The Eternal War Series Box Set

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The Eternal War Series Box Set Page 3

by Holly Vane

  Holly was firmly rooted to the spot engrossed by Dominic’s strange reaction to a sudden breeze. The light finally broke through the shadows causing them to retreat back to the gloom; the neon light got brighter bathing her in a hot glow. It got so bad that she had to shield her eyes against it.

  “Let me help you.” The voice was like nothing Holly had ever heard. It was like the haunting melody she had loved growing up; that her father had played over and over. Sad and sweet at the same time.

  She looked to Dominic to see if he had heard it too but he was still glaring behind her. She turned slowly, apprehensively… The boy was crouched down in front of her; his strong but elegant hands scooped up her books from the cold floor. When he rose to look at her she thought she had died and gone to heaven.

  He was a vision.

  Her hungry eyes took him in piece by piece. The soft light from the corridor caught his brown hair bringing out the natural blonde highlights in it; making them gleam as they played with the light. His face was angelic. Smooth light brown skin and the softness of his curved lips made his round blue eyes shine as bright as sapphires against their back drop.

  He held out her books. “I believe these belong to you.”

  Holly nodded awed at this beautiful stranger. He stepped closer to her pressing the books lightly into her hands and whispered, “you should get to class.” Her whole body reeled from how close he had been forgetting Dominic's presence Holly slowly started off down the corridor. She turned back suddenly remembering Dominic. Her eyes were instantly pulled towards the other boy like a magnet he drew her gaze.

  Dominic stepped in front of him. “I'll catch you up. I need to take a...leek.” He shouted to her. She nodded absently then shuffled to class.


  Dominic waited till Holly was out of sight before turning to the stranger. “Very subtle.” He told him clapping his hands in mock applause.

  “Leave the girl alone Dom.” The stranger said still looking after her. Dominic's grin vanished. “Think you can make me...Caleb?”

  Caleb finally looked at Dominic. His face passive. Not betraying an inch of what was burning inside. Caleb was taller and heavier built than Dominic but he knew exactly what Dominic was capable of. It wasn't the first time that the two had met.

  “This town is crawling with Angels Dom; you'll never make it past the town limits with her.”

  Dominic smiled slowly. “I have no intention of leaving your....repulsive town just yet.”

  “No you just intend on corrupting her. You do know that if you succeed they will kill her.”

  Dominic shrugged his shoulders dismissively. “That's your problem Williams. You're the one who has to keep her alive.” He chuckled. “It's been a while since I've had a virgin. Bet she's delicious.”

  Caleb grabbed Dominic's shoulders and slammed him into the wall of lockers; the metal bended in on itself groaning under the weight. “Oh,” Dominic laughed seemingly enjoying his self. “Have I hit a nerve?” Caleb let go of him and tried to walk it off. He should never of lost his temper like that. Dominic loved getting a rise out of him.

  Dominic snorted then looked at Caleb with amazement like he had just figured something out.

  “You feel for her.” It wasn't a question. It was a fact.

  Caleb stopped pacing and glared at him hate twisting his handsome features.

  “Leave Dom. Now. Or this will end badly for all of us.”

  Chapter Three


  Heaven vs. Hell

  “Wow!” Ricky let out a low whistle. He was sat at one of the wooden picnic tables in the school yard. The sun was shining in Cherry Falls and everyone was taken full advantage of it. Ricky had never seen so many people crowded into the schools tiny yard before.

  He was joined at the table by his two best friends. Holly had taken the moment she had with her friends to tell them about the mysterious conversation her parents had had last night.

  “I don't get it.” Jo said. “Why would they freak out over Dominic? He's so...dreamy.” She looked up into the blue cloudless sky, and sighed. Ricky tossed a crisp at her that hit her arm she brushed it off giving him a kick under the table.

  “Oh...Dominic!” Ricky mocked in his best damsel in distress voice. “At least he's not immature.” She told him. Holly wanted them back on topic. “I'm not even sure that Dominic is the 'him' they were referring to. But who else could it be?”

  Jo and Ricky both came up blank besides them Holly didn't have much of a social life.

  “I'd be more worried about who they were calling.” Jo said after a second. Holly hadn't thought about that. Who were they intending to call?

  “It's all a bit vague and weird.” Ricky added.

  On seeing the worry on Holly's face they both tried to make light of it.

  “Oh cheer up. It's just parents freaking out. It'll pass Holly.” Jo told her while laying a hand on her arm supportively. Holly tried to muster a smile. She looked away from them so that they wouldn't see the doubt in her eyes. Was Jo right?

  Was she getting worked up over nothing?

  She saw Dominic emerge from the science building and her mind flashed back to earlier; when they had been interrupted by that handsome stranger. Holly was glad he had showed up when he had God knows what would have happened if he hadn't. Regardless of the guilt she felt over Jo every time she spoke to Dominic Holly couldn't deny how attracted she was to him. But that stranger...He had been so....heavenly. The way he had appeared out of the blue; The way he had talked to her so gently she felt like she had known him all her life; the way he smelled. It all seemed surreal but painfully familiar that Holly thought she might have dreamt him up if Dominic hadn’t seen him too.

  When she had looked back at them in the corridor she had felt the tension between the two.

  Holly must have been staring because Jo turned immediately spotted Dominic. “There he is!” She let out a little squeal. Ricky followed her gaze. “Who?” He asked her. “My Dominic of course!” Jo went running over to him.

  Ricky turned away and Holly saw the heartbreak in his eyes. “He's...buff.” He said quietly. “Jo never mentioned that he was buff.”

  “Why don't you tell her the way you feel?” Holly asked him. Dragging her eyes away from Dominic who looked pretty pissed off about something. He was frowning at Jo.

  “Because she doesn't feel the same. I know she doesn't. She likes guys like...him.” Ricky threw his thumb in Dominic's direction. It was true that Dominic was gorgeous and was totally in a different league to Ricky; but Ricky was a sweet, loyal dependable guy that was always around when you needed him. Jo could do a lot worse.

  “You put yourself down too much Ricky.”

  He shook his head. “I know what Jo likes and I'm not even close to it.”

  Holly looked back over towards Jo who had Dominic by the hand and was part guiding, part dragging him over to their table. Holly felt a stab of envy as her eyes fell on Jo's small hand in his.

  “Hey who's that?” Ricky asked.

  Holly glanced behind and her heart nearly gave out. The beautiful stranger was walking towards them. He seemed to dazzle in the bright sunshine making the girls stare as he walked past Holly felt ridiculously jealous of the way their eyes hovered on his toned body.

  “Hey guys.” Jo reached the table with Dominic but he wasn't looking at them. His eyes were firmly fixed on the stranger sailing towards them.

  “So I was...Who is that?” Jo stared at the stranger as he to Holly's utter amazement came to a stop at their table. His eyes rested on Dominic for a second and she saw his jaw tighten then relax. Holly was reeling she never expected to see him again and almost fainted when his bright eyes came to a rest on her. The green grass of the yard and the solidness of the wooden table faded until all she could see was him.


  “Hi.” Holly returned breathlessly. Jo cleared her throat. “Hi. I’m Jo Watson.” Behind her Dominic's face was like thunder. “Cale
b Williams.” He replied to Jo politely then returned his attention to Holly which annoyed Jo.

  “Could you tell me where the gym is?” He asked.

  “Well you could try opening your eyes.” Dominic piped in before Holly could answer. His head jerked in the direction of the gym that was just say visible through a group of elms. “It's the huge white building over there. Sticks out a mile. Gotta be blind not to see it.” He's voice dripped with venom.

  The two stared each other down with pure loathing on their handsome faces. Until Holly couldn't take it any-more. What was their problem?

  “I'll show you.” She blurted out getting to her feet. Dominic broke his gaze and looked at her like he'd just remembered she was there. “I'll see you guys in class.” She said to him quickly before swinging her bag strap over her head and marched towards the gym like a woman on a mission. She didn't need to look back to see if Caleb was following. He fell into stride next to her. Matching her symmetry perfectly.

  “This is very kind of you.” He said. Holly could listen to his voice all day. “Your new here, right?” She caught him giving her a sideways glance and didn't want Caleb to think that she was a busy body. “It's just I've never seen you before and I think I would have remembered you.” She cringed.

  He smiled taking it in his stride. “I'll take that as a compliment. I’ve Just moved here with my Father.”

  “Where from?”


  “Ah the City of Angels. I would love to see it. I've never been....” She trailed off when he stopped. Holly faced him and blushed; he was studying her intensely trying to read her. “Something I said?” She asked eyebrows rose. He immediately recovered. “No.”

  “How do you know Dominic?” She asked when he had started moving again. She badly wanted to know the deal between them.

  “Who?” He asked his expression neutral.

  “That guy back there. He was with me this morning...when we met.”

  “I don't know him.” He said slowly.

  Holly wasn't buying it. “You seem to really dislike each other. You don't feel that intensely about someone you don't know.” She stopped when had nearly reached the gym. Caleb faced her.

  “Okay know each a way.” He said trying to find the words to explain. “It's complicated.”

  Holly nodded her head and slowly ate up the space between them. There was something about Caleb that made her feel safe, at ease. Her whole body felt relaxed and calm, except her heart. That was anything but calm. Being so close to him made her head dizzy but in a good way. “Okay. So um the gym's right behind you. Think you can find your way from here. Or would you like me to take you to your locker room?” She winked at him. Was she flirting? Holly didn't know what had gotten into her. She couldn't help herself.

  He grinned, “I'm okay for now but maybe next time....” He winked back then vanished into the gym.

  The world started to spin under Holly's feet. She felt incredibly hot, she fanned her face with her hand to try and cool herself down. “Oh boy....”


  “So. Spill it. Where'd you meet him?” Jo asked keeping her voice down.

  They were sitting around a square table. The teacher, Miss Mills was busy telling the class about the Tudors or something Holly hadn't been able to focus on a word since she had took her seat. She was still dreaming about Caleb.

  “Hi Dominic.” Heather Sutton bent down and whispered as she passed to find her table. Heather was the school's head cheerleader and homecoming Queen. All the boys went mad for her and Holly could see why. She was amazingly beautiful, with long, straight blonde hair, and green eyes; her legs which she always showed off, seemed to stretch on for decades.

  Dominic smiled at her while Jo gave her an evil glance and said, “push off tart!” Making everyone look at her. Heather gave a snort then left. Dominic looked at Jo in annoyance. To be fair Holly could understand why. Jo was acting like his girlfriend when things between them were still uncertain. Jo still didn't know if he liked her.

  “Well, are you going to tell me?” Jo continued not noticing or just plain ignoring the glare Dominic was giving her.

  “I just bumped in to him this morning while I was....” Holly stopped herself realizing what was about to spill out next. She cast an anxious glance Dominic’s way who was looking at her with a grin of amusement... Jo didn't need to know that she had been alone with Dominic when Caleb had magically appeared.

  “Getting my stuff from my locker.” She finished looking down at her opened text book.

  “That's why you were so were late to class.” Jo exclaimed. Holly felt her cheeks flush she hated lying to Jo like this but it was for her own good.

  When the bell rang Holly practically sprang out of her seat like a coiled spring. She didn't want to be interrogated by Jo but it was Dominic who followed her.

  “Someone's being naughty.” He teased.

  “No I'm not. I'm just....keeping to myself.” Holly shot at him. He threw his hands up in surrender. “Seriously why didn't you tell her you were with me?” He asked suddenly all business. Holly stopped walking; he grabbed her wrist and tugged her into a classroom doorway. Standing there with his body practically pressed against hers she felt an overwhelming desire to taste him but to her disappointment he leaned away. She saw uncertainty cloud his dark eyes as a look of bewilderment crossed his incredible beautiful face it stayed there for a moment before he quickly reverted to his old self.

  “Unless you've had your head in the clouds these past few days you have to know how much Jo's into you. I mean really into you. I've never seen her this wound up about a guy before. She wouldn't understand. She already thinks that you and me...” She trailed off unable to say the rest. She was already imaging his arms wrapped around her.

  Damn it! She had to stop thinking like this; he was forbidden fruit.

  He looked at her and instantly she melted. “Thinks we what?”

  Her chest heaved the pining for him was becoming unbearable.

  “Dominic,” she whispered. He was so close now that Holly could hear him breathing hard. His chest rose and fell as quickly as her own. “It's a line we can't cross.”

  His lips were inches away. “Lines were made to be crossed.” He whispered.

  Their lips met in an explosion of passion.

  His kiss was soft, tender, amazing. He wrapped an arm around her waist pressing her body into his. Holly knew this shouldn't be happening but she was powerless to stop it. She wanted him. She could try and deny it but she couldn't escape the truth.


  His face flashed through her mind causing her momentarily lapse of self-control to right itself. She broke away. “I'm sorry. I just can't...” She told him then ran as fast as her legs could carry her.


  “She's late.”

  Ricky kicked off his shoes and spread his legs across the Watson's plush sofa.

  “She's always late.” Jo reminded him placing the bowl of hot popcorn on the wooden table; while checking her watch anxiously. “He should be here by now.”

  “Who?” Ricky asked.

  “Dominic. Oh well we'll just have to start the movie without them.” She threw herself down beside Ricky. They watched the opening credits in silence. “You invited Dominic? I didn't know he was part of our crew now.” He finally said. She glared at him. “He's not. But maybe...after....” she trailed off. He didn't push it. “Have you noticed how different Holly's been since school started?” He asked changing the subject.

  “It's just her parents stressing her out. They want her to go to Brown you know?”

  “Really? Brown?”

  Jo nodded. “She'll be fine once finals are out the way.”

  “I think she just needs to get laid. Iron out the cricks.” He grinned.

  “Like you would know what getting laid feels like.”

  “I will one day. It's Holly's birthday in a few month.” He said grabbing a handful of popcorn.<
br />
  “I know.”

  “Let me guess.” Ricky arched his eyebrows at her. “Another party.” Jo pulled a face at him. “You really annoy me sometimes.”

  “It's why I'm on this earth sweetie.”

  “Don't call me that pig-boy!” Jo threw a cushion at him.

  “So are you and Dominic together?” He asked casually.

  “Not yet. But it's only a matter of time.”

  “Have you asked him to the party Friday?”

  “Jeez...lay off with the twenty questions already. I was planning on asking him tonight. That's if he ever shows.”

  Jo looked at her watch again. Where were they?


  Holly sat at the top of the bleachers. Looking at nothing in particular even though the football team was out practising. The kiss was still on her mind. How could she have let it happen?

  Jo was her best friend she had really messed up this time. Holly didn’t notice the rain clouds moving in or the drop in temperature until cold drops of rain started to fall. Still she didn't move.


  Caleb made his way up the bleachers.

  “Great,” she thought.

  Holly wanted to be alone with her self-pity; by the time he had reached her his wet T-shirt was plastered to his toned torso. “What are you doing out here? You must be freezing.” When she didn't answer him. He sat down next to her his arm brushed hers sending a wave of warmth through her whole body. “You want to talk about it?”

  This guy was so sweet. He would even risk pneumonia for her. “I'm Okay.” She muttered not really meaning it. “Holly, you're far from okay. His voice was full of genuine concern and when she looked in his eyes they pleaded with her to him what was wrong.

  She caved.

  The tears came sudden and unexpected. They streamed down her face like rain on a window pane. Caleb wrapped her up in his arms hugging her to him as stroked her wet hair. “Hey, come on now, it can't be that bad.”


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