Yes, Master (D'Amato Brothers/S&M Crossover Book 2)

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Yes, Master (D'Amato Brothers/S&M Crossover Book 2) Page 1

by Vera Roberts

  Yes, Master

  By Vera Roberts

  For YESM.

  © 2014 Vera Roberts, All Rights Reserved

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  She knew she was in over her head the moment she saw Them both.

  Krista Allen recently became fascinated with BDSM by reading a flurry of romance novels on the subject. Deciding she read enough about it and wanted to experience it for herself, she headed to one of New York’s finest BDSM clubs, hoping to encounter two of the most sought-after Doms. Little did she know, she would need to work hard if she wanted her fantasy to come true.

  Scott Reed has a submissive specifically picked out for Him by His Mistress but He wants a bit more experience before He turns all of His attention to her. When He sees Krista at The Dungeon, He helps her understand the BDSM lifestyle and show her a little bit of what it is about in ways she couldn’t imagine.

  Saint Nick doesn’t have a lot of time to spare between his profession and nurturing His two submissives, Stacey and Whitney. When his good friend from Los Angeles comes out for a favor, Nick is very grateful and advises Scott on his issue with Mariana, his maid. He also returns a favor to Scott for his time as well.

  Yes, Master is a D’Amato Brothers/S&M crossover novella. It deals with BDSM, D/s relationships, trust, and commitment issues. This is the second and final book in a two-part novella series and the lead-in to the sixth D’Amato Brothers novel, due in 2015.

  Author’s Note: This series takes place before To Love and Obey (D’Amato Brothers #2) and immediately before the beginning of the S&M books.

  “I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.”

  Anaïs Nin

  Book I


  When Krista Allen was younger, one of her friend’s mothers was a spiritual medium. She once gave Krista a palm reading and predicted her future while she analyzed her energy. Your aura often shows up before you do, the mystical woman once warned her, be aware of how you present yourself at all times.

  It made Krista wonder if the woman meant today.

  “You look…different.”

  From the time she entered MillionHair, she felt all eyes were on her. Maybe she was a bit more self-conscious of how she looked and presented herself. No, that wasn’t it. She wore the same outfits she always did.

  She knew what it was, though. She wasn’t going to tell anyone her secret.

  Krista took a quick glance at herself in the mirror and ran a hand through her curly black locks. She quickly shook her head. “No.”

  Her coworker, Cameron, eyed Krista very carefully. He was a gay man who had a keen intuitive sense and loved hearing about spilled tea every chance he got. With smooth almond skin, a light goatee, and a deep baritone voice, Cameron often had his female clients really questioning if he was truly gay with more than a few offering to help decide via sexual favors. He knew there was something different about Krista, but he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what. “You look different. Did you change your hair?”

  “I didn’t change anything about me, Cam.” Krista went back to fixing her client’s hair.

  “I know what’s different,” Another stylist, Kimberly, smiled. She was a Latina woman with dangerous curves and an even sharper tongue to match. “Mami over there got a man.”

  Cameron turned back to Krista with a small smirk on his face and a dance in his brown eyes. “Oh? Do tell.”

  “There’s no man,” Krista sighed, “believe me, if there was something y’all would be the first to know.”

  “But there’s someone, right?” Another stylist, Jocelyn, asked. She was a thin White woman who acted like she came out of the ghetto than the two-parent suburbia household she was raised in.

  “No,” Krista repeated, “there…is…no…one.”

  “Okay,” Cameron retreated to his station and sat down on the client chair, as he carefully watched Krista work on her client. Was it her outfit that was different? No. She still wore the same frumpy clothing – jeans, sneakers, and a t-shirt. The same solid colors and not a change in sight. She was in desperate need of a makeover. “If you say there’s no man in your life, then there isn’t. Though, I don’t quite believe that.”

  You can believe what you want, Krista thought. She knew why her fellow coworkers thought the way they did. She was different. Her entire aura had completely changed. She was no longer meek and mild.

  She was the product of Master Scott.

  She could admit there was just a bit more bounce in her step that day. Krista found herself humming along to a song on the radio as she drove to MillionHair salon. It was a song she didn’t particularly care for and she was annoyed that it was so popular. Yet, not only was she humming along with it, she also snapped her fingers to the beat.

  She took more pride in her outfits and could admit she spent a bit more time in front of the mirror lately. When she’d walked down the street, her hips guided the way. She’d already received looks before from passing strangers, but now they were stopping to take notice. One guy was so focused on her, he almost rear-ended someone else.

  All because of Sir.

  “Confidence,” He purred as His hands caressed her inner thighs, “is so damn sexy. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, always walk like you own the world. People will have to take notice and respect that, even if you don’t believe it yourself.”

  He’d fucked her into submission twice the week before and when they didn’t have sex, He used a variety of instruments to get her off. She’d lost count of orgasms after four.

  When they weren’t in a scene, they talked about a variety of topics. Sir loved baseball and football and was an avid supporter of the Atlanta Falcons. She was surprised when she heard that piece of news but then it made sense to her since he was from Georgia.

  A true Southern gentleman.

  She hadn’t heard from Him since He’d left and she wondered if their one night was just that. Maybe the talks of her going out to L.A. and spending a week at His home, submitting to His every sexual need was just pillow talk and He said that to every woman.

  No, she couldn’t believe it. Sir wouldn’t make a grandiose promise like that and just leave her hanging. Though Krista had no way of getting into contact with Him, Sir had her number. He hadn’t called her that week.

  Maybe He was full of shit. “There is no one,” Krista reassured, “now can be please talk about something else?”

  “Okay, we can talk about something else,” Faith D’Amato entered the salon along with two huge bouquets of flowers behind her, “like we can talk about why you’re a lying ass?”

  “What?” Krista watched the flowers being delivered to her station. There were two large vases of multicolored roses. She counted the number of roses in one vase; a staggering thirty-six. She assumed the other vase had the equal amount. Someone had sent her six-dozen roses.

  “The card is right here in case you were wondering,” Faith held out her hand.

  Krista quickly snatched the card away from her best friend. “I’m not even going to
ask if you’ve read it.”

  “Because you already know that I did.” Faith proudly smiled.

  Krista opened up the card and was immediately overwhelmed with joy, elation and curiously, desire.

  Thinking about you, sugar.

  Sir didn’t speak much but when He did, it was straight to the point. He made His point loud and very clear.

  Krista couldn’t say it were butterflies she was feeling; she knew what the arrangement was and respected it. Sir made her feel like she was the only woman in the world and it was a treatment she could get used to.

  “Soooo….” Faith smiled. “…is there something you want to tell me, Kristabella?”

  Krista stuffed the card in her jeans pocket and went back to styling her client’s hair. “Hell, no.”


  “The flowers were delivered, Scott,” Elissa Rodriguez met with her boss in his office.

  “Great,” Scott grinned as he played with a pen on his desk. It had been a very long week since he’d seen Krista but prior work commitments prevented him from calling her. When he wanted to call her, the timing was off; it was either too early or too late due to the three-hour time difference.

  He also didn’t want to smother her. He needed to get to know the woman who was going to make a special visit to him. A courting of sorts needed to take place. “Once we have a conversation, I’ll let you know about travel arrangements.”

  “Girlfriend?” Elissa asked. She knew better than to question her boss on his personal life but she honestly wondered how he was doing since his disastrous breakup.

  “No, girlfriend. Not yet.” Scott briefly thought about Mariana. He was still unsure about pursuing a relationship with her but at least Krista was a good distraction as he thought about what he wanted to do. “Just a good friend.”

  “A good friend, huh?” Elissa repeated. She caught Scott’s glance at her; a look that politely told her to mind her damn business. “Either you’re begging for permission or you’re asking for forgiveness.”

  Scott carefully thought about his pursuit of Krista. Maybe he was asking God to forgive him for all of the sinning he was about to commit. “I have a lot of friends, Elissa.”

  “I know,” Elissa was well aware of the many friends Scott had entertained since he came back from his sabbatical. It seemed like every week, there was someone new and if Elissa had to guess, there was probably someone new every night. Softly shaking her head, she gathered her notepad and pen and started to head back to her desk. She stopped at the door and faced her boss again. “One day, you’re going to meet a woman who is going to turn your world upside down…”

  “I already have…” Scott quipped.

  “Someone different…” Elissa interrupted. “…if you let her go, it’ll be the worst thing you’ll ever do.” She winked and left his office.

  Scott thought about what Elissa said. He still wasn’t entirely sure that Mariana was the woman for him but he was going to cross that bridge when the time came. For now, it was all about Krista and he had his work cut out for him.

  It was time to go shopping.


  “So how was New York?” Jeff Miller asked as they walked downtown neighboring Pasadena. He was a tall chocolate brother with athletic build and bald head. He had a neatly trimmed goatee and a deep, authoritative voice. “That was a short and sweet trip.”

  “It was fun,” Scott mentioned, “The festival was great as always and had a blast.”

  “The festival, huh?” Jeff smirked. His best friend may have said one thing but he definitely implied something else. Ever since Scott found his balls after the breakup with the Great Disaster, he’d racked up scores of women. “That’s all?”

  “I may have entertained a couple of women,” Scott smiled.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Jeff shook his head. Being happily married for the past several years, he definitely didn’t miss the dating scene. “Don’t you get tired, man?”

  “Of what?” Scott asked.

  “Bouncing from female to female,” Jeff shrugged, “doesn’t it get boring?”

  “Are you really asking me if I’m tired of sleeping with different women all time?” Scott laughed.

  “Yeah, I know you’re getting your dick wet because of what happened, but man, that’s been a year already. Don’t you think you need to settle down and find you that one?”

  Scott immediately thought of Mariana. When he returned home briefly to change clothing, Mariana greeted him at home. It was a sight he’d already gotten accustomed to. “I will. Eventually.”

  “Eventually.” Jeff repeated with a thick smear of cynicism. “Okay.”

  “I have something I need to share with you first,” Scott looked up and saw they’d arrived at their destination. “There’s something about me you should probably know.”

  Jeff glanced up at the sign of the store. It didn’t take a long stretch of imagination to figure out what Scott had in mind. The name of the shop said it all – Kink ‘N Boots.

  Jeff and Scott entered the adult store and Jeff paused. In front of him was nothing but leather, chains, riding crops, and whips. To his right was a wall full of dildos and vibrators. To his left were the numerous intimate replicas of a few porn stars he religiously watched. It wasn’t Jeff’s first time in a sex shop, but it was clear this one catered to tastes that went beyond just spicing it up in the bedroom. “So you finally decided to come all the way out of the closet, huh?”

  “What? No.” Scott dismissed his friend. “I’m experimenting with a new lifestyle change.” Scott walked toward the back with Jeff in tow. Before them were a variety of implements. “Have you heard of BDSM?”

  “BDSM?” Jeff repeated. “I don’t think I have.”

  “You may have heard of the mainstream term – S&M.” Scott corrected and Jeff nodded. “Well, that’s my life calling.”

  Jeff walked over to a pair of assless chaps. “Gay shit?”

  “Dude, it’s not gay.” Scott corrected. “BDSM – Bondage, Domination, Submission, and Masochism. It’s about power exchange. Loyalty and submission. Leadership and direction to those who are willing to accept it. Having your senses awakened by the One who you have entrusted your life and well-being to. Love, if the timing is right and the person is worthy. There’s much more to it than just hair-pulling, ass-slapping, and chains. It’s very …intimate, if you will.”

  Jeff grinned and raised his eyebrows. He’s heard his best friend say some pretty crazy shit over the years and it usually happened when he under the influence of some substance. Now Scott was completely sober and really talking out of his ass. It only meant one thing – he was sprung. “Well, look at you waxing poetic, Mr. Reed.” Jeff leaned over a counter of anal beads. “So who’s the chick that turned you out? I know you didn’t just become like this overnight.”

  Scott sighed as he thought about Mistress. She wasn’t a chick. She wasn’t just a woman. She was…a magnetic enigma. She was alluring, beautiful, and enticing. Sexy was too tame of a word to describe her. Enchanting seemed more apt. “We’re not together in the traditional sense. She’s a mentor.”

  “She threw them hot grits on you, didn’t she?” Jeff asked and Scott laughed. “Alright, alright. If you want to keep her a secret, that’s cool, too.” Jeff glanced down at the anal beads and saw some he was interested in trying out on his wife. He may not have been into BDSM but it didn’t mean he still didn’t get down. “Now for the obvious question…why did you feel the need to tell me this? If you didn’t tell me, I probably would’ve never asked.”

  “I share everything with you despite if you want to hear it or not,” Scott shrugged.

  “Yeah, but this is something you wouldn’t just share with your brother now,” Jeff commented, “am I going to see you in the gossip blogs again?”

  “I just thought you should know.” Scott stated, probably more hastily than he intended. “It might come handy in the future.”

  “I don’t know what the h
ell about BSMD…”


  “Whatever,” Jeff chuckled, “I don’t know what part of that is going to come in handy in the future but if you say it’s something I need to know than I’ll take your word for it.”

  Scott briefly thought about Mariana again. If she was the one for him, he was going to need a lot of patience and he honestly wondered if he had it in him. “It will.”


  “You only come in every now and again,” Tony D’Amato draped a styling cape on his brother, “I was starting to think you forgot you had family.”

  “I’m busy,” Nick commented, “A new semester just started and I have a lot on my plate.”

  “A lot on your plate, huh?” Tony inquired. “Like…meet anyone new lately?”

  “I swear you and Mama should win an award for how many times you’re going to set me up with someone.”

  “I’m just saying, Nicky…” Tony prepared his brother for a shave. “…Eli’s married, Kieran’s dating since the Jalara disaster…you know how me and Joey do it.”

  “Yes, I’m well aware of you and Joey are in a competition to bang the most hoes in New York,” Nick recalled something his youngest brother once said, “Antonio, I need to teach you how to respect women. They’re not all hoes.”

  “No, they’re not. I know that,” Tony shrugged as he slathered some shaving cream on Nick’s face, “just the ones that are stupid enough to think they’re going to get my money. Those are the ones I’m referring to.”

  “Well, if you stop telling everyone how you won the lottery–which you didn’t by the way–your selection of women would be a lot better.” Nick suggested.

  “Mom won, I won, same difference,” Tony shrugged again.

  Nick briefly opened his mouth to argue Tony’s point, and then decided against it. Sometimes you just can’t argue with reason. “Okay, little brother.”


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