Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3)

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Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3) Page 3

by Snow, Jessica

  “Honeymoon?” Jensen asks, smirking. “Last I checked, you still owe Audra a honeymoon.”

  “Don't remind me. Hopefully, I can do that before my son is born.”

  Chapter 3


  I rub my belly, smoothing my dress over the bulge while inside my son squirms, demanding. “Hold on just a little bit, Audren,” I say, using the name that Tauren and I have chosen for our son that we still haven't told anyone yet, wanting it to be a surprise even to Jensen and Kelbara. “I've got a little bit to do before we can have your mid-morning snack. I know you like eating at ten, but it's going to be closer to ten thirty today, okay baby?”

  Audren squirms for another moment before settling down, and I sigh happily. I read somewhere that by talking to your baby you help with the mental and emotional development, especially the bond between baby and parents; so far it helps. I feel like I'm understanding Audren even before he's born, knowing his schedule and when he likes to do things. At the same time, he listens to me I think, and he reacts when he hears his father's voice.

  Still, I hate putting on a dress. Not that I have much choice for any official duties anymore, Audren's taking up enough space that my stomach can't fit into normal pants, and wearing stretch fabrics just doesn't feel right for outside of Tauren and my private quarters. I have no problem with Jensen, Kelbara, or even Mogar seeing me wearing big stretchy pants, but the rest of the planet doesn't need to see me trying to shove myself into a parody of the militaristic uniform that I've worn in unity with Tauren since taking the throne.

  So, a dress it is, although I still favor the dark blues that Tauren wears for his clothes, the twin silver braids that are quickly becoming my calling card winding around my arm instead of over my torso. I check myself in the mirror one more time, wondering if just this once if I should leave my powerlance behind. I can't wear a thigh holster in a dress, but one of the Royal Lancers fashioned an underarm holster that I can wear for the rest of my pregnancy, even if I do feel ridiculous with a powerlance under my arm, the retaining strap under my breasts and above my belly.

  There's a soft knock on the door, and Pretton, the palace majordomo who has taken on many more duties as Tauren's kept the palace understaffed, enters after I give him the all clear. “Highness, the shuttle is on final approach.”

  “Thank you, Pretton. So, which do you think, holster or no holster?” I ask.

  Pretton hums then gives a small smile. “Holster, but if I may... a vested jacket on top? There's a jacket that would fit you just fine in the coat room, and it would complement the dress. I can get it in time.”

  “You're wise beyond your station, Pretton. Thank you. I don't want to keep our guest waiting, though if you can meet me at the shuttle pad?”

  Pretton nods, stepping back to let me leave the room and head down the hall. “Of course, Queen Audra. While I don't want to overstep my station, remember you are the Queen. Guests aren't kept waiting; they just arrive early.”

  I shake my head, smiling. Pretton's advice to me is almost always padded in soft words but is also almost always invariably helpful. “Maybe in the previous Queen's reign, but not mine. Excuse me if that comes off wrong.”

  Pretton shakes his head, his smile growing. “Not at all. There's a reason that while you may not be leading fashion on Tamaria like our former Queen did, I personally enjoy working here more now. I'll have your jacket at the door to the pad. Excuse me.”

  Pretton hurries off, and I watch him disappear around the corner, trying not to shake my head in amazement. It's not that he's free now, I don't think he's worried about that. He genuinely keeps me advised well and has been an invaluable advisor in the areas of palace etiquette and dealing with noble intrigue. He earns every credit that Tauren pays him and still is underpaid in my estimation.

  I leave my dressing room and head towards the shuttle pad, Pretton catching up just as I reach the door, a beautiful black vest in his hands that does compliment my dress, it's even edged in silver. “You're a miracle worker, Pretton.”

  “I shall remember that when it is time for my quarterly bonus,” Pretton jokes, relaxing a little. He's still formally deadpan with me ninety percent of the time, but there are little times, like now, when I see the man underneath peeking through. “Shall we?”

  Pretton opens the door and I step out onto the shuttle landing pad just as a small, one person shuttle settles onto the duracrete, raising a small cloud of dust from the hoverpads. The Royal Lancer who acts as pad control immediately steps to the door, his hand on his powerlance as the hatch opens, and a woman who looks to be in her late twenties steps out. She's shorter than the average Tamarian woman, she's a little shorter than me even, although nothing at all like her daughter. Still, she has the same platinum blond hair and angelic cast to her face that makes it clear who she is, even if she's a lot curvier, more classically feminine. The fact is, she's got the figure of a pinup model, even if she is short.

  Pretton steps forward and to the side, decorum evident in every movement as the woman genuflects to me with a crisp yet practiced ease. Pretton waits for her to complete her dip before introducing us formally. “Queen Audra of Tamaria, may I introduce Gwyndolen, out of Jessica by Noam, mother of the Lady Kelbara.”

  “My Queen, it is an honor and a privilege to be in your presence,” Gwyndolen says, her smile just a trifle nervous. I step forward offering my hand to shake in a total break from traditional protocol, but since I'm the heaven and stars Queen, I don't care.

  “Gwyndolen, welcome. When you messaged me, I couldn't help but smile and say yes. Come, let's have a mid-morning snack. My son seems to demand lots of me, and I find it helpful to have something around this time. Besides, it will give us a chance to get to know each other more, and if you are anything like your daughter, I think we'll have a good time getting to know each other and let us do it without the stuffiness of court protocol. Shall we?”

  Gwyndolen looks surprised but takes my hand, shaking it with a touch of amazement. “Highness, I'm flattered. Of course, I'll enjoy it, I didn't eat this morning I was so nervous.”

  “Then luck is on our side. Pretton, if you would please?” I ask, Pretton nodding. While he hurries off, I see Gwyndolen giving me a surprised look and I smile. “What?”

  “Apologies Highness, but I'm just surprised. It's been decades, but I met the former Queen. I don't think she ever said please to a servant in her life,” Gwyndolen says. “I see that Kelbara was right in her messages, you do run things differently.”

  “That's just the beginning. But let's go to my library, it has a great view of the grounds and I enjoy doing my daily work there, the chairs are comfortable which I find necessary right now,” I say, opening the door for Gwyndolen in another sign that surprises her. We take our time walking, I know that Pretton needs another minute or two, but when we get to the library there is a beautiful tea set along with a platter of small snack sandwiches ready and waiting for us. I smile when I see the selection, Pretton never misses a trick. “Yummy, meat and cheese. I know it's not normal to go with tea, but my son seems to be a dedicated carnivore. I've spent the past month alternating between meat, cheese, and sweet fruit desserts. Thankfully the pool helps me keep in shape still.”

  “You hardly look like a woman who needs to worry about her body for pregnancy,” Gwyndolen says, taking the seat I offer. “I wish I was that trim when I was pregnant with Kelbara. The fact is, I was about twice your size at this point. You're what, two months from delivery?”

  “About,” I confirm, picking up the pot of tea and pouring a cup for Gwyndolen. “Would you like milk or sugar? It's herbal, no caffeine just to let you know. Meat and cheese and sweets are okay, but I'm keeping my son from caffeine.”

  “My Queen, I....” Gwyndolen starts, but I cut her off.

  “You gotta know Gwyndolen, I'm going to do things different than Tauria did in a lot of ways. First off, I hate being called Queen, except in official duties. Not that I can get most peop
le to stop, sadly enough. But all this Highness that, queen this, it does nothing but frustrate me. So, in my private life, especially among my friends and family, I'm Audra. Just Audra. And since you are the mother of the woman I consider not only my best friend but my sister, that puts you squarely in the group of people that don't call me any of those titles. Secondly, this is my house, you are my guest, and yes, I am the Queen, so if I want to pour my best friend's mother a cup of tea, then I'm going to pour her a cup of tea. You don't have to drink it. So... milk and sugar?”

  Gwyndolen sits stunned for a moment, then laughs quietly. “Sugar, please. I can see why Kelbara likes you so much, you're nearly as feisty as she is. I bet it keeps the King on his toes. Thank you.”

  “You're welcome,” I respond, stirring in some sugar and setting the cup on a saucer in front of her. “Although Kelbara and I sometimes tease each other about which of us is less traditional. Regardless, if she wasn't who she is, I don't think Jensen would care for her like he does.”

  Gwyndolen nods, her face nervous again. “Yes... Lord Jensen... I guess just Jensen, you and she both call him that. When Kelbara said that she was not only moving in with him but that they're in love.... to say I was shocked is a mild understatement. The past few months have been crazy for my daughter.”

  Gwyndolen's certainly more of a classic noble than her daughter, but I can sense underneath her polished, careful exterior is a good woman, and I prepare my own cup of tea before sitting down, picking up a finger sandwich and taking a bite, Audren rolling happily in my stomach when he realizes he's being fed. I decide to be more honest with her than I'd expected. “What's so shocking? That your daughter would fall in love with a human?”

  “Yes.... and no,” Gwyndolen says, struggling for the words. This is most certainly not the conversation she expected to have when she woke up this morning. “It's not that I have any issues with Jensen being human, but what her father did.... even if Kelbara didn't agree with Ambaris, I thought more of his racism would rub off on her. Then when she sent me a message talking about him before they started their relationship, I was curious, but I'll be honest I was not expecting what's developed. I'm both surprised and pleased.”

  “Pleased? Now that's a phrase I didn't expect. By the way, Chef included a few sweet sandwiches too if you don't want meat and cheese.”

  Gwyndolen nods gratefully and selects a soju berry and cream scone and takes a bite, appreciating the flavor. “That's good. But yes, pleased. Audra, I've spent twelve years not seeing my daughter. I missed her blossoming from a girl into a woman, and not a day goes by I don't regret it. Especially with the way Ambaris raised her. All I've had for five years is the occasional messages, and a few pictures when Kelbara could sneak taking them past Ambaris. Thankfully that's changed some in the past few months. So yes, I'm pleased that Kelbara's found someone who loves her for who she is. Tell me, woman to woman please Audra, is your brother as handsome as Kelbara makes him out to be? Photographs tend to lie too often.”

  I laugh, nodding. “Your daughter is the second luckiest woman on all of Tamaria. I'd say I'm the luckiest, but I guess you can understand if I'm a little biased. I actually count myself even luckier because I've gotten to know both Jensen and Kelbara over this past year for Jensen, six months or so for Kel. But if I can be honest, you seem more nervous about something else.”

  Gwyndolen nods, smiling sadly. “Since Kelbara reached out, saying that she'd like to maybe actually meet, I've been facing a lot of fear. What if she blames me for leaving when she was so young? What if she resents me? I've started to hear about the things that Ambaris put her through, and I hate myself for not doing more to protect my daughter.”

  “Which is why you reached out to me,” I finish for her. “While I think your fears are misplaced, it's still a smart move. Well, since I got your message, I've been thinking as well. You see, I need some help too.”

  “Oh? How can I help the Queen of Tamaria?” Gwyndolen asks, immediately the perfect noble. I finish my first miniature sandwich and take my second, sipping my tea after a bite.

  “Well, as you know, Kelbara's not always around. In fact, she's spending at least three out of every four days with the Rangers,” I say, sipping my tea. “Now, regardless of whether you think Kelbara putting herself in a military unit is a good idea or not, it's her choice and she's spending the days with the man she loves. I can't argue with that, and I only sometimes wish I could be out there doing things with Tauren the same way. I hated sitting here in the palace with nothing to do but watch satellite feeds as he led the attack on Cassell's fortress.”

  “It was a good victory, too. Unfortunately, they didn't get Tauria. And Ambaris...”

  “I know, I held Kelbara a few times as she cried over that. My point is, Tauren's a person of action, as is Jensen and Kelbara. As am I, and while I know a lot about how noble life works since I was Neyilla's body servant, I still have a long way to go. I could use another advisor on the days Kelbara decides it's more fun to go run around in the mud with Jensen than eat sandwiches with me.”

  Gwyndolen's eyes light up with relief, and she smiles. “You are kind, Audra. You know, you might not be the fashion leader that Tauria was, although that's probably going to change when Tamaria has the chance to indulge in things like fashion again.... but your nobility is far greater than anything Tauria could have ever achieved.”

  “So that's a yes?” I ask, and Gwyndolen nods. “Good. Now, does your family have quarters here in the capital?”

  Gwyndolen shakes her head. “No. Unfortunately, my family's lands are on the far continent, near the war zone. I have.... well, let's just say that it is stressful there, and we never had enough money to afford a capital home in any case. We're an... old line, but over the past generations, not a very rich one.”

  “Then I offer you one of the guest quarters. I'll apologize in advance, they're maybe not up to the level most of the Lords and Ladies of the Council expect, but with Joren staying in his old quarters, and Tauren and I taking up ours, the top bedrooms seem to be occupied. Would one of the senior staff quarters be all right? Of course, if you wish, you could stay with Jensen and Kelbara as well, I'm sure Jensen would love to have you.”

  Gwyndolen's eyes glisten and I wonder if she's close to tears as she nods. “I would be honored to stay here at the palace. That might be easier for Kelbara and me. It gives us a chance to get to know each other again without the stress of living together. I don't want to intrude on her new life.”

  “I'm quite sure that won't be the case, Gwyndolen. Oh, and with that... I'll have to confirm it with Tauren of course, but get used to it now... Lady Gwyndolen. I can't have one of my advisors be anything less than a Lady, after all.”

  Gwyndolen smiles, blushing. “You give an old woman too much for a first meeting, Audra. I'm hardly deserving of the honor.”

  “Nonsense. First off, you look like you're close to my age, I'm guessing you were able to take some of the life extension drugs?”

  “I was. Before the recent troubles, things were going relatively well for my family, they insisted. But still, I'm forty-seven.”

  I laugh, shaking my head. “Forty-seven is hardly old, Gwyndolen. You're almost the same age as Mogar, and you look like you and I went to school together. As for you deserving it, you were brave enough to split from Ambaris, you were brave enough to reach out to your daughter, but more importantly, you gave me my best friend. I'd say for that, having a bunch of stuck up prissy pants call you Lady Gwyndolen is not enough of an honor.”

  Gwyndolen doesn't say anything, but swallows the rest of her sandwich, sipping her tea. Finally, when she's in control of herself again, she clears her throat. “Then I promise to be the best advisor I can be.”

  “And my first order to you on that is that you get to know your daughter. I'll arrange it with Jensen, but I think you three should have dinner tomorrow after the Noble Council meeting where we introduce you.”

  “As you wish, Audra.”<
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  Chapter 4


  The rings are above my head but they're teasing me, saying that no matter how much determination I've got right now, there's no way that I'm going to be able to get myself up there. That I've added too much to the grav pods, that I'm insane to be trying this at this point in my workout.

  But I need to do something to keep myself from freaking out, I've got to get some of this energy off. After Audra's call to Jensen last night we adjusted our schedule, canceling Ranger training and giving everyone a long weekend to the delight of the Rangers, but at the same time I'm now left with too much energy for the day, and I've been bouncing off the walls all morning. At least Jensen could find an excuse to get off the estate to do something with Mogar, but I've been stuck, supposedly making sure some of the territorial work is finished, but just stewing, waiting for this afternoon where I can go to the Council. Finally, Justine said I should go exercise, she'll make sure that I'm able to make it to the Noble Council on time.

  I gratefully accepted her suggestion, but now I find myself staring at these maddening rings, my fingers wrapped around them as I start to pull, listening to them taunt me in my mind as I heave myself up. I've been working for nearly an hour now and while I'm physically exhausted, my mind is still whirling. It's agonizing, each centimeter feeling like fire...

  “You can do it,” Jensen says calmly, and my eyes flicker to him leaning in the doorway to the house, dressed for the Council. “Focus and pull.”

  Seven words, but they mean so much to me, and somehow I find the strength to get the last pull completed, lowering myself by an internal strict seven-count before dropping off the rings, gasping and collecting my breath as Jensen comes over, giving me a kiss on the forehead. “Impressive.”

  “Thanks, I just needed to de-stress some before the meeting,” I gasp, reaching for my water bottle and taking a swig. “I was going nuts.”


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