by Michael Hart
Prior to independence, America was obviously protected by the British Navy. However, once America declared independence, Britain quickly informed the Barbary States that American ships were free to be attacked and without English protection.
The country of Algiers was on it… And the Barbary Wars began. But while the US was fighting with the Muslim Pirates from Algiers, we were also entering into a treaty with another Muslim nation, Morocco.
As a matter of fact in 1787 the US Senate voted to ratify the US-Morocco “Treaty of Peace and Friendship.” This treaty is not only the longest standing treaty between the US and another nation, it was the first. Making Morocco, a Muslim nation, the first and oldest ally of the United States of America. More than two centuries later, the treaty continues to define the special and strategic relationship between two of the oldest and closest allies across the Atlantic.
Formal relations between Morocco and America began in 1777, when Morocco became the first country to recognize the American colonies as a nation. As George Washington and his troops took the field to make good on the Declaration of Independence, the Sultan of Morocco Mohammed III, granted American ships safe passage through the Straits of Gibraltar and in Moroccan ports. In 1783 negotiations began on a formal treaty of commerce and friendship, which was signed in 1786 by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. On July 18, 1787, Congress ratified the treaty which set forth the framework for diplomatic relations, assurances of non-hostility, access to markets on “most favored nation” basis, and protection of US ships from attack by foreign vessels in Moroccan waters.
While the Treaty of Peace and Friendship certainly does not excuse the barbaric actions of some Muslim nations in their ideological war with the west today. It is proof that not all Muslim Nations have identical beliefs, and the Framers knew this. But just as importantly it demonstrates that justifying war with eastern cultures today, based on the military actions of the early leaders, (The even Jefferson had to fight them, argument) is not enough to base this decision upon. Yes Islamic extremism is a problem and likely to increase if not checked. But the American strategy to mitigate it should be justified by responding to the circumstances of today rather than the often misunderstood reasons America had in the past.
As you can see there is an enormous amount of misinformation, false reporting and persistent myths in the teaching of the history of America.
With unfortunate frequency, this misinformation often ends up in our history books and worse, text books used to educate America's youth. This failure to accurately present the facts of American History often results in gross misunderstandings and false assumptions in today's America. Especially when it comes to current day events.
Not that the news media or academia is intentionally reporting or teaching falsehoods. But rather that the news of the day and the world around us is better understood when you know the truth of the past of this great, but often misunderstood nation.
Instinctively people draw conclusions and make decisions based upon the most readily available information. When this information is incorrect, embellished or revised, it creates a false narrative that allows people to draw conclusions that are not accurate.
While portions of this book presents merely tidbits and trivia about life in America, much of it reveals the political, societal, and historical revisions that often cause people to make assumptions about the United States of America that are patently wrong.
It is the intent of UNKNOWN AMERICA to not only right some of the historical wrongs in the teaching of the American story but also to hopefully inspire you to do your own research. And to encourage you to never assume that what you are taught, what you are told or what the news media or our educational system offers up as fact is indeed the truth.
The United States of America is a fascinating country with a rich tapestry of history, people, events and oddities possessing almost endless stories and people to discover. Hopefully your journey of learning will continue far beyond the pages of this book and will be as enthralling, informative and entertaining as mine as I wrote it. By no means will my journey of discovering America end with just this volume… And hopefully yours will not either.
Go discover more of the UNKNOWN AMERICA for yourself, because…
“...there's a lot of history in the past”
Happy Discovering!
The History Channel
The Bible (KJV)
California City News
Shadows of Power by James Perloff
New York Times
Congressional Research Service
The Federalist Papers by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay
The Washington Post
Jewish Virtual Library
Roadside America
Huffington Post
Holocaust Memorial Museum
The Library of Congress
The United States Constitution
The 5000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen
The John Wayne Museum
The Bleacher Report
USA Today
And numerous personal interviews with various topic specific experts
Michael Hart is a speaker, writer, consultant, political commentator and host of the Conservative talk radio program, The Michael Hart Show. He is a frequent guest on radio and TV programs across the country and is a guest contributor to a number of publications. He speaks frequently on American History, the Constitution, politics, the media and culture.
Michael's ideas have been in featured in numerous publications including:
Parade Magazine
Creative Selling
Sales and Marketing Executive Report
The Washington Post and numerous other newspapers, magazines, business journals and trade magazines
He is the Director of Hart of America Productions based in Birmingham, Alabama.
For speaking engagements and media appearances contact:
[email protected]
@MichaelHartShow on Twitter
Hart of America Productions
PO Box 26172
Birmingham, AL 35260
Other books by Michael
Mastering the Uncommon, Common Sense
“It really is the little things”