Marinating in Murder

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Marinating in Murder Page 21

by Linda Wiken

  She started at the beginning, the first time she’d seen Brad, at Alison’s house. How long ago? She looked at the calendar and was startled to see how much time had passed. Wasn’t that a bad sign? She’d heard often enough how the possibility of solving a murder diminished as time went on. So much for 48 Hours.

  After much thinking, note-taking, and sipping espresso, she decided that Brad hadn’t been entirely honest with her. After all, he had said Jeffrey wasn’t on the same hockey team. What else had he lied about?

  The only way to know was to ask him outright. Maybe she should give him a call, invite him over for a drink tonight, and confront him. No, not a good idea to have him at her place. Meeting in a pub was a far better plan of action. She’d call him as soon as she got to work.

  And, maybe confronting him wasn’t so smart. She’d have to make sure he didn’t think she was suspicious in any way. She’d coax the information out of him. Somehow.


  • • •

  She stopped in at Cups ’n’ Roses for a latte on her walk to the office and decided to drink it there. Beth joined her at the table after a few minutes.

  “So good to see you, J.J. Has there been any news?”

  J.J. quickly racked her brain, trying to remember when they’d last spoken and what had been happening at that point. Oh yeah. A lot. She quickly filled her in then asked the same Brad question she’d asked Ness.

  Beth reached over and squeezed her hand. “Is there some personal interest happening here, too? You know, as much as I think your private eye is divine, so to speak, it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. And, it seems that you and Connor are barely back to doing your pal evenings out. I think it’s time you added someone else to the mix. And this Brad sounds like the guy.”

  “But, do I trust him? I’ve been trying to remember just what he said about Jeffrey’s life but I’m not sure if he omitted telling me things or lied.” She decided not to tell Beth about Saturday evening with Devine, not until she’d decided what it all meant.

  “You could always ask him.”

  “Funny, that’s what I was thinking about doing, next time I see him. But I wasn’t going to come right out and ask if he was lying. Maybe just get him to go over everything again and then I can decide to either confront him or just ask him.”

  “That sounds like a good plan. By the way, I remember you told me about Ness Harper’s complication. Is anything else happening there?” Her eyes twinkled. She seemed to delight in the ongoing saga about Lola.

  “Nothing’s really changed. He’s such a sweet guy, for such a grump, that he won’t, or can’t, come right out and tell her what he thinks about her. I’m not sure what he hopes I’ll do.”

  “Warn her off? Let’s see, what would it take to do that? You can’t say he has a disease or anything because that would just fire her up more. Same with saying that he’s recovering from a broken heart. Both would just make her want to move in and take care of him. I know, you need to tell her that he already is involved with someone.”

  “That may make her even more competitive.”

  “So? Is that any worse than what’s happening now? Maybe even have someone stop in to see him and make sure they make a lot of noise in the hallway so she’ll take a peek.” Beth’s eyes twinkled “I’ll bet that would do it.”

  “That’s an interesting idea. But I don’t know if he’d go for it, and even if he did, who to get to play the love interest?” A plan was formulating in her mind. She’d have to check with Ness first, though. “Well, I’ve got to get to work. It’s always nice to be able to spend a few minutes with you, Beth. Is everything okay with you? Ilsa still working out?”

  “She’s a great little worker. It must have been fate that had her choose to pilfer stuff from here. Since the day I hired her, I haven’t had any regrets.”

  “I’m glad.”

  J.J. thought about it as she continued to the office. It had taken several weeks before they’d pinpointed who’d been stealing items at Cups ’n’ Roses. And then, to have Beth turn around and offer the thief a job! J.J. had at first thought it was a bad idea but she was glad she’d been wrong.

  Skye was out at a meeting so J.J. had the office to herself. She needed some more ideas for the wine growers conference coming up next spring. She’d made a list of headings; now she needed to fill in the blank spaces. She got up to grab a bottle of water and kept on pacing until an idea for a wine tasting with a different touch struck her. Okay, maybe not really uniquely different but something that would allow them to combine the event with using another client, Champlain Chocolates. A combination chocolate and wine tasting. Maybe she was relying too much on her own taste preferences but she’d see what the client thought before continuing with it or starting all over. She sat back down at her computer and kept adding to the list until the phone rang. It was Jessica Bailey.

  “I’m sorry to bother you at work but I was wondering if you might have heard anything yet,” she asked after they’d worked through the hellos.

  “No, I’m afraid not. But I was hoping to talk to you at some point. I’ve got a couple of more questions.” J.J. glanced at the clock. “If I left now, I could be there by four thirty, or would that be too close to dinner?”

  “That would be fine. It’s just me and I can eat at any time, except I don’t have much of an appetite these days. See you then.”

  J.J. quickly wrapped up what she was working on and locked up. She arrived at Jessica’s house exactly as predicted. She thought Jessica seemed genuinely happy to see her when she entered the house.

  “The days get so long,” Jessica explained. “I have a contract I should be working on but I just can’t seem to get my head around it.”

  “Are you getting out at all? Seeing friends, maybe?”

  Jessica shook her head. “Not really. Brad makes me go out with him to get groceries once a week and he has Sunday dinner here but that’s about all I do.”

  J.J. felt sorry for her. Without a good support network of friends, Jessica could easily just hide away. She herself was very lucky to have all those friendships, especially the Culinary Capers gang. She’d always valued the friendships in her life and couldn’t imagine having only a few or, worse yet, none. But she couldn’t come right out and ask for details.

  “Where are my manners? Would you like some coffee?” Jessica asked.

  “I’d love some.” I should have brought some cookies or something.

  J.J. sat at the kitchen table while Jessica busied herself getting the mugs out. When everything had been set out and Jessica had poured the coffee, J.J. took a sip and then decided it was best just to jump right into the questions.

  “Can you think of any reason Brad wouldn’t have told me about Jeffrey hanging out with the hockey team and finding him a job at the car dealership?”

  “Car dealership? That can’t be right Are you sure? Jeffrey never mentioned it to me.”

  “And you didn’t ask?”

  She shook her head. “Why would I? He didn’t like to bring work home with him, he used to say, so he never told me any details and I never asked. Foolish of me, wasn’t it?”

  J.J. thought so but wasn’t about to say it.

  “As for Brad,” Jessica continued, “he’s not the secretive type. He wouldn’t keep anything about Jeffrey from you. I’m sure you’ve got it all wrong. You probably didn’t ask the right questions.”

  She looked so determined that J.J. realized it was best not to push the issue. “You could be right.”

  “Then again, I don’t know where you’re getting your information.” She took a quick sip and put her mug down quickly as something occurred to her. “It must be Alison. She’s telling you all these things, isn’t she? Maybe she’s trying to lead you astray. But why would she do that?”


  “You don’t think Alison is the killer, after all, do you?”

  J.J. almost choked on the drink she’d just taken. “No. I know she isn’t.”

  Time to defuse this and get Jessica off that track of thinking. “Look, everyone is pretty much on edge right now. It’s very easy to have miscommunications and such. I shouldn’t have bothered you with all of this right now.” She glanced at the clock, trying to think of a distraction. “How about if we go out for a quick dinner somewhere?” Inspiration.

  “I … I don’t know.” Jessica seemed to shrink back. “I don’t think so. I’m not very hungry but it is so nice of you to think about that. Let’s have some more coffee instead.” She leapt up and went to the coffee machine. J.J. wondered if she would have preferred to run away.

  “Tell me about this contract you’re working on,” J.J. said, and noticed Jessica relaxing. Safe ground.

  Jessica was actually smiling when she brought the coffee over. “I’m illustrating another children’s book. This time, I’m working with a new author and finding it to be a lot of fun.” She went on to tell J.J. all about it and only stopped talking after twenty minutes.

  J.J. enjoyed listening to her, especially her enthusiasm. Eventually, it was time to leave. She gave Jessica a hug and said to keep in touch. She’d wanted to ask if she could look through Jeffrey’s papers or his desk if he had one but thought that would be a mistake. Maybe next time.


  J.J. had just pulled her jacket out of the closet and was hunting for her car keys when the phone rang the next morning. She was surprised to hear Jessica’s voice.

  “I’m sorry to be calling so early but I was thinking a lot last night about what we’d talked about so I started going through Jeffrey’s papers and I did find something but I don’t know if it means anything, though.”

  J.J. nodded and then realized Jessica couldn’t see her. “It’s hard to say but I’d like to know what it is, if you don’t mind sharing it.”

  “All right. I found quite a few dates on his calendar that had the initials HM and then a time. The first one I could find was at the beginning of the year and there’s one a month, on the third Thursday. But the odd thing is the time, it’s always late at night. Eleven P.M. usually or even midnight a couple of times.”

  “Do you remember him going out those nights?”

  “Not really. You see, I don’t sleep well. I haven’t since my parents died so I usually take a sleeping aid. But I know he never told me he was going out.”

  “It may not have meant that. He might have checked something on his computer each month and that was just a good time to do it.” It sounded lame but she didn’t want Jessica getting too uptight about this. Especially since it could be something innocuous. But HM, it could only be Higgins Motors.

  “You’re right. I guess I shouldn’t jump to conclusions. It’s just that I don’t know what to think these days. I hope you don’t mind that I called you with it.”

  “No, not at all. And I certainly wouldn’t sit around thinking about it if I were you.” She glanced out the window. “It looks like a good day for doing artwork.”

  The rain was pelting down. J.J. wished she had an excuse to stay at home and keep dry.

  “You’re so right about that. Thanks, J.J. Talk to you later.”

  J.J. nodded to the dial tone. At least Jessica sounded upbeat by the end of their conversation. She wondered what the entries had meant. She wanted to have a look at the agenda. She could always get back to her later. Time now to get ready for work. She bent down to pat a disgruntled Indie, who’d settled back on the love seat.

  “Later, my pet.”

  By the time J.J. got to the office, she felt damp right through, although her raincoat, umbrella, and new rain boots had done a good job of shielding her from the rain. She’d even forgone stopping in at Cups ’n’ Roses, not wanting to have to shake herself off and then head back out juggling a coffee and an umbrella. If it let up later, she’d take a quick coffee break midmorning.

  Skye came in and went through the same routine of shaking off her raincoat and umbrella. “I’ll bet the ducks are happy today. Someone’s got to be.”

  “I thought the rain didn’t bother you.”

  “It doesn’t except for when I want to do some shopping at an outdoor landscaping showroom.”

  “Really? Are you going with Astroturf for your balcony?”

  “No, I’m not. You’ve got dibs on that. But I was going to pick up some potted shrubs and surprise Nick for his birthday, which is on Sunday. I may have left it too late.”

  “Maybe you should pick them out and ask that they be brought in to dry off before you pick them up.”

  “I suppose.”

  “Just make sure to wear hip waders and a sou’wester.” J.J. chuckled.

  “I always love the latest in fashion trends. Now, what’s up today?”

  “I’m working up the final playlist for the DJ at the Franklin Dance Studio anniversary and then this afternoon I have what I hope will be a final meeting with the ditzy bride, but I know that’s wishful thinking.”

  “Good luck with that.” Her phone rang and Skye checked the caller ID before answering. J.J. turned on her computer, wondering if she should call Devine and fill him in on her visit to see Jessica and the early-morning phone call. She probably should but she’d rather tell him in person. Maybe she’d wait till later and invite him over for a drink, on the spur of the moment, sort of.

  She tackled the playlist, which had been chosen by the Franklins, e-mailed it to the DJ, and brought her notes up to date, hardly noticing when Skye left for her own appointment. Finally, she looked at the clock. Almost two. She’d worked right through lunch. When her phone rang, she looked at the call display. Brad. Hmmm.

  “Is this the beautiful and charming event planner, J.J. Tanner?”

  J.J. smiled. He did make her feel good. “It could be. That depends on who’s asking.”

  “Her possible date for tonight,” he answered playfully then switched over to a more serious tone. “That is, if you’re free for dinner.”

  That might be too much until she’d figured out what was going on with him. “Can I suggest a drink instead? I’m sorry but I’ve got to work until eight tonight.” It was almost true.

  “That sounds good, too. Shall I come to your place or meet somewhere?”

  He’s suddenly sounding bold. “How about eight P.M. at the Two Guys Gastro Pub?”

  She was smiling as she hung up, something Skye homed in on as she walked back in through the door. “Hot date tonight?”

  “Mm, possibly.”

  “With which one?”

  J.J. dropped the coyness. “Brad. It’s just for a drink.” Ugh. Devine. She’d just have to tell him her Jessica information over the phone. Later.

  “There are no justs in the dating game.”

  “I’d forgotten those who are no longer in the game suddenly become such experts.”

  Skye shrugged. “Just saying.”


  • • •

  J.J. waited until her eyes had adjusted once she’d walked into the pub, and then looked for Brad. It looked like she’d arrived first so she chose a table for two away from the stage. She’d forgotten it was open mic night. This might not be the best place for a heart-to-heart. She ordered some water and sat examining the others in the room, letting her mind play over her earlier meeting with Trish Tesher. J.J. couldn’t believe everything seemed on track, at last. She’d just have to keep her fingers crossed, hope for the best, and try not to worry too much. And she’d start right now with erasing work from her mind and concentrating on the evening ahead. Brad had sounded eager when he’d called. About what? Her or the case?

  She focused on her surroundings again and noticed Brad had arrived and had also stopped to talk to someone at the door. A woman.

  Brad saw her and waved, then threaded his way through the tables. He leaned over and kissed her cheek before he sat down.

  “I hope you haven’t been waiting long.”

  “Nope. Just long enough to get myself a glass of water. I’d forgotten about the open mic. I hop
e it doesn’t get too loud.”

  Brad grinned. “I hope they aren’t too terrible-sounding.”

  “There is that.” She watched while he shrugged out of his jacket and signaled the server.

  “I’ll have a Cuba libre,” he said. “J.J., what about you?”

  “A glass of the house red, please.”

  The female server gave Brad an extralong look before sashaying back to the bar. Hm, if she were to get involved with the guy, J.J. realized she’d have to banish the green-eyed monster from her life.

  “So, what’s been happening with you?” Brad asked.

  Just how much should she tell him? She’d give him a second chance, see if he fessed up to the Jeffrey and hockey connection. If not, well …

  “Well, I’ve been trying to find out more about both Jeffrey’s and/or James’s lives when he was not on duty, supposedly, at the fire station. I think I’d mentioned that.”

  “You had. And did you have any luck?”

  “Not around here. But I did learn some interesting things about Jeffrey.” She was watching him covertly while sipping her wine. Such deep brown eyes.

  He seemed to stiffen a bit and then smiled. “Like what?”

  “Well, it seems that he had sort of a job on those days off.” She paused.

  He took his cue. “Right. At Higgins Motors. And you’re wondering why I didn’t tell you.” He held up his hand as she was about to answer. “I spoke to Jessica last night and she told me about your visit. I wish you hadn’t told her that, J.J. You should have just asked me outright. I didn’t think we were playing games here.”

  Why did J.J. feel bad? He was the one who hadn’t been forthright with her. Yet here he was turning the tables. She tried to keep that in mind.

  “She called me before I had a chance to get my head wrapped around all this.” She shrugged as if it were of little importance. “I understand you’d taken him to the hockey games.”

  Brad’s smile came smooth and quick. He reached out for her hand. “Now, before you go thinking conspiracy theory or something, I did. But if you’ll remember, when we were talking about all this, I didn’t know you very well. You were Alison’s friend and she was the enemy.” He squeezed her hand for emphasis. “Things have changed.” His voice certainly had. It had dropped to a soft, sexy tone.


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