The Prince's Christmas Vow

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The Prince's Christmas Vow Page 12

by Jennifer Faye

  He waived off the idea. “I don’t sing.”

  “Why not?”

  He paused as though not quite sure. “It’s not proper.”

  “Proper? Who’s worried about proper? This is just you and me. And you know that I’m not proper most of the time. So let’s hear it.” She grabbed her phone and found the music app. With festive carols filling the silence between them, she sent him an expectant look. To her surprise and delight, his mouth started to move.

  “I can’t hear you.” She grinned at him, excited to see the fun side of him. “Lip-synching doesn’t count.”

  To her utter amazement and delight, he belted out a verse of “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.” Zoe clapped her hands. She hadn’t had this much fun since...since Demetrius was a part of her life.

  They added a variety of exquisite ornaments to the tree. None of them were like the common ornaments that Zoe and her mother hung on their little tree. These decorations were the best of the best. But then again, she supposed that was to be expected when they came from the royal palace—only the best for the king. Still, it felt weird to handle such valuable items.

  As the evening progressed, they laughed and smiled more than they sang. At one point, they both took a few steps back to inspect their handiwork. Zoe loved their tree. Her gaze moved to Demetrius.

  “Not too bad.” He turned to look at her.

  Unable to turn away, she added, “We do good work together.”

  He nodded. “My mother would have enjoyed this. She loved the beach house. It was her escape from the protocol of palace life.” He strode over to the window overlooking the sea with the last bit of color in the darkening sky. “Did I ever tell you that my father built this house for her?”

  “No. You didn’t.” Zoe glanced around the place, wondering what it’d be like to have someone love you enough to do all they could to make your dreams come true. Not that money and physical things can make a person happy. It’s just the thought of the king going out of his way to make his queen happy was so romantic.

  “My mother was the perfect queen. She was kind, thoughtful and beautiful. She was everything that my father could ever want. When the public was around she had the perfect smile, and when my brother and I were young, she made sure we looked and acted like the little princes the king could be proud of.”

  The love and awe was evident in Demetrius’s voice. His love for his mother was as alive now as it had been all of those years ago. “She sounds amazing.”

  “She was. She would have liked you. I wish she’d have had a chance to meet you.”

  “I’m sure I would have liked her, too.”

  He turned around and glanced about the room. “She would have loved what you’ve done with the beach house. Christmas was her favorite time of the year.”

  Zoe’s gaze moved to the little tree that was still lacking something. She thought about it for a moment and then realized what was bothering her. “The angel is missing from the top of the tree.”

  “Grab it and we’ll put it up there.”

  She rummaged through the boxes, finding the angel and something else—two tiny ceramic turtledoves. The artwork on them was quite detailed. She wondered if they were handmade.

  “What else did you find?”

  Zoe held out the ornaments, letting them dangle from the gold ribbon strung through each one. “Two turtledoves. My mother would love them.” Zoe watched as the doves twisted back and forth. “They’re her favorite birds as they represent true love since the birds mate for life.”

  “Really? I had no idea.”

  Zoe nodded. “When my father abandoned my mother, when she was pregnant with me—she lost her belief in love. She figured the only person she could count on was herself. But she said when I was born, she never felt such a strong love in her life. She said that with each smile, I healed her broken heart. She believed in love again...but sadly she’s never found someone to share her life with.”

  “Don’t look so sad. She has you. I’m sure watching you grow up made her very happy.”

  Zoe blinked repeatedly. “I guess you’re right.”

  “Of course I am. I’m the prince.” He smiled and winked at her, letting her see that lighthearted, teasing side of himself that she’d missed so much this past year. “Now, how about you find the perfect spot for those turtledoves while I put the angel on top?”

  The best part of the evening was watching Demetrius let down his guard and enjoy helping her decorate. She glanced over as he climbed on a step stool to place the angel atop the tree. It was so easy to imagine that this was their first Christmas together as a real couple.

  Just then he glanced over at her. Their gazes met and held. Her heart raced. She couldn’t let herself get swept up in the moment. He smiled. This wasn’t real. She smiled back.

  Then again, there’d be enough time for reality tomorrow.


  THIS WAS THE MOST amazing evening...ever.

  Demetrius glanced over at Zoe. When they’d first been reunited on the mansion steps, he’d been prepared to despise the very ground she walked on. She was, after all, the woman who’d married him one day and then within forty-eight hours had ended their marriage. And now, he couldn’t imagine holding such harsh feelings toward her.

  Sure, she hadn’t handled the situation with her mother very well, but he had no idea what he would have done if he’d been in her shoes. Maybe he’d been too caught up in his own problems with seeking his father’s approval for his very hasty, very secretive wedding to notice her turmoil. Maybe if he’d made himself more accessible to Zoe, she might have turned to him—confided in him.

  He’d never know. All they could do now was move forward. In the soft glow of the fire with the twinkle of the lights on the Christmas tree and festive lyrics filling the air, he couldn’t be happier. And he had Zoe to thank for that. He glanced across the room, finding her busy organizing the empty boxes to be sent to storage.

  As though she could sense him staring at her, she turned. Her gaze met his and she smiled, not a little smile but one that puffed up her cheeks and made her eyes sparkle like fine jewels. There was definitely no room here for anger or resentment over the past—not when her glowing smile filled him with such warmth.

  If he could have one wish for Christmas, it would be this. Happiness, contentment and love—not that he had all of those things with Zoe. But maybe just for this one evening, he could pretend. After all, tomorrow would be soon enough for the sharp edges of life to pop their happy bubble.

  He studied Zoe. What was so special about her?



  She had this way of disarming his strongest defenses and getting past his walls. Right now, when he looked at her as she sang some ridiculous Christmas tune, he no longer saw the woman who’d broken his heart, but rather he saw the woman who made his heart skip a beat or two with a mere touch or glance.

  For a little while, he could have his one Christmas wish. Sure it was early in the year for presents, but maybe Christmas didn’t have to occur on a certain day on the calendar. Maybe it was more about that special moment in one’s heart when the pain and hurt melted away.

  Maybe for tonight he could have what he wanted most of all—Zoe. When he was perfectly honest with himself, he’d never wanted to let her go. But after reading her note—seeing with his own eyes her desire to end their marriage, he’d had no choice but to accept the gut-wrenching fact that she didn’t love him anymore.

  Was it wrong to want to recapture a bit of the past? After all, at one point they had been happy. And they never did get to share Christmas together. They’d been cheated of one of the happiest times of the year. But not this year if he could help it.

  “Hey, are you going to help me with these boxes before the palace sta
ff shows up to haul them to storage?”

  Zoe’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “Sure. As long as you promise to share those chocolates.”

  “There are chocolates? Where?” Her whole face lit up. Then she started a mad search through the remainder of the boxes. She straightened with a triumphant look on her face. “And these aren’t just any chocolates. They’re the gourmet ones from Giovanni’s Cioccolato.”

  Demetrius had to admit that he wasn’t into chocolate, but he knew that it was one of Zoe’s favorite indulgences. And Giovanni’s was one of the finest chocolatiers in the Mediterranean. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  “Are you sure they meant to include them?”

  “I might have mentioned they’re your favorite.”

  “You did? Have I told you how amazing you are?”

  “No, you haven’t. Feel free to repeat that as many times as you like.”

  Right now, she could ask for the moon and he’d move heaven and earth to give it to her. He’d forgotten how powerful her smile was and how it radiated a warm, happy feeling within him.

  Her fingers were a flurry of motion as she tore the wrapping paper from the box. Beneath the paper was a red ribbon, which she slipped off the maroon-and-gold box. And it wasn’t a small box by any stretch of the imagination. Best of all was the look of excitement glinting in Zoe’s eyes. If he had only remembered what joy chocolate brought to her, he would have had some ordered long ago.

  She held out a chocolate to him. “Want some?”

  “I’ll have some later. Right now, I’ll just watch you sample them.”

  “Are you sure?” When he nodded, she didn’t waste any time slipping the chocolate between her raspberry-pink lips.

  Demetrius couldn’t help but stare as a look of ecstasy came over her. Zoe’s eyes drifted shut in utter delight. The breath caught in his throat, unable to turn away from the sight of Zoe savoring the chocolate. When a moan of pleasure reached his ears, his heart slammed into his ribs. He definitely needed to buy this woman chocolate and often.

  When her eyelids fluttered open, her gaze met his. The tip of her tongue trailed over her lips. Her mouth lifted into a smile. She was doing this on purpose. His straining lungs insisted he blow out his pent-up breath. Blood pumped hard and fast through his veins. She had to know that she was driving him to utter distraction.

  He watched her shimmery lips wrap around another piece of chocolate. This time, as she savored the candy, her gaze held his. Oh, she was a temptress. And it took every bit of willpower for him to keep his distance. But if he kept staring at her, he’d lose the battle. Second by second his common sense was slipping from his grip.

  When she raised her fingers to her mouth, he intently watched. She popped one finger in her mouth. Her pink lips wrapped around it. Then she slowly withdrew it. A soft moan vibrated in his throat. Did she know just how crazy she was driving him?

  She smiled at him. “That was amazing.”

  Indeed it was. Very much so.

  “I suppose I need to finish with these boxes.” Zoe replaced the lid on the chocolates and set them aside. She moved back to the boxes.

  Seriously? After all of that tempting and teasing, she was going back to work?

  He glanced around at all of the decorations. If she could act indifferent, so could he. Though it might be the most difficult feat he’d ever accomplished.

  * * *

  Zoe tried to slow the rapid beat of her heart.

  Being here with Demetrius in his bare feet, jeans and his shirtsleeves rolled up, it was so hard to remember that they were no longer a couple. But that was the way things had to be. It was best for Demetrius. Sucking down the sadness in knowing that she could never have the only man she’d ever loved, she got back to work straightening up the mess of boxes.

  For a prince, he surprised her with the way he didn’t complain about cleaning up. He even knew where the vacuum was kept, and to her astonishment he knew how to work it.

  When everything was sorted, she turned to him. “Grazie. I didn’t expect you to do all of this.”

  “I enjoyed this evening.” He yawned and stretched.

  His shirt rode up giving a hint of the light splattering of hair on his abdomen. Zoe inwardly groaned, unable to turn away. His gaze caught hers and it glittered with amusement. Heat flared in her cheeks. He’d busted her checking him out.

  “I...I’m glad we could do it together.” There was a nervous quiver in her stomach. “You should probably be going. I know you’re tired and you probably have a lot of meetings first thing in the morning.”

  He took a step closer to her. “I know why you’re trying to get rid of me—”

  “I...I’m not.” Liar. Liar.

  “Zoe, you can’t deny the chemistry between us. It’s always been there.” He moved until he was standing in front of her. “But there’s one thing I need to know.”

  She gazed up into his eyes. Her heart squeezed. Not so long ago, when she looked into his eyes, she saw nothing but love. These days it was as if he had a protective wall around himself, and she couldn’t tell what he was feeling. “What is that?”

  When he spoke next his voice was soft and she had to strain to hear him. “Did you ever love me at all? Or was it all just a lie?”

  The backs of her eyes stung. She blinked repeatedly. “How could you think that?”

  “How could I not? You left me.”

  “ wasn’t like that. You have to understand that it was such a difficult decision.”

  “But still you did it. You made the decision to leave.” The walls came down and pain reflected in his eyes. All she wanted to do was soothe it away. He reached out, gripping her shoulders. “Please tell me. Did you love me?”

  With each word spoken, it was getting harder and harder for her not to blurt out that she did love him—that she’d always loved him. She looked everywhere but at him. Her gaze came to rest on the French doors. They beckoned to her. “I...I never meant to hurt you.”

  “There’s something else. Something that you’re not saying. What is it?”

  She shook her head.

  “Zoe, look at me.”

  She didn’t want to. How could she look him in the eyes and continue to deny that she still had feelings for him?

  “Zoe, don’t do this. Don’t avoid talking to me because it’s easier. Don’t run away from us.”

  “I’m not running. I’m standing right here.”

  “And you can’t even look at me. You might not be running down the beach, but inside you’re hiding from your feelings—from being honest with me.”

  She faced him. “What do you want me to say?”

  “I want you to tell me what you’ve been holding back all of this time. I want you to admit that we have something special and it isn’t all in my imagination. I want this—” He swept her into his arms.

  The surprise of his actions had her dazed for a moment. He pulled her close and without a moment’s hesitation, his lips sought hers out. Her lips moved hungrily beneath his. This kiss wasn’t sweet and innocent. His actions were full of raw emotions. Love. Loneliness. Pain. All jumbled together.

  And what surprised her most was that she was just as hungry for him. For almost a year she longed for him. And this past month, he’d been so close and yet so far away. What would it hurt if they shared this one special moment? They both wanted it—needed it.

  Tonight they would create a memory to keep her company on the long, lonely nights when he was no longer hers. That was what this was—a passionate goodbye.



  Demetrius raked his fingers through his hair as he lay back on the couch. Zoe’s head rested against his bare chest. When this whole affair had begun, all he’d intended t
o do was get some answers from her and then negotiate an annulment that would keep their past out of the tabloids. When had he lost control?

  Tonight he’d abandoned his resolve to hold her at arm’s length. He’d tossed aside the walls he’d worked so hard to build between him and Zoe. When her lips had moved beneath his, none of the reasons he’d been telling himself to keep his distance from her seemed so important.

  Nothing had mattered in that moment but being with her.

  In the end, the joke was on him, because somewhere during that frantic kiss and their mind-blowing lovemaking he’d realized he wasn’t over her. Not by a long shot. He loved Zoe as much today as he had the day he’d married her. Okay, a lot more.

  But how was that possible?

  How could he trust her when he knew that when times got tough she’d rather run than talk?

  “What are you thinking?” Zoe’s soft, dreamy voice wound its way through his alarming thoughts.

  “The truth?”


  “I was wondering how we ended up here—like this.”

  Zoe pulled back and slipped on his discarded dress shirt. He liked the look on her. The shirt definitely looked so much better on her than it ever did on him. He’d never met anyone as beautiful as her—both inside and out. She was a very special woman.

  Once she finished buttoning the shirt and rolling up the sleeves, she curled her bare legs up on the couch. She turned a big worried look to him and sighed. “Are you implying this was a mistake?”

  He hated that he’d ruined this moment for her. He would have to be more careful with his words going forward. He reached out to her, but she resisted. He needed to say something to fix this. After all, it’d been a year since their marriage had failed. They’d both done a lot of growing up. This time, things would be different. “No, it wasn’t a mistake. It was fantastic. You’re fantastic.”

  At last, she gave in to the pull of his arms and snuggled to his side again. “I think you’re fantastic, too.”

  His fingers stroked her silky hair. “You know, we still have to do something about the annulment?”


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