Second Chance Hero

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Second Chance Hero Page 8

by Winnie Griggs

Well, he had it whether he wanted it or not. And she’d make it her mission to see that everyone knew what a fine, brave man he was.

  She paused and bowed her head.

  Heavenly Father, thank You for seeing my daughter safely through her near miss today, and thank You for sending Mr. Cooper into our lives. I think perhaps You sent him to us for a reason and I hope that You will find a way to use me to help him in some way. Help me to always be open to whatever direction and work You have in store for me. Amen.

  She turned down her lamp and crawled into bed, already looking forward to what tomorrow would bring.

  * * *

  Nate stretched, pleased to note that the twinge of pain in his right arm seemed less noticeable today than yesterday. He leaned back and studied the harness he’d been working on.

  Not bad, considering he was moving slower than normal. Dr. Pratt had consented to allow him to return home this morning only after he’d promised to come back to the clinic tomorrow so his injuries could be checked. He wondered idly if Mrs. Leggett would be there.

  Okay, maybe not so idly.

  She hadn’t seemed very happy that he was ready to return home. And he had to confess that he’d been more than a little pleased by that.

  Nate glanced around his shop, trying to imagine how Mrs. Leggett had looked wandering through here yesterday, amid his very masculine wares and tools. Stranger yet, imagining her upstairs, moving through his quarters to find him a clean change of clothes.

  What had she thought of his place, of how spare and impersonal it was? Had she been all business, quickly taking care of her task at hand and getting out? Or had she lingered, studying his things?

  How would he have handled it if the situation had been reversed?

  He glanced up as someone walked past his open door. It was Mrs. Leggett and her aunt. He watched as they passed by, tracking their progress across the large shop window. At the last minute, Mrs. Leggett glanced inside and gave him a warm smile when their glances met.

  Was her primary emotion toward him gratitude? That wasn’t what he wanted.

  Nate leaned down and absently scratched Beans behind the ears. What did he want?

  He’d thought he knew when he arrived here. But maybe it was changing.

  An elderly gentleman stepped through the door just then, pulling Nate’s thoughts back to the present.

  * * *

  “Now that we’ve finished with old business, let’s move on to a discussion of the upcoming Founders’ Day Festival.” Regina—otherwise known as Reggie—Barr, head of the Ladies Auxiliary, looked around the room with an expectant smile.

  Verity shifted in her seat. She was having trouble focusing on the discussions going on around her. The meeting was running longer than normal and she was anxious to get back home and check on Joy. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Uncle Grover to watch her daughter, but she didn’t want the girl to be a bother to him. Besides, she still hadn’t quite gotten over the scare of Joy’s near accident yesterday.

  Verity let the discussion swirl around her, lending only half an ear to talk of prizes, games, competitions, music, parades, fireworks and goodness only knew what else.

  The idea of the festival seemed a bit frivolous to her. But if these folks wanted to get excited about it, then she saw no real harm in it. Besides, it would be something Joy would have fun participating in.

  Verity’s mind turned to Mr. Cooper. He had spent the morning reassuring Uncle Grover that he was quite capable of taking care of himself. He’d seemed inordinately eager to leave them. Was it merely because he wanted to be back among his own things? Or was there another reason?

  Realizing her thoughts had drifted into inappropriate territory, Verity sat up straighter and tried to pick up the thread of the discussion.

  “Thank you, Daisy. Now for the next item on the list, Janell Whitman has volunteered to work with the schoolchildren to prepare a short play for our entertainment during the festival. She’d like to have a volunteer to help her.”

  Verity thought about volunteering, but Abigail Fulton, one of the younger members of the Ladies Auxiliary, immediately raised her hand.

  Reggie pointed her pencil toward the young girl. “Thank you, Abigail.”

  Hazel raised a hand and spoke up without waiting to be recognized. “Let me know if you want costumes for the children—it’ll be my contribution to the festival.”

  Janell gave her a broad smile. “That would be wonderful. I’ll come by your shop tomorrow and we can discuss it.”

  Reggie looked down at her list. “All right, I think that was the final item on our agenda. Anyone have anything else we need to discuss?”

  The meeting broke up shortly after that.

  As they stood, Aunt Betty touched Verity’s arm. “Don’t wait on me, dear. I want to chat with Daisy about helping her with the refreshments for the festival.”

  Verity nodded and moved toward the door. Her thoughts turned almost at once from the Founders’ Day Festival to Mr. Cooper. How was he faring now that he was back at his own place? Perhaps she should stop in and check on him.

  As a concerned medical assistant, of course.

  So lost in thought was she that she jumped slightly when Hazel came up and linked arms with her.

  “Sorry if I spooked you,” her friend said. “I just wanted to ask how Joy is doing today.”

  “She’s doing fine, much better than Mr. Cooper.”

  “Ah, yes, the hero of yesterday’s drama. I hear he spent the night at the clinic.”

  “Yes. Uncle Grover wanted to keep an eye on him for the first twenty-four hours.”

  “And was he a good patient?”

  Verity ignored her friend’s arch tone and answered the question as stated. “Other than not liking to be, as he put it, mollycoddled, he was fine.” She brushed at a piece of lint on her skirt. “He moved back to his place this morning.”

  “Do I detect a note of disappointment?”

  “Disapproval would be more accurate. He should have stayed under my uncle’s care a little longer. But he does have a stubborn streak.”

  Hazel grinned, then changed the subject. “By the way, your hat sold already. Stop in and I’ll pay you. And that means I’ll be ready for your next creation whenever you can get it to me.”

  Verity nodded. “I already have a design in mind. I should have something ready for you in the next couple of days.”

  They chatted about fashion and the upcoming festival the rest of the way to the dress shop.

  Verity exited the shop feeling the satisfactory weight of extra coins in her purse. Hopefully it would be enough for the first few piano lessons for Joy. Her steps slowed as she approached the saddle shop. Yes, she definitely should check in on Mr. Cooper to make certain he was doing okay.

  Mind made up, she stepped forward purposefully. The little bell over his door jingled as she entered. Beans, who’d been soaking up the warmth in a puddle of sunshine, bounded to his feet and raced over to greet her. But it was Mr. Cooper she watched, even as she stooped to scratch the dog. Was he glad to see her?

  He’d looked up at the sound of the bell, but his expression had closed off as soon as he saw her. Now he set down his work and leaned back. “Excuse me if I don’t stand.” His tone was self-deprecating as he motioned to the crutch behind him. “Is there something I can do for you?”

  She gave Beans a final pat and straightened. “I’ve just come from Hazel’s and thought I’d stop in and check on you.” Was he not glad to see her? “How are you feeling?” she finished feebly.

  “I’m managing.”

  “Is there anything I can do for you? I’d be glad to prepare some meals for you or take care of some of your housecleaning. After all, it’s my fault you’re in this fix.”

  “Mrs. Leggett, please stop
trying to take the blame for my accident. It just happened—it was nobody’s fault.”

  “There you go, being modest again. You really should learn how to take a compliment.”

  He didn’t say anything to that—just continued to watch her in that uncomfortably unreadable way.

  “You’re staying off of that foot, I hope.”

  He spread his hands. “As you can see.”

  “And the stairs?”

  “Only when absolutely necessary.”

  Before she could quiz him further, the shop door opened. She turned to see Cletus Keeter, a farmer from just east of town, entering with a harness in hand.

  “Well, hi there, Mrs. Leggett. I heard about what happened to Joy yesterday. I hope she’s okay.”

  “Hello, Mr. Keeter. Yes, Joy is just fine, thanks to Mr. Cooper here.” She nodded to both men. “Well, I’ll leave you two gentlemen to your business. Good day, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Keeter.”

  Mr. Cooper nodded, still not softening his politely businesslike demeanor.

  As she stepped out on the sidewalk, Verity realized that, now that he was on his own again, it seemed it was going to be more difficult than she’d thought to break through Mr. Cooper’s reserve. But she wasn’t the least bit daunted. If there was a way to get past his guard, she was determined to find it.

  Some things were just worth fighting for.

  Chapter Eight

  “Verity, do you have a moment?”

  Verity, who’d arrived at the mercantile only a few minutes ago, paused in her shopping to find Janell Whitman approaching her. “Of course.”

  “As mentioned at the Ladies Auxiliary meeting yesterday, Abigail and I will be putting together a little program with the children as part of the Founders’ Day celebration.”

  Verity nodded. “I’m looking forward to seeing them perform.”

  “I was thinking that perhaps we’d do a play based on the story of the founding of the town. Mr. Parker and Mr. Fulton have agreed to write the play for us.”

  “That will be fun.”

  “But the number of parts will naturally be limited and I’d like to make certain all of the children have a way to be involved.”

  Verity had always thought the town was blessed to have a teacher like Janell Whitman, one who really cared about the children. “I agree that we don’t want anyone to feel left out. How can I help?”

  “I thought one option would be to form a choir with the remaining children and have them put on a musical performance, as well.”

  Verity felt a little stirring of excitement as she began to see how the teacher was looking to involve her.

  “The problem is,” Janell continued, “both Abigail and I will be fully involved with the play. And of course neither of us have your talent when it comes to music. So we were wondering if you’d be willing to take that on.”

  “Of course.” The chance to form a children’s choir, even a temporary one, was something she would very much enjoy doing.

  “Zella has already agreed to play the piano for you and lend a hand with directing the children as needed.”

  “She’ll be a good help.” Zella was the church pianist, and a more patient woman didn’t exist. She’d be quite good with the children. “How many students would be involved?”

  “I’m thinking seven from my group and Mr. Parker thinks about five from the older students in his group.”

  A dozen, then. But then she had another thought. “One more question. Would you object to having a few of the younger children join this little choir?”

  Janell smiled. “Such as Joy, you mean? Of course not, as long as you’re willing to work with them.”

  “What kind of program did you have in mind?”

  “Nothing too elaborate. I was thinking two or three simple songs with an uplifting theme. But this will be your project and I’m sure whatever you decide to do will be fine.”

  Already Verity’s mind was brimming with ideas. “All right. As soon as you get me the names of the children involved we’ll schedule the first practice. In the meantime, I’ll speak to the parents of some of the other younger children to see if any of them are interested in participating. And I’ll speak to Zella after choir practice tomorrow about any ideas she might have.”

  Janell smiled. “Looks like you’re definitely the right person for the job. I’ll leave it all in your very capable hands.” And with a wave, the schoolteacher moved on.

  Verity finished her shopping while mentally making a list of things she could do while waiting for the names of the participating children. She could visit the parents of some of the children Joy’s age to see if she could recruit a few more choir members. Eileen Tucker would be her first stop—Molly and Joey Tucker were Joy’s best friends.

  She could also talk to Hazel. The dressmaker had already volunteered to provide costumes for the children who were in the play. Perhaps she could also talk her friend into doing some short, simple, smock-like choir robes for the children’s choir.

  Yes, she’d go by Hazel’s first. And since it coincidentally just happened to be right next to the saddle shop, perhaps she’d stop in and check on Mr. Cooper while she was at it.

  * * *

  Nate looked up from his workbench to see Adam striding into the shop. Truth to tell, he was glad of the interruption. Nice to have something to think about besides the way he’d been less than gracious with Mrs. Leggett.

  He leaned back. “Here to get a harness repaired?”

  “Just visiting.”

  Was Adam checking up on him? Was he worried about Nate’s ability to repay his loan? Then Nate pushed that thought aside. He owed his friend more trust than that. He nodded toward a nearby chair. “Have a seat.”

  Adam looked around as he sat. “I don’t see your crutch. Don’t tell me your foot’s healed already?”

  “Not completely.” Nate reached behind him and grabbed the walking stick he’d fashioned from a strong, straight branch and some scraps of leather. “I’m using this instead.”

  “How’s the arm?”

  “Much better.” Nate rolled his shoulder to prove his point.

  “Glad to hear it. Because I’ve come to ask you a favor.”

  Now, that was unexpected, but he welcomed the chance to repay, at least in part, the debt he owed his friend. “Name it.”

  “Zella Ford, our church pianist, has had a family emergency and has to go out of town to attend to it. She may be gone for a month or more.”

  Uh-oh, he didn’t like the direction this was taking.

  “If I remember correctly, you play the piano, don’t you?”

  Nate nodded.

  “Good. Then I’d like you to consider taking her place during the interim.”

  Nate stared at his friend, trying to figure out what was behind this. Was this some misguided scheme to get him more involved in the community? “Why me? I mean, isn’t there someone else here in town who plays piano and would be better suited?”

  “Mrs. Peavy, our housekeeper, normally steps in on the rare occasions when Zella can’t attend services.”

  “Well, then—”

  “Mrs. Peavy is a generous woman and when Reverend Harper spoke to her about the situation, she agreed to step in. But she’s been having flares of rheumatism in her hands lately and I’d like to spare her any extra use of them if I can. Besides, with Reggie expecting again, I’d like to selfishly keep her focus on our household.”

  “I see.” Nate nodded, remembering what he owed Adam. “I suppose, when you put it like that, I can’t say no.”

  “Good. The choir practices for an hour every Saturday at four o’clock.”

  “I understand Mrs. Leggett is the choir director.”

  “She doesn’t care to be called that, but yes, t
he choir looks to her to lead their practices. And she usually works with Reverend Harper to make the hymn selections.” He studied Nate. “That won’t be a problem, will it?”

  “No, of course not.” It seemed the more he resolved to keep his distance from the widow, the more circumstances conspired to throw them together. But he’d already given his word. And there was no reason he couldn’t handle this in a businesslike manner.

  “Good. Because there is one other thing. Reverend Harper says Mrs. Leggett will also be working with some of the local children to put on a musical performance for the Founders’ Day Festival. She’ll need you to work with her on that, as well.”

  “Does she know that I’m taking Mrs. Ford’s place?”

  “I haven’t said anything to her, or anyone else for that matter. I wanted to make sure you would agree first.” He gave Nate that probing look again. “There’s no reason she should object, is there?”

  “None that I’m aware of.” He grimaced. “In fact, she still considers me a hero.”

  Adam relaxed as the light of understanding dawned in his expression. “I see. Well, there’s nothing wrong with that.”

  Nate answered with a scowl. Then changed the subject. “I assume there is sheet music. Back when I had access to a piano, the pieces I played were classical rather than from hymn books.”

  “I’m sure there is, but you’ll have to ask Mrs. Leggett about that.” Adam stood. “I’ll let Reverend Harper and Mrs. Peavy know the good news.”

  “And Mrs. Leggett?”

  “I’ll leave that up to you. Remember, choir practice is tomorrow at four o’clock at the church.”

  As Adam left, Nate wondered if Mrs. Leggett would welcome the news or not. With his luck, she’d see this as one more aspect of him being a hero.

  He groaned and decided it was time to take Beans for a walk.

  * * *

  Every Saturday, at three o’clock, Verity and four of her friends from the choir met at the Blue Bottle Sweet Shop and Tea Parlor for tea before they went to choir practice. It had become a ritual of sorts for the five of them.

  Besides herself, there was Hazel, and Janell Whitman, Reverend Harper’s daughter Constance, and Abigail Fulton, the young woman behind Abigail’s Subscription Library.


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