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Coalescence Page 3

by J. C. Hannigan

  Her expression softened, and she smiled. “I’ll let you in on a little secret,” she said, stepping toward me. “I’m not in a good place for a relationship, either. I’m sort of on an I hate all men kick.”

  “Why is that?” I laughed, wondering how a girl like her got to a place like that, relating to her a little, too. Only, in my case, I didn’t hate women. I just wasn’t sure if I’d ever trust one again. Better to keep them at a distance.

  “The story is long and boring and probably doesn’t make me look very desirable, so I think I’ll keep it to myself.” She adjusted her glasses as she spoke.

  “Now I really want to hear it.” I grinned, intrigued.

  “Would you now?” she teased, arching a brow. She was close enough to touch—we were separated by just a hair’s breadth. “I can think of a better way to occupy our time.”

  I knew what she was insinuating, and my cock jumped eagerly at the sultry way she looked at me. Weighing the pros and cons of this decision was easy.

  Pro—she was hot, in that really sexy, dirty librarian way. Something about her piqued my interest, and she’d said she wasn’t in a place for a relationship either. The expectations were laid out before me: one night of allowing myself to escape in her.

  But there were plenty of cons, too. While she might say that she wasn’t looking for a relationship, she could change her mind—or maybe, she didn’t know it herself. Women were fickle creatures—they often did the opposite of what they said, or at least the women in my experience had.

  Then her eyes dropped to my mouth, and she slowly licked the seam of her luscious red lips, the sinful action overriding every reasonable thought in my head. Instead, all I could concentrate on was how badly I wanted her.

  I stepped toward her and kissed her without thinking, the same way one pulls oxygen into their lungs. You need oxygen to breathe, and at that moment, I needed to taste her lips.

  She responded in kind, her tongue dancing with mine, a moan resounding deep in her throat. Her hands fisted my shirt, dragging me against her. I backed her into the doorway, my hand tangling in her hair. Everything ignited within me, and I felt more alive than I had in years. She tasted like tequila and apples—her lips needy and tongue searching. Her hand rubbed against my straining erection, and I released a low growl.

  “Take that peep show inside!” An old woman’s irritated voice snapped. We both looked over, seeing the door on the other side of the hall wide open. An elderly, angry-looking woman with long silver hair pulled back in a loose braid glowered at us from the doorway of her apartment.

  “Sorry Mrs. Hewitt!” Gwen apologized, her cheeks burning. The woman let out an irritated grumble before she slammed her door, leaving us alone once more. “The joys of apartment life.” She rolled her eyes.

  My cock rubbed the zipper of my jeans, and I couldn’t help but push against her a little. My efforts earned me a wicked grin, and she bit her lip. Her hand dropped to my chest, her fingers gripping the material of my shirt as she turned, dragging me the rest of the way into her apartment.

  She closed the door with her back, pulling me toward her. Our lips met, and our tongues tangled for dominance. As shy as she’d seemed at first, Gwen wasn’t holding back. She matched me, kiss for frantic kiss and touch for desperate touch.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” I growled.

  “Down the hall,” she managed, tugging my buckle free and popping the button on my jeans in the same breath. Somehow, we got there, taking lots of breaks along the way to peel off clothing and slam each other against the walls in the hallway. By the time we made it to her bedroom, Gwen had lost her shirt, and I’d lost mine.

  My pants were unbuckled, and they’d loosened with every move we’d made. I kicked them off and stood before her in my black boxer briefs, my hand pressing down on my straining erection as I watched her step from her jeans.

  Gwen revealed a red lace thong that matched her bra. The contrast of red against her creamy skin was mesmerizing. She stood slowly, and I swallowed hard, my attention lost to her. Underneath her layers, she was even hotter, and I was surprised to see she had a few tattoos of her own.

  They’d been covered by her clothes, but now that she stood before me in only lacy lingerie, I had ample view of them. A blood-red long-stemmed rose sat just above her left hip on the flat planes of her smooth, pale stomach, a jackalope in a bed of spring flowers and greenery was inked on her right thigh, and she had a sparrow sketched just below her right collarbone.

  While I drank her in, she was busy reciprocating. Her dark gray eyes blazed across my chest, and her tongue darted to lick her lips. “Wow. Okay, so wow.”

  “What?” I asked, looking down. I’d always been in shape, but after Cheryl left, I started working out more regularly, just to occupy my mind and body, and to burn off some of the anger I felt about the way things had turned out.

  Gwen’s eyes blazed with appreciation as they raked across the designs of the full sleeve tattoos on my arms. She stepped toward me, spreading her palms against my chest, her skin hot against mine.

  The soft pads of her fingers traced the bio-mech gear and piston design on the left side of my neck before slowly exploring all the other random pieces I’d gotten over the years. As her hands glided over my skin, her touch awakened every nerve ending in my body.

  She bit her lip, grinning up at me. “You should model if you don’t already. You’d look great on a book cover,” she said before pressing her lips to mine. She kissed me once, then nipped playfully at my lips.

  My cock jumped against her abdomen, and I dropped my hands to grip her hips, dragging her against me, pulling my mouth away to look down at her incredible body.

  “Well, you’d look great spread out on a mattress,” I retorted, smirking.

  She laughed richly, her cheeks dimpling, and stood on her tip-toes to press her lips to mine. Our lips fusing and moving together with a sense of familiarity should have had me putting the brakes on the whole thing. But then, Gwen’s hands slid around the nape of my neck, and her breasts rubbed against my chest. I could feel her hardened nipples through the lace, and it drove me past reason.

  I wanted her. Badly.

  Lifting her, I cupped her ass with my hands and carried her the rest of the way to her room. I broke our kiss to deposit her onto the mattress. She bounced back against it, her tits swaying, but before I could climb on top of her, she was sitting up and grabbing the waistband of my boxer briefs, tugging them down over my hips. My cock sprang up, almost smacking her in the face.

  I chuckled lowly when her eyes widened with surprise. “You’re fucking massive, too,” she exclaimed in disbelief. She paused, staring at my dick.

  “Everything all right down there?”

  “Oh, yeah, it’s grand. Massive. Erm,” she cleared her throat and looked up at me. “Alaric? Before we do this, I need to know—you’re not crawling with STIs, right? Because that’s a hard no for me, even if you look like a Nordic god.”

  “No,” I said, guffawing.

  “What?” she asked, her lips twitching.

  “Nothing. I’ve just never been asked so bluntly before,” I explained, unable to keep the grin from my face.

  She bit her lip and shrugged. “You can never be too careful. And just so you know, I’m clean too.”

  Before I could respond, her hand gripped my hard length and pumped slowly. I dropped my head back when she took me into her mouth and let out a low moan as her tongue swirled around my crown.

  “Fuck,” I hissed, opening my eyes to watch her take as much of me as she could. My tip hit the back of her throat, and she gagged a little, her eyes watering. She drew her head back and worked her hands in sync with her mouth.

  I didn’t think I’d make it to the grand event if I let her continue the way she was, so I pulled out of her mouth and leaned down to kiss her before I dropped to my knees in front of the mattress. Sliding my hands down her thighs, I spread her legs.

  I peeled her red lace pa
nties off, baring her to me. She bit her lip, watching me as I settled between her legs, kissing the sensitive flesh on her inner thigh.


  Eat Me


  Alaric pressed heated kisses to the inside of my thighs, his breath fanning out, hot against my core. His hands slid beneath my ass, and he pulled, placing my thighs over his shoulders and tugging me to the edge of the mattress.

  The playful grin he gave me made butterflies take flight in my stomach. I lived for butterflies—I loved the weightless feeling that lust and attraction brought forth.

  Usually, I preferred a committed relationship to a one-night stand, but like Kelsey had pointed out, I needed to force myself to move forward, and a rebound one-night stand was the perfect solution. Especially with a Thor lookalike. It was my nerdy, Marvel-obsessed, dirty-girl daydream, and it was happening. Only, it was even better than I’d ever imagined.

  His muscular arms were tattooed—I hadn’t time to fully explore all the intricate designs, but they definitely added to his hotness scale, making it impossible to really be all that mad at Kelsey for ditching me. In fact, I should send her a gift basket to thank her for this opportunity. My head fell back, and I let out a little gasp.

  Alaric was assertive, the ultimate alpha, and I had no idea what to do with him now that I’d gotten him into my room, but I was up for the challenge. His muscles were coiled and taut, and his blue eyes raked across my body with hunger that made it impossible to feel insecure.

  His kissable lips covered my centre, his tongue stroking against me. I closed my eyes to keep them from rolling into the back of my head—or at least, to keep Alaric from witnessing it. I’m sure looking up and seeing the whites of my eyes would have been a mood killer for him, but I couldn’t help it.

  Alaric’s mouth was magic, his tongue, too. My orgasm hit at breakneck speed, and I came undone when his thick index finger slid in. I tried to arch off the mattress, but his heavy, tattooed arm kept me pinned, while he slipped a second finger inside, working them in and out.

  It was single-handedly the hottest thing to have ever happened to me.

  I shattered, my walls clenching around his fingers as I came. The whole time, he didn’t stop licking me, lapping up every bit of wetness that seeped out, his eyes hungry.

  It was wild, feral, and I fucking loved it.

  “Oh my God,” I gasped, lifting my head to look at him with astonishment.

  This wasn’t my first rodeo—I’d slept with three other guys in my life. Sure, it wasn’t an extensive list, but I’d say I was experienced enough to know what I liked and didn’t. I thought I didn’t like oral—my past experiences with it had been awkward and a little disappointing—but this, this rewrote oral for me. I felt like I should give him some sort of reward for his brilliant efforts. He deserved it.

  “You good?” he asked, smirking as he reached for his jeans and pulled out a condom from his wallet. I was thankful that he’d brought his own; I was almost certain that the ones I had left over wouldn’t fit that beast of a phallus.

  “I’m great,” I said breathlessly, sitting up and reaching around my back to unhook my bra. I tossed it to the ground and removed my glasses, setting them on the table by my bed. Then I leaned forward, licking the pre-cum off the tip of Alaric’s cock.

  He jerked in my mouth a little, an involuntary thrust of his hips. I bobbed a few more times before I pulled back, watching with hooded eyes as he slid the condom on his hard length. Then he crawled on top of me, making me fall back against the mattress before he settled between my legs. He looked down at me, his eyes boring into mine, searching, I assumed, for any sign of hesitation.

  I slid my hand around the back of his neck, tangling my fingers in his silky hair, and pulled him to me, kissing him, our tongues rolling and lips moving erotically. He was still kissing me when his hips jerked, and he slipped into me, his thickness an adjustment that my body happily made. My legs fell open wider as he pushed deeper, filling me more than I’d ever experienced before.

  “Fuck,” I hissed, the twinge of pain quickly swallowed by my body’s reaction to him. The pleasure was blinding.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, his concern making him pause, though I felt his cock pulse within me.

  “Yes,” I purred, running my hands along his back. I gripped his ass, wriggling beneath him. “Don’t stop.” He pulled out slowly and thrust hard, burying himself in me as far as he could go, swallowing my gasps and moans with his lips.

  He slowed his movements, leaning on his right arm and looking down between us. He used his free arm to hook my leg up, allowing him to drive deeper into me. My tits bounced with each thrust, and he hungrily watched them, his eyes on fire.

  I came again, exploding around his cock on a moan. Watching his pupils dilate, I knew he felt it. He moved harder against me, pumping his hips with powerful drives that extended my orgasm and made it feel endless.


  Gwen’s hands pushed against my chest, and I followed her lead, laying down with my back to her mattress. In one fluid movement, she was sinking down onto me. My hands gripped her hips, and I held her while she moved against me.

  She rolled her hips, riding me slowly, and tilted her head back, her hands on my chest. Each time she sank down on me, she got wetter. It was erotic, and I didn’t want it to end. I was fighting off my own orgasm as long as I could.

  The pure ecstasy on Gwen’s face was almost too much to take. It mirrored the intoxicating feelings I was trying to contend with.

  It’s just really great sex, I told myself as she bore down, falling against my chest, still rolling her hips.

  She was sensuous to watch, and I took pleasure in it that I couldn’t recall before. Her breasts pressed against my chest as I pushed down on her ass, grinding up into her like it was my mission to drown in her. And right then, it was.

  I felt a tightening in my balls, and at the same time, she let out a little moan. “I’m going to come again!” she breathed into the shell of my ear, her dirty words achingly seductive.

  I drove up at the same time as I put more pressure on her hips, and she came around me with a moan. I thrust into her again, my orgasm ripping through me as I looked up at her.

  Gwen rolled off me, panting a little. She looked over at me with an expression of disbelief. “That was incredible. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’ve exceeded my expectations.”

  I chuckled, still a little out of breath. It really was unbelievable; a mind-blowing, euphoric explosion. I shifted so that I was facing her, let my eyes drink in the sight of her. The apples of her cheeks were flushed, and her dimples fully present as she grinned at me. Her intensely pretty eyes shone in the pale light that streamed through her blinds from the lamppost outside her building.

  I brought my finger up, brushing her stained lips with my thumb. I’d kissed—and fucked—away the colour, but it held up better than most.

  Gazing into her pewter eyes, I decided then to give myself tonight. The night was young, and Gwen was the perfect liberation from realism. “Want to go again?” I asked, offering her a crooked smile.

  “I do, actually. But there are a few things I require first.”


  “Food, fluids, and a shower. You may join me for all three if you’d like. But I’m starving and dehydrated, and I probably look like a racoon.”

  “You don’t look like a racoon, but I can get behind those three things,” I replied, grinning as I watched her stand. This woman soaking wet in a shower was probably a sight to behold.

  She tossed a grin at me and pulled a Batman t-shirt over her head, tugging her long dark hair free of the collar, and left her glasses on her nightstand.

  “You coming?” she asked, tilting her head at me before trekking across the hallway to the bathroom.

  I exhaled, swinging my legs off the mattress. My feet hit the floor, and I bent over to grab my boxer briefs. When I sat up again, my eyes were drawn to a furry pile o
f gray in the doorway of her bedroom.

  I slid into my boxers, my gaze on the cat. Its pale green eyes watched me, its tail flicking with irritation as it sat, seeming to judge me.

  Making my way to the door, I tried to step around it, but it attacked my foot, pawing at it with sharp claws and hissing. Its sharp little teeth dug into the side of my foot.

  “Dahmer! Knock it off!” Gwen’s voice rang out. She’d opened the bathroom door and caught the little devil in action. Miraculously, the cat stopped attacking and took off into the bedroom, hiding under the bed. “Sorry about that. He’s a dick.”

  “Is that your attack dog?” She’d washed away her makeup and was every bit as pretty without it, her lashes naturally thick and long, her plump lips begging to be kissed again.

  “Basically.” She grinned. “Although, it could be argued that my neighbour across the hall is more of a threat than the cat.”

  “I believe it,” I sniggered.

  Gwen’s smile spread, the whites of her pretty teeth on display. Turning, she stepped back into the bathroom, leaving the door open. She tugged her t-shirt off, and my eyes went to the curve of her back as she bent to turn on the shower.

  I walked the rest of the way into the room, and she looked at me over her shoulder, smiling seductively before disappearing around the curtain.

  When I joined her, she was standing beneath the hot stream, her hair spilling down her back like a black waterfall, working the soapy loofa over her skin.

  I stood behind her, my hands reaching to stroke her lower Venusian dimples. She inhaled softly as my fingers slipped to her hips. Pulling her back against me, I moved her hair over her right shoulder, pausing to kiss the crescent moon tattoo on the nape of her neck. Gwen leaned into my embrace, letting out a sigh of contentment. She turned her head and looked at me.

  “I was kind of hoping we could pull off shower sex, but now that I have you in here, I can see that might be a little challenging,” she commented, hanging her loofa and turning her body so that she was facing me.


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