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Coalescence Page 18

by J. C. Hannigan

  My stomach tightened with an emotion somewhere between dread and disappointment that I still hadn’t heard from him.

  A door across the hall open and closed, followed by footsteps shuffling across the carpet and three impatient taps on my door. “Girlie, are you in there? Got some package from the Amazon for you. The man wouldn’t stop ringing the buzzer.”

  Hearing Mrs. Hewitt’s voice, I stood and quickly crossed over to open the door.

  She thrust the box at me, and I took it gratefully. “Thanks, Mrs. Hewitt. I’m really sorry about that.”

  “You should be. It was irritating and inconsiderate.” Mrs. Hewitt said crossly before turning to leave.

  “Well, thank you again, Mrs. Hewitt.”

  “You’re welcome,” she said, scrutinizing me for a moment before she continued across the hall.


  I was at the shop for five o’clock that morning to meet Mitch, and then we spent an additional two hours on the job site, just trying to get it done so we didn’t have to come out again.

  I hadn’t heard from Gwen since I left her place, but that hadn’t stopped me from thinking about her all day long.

  Before leaving my house, I’d tossed the supplies I’d need to fix her counter into the backseat, intent on repairing it as soon as possible. I knew it was just another excuse to see her again.

  It was nearly six when we finally got back to the shop, and I couldn’t leave quick enough.

  “Hold up a moment, son.” I froze at the sound of my boss’s voice and turned, keys in hand, watching as Russell approached my truck. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been intimidated by a girl’s father, and it went past him being my employer. “I just spoke to Mitch, and he gave another glowing review of your performance on site. You’ve completed another job ahead of schedule.”

  “I didn’t do it myself,” I responded, shrugging and hoping like hell I didn’t look as uneasy as I felt.

  Russell let out a low chuckle and scratched the back of his head thoughtfully. “Well, I appreciate the hard work.” He said, his eyes twinkling.

  “It’s my job, sir,” I told him, my hand twitching at my side. I gripped my keys a little tighter, not exactly trusting the calculating look in my boss’s eyes as he appraised me.

  Russell cleared his throat. “I’m going to toss you in the shop for the rest of the week. We fell a little behind on the Creek project after a few measurement mishaps, and I think throwing you in there will help bring us back up to speed.”

  “Of course.” I nodded, relaxing marginally. It wasn’t about Gwen.

  “We need to be on track to start assembling by Wednesday next week.”

  “I can make it happen,” I told him.

  “Great. You have a good night, son. See ya tomorrow,” Russell said, nodding once before turning and heading back into the office.

  I hit unlock on my remote and climbed in, letting out a heavy sigh. I rolled my neck, working the tension out, and shoved the key into the ignition, turning it with a flick of my wrist, guilt churning in my gut.

  I should head straight home, end this thing between the two of us. Clearly, I was having a harder time keeping things casual and compartmentalized.

  Maybe I don’t want to.

  The thought caught me completely off guard, and it was accompanied by the mental image of Gwen’s head thrown back in ecstasy as I drove into her over and over again.

  Normally, it was easy to keep sex separate from feelings, but I was beginning to realize that nothing about what we had was normal.

  Not the way I burned for her, not the way she crept into my thoughts at mundane moments, and certainly not from the wave of calm that washed over me the closer I got to her.

  I hesitated with my hand on the gearshift. Conflicting thoughts rolled around in my head—the conversation I had with my mother over the weekend, the one-sided argument I’d had with Cheryl, and my own wants and desires, my own fears and hang-ups.

  The kicker was I knew what my dad would say if he were still here. He’d tell me to stop being an idiot and get the girl. Find a way to make it all work.

  Tugging the gearshift, I pressed my heavy work boot down on the gas pedal and rolled from the parking lot, steering my truck in the direction of her apartment.

  I parked at the curb and hopped out, opening the rear door to grab the supplies I’d tossed in. I made my way to the entrance, slowing when I saw the brick propping the door open.

  Opening it, I climbed the five steps to Gwen’s apartment, pausing in front of her door. I took a breath and raised my fist, knocking hollowly against the cheap wood. A few moments later, it swung forward.

  Gwen’s dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she was wearing pants that looked painted on. Her eyes widened with surprise. She hadn’t been expecting me, but she smiled brightly like she was happy to see me.

  “Hey. Figured I’d stop in and fix that counter top,” I told her, trying to ignore the nervous pounding of my heart that betrayed why I was really there. To see her.

  I walked in, my heart slowing its frantic pulses. “Oh, you don’t have to do that,” she said, turning and heading back into the living room.

  “It’ll take fifteen minutes,” I said, removing my work boots.

  “Hmm, and are you expecting sexual favours in exchange for manual labour?” she asked, smiling at me over her shoulder.

  “I don’t expect anything,” I replied, my lips twitching into a smile as I neared her. “I broke it. I’ll fix it.”

  “All right,” she breathed. I moved past her and continued to the bathroom, to fix the counter we’d broken.

  Music started playing from the living room. Some kind of pop/hip-hop band I’d never heard before. It was so vastly different from what I listened to, and so completely her that I couldn’t help but smile and shake my head.

  Fifteen minutes later, I cleaned up my tools and put the lid back on the concrete cement before I looked over at Gwen standing in the doorway, wearing just the t-shirt. She tugged it over her head, letting it fall to the ground behind her, smiling playfully as she moved toward me.

  “You’ll want to let it set overnight, but it’s good to go,” I said gruffly, swallowing hard as I watched her hips sway with every step.

  “Thank you.” She hid a smile as she tilted her head, watching me, seeming to see everything and miss nothing. She stopped before me, her fingers deftly releasing my buckle and tugging down the zipper of my work jeans.

  Her hand wrapped around the base of my cock before I could respond, and I let out a grunt as she pumped me with one hand and tugged my shirt up over my abs with the other, her nails raking against my skin.

  I pulled it the rest of the way off as she moved on to my pants, pushing them down over my hips. She leaned away from me then to start the shower.

  “I can’t stay long,” I warned her as she straightened and turned to me.

  “That’s okay,” she said, and I could tell she meant it. Her lips curled in a slow smile as I moved against her, brushing her hair from her face with my hands. Looking into her eyes, it was impossible to deny how effortlessly she’d gotten to me.

  She stepped into the tub, and a moment later, I followed. I let the water pelt my back while my hands slid against her slick hips. Gwen’s arms wrapped around my neck, and we kissed, the water streaming between and all around us.

  “Why don’t you show me another one of those ways to have amazing shower sex?” she suggested, speaking against my lips and arching a brow.

  I grinned, completely up for the challenge, and turned her so that she stood with her back to me.

  “Thanks again,” she said, tucking a damp strand of hair behind her ear. “You saved me from having to call my landlord.” Her nose wrinkled a little as if the thought of having to call her landlord troubled her.

  “Don’t like your landlord?” I asked, setting down my supplies against the wall so I could pull on my boots, my eyes still on her. She was gravity, and I cou
ldn’t seem to tear myself away.

  The last thing I wanted to do right now was leave, but I knew I had to. Tig was waiting for me.

  “I guess you could say that.” She shrugged as I made my way over to her; watching her lips as they curved into an attractive smile as I approached. “He’s kind of sleazy.”

  The smile faded from my lips, and I lifted my chin, a wave of protectiveness overcoming me. “Is he giving you trouble?”

  She laughed, her smile widening. “I can handle myself.”

  “I’m sure you can.” My lips twitched.

  “I appreciate the concern, though,” she remarked, eyeing me suggestively. “It’s a turn on.”

  “Is it now?”

  Gwen laughed again stood on her tip-toes to kiss me. “I’ll see you later, Alaric.”

  “Yeah.” I nodded, scooping my stuff back up as Gwen opened the door for me. “See you later.” My gaze lingered as I stepped out into the hall.


  Hump Day


  I rolled up to the shop around seven o’clock, and I was surprised to see only Gwen’s car parked in the lot. Pulling up close to the shop door, I killed the ignition and watched her for a moment, moving around in the office, turning on lights, unaware of my eyes tracking her.

  If she was the first to arrive, then the shop wasn’t open yet. I’d have to go in through the office. Exhaling, I grabbed my welding helmet and opened the door. Catching movement in her peripheral, Gwen looked up.

  The bell dinged when I opened it, and Gwen moved toward me with purpose. “Alaric,” she said, her gaze sliding slowly from my face to my body.

  “Gwen,” I replied, my lips twitching into a smile. I lifted my chin, my brows furrowing. “Is the shop open yet?”

  “Not yet,” she replied, moving toward me purposefully. She stopped in front me and looked up, a smirk dancing on her painted lips. “You’re the first to arrive.”

  The urge to wrap my fist around the thick braid over her shoulder, drag her to me and kiss her was staggering.

  “Come over tonight,” I murmured.

  “And why would I do that?” she challenged, her eyes betraying her.

  “Because you want to.” I shrugged. “And I want you to.”

  She inhaled sharply and bit her lip, holding back a smile. “Fine.”

  “I’ll text you,” I said, moving closer to her. Overcome with the need to claim her mouth, I’d forgotten all the reasons why I shouldn’t. Damn the consequences.

  I looked over, spotting her father through the office doors as he spoke to Mitch in the parking lot. All he had to do was turn, and he’d see how close we were standing.

  She nodded, and I slipped through the shop door. The last thing I heard was the sound of her heels clicking as she walked back into the office.

  I headed to my workstation and set my welding helmet on the bench, taking a moment to refocus. Distractions could be dangerous on the job, and I had a lot of cutting to do.

  Cracking my knuckles, I pulled my helmet over my face and got to work.

  Hell-bent on finishing the support beams, I ended up staying later than I intended. I lost track of time, and when I looked at my phone after finally setting my welding gun down, my stomach lurched when I realized it was past nine.

  Texting Gwen to let her know I was just finishing up, I pulled off my coveralls and hung it on the hook by my workbench. I cleaned up my workstation and locked up the shop, leaving through the office and locking the connecting door on my way through.

  I could see the top of her head when I walked past the front desk. She looked up when I came through, and I slowed, everything stilling when she smiled. She set her pen down and closed the notebook she’d been writing in, and I swallowed hard.

  “Where’s Russell?”

  She stood, turning out her lamp and sliding the notebook into her purse. “He left a couple of hours ago,” she replied, turning to me and flashing a mischievous grin.

  Gwen bit her lip, her gaze heating beneath my leisurely perusal of her body. I moved toward her, watching the rise and fall of her breasts.

  I leaned forward, my lips meeting hers softly at first, until she pressed herself against me, running her hands along my jaw. Her fingers tangled in my hair, and my hands dropped to her ass as the kiss deepened.

  Breathless, she pulled away. Shaking her head, she watched me with fascination.

  “What?” I asked, breathing heavily, just as affected.

  “Nothing,” she said quickly, shaking her head and biting down on her bottom lip as she moved closer. Her breath fanned out against my lips, and I breathed her in, everything shifting and realigning. Around Gwen, everything meant more. I felt deeper, saw clearer, felt steadier.

  She was gravity.

  But before I could form a coherent follow-up thought, Gwen’s lips were back on mine, her hands tugging at my belt, her warm palms slipping against my torso and sliding down until they wrapped around my cock.

  My right hand tangled in her hair while I dropped my left one to her breast, kneading it, running my calloused fingers over the sensitive bud of her nipple. The thin material of her blouse did nothing to conceal it, and I let out a tortured groan. “Gwen…”

  She nipped at my bottom lip playfully, smiling as she pushed my Dakota cargo pants and boxers over my hips. “Are you scared of getting caught, Alaric?”

  “A little,” I admitted, my eyes closing as her hand wrapping around my base. She pumped it, her fingers sliding across the tip slowly.

  “Better hurry, then.” She grinned, releasing me. Biting her lip, she stepped backwards until her thighs hit her desk. She pulled her skirt up slowly, her fingers slipping into the lace waistband of her thong. She shimmied out of them and tucked them into her purse, pulling out a foil packet.

  I watched as she dropped the bag onto the floor, her eyes still observing me. Daring me as she lifted herself onto her desk. I stepped toward to stand between her legs. Looking down, I watched as she rolled the condom on and scooted forward, her legs falling open, baring herself to me.

  Leaning forward, I claimed her lips and slid into her, heart pounding as her slick walls clenched against me. I wrapped my arm around her, using my other arm to gently push back her monitor and keyboard so she’d have more room.

  She gripped the edge of her desk for purchase, her lips moving against mine as my hips drove forward. Her thighs tightened around my hips, and when I brought my hand around to work her bud, she let out a pleasured cry, her orgasm spurring mine.

  I pumped my hips once more, driving as deep as I could go before I came.

  “Told you we wouldn’t get caught,” she said breathlessly, her lids fluttering shut when she felt my cock throb within her.

  I pulled out, chuckling lightly at the frown that marred her lips at my absence. I tied off the condom, wrapped it in tissue, and discarded it in the trash bin. I looked up to watch Gwen adjust her skirt. She leaned forward and moved the monitor and keyboard back in place while I buttoned my pants.

  She picked up her purse, and straightening, her eyes went to the office doors. Gwen paled, and I turned, seeing headlights enter the lot. She shot me a nervous glance before moving toward the door. “Let’s go.”

  I grabbed her hand, dragging her back. I licked my thumb and wiped away the lipstick smudge on the corner of her mouth before releasing her.

  “Shit.” She panicked.

  “Relax, it’s gone. You look perfect,”

  “I look recently fucked, Alaric,” she whispered nervously, moving toward the door. I followed, stomach churning with nerves.

  Gwen typed the code and held the door open. I moved through it, and she followed, locking it quickly while Russell rolled his window down. “Just finishing up now?”

  “Yes, sir. I've halfway finished the support beams.”

  Russell’s thick brows rose with surprise, and he nodded. “That’s great, that means we’re on track for the Creek project.” His gaze shifted from me to hi
s daughter, who’d moved around me, giving me a wide berth.

  “Hey, Dad. How’d the meeting go?” she asked, stopping at the edge of the sidewalk.

  “Great,” Russell replied, his tone a little distracted.

  “That’s good.” She nodded, her smile relaxing a little.

  Russell glanced back at me. “Another day like today, and we’ll be ready to pack up the truck Friday morning. Think you can pull it off?”

  “If you don’t mind me putting in the overtime,” I said, nodding slowly.

  He nodded, turning his attention to his daughter. “Text me when you’re home safe, okay?”

  “Yes, Dad. Goodnight,” Gwen replied, smiling tiredly. Russell nodded, shifting his car into drive and rolling slowly from the parking lot. Knowing he could still see us in the rearview mirror, she started to move toward her car. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” She glanced at me before opening the door.

  I nodded, waiting until she’d pulled from her spot before I turned to my truck.


  After work on Wednesday, Kelsey showed up with a binder and a stack of pristine envelops and cards, fresh from the printer.

  “I need you to help me with the wedding invitations,” she said, pushing her way into my apartment and setting everything down on my hardly-ever-used kitchen table.

  “Aha, I knew you’d call upon my powers of calligraphy eventually,” I remarked.

  Kelsey gave me an unamused look. “Speaking of which, I’ve only been trying to get you to come over for days. Where have you been?”

  “I’ve been busy,” I shrugged before disappearing into the kitchen to grab us both a glass of wine. On my return, I paused by the counter to text Alaric a warning, should he decide to stop in on his way home. We’d had enough close calls this week. “Besides, the wedding’s not for another year. We’ve got plenty of time.”

  “Do we?” Kelsey demanded with her hand on her hip and her eyes tight with stress. “Because the wedding keeps getting closer and my to-do list keeps getting longer. Elliott is basically useless when it comes to planning things, and his mother is beginning to drive me absolutely insane! God, if I didn’t love Elliott so much, I’d walk away from this bloody wedding!” She snapped, yanked a chair out, and fell into it dramatically.


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