The Eternal War Series Box Set

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The Eternal War Series Box Set Page 36

by Holly Vane

  Dominic returned a second later and took Brooks to England leaving Holly alone in the apartment. It dawned on her then, the magnitude of what they were attempting. If they couldn’t beat Hell and Lucifer the world as they knew it was over.

  “I feel like a bus. I’ve never been rode so much in my life.” Dominic said reappearing.

  “This coming from the biggest womanizer in history.” She retorted holding out her hand. He clasped it and pulled her to him.

  “Miss Adams is that jealousy I hear in your voice.”

  “You wish.” His mouth took hers tenderly and Holly felt the floor disappear…literally. She hated blinking. It was a power gifted to demons and apparently devils. They could travel to anywhere on the globe within seconds, that’s why they called it blinking, one minute they were standing in front of the next they were gone. If you were Immortal it didn’t affect you, but with Holly being half mortal it was unpleasant to say the least. Dominic had witnessed what blinking did to her and hoped to make it easier by distracting her with his lips. And it seemed to be working. As the blackness descended there was no head splitting pain just the feel of his lean hard body pressed against hers.

  Holly’s feet touched solid ground and she waited for the nausea to rip through her. Dominic took a quick glance around them then turned to face her. Confusion formed on his god like features. “Why aren’t you vomiting?”

  Holly was wondering the same thing. The puzzlement switched to her as he started smirking. “What?”

  “It’s the baby.” Dominic set off and she was too caught up in him to bother about her surroundings.

  “What do you mean?” Holly asked jogging to keep up. He slowed and held her hand.

  “He can blink.” She had lost countless nights of sleep worrying over just what their son would be. Dominic was Lucifer’s son and Lucifer was still technically an Angel. Which meant Dom had Angel blood in his veins as well as demon, and Holly was also part Angel as well as a witch. What the hell that meant for their baby was beyond her.

  “And since you’re carrying him,” He added on seeing her face. “I guess that makes you immune to the effects of blinking.” Holly pondered this while taking in the small houses that lined either side of the stone road they were walking up. The village had a remote exotic feel about it and the temperature had risen considerably. “Where are we?”

  “Romania.” She gaped at him.

  “So all that folklore about Vampires is real?” He let out a chuckle as they turned the corner.

  “You have so much to learn about our world. This is their motherland if you like. The people here know what they are and let them drink off them, in return the Vampires protect them.”

  “From what?”

  “Anything that might hunt them, it doesn’t matter what.” He entered a ramshackle building held up by wooden beams. The place was illuminated by candle light and whereas Dominic could adjust perfectly, Holly banged into numerous objects before her eyesight grew accustomed.

  A run down bar was erected on the far wall and as they slipped past, the few patrons the tavern had stared at them with suspicious eyes. “This whole area is Balion’s.” Dominic told her quietly. “We’re most likely to find him in here though.” Holly didn’t know how he could know that. Balion had hinted the last time they met, about his connection to Dominic but Holly didn’t understand what ‘dirty little secret’ could mean. She was positive that Dom didn’t swing that way, so what had Balion meant?

  Dominic brushed aside a red drape and led her further into darkness. It was black as coal and Holly had to rely solely on Dom to guide her. He stopped at a wooden round table covered with candles. Ahead Embers burned through the gloom and she heard groans and sighs rise up around her.

  “Get the lights.” Balion’s soft voice ordered and Holly had to squint against the sudden brightness. They were in a small stone room. It was circular in shape and wooden benches ran around the perimeter. Girls in various degrees of undress were sprawled all over the place. Some lay in men’s laps or propped up against the stone, others had been left where they had fell. One or two of them looked dead.

  “Finally.” Balion whispered staring at her. “I’ve managed to get your heart racing. It’s truly beautiful to hear.” He cocked his head and listened to her frantic beat with a euphoric smile on his face.

  “Cut the crap. You know why we’re here Balion.” Dominic told him in a controlled tone.

  “Do I?” He mused tearing his eyes from Holly. The two stared at each other until she squirmed uncomfortably.

  “Dominic?” One of the girls murmured looking up at him with glassy eyes. “You’re back.” Holly glared at him but he refused to meet her gaze. Balion positively beamed and Holly knew it was due to her heart pounding against her rib cage.

  “This way.” He said letting Dom off the hook, and they followed him out into the warm night air. “I suppose this is why you’ve come.” Balion motioned to a body laying a little way off. Its silky white wings were bent beside its body at horrible angles. “And let me guess,” he turned to Holly. “You’re here because they think you have some kind of hold over me.” She forced her eyes off the dead Angel and stepped away from Dominic.

  “I know I don’t. But you’re going to help us.” His eyes widened and he let out a chuckle.

  “And why’s that? I have no qualms with Lucifer taking over as boss.”

  “You should.” She retorted while sensing Dominic’s eyes on her. “What do you think will happen to your food source if he wins? He hates humans more than he does Angels. You really think he’ll leave a few alive for you?” Balion’s smile faded. “You’re smarter than that. Don’t just sit back and watch your species become like the dodo.” Dominic coughed behind her to hide his laugh. Balion darted him a killer look before turning away.

  “We have been on this earth longer than any of you, including Lucifer. We’ve survived wars before and I’m sure we’ll get through this one. Can’t say the same for you though.”

  “At least I’ll die with my self-respect intact.” She snorted. “You’re just a coward Balion.” His eyes hardened and something else entered them but she didn’t know him well enough to gauge what it was.

  They stared at each other, neither of them backing down until Balion moved closer. The movement was so fast it was a blur. Dominic pulled her away and stepped in between, but Balion’s devouring eyes never left Holly.

  “Fine, You win. I’ll help you defeat the devil on one condition.”

  “Name it.” She snapped still fuming. Balion smiled slyly.

  “I want to taste you.” Holly stepped back involuntary.

  “Absolutely not.” Dominic told him quickly.

  “Done.” Her voice sounded stronger than she felt and tried not to notice Dominic’s head jerking around. “Are you crazy?”


  “Give us a sec.” He told an amused Balion before dragging her away. “You don’t even know what you’re agreeing to.” He snapped. “When a Vampire feeds off you Holly they see everything. All your memories, your inner most thoughts…everything.” Holly pulled away from him.

  “He already knows about the baby Dom. And the rest is a small price to pay for saving the world. You heard your brother, we need him and he knows it.” Dominic looked away with murder in his eyes.

  “I forbid you to do it.” Holly stared at him.


  “I don’t know Holly it sounded good…I just don’t want you to do it.”

  “You think I do? Believe me it’s far from what I want but we don’t have a choice, and the longer we stand here arguing about it the less time we have to save Heaven.” Dominic let out a frustrated growl. And he knew she was right.

  “You’ll be the death of me, you know that? Just get it over with.” She turned back to see Balion close to drooling, his eyes watched every move she made as Holly walked to him.

  “How do we do this?”

  “Give me your hand.” He said g
lancing back at Dominic who stood with his arms crossed over his chest, making it plain he didn’t agree with what they were doing.

  Holly did as he said holding her right arm out to him. Balion took her hand in his then flicked her wrist upwards, she gasped as he leaned in.

  “In the street? I thought it was the neck you guys love to suck on.” He made himself smile but Holly could see he was losing patience.

  “No one thinks twice seeing this here Holly, this is my home. And we only use the neck for feeding, I assure you a taste is completely different.” His mouth closed on the throbbing pulse in her wrist and he let out a throaty moan. Holly’s heart hammered and she looked away as his teeth cut through her delicate skin. It stung like a wasp sting at first, but it quickly subsided and she heard Balion’s heartbeat in her head. It was much slower than a human’s and very faint, Holly’s own beat seemed to slow to match it and she gasped with pure bliss. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before, her being seemed to merge with his until they were one and the same. It was an incredible rush.

  Balion was ripped from her wrist and Holly’s heart actually ached from the premature separation. She jerked her head around to stare at Dom accusingly but he looked just as surprised as she was.

  Balion’s laughter made them both turn. He got to his feet with difficulty and brushed himself off. “That was worth the risk.” He told her glancing a darting look at Dominic.

  “I swear I didn’t…”

  “I know you didn’t Holly, neither did Dominic. It seems your baby didn’t take too kindly to my actions.” She looked down at her swollen stomach and back at Dominic who was as stunned as her at learning their son could send things flying from the womb.

  “Are you okay?” Dom asked rushing over and tore a piece of cloth from his sweater to press against her wrist. Holly nodded and focused on Balion who was stumbling around with a stupid grin on his face. “Woo!” He shouted up at the sky. Dominic gave him an angry glare before walking over to him. They shared words but Holly was too busy reeling from everything that had just happened to eaves drop.

  Balion steered away from Dominic and stood over the downed Angel and started to pull on its feathers. He was like a drunkard after chunking out time. Dominic uttered something she couldn’t catch them guided her away.

  “We should be getting back.”

  “What about him?”

  “We should let him come down before bringing him back. Balion’s not in control of himself at the moment, it would be a disaster we don’t need. How’s your wrist?” Holly peeled back the cloth and while the bleeding had slowed it still burned.

  “It’s fine.” Dominic threw her a doubting look, and examined it.

  “Isn’t his saliva supposed to heal it or something?” She said half joking.

  “It’s only Vampire’s blood that heals.” He replied distractedly. “We’re lucky he knew what he was doing, or he would have ruptured your artery. Andrea can take care of it you’ll probably need stiches, just keep pressure on it.”

  When they blinked back to the apartment Andrea and Brooks were already back. The room was full of strangers. A group of women sat on the sofa and arm rests drinking what looked like tea, while four men were busy tucking into bacon sandwiches.

  Upon seeing Holly the conversation stopped and the men actually bowed to her. Dominic eyed them wearily before calling for Andrea.

  “What happened?” She asked leading Holly into the bathroom.

  “Long story.” Dom answered quickly. “Can you take care of it? I’ve got to go get Layla and Jade.”

  “Legion blinked us back a half hour ago when you didn’t show up, I think he’s gone to get them but of course. Go.” After placing a kiss on Holly’s forehead he disappeared. “I swear Holly, does trouble just look for you?” Holly winced as Andrea peeled the cloth off and dumped it in the sink.

  “It pretty much knows where I am most the time.” She sighed, watching Andrea clean the wound.

  “Well I hope you’re not squeamish. It needs a few stiches. Hold that while I get needle and thread.” Holly obeyed and cursed herself for going through with it, she should have listened to Dom but then again it was the only way Balion would help them.

  The wound needed three stitches and Andrea went as gentle and quickly as she could. Afterwards she bandaged it and led Holly back to the living area. Everyone was back and the tiny room was crowded with people.

  Dominic appeared by her side and studied her bandaged wrist with dark eyes. “You sure you’re okay?” She nodded.

  “I’m sorry for not listening to you.” His face softened instantly.

  “You did what you had to.” Dominic pulled her close and Holly clung to him. She didn’t know why she was crying. Balion biting her hadn’t been that bad but it left her feeling tired and down.

  The sun had already started to set when Legion called them to order. He stood in front of the door looking like a commander. His blazer was draped over the back of the couch, his collar was unbuttoned and his shirt sleeves rolled up.

  “First off thank you, all of you, for being here. Now my plan is very simple we attack and don’t stop until one side is victorious.”

  “How are we going to get their attention off of Heaven?” A tall slender woman with round almond eyes asked. “Lucifer’s army is attacking the Angels as we speak, not even God himself could tear Lucifer’s focus away. He has been waiting millennia to reign down vengeance upon them.” Legion listened to the woman intently before looking at Holly.

  “We have something that means much more to Lucifer than revenge. Salvation.” Every person in the packed apartment turned to her and Dominic’s arm tightened protectively around her waist.

  “I’m sorry Holly but you’re the bait.” Dominic glared at his brother but Legion continued like he didn’t notice. “We’ll spilt our forces down the middle. We’ll attack from the front and the rear cutting off their escape. We have to decimate their army to the point of no return. Make no mistake, I mean to take Hell down once and for all. We can’t let them regroup. Our ally is surprise, they don’t know our numbers or our strength and we’ll have the advantage. But we’ll only have one shot at them and we must sweep down on them like bloody vengeance itself.” There was a round of agreement, but Holly wasn’t convinced. The apartment might have been packed but it was only small. They just couldn’t do what Legion wanted with what they had. There were too few of them. It seemed that she wasn’t alone in thinking this because a girl standing in the corner next to Layla voiced her concerns.

  “It’s true they outnumber us.” Legion answered honestly. “But where they have quantity we have quality. I’ve been told Heaven won’t last till morning.” He glanced over at Caleb who was pressing into Holly’s side so hard she was having trouble breathing. “So we don’t have as much time as I’d like to prepare, I’ll come round and brief each one of you. We have two hours, I suggest you use the time to eat and rest. Any questions?”

  “Just one.” A gruff voice said, and Holly saw a grisly man that resembled a bear move forward. “Why are they here?” He motioned over to where Layla and Miles stood in the corner, Nephilim from St. Heralds were dotted around them, and Holly felt anger burn inside her. They had as much right as anyone else to fight. She was about to say as much when she realized that grizzly Adams was pointing to a particular person.

  The Nephilim Holly recognized as Sam got to his feet.

  “You think we’d sit back and let you mongrels take all the glory.” He growled.

  “That’s enough!” Legion ordered stopping the situation from spiralling out of control. “We’ve got to stick together, not fight amongst ourselves. The wolves are here because we need them.” Holly looked questioningly at Dom but he shook her off. Wolves?

  “Holly.” Legion calling her name brought her out her thoughts. “With me.” He pulled open the door and walked out. It took a while for her to reach the apartment door through all the bodies. Legion waited in the corridor.

  “I need you to do something, follow me.” They took the lift down to the lobby and stepped out in the freezing night. Holly glanced to her right where a group of people had gathered in the middle of the road. Normally it was busy with traffic but not a car was in sight. She walked towards them and stopped. An Angel was lying across the tarmac, the tips of its grey wings was visible through the gaps between legs. Most just stared down at the thing in awe and shock, while others dropped to their knees and prayed thanking God that they’re faith in him wasn’t in vain. A camera crew stood just off to the side getting a good shot of the Angel and the people that flocked to it.

  There was something heart breaking about seeing the beauty of Heaven being paraded on television for all to see.

  “There’s nothing you can do for it Holly.” Legion said softly leading her further up the road. They stopped at an intersection and he took out a knife. “Right here is perfect. Roll up your sleeve.” Holly’s wide eyes went back and forth between him and the knife gleaming in his hand. “It’s the only way to get Lucifer’s attention.” He explained. Sighing she did as he asked and bit her lip when the edge of the blade sliced through her flesh like it was butter. Legion let the blood dip down her bandaged wrist and held her arm up so it dripped onto the tarmac. After it was littered with a few drops he apologized and pulled out some gauze. “If there was another way…”

  “I know Legion, stop apologizing it’s okay.” He wrapped her arm up and she pulled down her sleeve. “Why though? I don’t get it.”

  “Lucifer can smell your blood once it’s soaked into the earth. It should be enough for him to focus on us. It’ll take him a while to reorganize his army though.”

  “But if he thinks it’s just me…”

  “He knows Dominic would never leave you alone. My father’s not stupid he’ll know it’s a trap.” Legion’s eyes moved upwards and Holly did the same. The sky was devoid of stars and it was a dull grey instead of black. Above their heads a white whirl that resembled the funnel of a tornado before it touched ground, spawned in the sky.


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