that gift.


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