The Eternal War Series Box Set

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The Eternal War Series Box Set Page 24

by Holly Vane

  Holly stared down at her old battered Nokia. “I hung on to it.”


  “Because I know how much it means it to you.”

  She cradled the phone in her hands. “But you said…”

  “It’s time I started treating you like an adult. But Holly please listen to me when I tell you not to contact Jo in any way. If they find out you two are still in touch, they won’t hesitate to use her to get to you just like they did before. It’s not just you I’m protecting.”

  Jealousy stabbed at her as she remembered his brief one night stand with her best friend. It must have showed on her face because he drew her into a tight embrace. “I put my foot in it didn’t I?”

  “Just a little.”

  She heard him sigh. “Holly I can’t undo my past. I only went with Jo to make you crazy, which failed miserably because you only had eyes for Caleb at the time. She’s a great girl and we had fun but she doesn’t even come close to you. No one does.”

  “You’re forgiven.” She teased slipping her hands around his neck. He gave her a faint smile. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I don’t think I’m going to be good company tonight.” He said sadly.

  “We’ll just have to get a few drinks down you then.” She teased. This made his familiar grin return. “Holly Adams are you trying to get me drunk and into bed?” He mused.

  “God yes.” She replied.

  “I’m liking your plan.” He grabbed her hand and she deposited the cell in her purse as he led her to The Devils Orion.

  The Nephilim club was located on the outskirts of town; the two storey building was surrounded by factories and fields. The queue was half way round the block but the bouncer took one look at Dominic and waved them through like they were royalty.

  “Have you been here before?” Holly asked clinging on to his hand as they ascended metal stairs.

  “Once or twice.”

  The interior was painted dark red and boarded with wood sliding, even the neon’s above didn’t quite penetrate the gloom and Holly was having a hard time on seeing where she was going. Rock music boomed out of double doors at the top of the stairs. Dominic pulled her to the side and Nephilim that passed stared at them before entering, whispering to each other over the din. “Holly not all Nephilim are good, some have chosen to align with Hell rather than be neutral. It’s their choice and Andrea respects that, the worst of them frequent this club so Just be careful and don’t wander off by yourself, okay?”

  “Dom we’re here to have a good time, lighten up will you. I promise to behave.” She tugged on his hand and entered the club. Heavy drapes blocked out any moonlight and the disco ball and the strobes were the only source of light. A metal dance floor and DJ podium was boxed in by a metal railing on which high tables and stools were littered. The bar took up the opposite wall. It was small, intimate and reeked of the supernatural.

  Holly spotted Layla in the middle of the floor dancing with a group of guys who had their hands all over her; she didn’t look like she minded though in fact it was quite the opposite. Caleb and Jade were sitting at a table; Holly went over to them shaking out her coat and beamed when she saw Dom and Caleb stare. She had decided to take some fashion tips from Layla and had discarded her sweaters, jeans and dismal dress sense for the night. They had gone through her closet and Layla had picked out a white shirt which was held shut by only three buttons leaving Holly’s cleavage just say visible and her tummy exposed, she had borrowed a black mini and heels from her roommate. Holly had even ditched her Bridget jones briefs for a thong which irritated but Layla had promised her that she’d get used to it.

  “I need a drink.” Dominic muttered over the music and slid through the mass of bodies to the bar. She caught Caleb’s bright blue eyes and he seemed transfixed by her makeover.

  “Dance with me.” Jade said suddenly tugging on his shirt collar. Holly looked at the stranger then at Caleb questioningly but he just averted his gaze and followed Jade out onto the floor.

  Dominic came back shortly after with a bottle of Bacardi and two shot glasses, he poured the clear liquid out then passed her a glass, she downed it feeling it burn her throat and stomach. Dom refilled her but didn’t bother with his instead he gulped the bottle. Holly frowned sipping the rum what was going on with him? He had been fine when he had left her earlier.

  “There you are girl!” Layla laughed. “Come and dance with me already.” She pulled her off the stool and they ducked under arms as they raced to the centre of the floor. Holly was still far too sober to dance but Layla’s infectious mood was catching. Holly soon found her zone and her hips swayed in time to Warrant’s Cherry Pie. Her father had been a rock fan and she was grateful that she knew some of the songs. The crowd around them pressed in and Holly felt groping hands touch her bottom. She turned to see a broad guy with piercings all over his face leering down at her, remembering Dom’s warning Holly let it go. The last thing she wanted was to make a scene but her composure went right out of the window when seconds later her ass was slapped hard. She rounded on the guy who grinned at her.

  “That’s a nice ass baby, you should come home with me and I’d worship it for you.” He slurred at her. Cold hatred slithered loose in her gut. She smiled at him and gestured for him to move closer, he glided towards her excitement glowing in his fuzzy eyes. “If you don’t stop harassing me dick head I’ll cut off your dick and force it down your throat.” He leaned back and stared at her. Red mist covered her sight and he stumbled back. “Jesus.” He cried retreating. Holly blinked and the crimson left her eyes, she caught a flash of sapphire and knew that Caleb had witnessed the whole thing. She was tired of being the damsel in distress she had power and it was about time she started using it, prove to her Guardian Angel that she didn’t need him.

  Holly continued dancing with Layla who was getting increasing drunk from the drinks guys offered her, Holly had declined all of them but when a handsome dark athletic type offered her a glass of Vodka and Coke she took it. Tonight was about enjoying herself.

  After a few more songs and Vodka Holly excused herself and went looking for Dominic. He wasn’t where she had left him. In fact she hadn’t seen him in over an hour since Layla had dragged her off to the dance floor. She scoured the room and could only locate Layla who was exactly where Holly had left her.

  Feeling abandoned and suspicious Holly followed the thin corridor that lead off to the toilets. Couples loitered in the shadowy corners gasping and moaning. Holly kept her eyes on the floor and hurried on her way. What was this place?

  She turned to enter the ladies when a glint of blue made her stop. Bodies blocked her view of the far corner so she peeked round and could just make out Caleb’s broad frame. She couldn’t see his face only his dazzling eyes that glimmered like jewels. Someone lit a match nearby and the flickering light brought the corner out the gloom.

  Caleb was leaning against the wall a look of pure ecstasy on his gorgeous face as he shook and groaned. Holly’s breath caught dying in her throat as she saw the blonde with hair down to her waist kneeling in front of him.

  Holly stumbled into the ladies as the light from the match died. What the hell had she just seen? That couldn’t have been what it looked like, could it? Caleb was an Angel he couldn’t…or so he had told her. She crossed to the dirty sink and splashed cold water on her shocked face. Her mind racing to comprehend what her eyes just told her, all those times when they been in bed together he had never once let her touch him there. She had learned to live with the fact that intercourse with him was never a possibility, so what the hell had she just witnessed?

  Cold sweat beaded on her skin as the first of the stomach cramps hit. She gasped and let out a cry, which earned her dubious looks from the traffic that constantly flowed into the ladies bathroom. Holly gripped the sink and stared at her hands which trembled uncontrollably.

  The Ether was wearing off.

  At first the withdrawal hadn’t been so bad but as t
he dosage increased so had her cravings for it. It had been a month since her last hit. Holly stumbled out the bathroom keeping her eyes firmly away from the dark corners, she needed to find Dominic, she needed another shot after that things would make sense. She just needed her Ether.

  Holly slumped against the metal table as the second cramp ripped through her. She bit down on her lip and fisted her jacket before stumbling out of the club. She could feel eyes on her as she stopped by the curb and fished out her cell. She selected Dom’s number from the contact list with hazy eyesight. Holding it to her ear she silently begged him to answer. “Come on Dom pick up.” Her frustrated whisper pleaded. It went to voicemail after eight rings and she cursed out loud. The world was beginning to spin and she propped a hand up against the building willingly it to stay still.


  “Are you okay?” She spun wildly at the voice behind her and swayed like a drunken person. “I’m fine.” She slurred. He was dressed all in black and had untrusting sharp eyes. Her stomach heaved and she bent over. “I’m going to be sick.”

  “Is this what you need Holly Adams?”

  Leaning against the wall she straightened wincing at the pain behind her eyes. “How…do you…know my name?” She panted.

  “Everyone in this town knows your name. You’re famous Holly.” He said smiling. Her eyes fell on the small clear plastic bag in his hand. The black powder inside it glittered under the moonlight; the Ether attracted her gaze like a magnet.

  “Your jonesing bad young one.” He said with a tone of pity. “How would you like me to help you out?” He bent down in front of her. “My name’s Drake and you can find my here twenty four seven.”

  “You’re a dealer.” She said then yelped as another cramp rocked her shaking body. “Here take it.” He pressed the packet into her hand. “First one’s on the house. Enjoy.” He said backing off. She looked down at her palm, dealers simply didn’t just give their product away there was something wrong with it, it was a trick, but right now Holly didn’t care. She struggled back to the club where the bouncer had to help her up the stairs. Guess being the girlfriend of royalty had its perks. She came across Layla playing tonsil tennis with another girl.


  She broke away and looked at Holly. “What the hell happened to you?” She cried supporting her. “I need you to get me a vodka…neat and bring it to the bathroom.” She told her.

  “Em…sure I can do that. Holly…?”

  “Please Layla hurry.”

  She watched Layla head off then practically crawled to the bathroom. A few seconds later Layla shoved her way in and gave Holly the Vodka. “Thanks. “She helped her into an unoccupied cubicle and waited outside. Holly collapsed on the floor spilling some of the vodka; her breath came in wheezing rasps as she shoved the Ether into the glass then drained it. She lay there helpless waiting for the Ether do its work. Burning heat raced through her veins as the cramps and dizziness started to subside. Holly sat up and marvelled at the euphoria that slowly filled her up numbing everything with a pleasant haze.

  “Holly!” Layla banged against the door. “Is everything okay in there?”

  She collected her thoughts and straightened her clothes before opening the toilet door. “I’m great.” She told her.

  “You’re a junkie?” Layla threw at her accusingly. “Do you know what that stuff does to you?”

  “Layla I’m quite aware of the dangers okay, I don’t need you to lecture me.”

  “Does Dom know?” Layla asked crossing her arms. Holly moved to the smashed mirrors and corrected her smudged make up. “Yes he knows. Layla I need it okay, please let’s not fight over it.”

  “It’s your body Holly you can do what you like, it’s just you’re the only hope we have left. You alone can end this war Holly, and you bloody well can’t do that if your dead of an Ether overdose!”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You think you’re the only one running? Every Nephilim here is hiding from Heaven and Hell. We just want to be normal not soldiers in a war that we don’t understand. You can stop them Holly. You can bring all this to a stop merely just by picking a side. I understand that your life sucks beyond the telling of it, losing your parents like that but Ether is not the solution Holly.”

  Layla’s words felt like a slap to the face. Holly reeled at the news that she was the hope of an entire nation. It added another weight to the load already pressing down on her. For Pete sake she was only eighteen years old, they had no right expecting these things of her. She was not their savour.

  Layla sighed. “For a Friday night at The Devils Orion this sucks. Let’s go and party some more?” She nudged Holly playfully. “I’m sorry it’s just tonight is so not happening for me. Sam’s not here.”

  “ Who’s Sam?”

  “Just a guy from St. Heralds his so hot.”

  Holly just wanted out of this bathroom she had so much on her mind that partying sounded like the perfect distraction. The club filled as midnight approached and the two girls danced their blues away amid a circle of admirers. Holly’s body flowed to the music as the Ether washed through her system bathing her in euphoric warmth. The sexy masculine hips that thrusted at her only increased her arousal as she spun over the dance floor.

  Strong arms wrapped around her waist unexpectedly and she melted into Dominic as he carried her away to the far corner that was furnished with torn armchairs.

  “Where’ve you been?” She asked falling into his lap her hand slipping underneath his shirt.

  “I’m so sorry Holly. I had to step out for a while but I didn’t mean to be gone so long. Are you okay?”

  She nodded while fixing him with her best sexy pout. “I am now.” He seemed more like himself and he smiled slyly while lifting the helm of her skirt so that he could caress her cheeks. “Are you wearing a thong?” He asked surprised.

  “Don’t you like it?”

  “Holly I fear for your safety when I get you alone.” He teased while his fingers rubbed against the wet black material of the thong, pressing it into her slick slit. “Take me to bed Holly.” He pleaded lifting her up. Her hands dug into his shoulders. “Take me here first. I can’t wait.” She told him. He lowered and gazed into her eyes. “Are you high?”

  “Maybe a little.” She said laughing easing back. “Fuck me Dominic.”

  He pulled her to him. “Holly what have you taken?” He growled at her.

  “MMM I like it when you get rough.” She purred.

  “For fuck sake…”His eyes closed and she knew he was struggling between doing the right thing, which was take her home and let her tweak, or the wrong thing that was fucking her brains out while she tweaked. “I’m wet for you.” She whispered in his ear letting her breasts rub up against him.

  “Holly…” His pained eyes slowly opened and she knew she was putting him in an uncomfortable situation, but she couldn’t stop, that shot of Ether had made her sex drive kick up a gear. She unbuttoned her shirt as she watched him watch her.

  “Fuck.” He breathed and she felt him stiffen beneath her. “I can read your mind Dom, I know you want me. Stop fighting it.” She told him.

  “Holly.” Caleb’s voice made her stop then she was lifted off of Dominic. “What the hell are you doing?” She shouted at him buttoning up her shirt. “Saving you from doing the wrong thing.” He shot back. “Fucking in public, really Holly?”

  “Are you seriously preaching to me after what you had in Jade’s mouth?” Her anger exploded with all the devastation of a nuclear bomb. He faltered and took a step back. “What?”

  “I saw you Caleb so don’t try to deny it. How long’s it been going on huh? Mr I can’t fuck you because I’m an Angel, you didn’t seem to have a problem face fucking her!”

  “Jesus Caleb.” Dominic muttered standing up.


  Not wanting to hear anymore Holly dashed out The Devils Orion fully intending to walk back to the dormitory befo
re Dominic caught her arm. Behind him she saw a devastated Caleb with Jade hanging off his arm and a drunken Layla who leaned against the wall.

  “Let’s just go home.” He said to her calmly, but the fury in her refused to abate. She wanted answers. “Did you bring me here just so you could be with her? Is that whore what I got dumped for?”

  Dominic sighed and stepped out the way.

  “Who are you calling a whore bitch?” Jade snapped stepping forward.

  “Well I don’t see any other trailer trash sluts round here, do you?” Holly snapped back.

  Layla’s laughter rang out. “Good one babes.” She said giving Holly the thumbs up. “Everyone knows you’re a bike Jade and now you’re trying to seduce an Angel, classic.” She slapped her thigh and giggled.

  “Who said anything about trying?” Jade asked her calmly before turning back to Holly. “His been in my bed fucking me raw every night since you got here.”

  Layla’s laugh died. Holly only had to look in his eyes to know it was true.

  “You see Holly he’s my Guardian Angel too. Has been for nine months.”

  The curtain was finally pulled back revealing the truth Caleb had been so desperately hiding. Back in Cherry Falls Heaven had re-assigned Caleb in an effort to split them up. It hadn’t worked because Caleb had come back to her. Holly just assumed that when he defected from Heaven he had left behind his other charge as well.

  She’d been wrong.

  All those times he had disappeared he had been with Jade. Tears filled her eyes as Caleb moved towards her. “Holly I wanted to tell you…I just didn’t know how.”

  “You bastard.” She whispered feeling utterly betrayed by the one thing she had always depended upon, her broken voice stopped him in his tracks.

  Their eyes locked and in that instant Holly knew everything had changed…

  Chapter Nine


  Soul Mates

  Dominic Prince sipped on his hot chocolate.


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