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Coalescence Page 16

by J. C. Hannigan

  But that just made the whole thing hotter, naughtier, and that—in turn—was beginning to seriously frustrate me.

  I wondered if it would be crossing the line to text him, to beg him to come over again. I wanted to fill up on him, drink up that dickspiration, ride the high of letting go of my reservations and giving in to desire.

  Give into the escape.

  Give into not feeling so desperately alone, because when Alaric was here, I didn’t feel alone. I didn’t feel like a clock was ticking, each second booming its fleeting existence.

  Sighing deeply, I set my laptop down on the coffee table and reached for my tea. I sipped it, frowning when the cold liquid touched my tongue.

  Someone knocked, a fist heavy against the door. I set the cold tea down and stood, tugging down my sleep shorts and tank top, hoping despite it all. I peeked through the hole, and my heart jumped unsteadily at the sight of Alaric on the other side.

  I unlocked the door quickly and opened it, forgetting that I wasn’t presentable. I hadn’t bothered with makeup, nor had I done much to my hair, save for tossing it up in a messy bun to keep it off my neck while I wrote. But Alaric’s eyes were full of heat as they roamed my face, and at that moment, I’d never felt more beautiful.

  His gaze lingered on my lips before slowly moving down the length of my body and up again, his lips curving into a suggestive smile that made the butterflies take flight. “Hey.”

  “Hey yourself. What brings you to my doorstep?” I asked coyly, tilting my head.

  “I was on my way home. Figured I’d stop in and say hello,” he admitted, his eyes still drinking me in.

  “Just to stay hello, huh?”

  “Maybe not just hello.” He grinned and stepped over the threshold into my apartment.

  I closed the door, and Alaric pressed against me from behind as I slid the deadbolt into place, his lips grazing across the side of my neck.

  I shivered, goosebumps appearing on my flesh, each of them proclaiming just how desperately turned on I was.

  “I’m glad you stopped by, to say hello,” I managed, my voice sounding strange and shaky.

  Alaric grunted, smiling against my neck as he tugged the front of my tank top down, freeing my breast. He continued kissing my neck while his fingers tweaked my nipple, and I sighed, pushing back on him. I ground against his erection, enjoying the feel of him through denim while wishing both our clothes would disappear completely.

  He pulled his hand out, and leaned back, dragging the tank top up with him. I turned, my breasts swaying and aching for his touch. I yanked his shirt off, moistening my lips with my tongue as my gaze raked across his chest.

  Words weren’t necessary; I knew what he was here for, what he wanted, and I still couldn’t believe he wanted me as much as I wanted him. Before I could get lost in that fact, Alaric’s large hand cupped my chin, guiding my lips to his while his other hand slipped down my stomach, into the waistband of my shorts.

  I whimpered when his fingers brushed against my sex, my thighs trembling with want. Alaric swallowed it greedily, never breaking the kiss. I felt it everywhere, and it seared. My heart pounded as he slipped two of his fingers inside.

  “You’re so wet,” he growled, pressing his forehead to mine and dragging in a ragged breath as his fingers glided in and out.

  Gasping, I broke away, trying to catch my breath. Alaric pulled my shorts down over my hips, and I kicked them off, tugging at his belt impatiently, desperate to unwrap every inch of him. His hands moved to cover mine, and he helped me unclasp the buckle. I dragged the zipper down, but before I could push them completely off his hips, he stopped me long enough to remove his boots and pick me up.

  My legs locked around his hips, and I could feel his hardness through the thin material of his boxer briefs. Shamelessly, I pressed down, grinding against his thick tip. The thin material of his boxer briefs easing the ache a little, but if he didn’t get inside of me soon, I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to stop myself from screaming with frustration.

  Alaric grunted, sounding just as tortured as I felt. “How strong is your table?” he asked, heading in that direction.

  “Not very,” I said regrettably. It was a particleboard table, and I didn’t trust it to support my cat’s weight—let alone ours.

  Alaric let out a low chuckle and turned, walking down the hallway to my bedroom, carrying me like I weighed nothing.

  He set me down on the mattress and stood, grabbed his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans, and pulled out a strip of condoms before he kicked them the rest of the way off. I leaned forward, pushing his boxer briefs over his hips, eager to help him.

  The tip of his cock was already glistening with precum, and I drew him into my mouth eagerly, my tongue swirling around the crown. He let out a noise caught somewhere between a moan and a growl as I worked him in and out of my mouth. It was the most erotic song, and my veins thrummed with power.

  “If you don’t stop that, I’m going to come.”

  I pulled away, keeping one hand on his throbbing cock, and using the other to cup his balls. He moaned, and I looked up at him, my lips curving into a wicked smile. “You say it like it’s a bad thing.”

  I felt like a goddess, and it had everything to do with him. Bringing a man like him to the brink of pleasure, having that kind of power—it was intoxicating. So was the way he looked at me, the way he touched me.

  Alaric chuckled, using his fingers to angle my chin up, forcing me to meet his eyes. They sparkled like an open flame, and my breath caught in my lungs. “I want to be inside you when I come.”

  His heady words and the look in his eyes when he said them made my heart skip a beat.

  “Fair enough,” I managed, leaning back and watching as he slipped a condom on. I collapsed against the mattress, my legs falling open in welcome.

  He crawled over top of me, settling between my thighs. He paused for a breath, before taking me with one deep thrust, sliding into me with ease.

  My walls tightened around him, and I could feel him pulsing in response. “Fuck,” he hissed, drawing out the word.

  Before I could form a response, he pulled out, then thrust forward again. He picked up the pace, fucking me with a steady rhythm. My nails raked against his back, urging him on, and each hard, sure thrust brought me closer to climax. My toes curled, and I let out a pleasured whimper as the first orgasm rocked through me.


  Unspoken Revelations


  Gwen’s eyes fluttered shut with bliss. My jaw clenched as I fought my own orgasm off as long as I could, but Christ she was responsive, and after three more thrusts, I couldn’t hold it off any longer.

  Her nails dug into my lower back, and my balls tightened almost painfully. I drew out once more, slamming into her again, thrusting as far as I could go and moaning out my release into her neck.

  “So, you liked the sexy selfie I take it?” she asked a moment later, her voice somewhat muffled, and I realized then I was probably crushing her.

  Chuckling a little, I pulled out and rolled over. Removing the condom, I tied it off. “Yeah, I liked it. Feel free to send more.”

  “Maybe I will,” she said, a mischievous smile on her face. She sat up, glancing at the alarm clock on her end table while I stood and walked across the hallway to the bathroom to toss out the condom. “Are you hungry?” she asked when I returned, biting her lip.

  “I could eat,” I replied, my eyes dropping to her sweet pussy.

  “I mean actual food.” She laughed before sitting up the rest of the way. “I forgot to eat dinner.”

  “How do you forget to eat?”

  “It’s easy to do.” She shrugged, not meeting my eyes. “You just get caught up in something else.”

  “And what were you caught up in?” I frowned when her ominous words about finding something else to occupy her time filled my mind. It shouldn’t matter, but it did.

  “Writing,” she replied, her eyes sparkling with amu
sement. She stood, crossing over to her dresser and opening a drawer. Gwen slowly slid a pair of blue lace panties up over her thighs, and I already couldn’t wait to take them off—with my teeth.

  “Writing?” I repeated, the corners of my lips twitching with the urge to smile. I didn’t want to reveal how relieved I was that she hadn’t told me she was with some other guy.

  “It’s a little hobby of mine.” She shrugged, her smile fading a little like she was embarrassed to admit it.

  I eyed her lewdly, finally allowing my grin to break free. “What do you write?”

  “Lately? A lot of sexy things,” she admitted, a flush staining her dimpled cheeks.

  “That’s hot,” I managed, my hardening cock jumping once in agreement. “I kind of want to read these sexy things.”

  “Why don’t I show you instead?” she purred, and I grinned wider.

  “Please do,” I said, relaxing now that we’d steered the conversation back to a familiar, more sexual territory because I was a little too interested in her answers, and I didn’t know how to feel about that.

  I didn’t quite know how to feel about showing up at her doorstep, either. I tried to reason with myself on the drive over, telling myself it was just the sex I craved. But… that wasn’t entirely true. I came here because I felt a sense of calm when my thoughts had drifted to her, and I knew she’d relieve some of the tension.

  And she did. From the moment she’d opened the door to me, I felt the tension slipping away. She was exactly the kind of distraction I needed, and I wasn’t finished with her yet.

  “Anyway.” She smirked attractively before continuing. “I got caught up in that, and now I’m starving. I made pesto penne yesterday. It’s pretty good, if you’re hungry. Unless you’re planning on leaving, I mean.”

  She spoke as if she was indifferent to whether I stayed or went, and that made me want to stay even more. It made me want to peel back her layers and see if I’d gotten under her skin the way she’d crawled under mine.

  “I’m in no rush,” I said thickly, my gaze slipping to the apex of her thighs.

  “Down boy, food first,” she scolded in jest. Grabbing a t-shirt from her drawer, she pulled it over her head and slipped from the room, blithely disappearing down the hallway. I could hear her opening the refrigerator as I dressed.

  I walked down the hallway, still shirtless. I couldn’t remember where I’d lost that particular article of clothing, but I wasn’t overly concerned about it since I wasn’t planning on either of us staying dressed.

  Pausing in the kitchen entryway, I watched as Gwen pulled out a glass dish from the microwave using a dishtowel to protect her hands, while her cat weaved in and around her legs, purring.

  She was captivating without even trying, and it was enslaving.

  Her shirt barely covered her ass, same as the first night we met, and my cock stirred restlessly. “Smells good.” My mouth watered for more than her penne.

  “Thanks,” she said, glancing at me over her shoulder for a moment before she set to serving it. She filled two plates and grabbed a couple of folks before walking toward me, her eyes fixated on my pectorals.

  Her tongue darted to moisten her lips as she held a bowl to me, and I took it, my fingers brushing against hers purposely, as her gray eyes lifted to meet mine.

  “Cheers,” I said, grinning ruefully as she moved past me and set her bowl on the coffee table.

  She walked back into the kitchen to open the refrigerator. “Thirsty? I’ve got water and 7 Up.”

  “Water’s fine,” I answered, moving to the couch.

  Gwen nodded, grabbing two bottles from the door before closing it. She walked back to the living room and sat down, leaving a few feet between us. She set both bottles down and picked up her bowl, settling comfortably on the sofa with her legs crossed.

  “This is the second time you’ve fed me,” I remarked, my brows raising. “Are you trying to get to my heart through my stomach?”

  “Hardly,” she scoffed. “Friends can feed friends. Besides, I’m mostly feeding me. Like I said, I needed sustenance before round two.” She shrugged and took a large bite.

  It was oddly sensual that she wasn’t afraid to eat in front of me. It made her feel more real like she wasn’t concealing any part of herself like she wasn’t trying to impress me. She just…was, and that disarmed me.

  “Fair enough.” I laughed lowly before taking a bite. The flavor exploded on my tongue, and I moaned. “Fuck, woman. This tastes almost as good as you.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.” She laughed, colour staining her cheeks.

  “As you should.” I grinned, eating another bite, enjoying the smile my words brought to her face. The force of her beauty made my balls ache. Even without makeup, she was stunning. Flawless skin, thick lashes, and plump lips still swollen from our frenzied kisses.

  Watching the way her lips wrapped around the fork sent all the blood in my system rushing south.

  My cock strained against my zipper, and I set my empty bowl down, eyes still fixated on her. She smirked, taking one last bite of pasta before mirroring my action.

  “Are you ready for dessert?” she asked coyly, I nodded eagerly, grinning as I watched her stand and remove her t-shirt. She tossed it aside carelessly. “Meet me in the bathroom in five and bring a condom this time.” She tossed the words over her shoulder, disappearing behind the bathroom door.

  She didn’t have to tell me twice.


  Behind the safety of the bathroom door, I sat down on the table, trying to calm my racing heart.

  Something had shifted. I couldn’t figure out if it was him or me.

  Who was I kidding, it was probably me.

  Inwardly groaning, I glared at the ceiling. I needed to get myself together, and fast—the five minutes I’d given Alaric was quickly slipping away. I’d have plenty of time to sift through my emotional turbulence later when he left.

  Taking a deep breath, I finished peeing and flushed the toilet. I brushed my teeth with breakneck speed, making sure I got rid of all traces of food, and darted over to the tub to turn on the shower.

  Tugging my hair free, I ran my hands through the curls to separate them. I took another fortifying breath, and my nipples hardened against the chill in the air and the anticipation.

  Alaric knocked softly. “Come in,” I called, looking over my shoulder to watch him. He was still wearing his jeans, although he’d unbuttoned them and was commando. His thickening erection slapped proudly against the hard planes of his stomach when he pushed them the rest of the way down.

  He was so goddamn hot that looking directly at him was enough to get the juices pumping. I smirked a little, trying to play coy. “Hope you remembered the condoms.”

  “I did.” He grinned, flashing the strip at me. I pulled back the curtain, disappearing behind it.

  “There’s a spare toothbrush on the counter if you want.” I closed my eyes and let the hot water cascade over me.

  “Is that a subtle hint to brush my teeth?”

  “Yes,” I admitted, poking my head out to grin at him. I laughed at the look on his face. “Relax. I have a stash of never-opened toothbrushes under the sink.”

  “Why?” His brow furrowed, and my heart fluttered with the possibility that he was feeling jealous. I desperately hoped he was.

  “Look at the box.” I arched a brow, knowing it said the name of my dental office. “They give them out every time you go, but I don’t like the brand. I just take them to be polite, and they do come in handy.”

  “Do you do a lot of entertaining?”

  “No,” I said slowly. “I use them to clean the shower grout.” I disappeared behind the curtain as he chuckled.

  Even his laugh was attractive. It was like he wasn’t made from the same stuff as regular people.

  A couple of minutes later, Alaric joined me in the shower. He set a condom within reach on the side of the tub and moved toward me. Lowering his head, his lips
brushed tenderly against mine before his hand tangled in my wet curls.

  Deepening the kiss, Alaric moved forward until he’d backed me against the wall of the shower. He palmed my ass with his free hand, squeezing possessively.

  He hooked my leg up and held it, moving tighter against me. I nibbled on his lip, and his cock throbbed against my thigh in response. We were slippery and wet, and when I gripped the back of his neck, he slid against my core.

  We both drew in a breath, eyes fixated on the place where he’d brushed against me. The feel of his skin against my core made me whimper with want.

  Alaric drew in a breath and released me, reaching for the condom. He ripped the package open, then donned the latex in one fluid motion.

  Before I could question the logistics of shower sex, Alaric had already lifted me. My legs wrapped around his waist, and my back pressed against the wall of the shower. He supported me with his capable hands, sliding effortlessly into me.

  I gasped at the welcomed intrusion, my head falling back against the wall. My worries about his height fell away. My hands slipped around Alaric’s shoulders, along his muscular upper back. I tried to be conscious of my nails, but each time he drove his hips forward, they dug in a little more on their own accord.

  I’d never been with someone so intent on my pleasure before, so capable of reading my body and what it needed. It was the strangest thing, to feel safe in his arms while feeling completely ravaged at the same time.

  I shattered around him, my entire being exploding into fragments. Alaric’s hips thrust forward again, harder and deeper this time, as he moaned his release in my ear.

  My skin pebbled with goosebumps, and I drew a shaky breath, lifting my head to gaze at him. I was unable to contain my smile because he was looking like I’d given him a gift when in reality, it’d been him giving me the glorious gift of multiple orgasms.

  He withdrew, setting me down carefully. Rolling the condom off, Alaric tied it and opened the curtain enough to toss it in the trash, then turned to face me. “Any sexy shower scenes in your book?”


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