A Preacher's daughter for the smitten Duke (Regency Romance) (Regency Tales Book 6)

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A Preacher's daughter for the smitten Duke (Regency Romance) (Regency Tales Book 6) Page 5

by Regina Darcy

  In order not to give herself away, Amy remained aloof. Jacob kept up the pretence of ignoring her, for which she was grateful. She could not wait for the day to end. She was finally going to be with the man she loved, and no one could stop her, because no one knew of the plan. The rest of the day seemed to fly by, and as was her wont these days, she went up to bed earlier than her sister. She could hear the murmur of the others’ voices in the parlour below as she frantically put on her best dress over her nightgown, put the ring on her finger, and wrapped all her letters together inside the only scarf she owned.

  She prayed that fate would be on her side, that Mary Anne would fall asleep as soon as she came to bed, and that she would not fall and break her neck as she climbed out the window later. Wrapping her robe over the dress, and using the blanket to disguise the rest, she pulled the one chair over into the shadows by the open window and sat down.

  “Why are you still up?” her sister demanded in a fierce whisper as she walked in the door.

  “I couldn’t sleep, so I’ve been sitting here. Don’t let me keep you from the bed,” she added. “I will come to bed as soon as I am drowsy enough.” She watched as Mary Anne undressed and put on her nightgown. When she climbed into the bed, Amy sighed with relief. In no time, Mary Ann was asleep, and snoring gently. Amy waited another full half an hour before rising, discarding the robe, and climbing out the window. She could see no way to get to the ground short of jumping, and she was afraid to break any bones. Perhaps she ought to consider going through the front door.

  A shadow caught her eye, and she looked down again to see Jacob standing there waiting for her. He held a ladder, which he leaned against the side of the house. Amy climbed down slowly, her heart in her throat, and once on the ground, whispered, “How did you know?”

  He grinned. “A little birdie told me,” he said, and chuckled. “Come on, I’ll go with you,”

  The pair hurried away to the stream, and almost as soon as they arrived, they heard the sound of horses’ hooves. Amy’s heart beat hard against the walls of her chest, and the smile that broke across her face at the sight of her beloved was almost painfully brilliant.

  Percy threw himself off his horse and wrapped her in his arms, while Jacob looked on indulgently. Too soon, Percy let go of her.

  “We must hurry, my love.” He turned to Jacob after helping her up onto his horse. “You have my eternal gratitude, brother,” he said, and shook his soon-to-be brother-in-law’s hand vigorously. “When I return, we will speak about you and horses. Go now. I do not wish for you to get into trouble with your father.”

  “God speed,” Jacob said as he turned and walked away.


  The duke took them back to his house where he had a carriage waiting to take them to Gretna Green. It was a long and hard journey for the young couple. Amy wondered what her father would think when he discovered that she eloped. She had left a short note on her pillow, explaining that she knew whom she wanted in her life, and that she knew her feelings for Percy, and his for her, were real. She had asked for her father’s forgiveness. She knew it would be a hard-fought battle for it, but she was willing to try.

  In the wedding chapel at last, the young man spoke of his love for his bride, and recited the vows that would tie them together. He listened quietly as Amy made the same promises to love, honour, and obey him, and pledged herself to him. Then he took the magnificent jewel that he had sent her, a large diamond-encrusted ring with a beautiful emerald to match the green in her eyes, and put it on her ring finger. The kiss they shared as newlyweds was chaste and swift. Amy Williams became Amy Lockhart, Duchess of Ashton, and Percy’s happiness radiated around them.

  Their wedding night was spent recuperating from the long drive, but the young duke held his bride in his arms all night, enjoying the feel of her soft skin under his palm. He taught her the joy of kisses given in love, and promised to teach her more of the intimacies that a husband and wife were free to share. And then, he let her sleep. She would need her energy for the return journey, and he could afford to wait just a little longer to make her a wife in every sense of the word.

  “Are you ready, my love?” Percy asked, reaching over to kiss her lips gently as they neared the farmhouse two days later.

  “I am,” she answered.

  “And are you happy?” he inquired further.

  “I am, my love,” she replied, smiling broadly at him. “I am.”

  The Williamses were still at home when they arrived, and one look at Amy’s radiant face told them all they needed to know about where she had been.

  “Congratulations to you both, Your Graces,” the farmer said, offering his hand to the duke, who shook it.

  “Thank you,” Percy replied. “You will be handsomely rewarded for hosting my wife’s family for these past months,” he continued. “I have come to invite you and my wife’s family to Devon Hall to celebrate our nuptials with us this evening. I hope that you will be able to attend.”

  Percy took his wife home after that. He introduced her to the servants, and to the members of his family who had been apprised of his plans. He settled her in their rooms, and had the lady’s maid run her a bath. Then he bade her get some real sleep, as the dinner party would be a long one.

  They made their appearance together at dinner that evening, announced by the butler: “Ladies and gentlemen, His Grace the Duke of Ashton, accompanied by his wife, the Duchess of Ashton.” There was polite applause as they took their seats at opposite ends of the long dining table. The meal was a blur for them both, but they managed to make it through to the drinks in Percy’s study for the men, and the wine for the ladies in the drawing room. No one dared to ask any questions, though it was clear that there was great curiosity on both sides of the new family.

  Percy approached his father-in-law reluctantly, but knowing it was the right thing to do. “I was given to understand that you were violently opposed to my marrying Amy, sir, because you thought I was not a man of my word. Have I at least changed your mind as to my intentions for your daughter, sir?”

  Mr Williams eyed him angrily. “That you have married my daughter is your only saving grace. I do not approve of hasty weddings such as this. And once again, you chose a clandestine way to handle your relationship with my daughter. Do you intend to hide her from the world, Your Grace?” he asked. “Is she just good enough to marry, but not good enough to show off in public?”

  Percy held onto his temper. “Amy is my wife, sir. As such, she will go where I go and meet whom I meet. There will be no hiding her.”

  Eventually, the evening wound to a close, and everyone went home, except for the families of the couple.

  Knowing it was inevitable, Percy escorted Amy to his study, where he knew that her father was waiting.

  “Mr Williams,” he said with a nod.

  “Your Grace,” the preacher replied in a censorious voice. His nod was brief. “Where is my daughter?’

  “I am here, Papa,” she said, stepping forward.

  His face was unsmiling, and anyone could see that he was upset. “I am very disappointed in you, my child,” he began. “You went against my wishes and instructions. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  “I have met and married the man I love, Papa,” she said. “I am happy. But I would ask for your forgiveness. I know that you understand true love, and that you will not begrudge me my moment in the sum. I am sorry that I was disobedient, but I would only ask that you consider whether or not you would wish me to have the kind of happiness that you shared with my mother.”

  She stopped speaking, and Percy felt fresh pride well up inside him at how well she had handled the situation.

  “It is every father’s wish to see his children happy,” Mr Williams said.

  That was all he said to her for the next few days, while she and Percy arranged for Jacob to be an apprentice to the head of his stables, and Matthew was happy to potter about in the gardens.

  Percy allowed
his wife to persuade him to draw up a contract for the use of his land, which his father-in-law then signed. Not everything could be fixed immediately, but he hoped that time would show him to be not only a man of his word but also a generous man. He was sure he would win over Mr Williams …eventually. His anger at having his parental rights usurped would soon cool, when he realised his daughter’s good fortune and what this would mean for his other children. In the meantime, he would cherish the treasure that he had discovered in his field that day months ago. The thought made him pull her closer to his side as they strolled through the gardens. He stole a kiss from her sweet lips.

  “What was that for, Your Grace?” Lady Amy asked her husband.

  “Why, that was to say I love you, Your Grace,” Lord Percival replied.

  The End





  Alden Haddington, the Earl of Beckton, cleared his throat nervously, wishing he were anywhere but here, in the assembly rooms of the Bookman Arms. He had come to visit Nathaniel Hughes, Viscount of Wiltshire, his dearest friend since boyhood. Both had served in the same regiment under the Duke of Staffordshire.

  Lord Wiltshire had invited him to attend the annual Mariners’ Ball. Whilst their views on the fairer sex differed wildly, since the Earl had particularly strong, disapproving views on Lord Wiltshire’s recent string of heartbroken mistresses, a night in the Viscount’s company always proved anything but boring. The irony was that the Earl was known to have left an equal trail of heartbroken beauties behind him. The only difference being, he had never touched them.

  The Viscount was one of the few people who knew Beckton found the challenge of conversing with the fairer sex, insurmountable. He had yet to finish a sensible conversation with any eligible young woman he had actual designs on. Half the broken hearts he left behind him were due to disinterest, and the rest due to an inability to approach the lady in question.

  One woman in particular made this infirmity even more pronounced, because he did more than find her eye-catching. The Earl was completely enamoured with her.

  As he had watched her blossom into an accomplished young woman, he found himself incapable of either declaring his intentions or commencing a courtship.

  Yes, Phoebe Alexander had stolen his heart even before her very first debutant ball.

  Ever since her outing, he had been dreading that her affections would soon belong to another. He sighed deeply and sipped on his drink.

  No doubt, he should be looking for Wiltshire, whom he now suspected had brought him here because he knew of Beckton’s affections for Miss Alexander and was playing Cupid.

  It had been four years since he had first become smitten by the lovely Phoebe, and a year since he had been informed by his father, on his deathbed, of the agreement which he had reached with Phoebe’s father, Mr Percival Alexander. It was a gentlemen’s agreement, betrothing him to Phoebe. And if his father were to be believed, this arrangement had been made when several years ago. Both parents had hoped that their children would naturally gravitate towards each other, eventually.

  He sidestepped a tipsy gentleman who was arguing rather loudly with a friend as they walked by. The man stumbled, jostling the Earl’s hand and spilling the drink he held in it. Shaking his head in annoyance, he went to put down the now almost empty glass and wipe himself off with his kerchief. He did not want to reek like a drunkard. In a few minutes, the dancing would begin, and he would hold the woman he loved in his arms for the first time.

  His skin grew warm as he thought of all that he would like to say to her, because he knew none of it would be said. The very thought of holding her, even at the distance demanded by good manners, and with as little actual touching as there would be, tied him up in knots. He hated that he was so weak in this one respect, the one where he most wished to be strong. He did not wish to drive her away, but long experience had taught him that unless he could find a way to utter more than a few monosyllables, he was doomed to lose her.

  She was his betrothed…but he needed to win her affections. What sort of marriage would he otherwise have? The thought of being tied to a woman who despised him made his head hurt.

  The musicians began to tune their instruments, and he turned to search the room for Phoebe. He spied her standing with her parents on the other side of the room, looking as uncomfortable and unsure as he felt. Their eyes met, and she offered a polite smile. He did not return it.

  He could not make his lips spread, or his cheeks crease, and he saw with a sinking heart that a frown replaced her smile. He looked away for a moment, to gather himself, and then he walked over to where she was standing and extended his hand.

  “Miss Alexander, I would be honoured if you were to grace me with your consent to this first dance.”

  “It’s very kind of you, Lord Beckton, however—” she began, but was interrupted by her mother, who spoke effusively.

  “It is certainly an honour for our dear Phoebe, my lord,” she said. She put her hand on her daughter’s shoulder for a second until Phoebe accepted his extended arm, and walked with the Earl to the dance floor. They danced a set together in almost complete silence, after the required pleasantries had been spoken between them.

  Her “How do you do, Lord Beckton?” had been prettily said, her smile gracing the words with an extra touch of beauty.

  His “I find myself very well, Miss Alexander,” had been cool, at best, and not seasoned with an answering smile.

  Beckton despaired of himself as the set came to an end. Giving himself a mental shake, he tried again, as he escorted her back to where her mother stood anxiously waiting.

  “I would be honoured if you would dance the evening’s final set with me, Miss Alexander,” he said, managing to keep his tone cool and even.

  Phoebe looked up into his dark brown eyes, and he wished he knew what she saw. Instead, she looked away and said coldly, “If my dance card has not since been filled, my lord, I will happily oblige.”

  She walked away then, leaving him standing at the edge of the dance floor feeling like all kinds of a fool. She was haughty and dismissive, and though it burned in his gut, he could not fault her. He had been no less as they danced, unable to speak even ordinary pleasantries because he was so undone by the fragrance of her that bloomed in his nostrils each time she exhaled. And her beauty took his breath away. Her deep auburn hair fell in endearing ringlets about her face, and down her back, and her green eyes sparkled with animus the longer they had danced together. And when she had dismissed him just now, they had shone with active disdain...and hurt.

  He walked out to the balcony, where he knew he would be alone...almost everyone was dancing, or watching the dancing, or playing cards in the adjoining room. He needed to be alone, to get himself in control.

  He struggled with anger that a mere chit of a girl could treat him with such barely disguised contempt, while finding himself unable to deny how strongly attracted to that same chit he was. He wished he could overcome this unwelcome weakness that made him clam up in the presence of beautiful women of substance. He knew who he was, what he was worth. He knew that, in the eyes of the ton he was considered quite the catch. He knew all this, but found it did nothing to bolster his confidence with the one person in whose company he most needed to be assertive. Where Phoebe Alexander was concerned, he was a total wreak.

  “What on earth are you doing out here by yourself, old chap? You’ve been missing for upwards of half an hour.” The Viscount’s voice interrupted his shame and self-castigation, and he turned to him with a frown.

  “I think I may have topped myself this evening, Wiltshire,” he said. “It might have been better all round if you hadn’t tried to play Cupid this time.”

  The Viscount of Wiltshire, observed the downcast features of his close friend with some concern. “Whatever’s the matter, man?” he asked, moving to stand by the Earl, a glass of brandy in his hand.

“I have managed to affront yet another charming woman,” Lord Beckton replied. “This time, the one I least wish to offend.”

  “Are we talking about the delectable morsel that is Phoebe Alexander?”

  Lord Wiltshire had lowered his voice to a sultry softness, and the Earl moved away from his side, to prevent himself from punching his friend on the nose.

  “She is not a piece of meat!” Lord Beckton hissed at his friend through clenched teeth. “I would prefer it if you would refrain from mentioning her name in the tone of voice you use for talking of the women with whom you normally associate.” He was furious, and paused to acknowledge that a good part of it was jealousy that the Viscount seemed to be able to charm any woman he wanted because he was so amiable and devil-may-care, where he himself was a tongue-tied mass of romantic ineptitude.

  “I see I am right. You are more than smitten with the lady. You really must overcome this...this problem you have, my friend. You will not win her affections if you pursue your current course of cold aloofness.”

  The Viscount’s smirk was irritating in the extreme, but Lord Beckton knew that despite the amused tone of his words, he was in earnest. And he admitted that his friend was right. How was he to be the kind of man Phoebe would not despise if he couldn’t manage to string two civil words together around her, or to show his very real interest in her person? He sighed and turned back to the drawing room.

  “I suppose I had better get back in,” he conceded. “I did ask her to dance the last set with me.”

  “Well, try to speak up this time, won’t you? Imagine you’re in the House of Lords, pushing for some cause dear to your heart. After all, she is dear to your heart, isn’t she, old chap?” Lord Wiltshire patted his shoulder in commiseration.

  “She is also to be my betrothed,” Beckton muttered. “A childhood arrangement.”


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